Fathering Autism #164 In Atha’s Garage Where Secrets Lie, a Treasure trove Trough of Things Gone Awry.

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Or he is full of shit... literally and figuratively... and eating crap food and heavy drinking (and maybe drugs) has given him chronic shits. I guarantee he hasn't been to any doctor and got any diagnosis.

His dad pulls put bullshit ailments that are trendy to stay relevant. Like his supposed add/adhd. I aint buying it. It just happens to be popular and he wants to jump on that.

Rotten apples fall even closer to the tree.
Reactions: 22
It's all their own doing
Yep it is.
Honestly, I would have way more trouble listening to Arse's wordvomit & Pigshit's imbecility than I would Abbie - & I am someone who does NOT do well with noise. The mere idea of listening to those two fuckwits - for 30 seconds - gives me serious anxiety. I could wear earplugs for Abbie. But people like Arse just keep getting in your face & talking endlesslyyyy - my ex husband was like it but 100 times less terrible than Ass & I still have a bad reaction to memories of him following me around the house repeating himself
Reactions: 16
Can’t believe the IBS has never come up before. Supposedly both he and Assa have it. It’s really no wonder with the way that Big P cooks and all the crap they eat out. The smells that come from their house has got to be disgusting with Abbie’s blown out diapers, their IBS and Big P not able to clean herself well. Yuck!
Reactions: 23
I think Abbie would not last 2 weeks at her new school babysitter program except that I am sure that Fat Fuck has stomped a hoof & refuses to have Abs at home full time any more. She is so excited about the fact she is going elsewhere, there is no way she will let Arse drag her back to full time home again.
Reactions: 18
It’s like a gay bar menu:

Twink, cub, chub, bear, hunk, twunk, otter, lol
Your choice! The hunk sounds good!

“I’ll have a hairy hunk with a clean shaven face please!” Add a side of cologne and a fresh wash.
I’ll bet Isaiah was telling the truth when he was joking about plumbing problems. God help the plumbers who have to come to that Moldy Mansion of Manure. He better not let Pig use the bidet. The crap washed out of her crater is enough to clog up the new bidet.
Reactions: 22
Bullshit!! She will NEVER be able to read or write - EVER! Supposed “sight words” or not! She is intellectually and mentally a toddler, at BEST! Just look at her, or even better - LISTEN to her! What “typical teen,” (as he claims, and aims, and tries to convince people that she is) makes SOUNDS like that?!? An 18 year old who has been let down and will NEVER be more than 12-18 months intellectually, thanks to her parents doing nothing - thats who!!! How does he expect ANY rational human to think that she will EVER be more than a braying goat based on the most recent absolutely embarrassing short that he just posted of her rocking back and forth sounding JUST like that - a braying baby goat / newborn! That IS what she IS - you ignorant ASSa! She ABSOLUTELY IS a newborn and toddler at best! Don’t try to change the narrative, (as you so OFTEN do by banking on the fact that no one will notice!) We DO notice - ALWAYS…she is braying like a goat - it’s not. It’s, it’s not funny, it’s not advanced, she’s not turning to “get at you at Pricilla” she has IDEA what she’s doing - except making newborn noises the only way she knows how! Go ahead and monetize off if it though for those that ‘get off’ and like beefing those noises from her - because that is EXACTLY what you are doing Aasa Maass! Those of us here don’t have demented, (not if the this world) ‘dreams’ of “Abbie hugging us” - GROSS! We know what you aren’t willing to admit, and how you amd Pricilla have BOTH - COMPLETELY failed her! She is a braying baby goat who is aggressive, combative, and causes physical harm with her behaviors! She will NEVER, ever, ever EVER be independent! You WILL be taking care of her for the rest of your < short > obese life - (unless you put her in a group home, like you should for all of your benefits - including hers!)

Oh also - Ada Maass - I KNOW you read here! I’m a mandated reporter - the, (and I quote,) “intense pressure” that were your words that YOU bragged about her doing to your face, (that you used your wife as an example to showcase…because for the FIRST TIME EVRR - you don’t dare show it for the entire world to see on display…because we have seen it - SOOO many times!!!) Asa - it IS physical and sexual abuse. We HAVE seen her rub up against you, your face, your lips, your body - you, Asa Maass -ENCOURAGE IT! You CLEARLY like, and are stimulated from her doing it to you, as much as she likes and is stimulated from doing it to you!! If you didn’t like it, and encourage her to do it - you would, SET BOUNDARIES!! That’s what parents that aren’t out to exploit their VERY IDD daughter, (and get off on that child / Abbie rubbing up against them) do! Ada Maass - we ALL know that you absolutely read here! There is no doubt that you get off on ALL of Abbie’s running on you, and you touching her inappropriately, that you mask as “wrestling” - for the world to see! You ARE abusing Abigail Maass in SO many ways!! INCLUDING letting her run up against you with VIDEO PROOF in MANY, MANY vlogs! THEN - very recently bragging about it,and being proud of it on a vlog last week, and using your obese wife as an example of how Abbie used YOU (her FATHER) as sexual stimulation - and you thought it was just the cutest thing! Interesting that, in the same vlog where you used your wife as “body double” to show how Abigail “ran into you” to use you as sexual stimulation - you told your wife (and I quote) “I won’t hurt you”….why is THAT - interesting! Abigail is 18, she has hormones, she is a young lady (hormone wise…Depo shot or not - and probably because of it!). YET - you CONTINUE to let her rub up against your body, and your face, and your disgusting beard - (which anyone can see she is using your beard for friction stimulation), and yoi brag about how she was using your face, and lips, and body to “get high sensory input!” what kind of non abusive FATHER allows their daughter, without boundaries to rub up against them like that - Autism, IDD or not! Not a father that is ok with their 18 year old, (and for years before she was 18) using them to get sexually stimulated. This isn’t a surprise though because you allow all of the perverts in the world to watch the thousands upon thousand of videos that you have posted for the world to see if her to give those perverts content to be obsessed with her…and NOT in a good way! All to exploit your daughter, Abagail who can NEVER give you consent to film her - because she is, always has been, and ALWAYS will be, non- verbal and has never been, and never will be able to give you consent to film her and post it to the World Wide Web - yet you continue to film and exploit her a anyway!!

Those of us that are mandated reporters on here should be reporting that he just bragged about his severe IDD daughter rubbing against him! When he posted that in his vlog a few days ago, he likely said it, and didn’t show it (the only time he hasn’t shown it - because there are COUNTLESS vlogs of her rubbing up against Asa, and Asa ALLOWING it!) Because he KNOWS that now that she is 18 he can’t show it…LIKE HE USED TO show it…ALL - THE - TIME!

Abbie Maass and her “high sensory” (as her father and mother “claim”) hugs and facial rubbing aren’t just THAT - she gets sexual pleasure from it - and Asa Maass LETS her use him for it, and has MULTIPLE Vlogs of her doing just that to him to prove it!!! And. a very recent vlog that he made last week where Asa talked ALL about how Abigail used his face and body to rub up against - (again, autism needs or not - he bragged, and smiled, and laughed about his daughter rubbing up against him) and he NEVER (as he never does) set boundaries with Abbie, and in this case, (and EVERY other time that she has rubbed against him when he has allowed ALL of it to happen) NEVER told her no, that her doing that with her FATHER (or anyone else - but her FATHER first to sent the boundary and precedent) was NOT Ok!

JUST like her leg stim on the couch when she puts a pillow between her and her foot up!! I think he calls THAT “intense pressure” too - as a way to justify him filming it - under the “guise” of it being an “autistic behavior.” OF COURSE she’s is being sexually stimulated from that position when she does it, (he has kept instances in the vlog that shows us exactly that, a vlog that he supposedly “edits”) Abigail’s own father EXPLOITS her doing that pillow / leg thing every chance he gets! Think of how many times we have seen Abigail Maass laying on a couch with her legs pressed together and a pillow that she is clutching somewhere on her body! We have seen it - a LOT, including as recently as last week when her father, Asa Maass filmed it and claimed she was doing it because, (and I quote), “…because she had used her brain so much during the “the Program.” OR, MAYBE - she’s having a natural urge that YOU as her FATHER, SHOULDN’T BE FILMING, and THEN POSTING for ANYONE THAT WANTS TO VIEW IT TO SEE!! It’s no better than them giving that absolute gross, disgusting, pedophile, Guillermo - full unsupervised access to Abigail…even then we have see his inappropriate touching of her - EVERY TIME he is around her, and as recently as a month and a half ago, on the 4th of July - him putting Abigail, IN - BETWEEN - HIS LEGS, (as he has done with SO many other vulnerable kids and young adults alike - thanks to picture evidence of that creepy “we’ll hire and train anyone camp” and Asa Maass’ own video proof of his own daughter Abigail Maass being touched inappropriately by Guillermo in front of Ada, in multiple inappropriate ways - while Asa FILMED IT, and then posted it for the world to see that creep doing those awful things to his daughter!

It is all ABSOLUTELY 100% DISGUSTING - ALL OF IT! It all - EVERY SINGLE - BIT - OF - IT, makes me literally ill and sick to my stomach! It’s horrifying and SOMETHING needs to be DONE!

Asa and Pricilla Maass don’t care! though!! If it gets them views, no matter what the cost - even exploiting their mentally 12-18 month old SEVERELY IDD daughter - all day, every day, they will do it if it makes them money!

It’s disgusting and those of us that are mandated reporters - and ALL of us here are just GOOD people, humans, citizens, and advocates - MUST report Asa and Pricilla Maass for their continued exploitation of their daughter Abigail Maass and their enjoyment of - in filming and graphically talking about, (and role playing to show amongst one another…as evidenced in a very, very recent vlog a few days ago.) Abigail sexually stimulating herself on video, on her own - but MOST ESPECIALLY with her own family members - which they encourage and ALLOW - most especially with her father Asa Maass, which Asa is willing proud to be part of…thanks to his own vlogs showcasing it all…and more - as the many THOUSANDS of hours of countless YEARS of footage that are the exploitation of his severely Intellectually Disabled Daughter Abigail Maass!

It’s all so disgusting and nauseating!! Let’s change it Tattleer’s!
Reactions: 21
Hi Asa!! Abbie will NEVER be able to read or write - EVER! She DOESN’T KNOW supposed “sight words” She is intellectually and mentally a toddler, at BEST! Just look at her, or even better - LISTEN to her in what you just posted / exploited of her today making ungodly sounds and you laughing at them. What “typical teen,” (as you, Asa claim, and aim, and try to convince people that she is) makes SOUNDS like that?!? An 18 year old who has been let down and will NEVER be more than 12-18 MONTHS OLD intellectually, thanks to her parents doing nothing - thats who!!!

How does Asa expect ANY rational human to think that Abigail will EVER be more than a braying goat based on the most recent absolutely embarrassing short that he just posted of her rocking back and forth sounding JUST like that - a barn animal / a braying baby goat / newborn human baby! That IS what she IS - you ignorant ASSa! She ABSOLUTELY IS a newborn and toddler at best! Don’t try to change the narrative, (as you so OFTEN do by banking on the fact that no one will notice!) We DO notice - ALWAYS! In the exploitive short that you posted of your daughter acting more IDD than ever, she is braying like a goat!!! It’s NOT funny, it’s not advanced - she has NO IDEA what she’s doing - except making newborn noises the only way she knows how! That is ALL she knows how to do, and will ever know how to do - thanks to you and hour wife literally failing her!! Go ahead and monetize off if it though for those that ‘get off’ and like hearing those noises from her - because that is EXACTLY what, and WHY you are doing posting such an EMBARRASSING video of your CLEARLY severely IDD daughter Aasa Maass! Those of us here don’t have demented, (not of the this world) ‘dreams’ of “Abbie “hugging us” - GROSS!

We know what you aren’t willing to admit how you and Pricilla have BOTH - COMPLETELY failed her! She is a braying baby goat who is aggressive, combative, and causes physical harm with her behaviors! NO ONE wants to be around Abbie or work with her, (including but not limited to your wife, Abbies own mother) because you have NEVER made Abbie accountable, given her rules, or set boundaries for her! She will NEVER, ever, ever EVER be independent! You WILL be taking care of her for the rest of your < short > obese lives - (unless you put her in a group home, like you should for all of your benefits - including Abbies - she would be so much better off!)

Oh also - Asa Maass - (I / We KNOW you read here!) I’m a mandated reporter - the, (and I quote,) “…intense pressure…” that were YOUR words that YOU bragged about her doing to your face and body, just a few vlog’s ago - (ya know the one that you used your wife as an example to showcase…because for the FIRST time EVER - you didn’t dare show Abbie, your daughter doing it to you / your face and body as you filmed it happening in real time for the entire world to see on display. Because we have seen it - SOOO many times!!!) Asa - it IS physical and sexual abuse. We HAVE seen her rub up against you, your face, your lips, your body - you, Asa Maass -ENCOURAGE IT! You CLEARLY like, and are stimulated from her doing it to you, as much as SHE likes and is stimulated from doing it TO you!! If you didn’t like it, and didn’t ENCOURAGE her to do it TO YOU then, you would, SET BOUNDARIES!! That’s what parents that aren’t out to exploit their VERY IDD daughter, (and get off on that child / Abbie rubbing up against them) do! Asa Maass - (again, we ALL know that you absolutely read here!) There is no doubt that you get off on ALL of Abbie’s rubbing on you, her getting you to sit next to her, and you touching her inappropriately - that you mask as “wrestling” - ALL for the world to see!

Asa You ARE abusing your daughter Abigail Maass in SO many ways!! INCLUDING letting her rub up against you with VIDEO PROOF in MANY, MANY vlogs! THEN - very recently bragging about it, and being VERY proud of it on a vlog last week - using your obese wife as an example of how Abbie used YOU (her FATHER) as sexual stimulation - and you thought it was just the cutest thing! Interesting that, in the same vlog where you used your wife as “body double” to show how Abigail “ran into you” to use you as sexual stimulation - you told your wife, (and I quote) “I won’t hurt you”….why is THAT?!! Did Abigail run into you so intensely to get that stimulation from you that she is SO USED to getting that it was forceful…because you, Asa have encouraged it for so long…?? Hummm very interesting that you would use the words
“….but I won’t hurt you” to your wife that you used as a body double to reenact the incident. And then proceeded to maul your wife, (and even after a few seconds, even your wife said something along the lines of…”…ok, ok enough, get off!!”) If that’s what it looked like to you doing the reenacting for the camera to your wife / what did it look like in real time (that you DIDN’T show footage of,) when Abigail did it to YOU, and ran into you for” a whole sensory body experience,” - as you clam, and as we have seen her do to you before in MANY past vlogs!! All of which you ALLOW, and ENCOURAGE her to do to you and HAVE NEVER stopped her from doing!! DISGUSTING!! It makes me nauseous!!

Abigail is 18, she has hormones, she is a young lady (hormone wise…Depo shot or not - and probably because of it!). YET - you CONTINUE to let her rub up against your body, and your face, and your disgusting beard - (which anyone can see she is using your beard for friction stimulation!!!) Ada, you BRAG about how she was / has / does use your face, and lips, and body to “get her high sensory input….that she needs!” What kind of
(non-abusive) FATHER allows their daughter to rub up against them like that?!!

Autism, IDD or not! A GOOD, non- abusive and exploitative father is NOT ok with their 18 year old, (and for years before she was 18) using them to get sexually stimulated. This isn’t a surprise though because you Asa allow all of the perverts in the world to watch the thousands upon thousand of videos that you have posted for the world to see of your very own daughter in all kinds of ways! You give her, in the form of content to those perverts to be obsessed with - all for view counts - Thor more views the more money YOU and PRICILLA get!!
All on the name of exploiting your SEVERELY IDD daughter, Abagail who can NEVER give you consent to film her - because she is, always has been, and ALWAYS will be, non- verbal and has never been, and never will be able to give you consent to film and post her to the World Wide Web - yet you continue to film and exploit her a anyway!!

Those of us that are mandated reporters on here should be reporting that he just bragged about his severe IDD daughter rubbing against him! When he posted that in his vlog a few days ago, the reason. that he said it, and didn’t show it- except using Cilla ti reenact it…(which is the only time he hasn’t shown Abbie, his IDD DAUGHTER rubbing up against him for stimulation, and Asa allowing it) is because there is a Guardianship now that he had to be careful of” - (he NEVER should have allowed or filmed it - EVER, any time - EVER - in the first place!!) There are COUNTLESS vlogs, (thanks to Asa) of Abbie rubbing up against Asa, and Asa ALLOWING it!) NOW - Asa KNOWS that now that Abbie is 18 and he he CAN’T show it…LIKE HE USED TO show it…ALL - THE - TIME!

Abbie Maass and her “high sensory” (as her father and mother “claim”) hugs and facial rubbing aren’t just THAT - she gets sexual pleasure from it - and Asa Maass LETS her use him for it, and has MULTIPLE Vlogs of her doing just that to him to prove it!!! And. a very recent vlog that he made last week where Asa talked ALL about how Abigail used his face and body to rub up against - (again, autism needs or not - he bragged, and smiled, and laughed about his daughter rubbing up against him) and he NEVER (as he never does) set boundaries with Abbie, and in this case, (and EVERY other time that Abbie has rubbed against him, when he has allowed ALL of it to happen.) Asa NEVER told he - “NO, you can’t do that Abbie - it’s inappropriate! Doing that with your FATHER (or anyone) but with your FATHER is WRONG! If she understood it or not, first to sent the boundary and precedent is SO important! Asa has NEVER told Abbie that rubbing up against him isn’t appropriate, and that is NOT Ok!

JUST like her leg stim on the couch when she puts a pillow between her, and her foot up!! I think he calls THAT “intense pressure” too - as a way to justify him filming it - under the “guise” of it being an “autistic behavior.” OF COURSE she’s is being sexually stimulated from that position when she does it, (he has kept instances in the vlog that shows us exactly that, a vlog that he supposedly “edits.”) Abigail’s own father EXPLOITS her doing that pillow / leg thing every chance he gets! Think of how many times we have seen Abigail Maass laying on a couch with her legs pressed together and a pillow that she is clutching somewhere on her body! We have seen it - a LOT, including as recently as last week when her father, Asa Maass filmed it and claimed she was doing it because, (and I quote), “…because she had used her brain so much during the “the Program.” OR, MAYBE - she’s having a natural urge that YOU as her FATHER, SHOULDN’T BE FILMING, and THEN POSTING for ANYONE THAT WANTS TO VIEW IT TO SEE!!

It’s no better than them giving that absolute gross, disgusting, pedophile, Guillermo - full unsupervised access to Abigail - all for views for the Maass’!!
We have seen Guillermo’s inappropriate touching of Abbie, EVERY TIME Guillermo is around Abbie!! As recently as a month and a half ago, on the 4th of July - we saw on video, that Abbie’s own father filled - witnessing it happen -Guillermo putting Abigail, IN - BETWEEN - HIS LEGS, (as he has done SO many other times before that we have prof of, with SO many other vulnerable kids and young adults before, and probably Abbie! All thanks to picture evidence of the creepy… “we’ll hire and train anyone” camp. And Asa Maass’ own video proof of his own daughter Abigail Maass being touched inappropriately by that creep / Guillermo, IN FRONT OF idiot Asa - in multiple inappropriate ways - (again, WHILE Asa FILMED IT,) and then Asa posted it / all of those vlogs for the world to see that creep doing those awful things to his daughter!

It is all ABSOLUTELY 100% DISGUSTING - ALL OF IT! It all - EVERY SINGLE - BIT - OF - IT, makes me literally ill and sick to my stomach! It’s horrifying and SOMETHING needs to be DONE!

Asa and Pricilla Maass don’t care! though!! If it gets them views, no matter what the cost - even exploiting their mentally 12-18 month old SEVERELY IDD daughter - all day, every day, they will do it if it makes them money!

It’s disgusting and those of us that are mandated reporters - and ALL of us here are just GOOD people, humans, citizens, and advocates - MUST report Asa and Pricilla Maass for their continued exploitation of their daughter Abigail Maass and their enjoyment of - in filming and graphically talking about, (and role playing to show amongst one another…as evidenced in a very, very recent vlog a few days ago.) Abigail sexually stimulating herself on video, with her own father Asa Maass, which Asa allows, is willing to part of, is proud to be part of…(thanks to his own vlogs showcasing it all.). And up until recently, when she turned 18 filmed Asa filmed it all, and more!! As the many THOUSANDS of hours of countless YEARS of footage in the hands of some, any kind of recoding device Asa is recording with ALL the time, allows for the exploitation of Asa Maass’ severely Intellectually Disabled Daughter Abigail Maass shows!

It’s all so disgusting and nauseating!! Let’s change it Tattleer’s!
Reactions: 16
Omgosh. SO much!
First - Piggy see how comfortable you are and how much more energy you had at 200 lbs less?
2. Abbie smiles here. She doesn't anymore unless she's being violent.
3. Abbies has no idea what's happening here. Colors? Hoops? Beanbag? You could literally have sandy or maverick do the same with all the guiding and pointing.

4. Abs hasn't improved at ALL. Seeing this old vid shows it clearly. She was actually a cute mischievous little girl. Now you have an overweight violent adult who isn't cute anymore.
I think they're realizing that eventually they will have to put her somewhere as they can't control her anymore. No more cash cow.

The asshole parents have FAILED Abbie in every way.
Reactions: 20
Teaching her to spell is something they are doing to make the humpers think that her skills are progressing and that she no longer has a disability. They can't fool us as we know that none of those things are true.
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Abbie probably has it too.
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Shackboi actually filmed himself using his bidet for the first time. WTF?!

Also, I feel like he lets his flamboyant side come out more when he's around Summer and Kylie.
Reactions: 30
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