@WowMeowMeowWow 's title suggestion was so good that no one else dared compete. ;)
Did that nasty fence of theirs finally blow over in the hurricane?
Is the AirBNB still in one piece?
Tune in tonight to find out!
Happiest of Saturdays to you all.
Thank you so much @Trahnier172 for a spectacular thread title to keep us moving along!
Congratulations on the win! ❤😘❤
I have a feeling this is going to be a fun thread! ❤️
A Maaaaassssive thanks to @Cardinal Rule for setting us up for success with her magnificent thread title!😻
Tattle On Guyth!
Thank You a million times to our fellow Tattler @MizBeaverhausen for providing us with a spectacular title to keep us snarking along. ❤️😘❤️
Honk! Honk!
Tattle On Guyth!❤️
Ol’ McMaassive’s had a farm…kinda…EIEIO
With a Margarita here and a Shamu there…
@Trahnier172 Thank You! Congratulations! ❤
Please give our fellow Tattler some love guyth.
The snark continues….
Guess there needs to be some Maassiveness involved …just FYI
Y’all give it up to @bready
She has provided us with a thuper accurate title to start the first thread of 2024.
Thank you, Tattler. Congratulations.😻
This is the first post in this thread. Autistic Interpretations #19 Schizophrenia disguised as Autism with a side of Munchausen by proxy.. please follow
@renwick came up with the tittle. There were no other suggestions and this is hilarious so congrats @renwick.
I’m trying here because our thread creator is MIA. Shout out to @WowMeowMeowWow . We miss you!!
Tattle on….
Thanks to everyone that voted for my suggestion. You guyth all kick ass. 😘😘
Thank you to everyone that participated in creating suggestions for our upcoming thread. As usual, they were all fabulous. ❤
@PugliaLiving ❤️👏🏼❤️ You nailed it ma’am.
An appropriate title to send us off into #166. Ahhhhmazing! Thank You and Congratulations Tattle Sister!😘
Please give @PugliaLiving some Maaassssive love guyth.
A Maassive THANK YOU & CONGRATULATIONS to our fellow Tattler @PugliaLiving for kicking ass and providing us with an exceptional title to keep us snarking along through #165.
Y’all please give her some love.
Another thread donning a magnificent title compliments of our very talented resident poet @Billiarty .
Congrats and Thank You! 👏🏼❤️👏🏼
Give her some maaassssive love guyth!
💗Title edited to fit💗
It is #163 for us Tattlers! Yippie! A Maaassssive Thank You and Congratulations to @Bogey for sending us into PaLOOZA week with a fantastic title. Please give her some Tattle lovin’ guyth!😻
A new thread, I was just looking back at the beginning of the first thread and it seems like a lot of the pages/people have gone from Instagram.
Lenore has found a way to get another 2 trips thousands of kms away from her kids 👍👍
Lots to celebrate this fine Friday evening. ❤️ Can we all give it up to @SCCOct66 for providing us with one of the sweetest titles I have ever seen here on Tattle? Thank You and as always Congratulations! 😘
The Naughty Corner is open for business guyth! @Kermy is always welcoming. The drinks are...