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God Help Me!!! I hate this family even more each day (not Abbie of course). Why the hell did they need another new vehicle? IMO Anything out of Assa’s mouth IS A LIE until proven otherwise. I don’t believe they got what they paid for for the GMC either. Every excuse he tries to give is bullshit. Just say we wanted something new that me and my fat ass wife can fit into and leave it at that. Once again, thank your very disabled daughter for the vehicle. I pray for many Poonamis in the future in the new vehicle.🤬🤬🤬🤬. I also pray the other driver in the car accident continue to sue the pants off of their asses.
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I love the music Asswipe picked as he filmed the Beast lumbering across the pavement to see her "her team". :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: You could almost feel the earth shaking.
Wasnt that something?! It was like she just got drafted and was going in as linebacker! 😂 😂

Oh- and if Abbie cant manage to stay on her feet for more than five minutes they need to leave her at home. She was sitting on the ground directly behind people. Can you imagine not knowing she was there and taking a step back and stepping on her, or tripping over her?
Asa would just LOVE the chance to lecture people and tell them his Princess has the right to be there and sit wherever she wants! :mad::mad:
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A jumbo sized THANK YOU and a maaaasssive round of applause to our frand @Hotographer512 for creating an absolutely puuuuurfect title to keep us doing what we all do best! Snarking baaaaby…Snarking. 😂😹😂
Give her a little lovin’ guyth! ❤
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If. she loved it was probably for the complementary donuts they offer customers...they are such scamming idiots. The dealership will not be ok with the honking, donut eating, screaming , bongo arms, filming, extreme obesity, donut is a business ...Asshat and stupid humps.

Abbie does not care about cars...except if it takes her someplace for is Asshat and Pig that want "all the thingth"

Are these HUMPERS actually real people? They think Abbie will get her license? What are they smoking???
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Ugh...this vlog pissed me right off. I have an indoor car and she is my world. I know i cant leave the door open because she escapes onto the porch...Im very cautious of that. This cat at slipped our more than once...they got lucky. They didnt notice because they were all about the damn football game and didnt pay attention....that is so neglectful. Any they lost the damn turtle too....they just suck. Seeing and hearing that sweet cat meowing at the front door just broke my heart.
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As y’all know, we have 1 young adult and 3 teenagers on the spectrum. My girls love cats. So, to help them with independence and calm anxiety, we have adopted 2 cats over the years. Our black cat is 5 years old and the Tortie turns 1 year old in a few months.
I could never imagine not knowing where these two fuze balls are! They are basically our Grandkids and may be the only ones that we get. We spoil them more than our kids and our kids spoil them too. Every night at 5pm, they get wet cat food and trust me, they don’t go without that meal and will let you know that it is dinner time. They have Wi-Fi controlled feeders and a water bowl that continually pumps a waterfall to give them running water (again, totally spoiled) and a self shifting and dumping litter box, that is emptied every few days.
So, for Nala to be gone even 24 hours without them knowing, really pissed me off to no end. Also, that GB, the “cat Dad,” didn’t get mad and upset really got me too. There is some crazy dynamics at play. Either they already found Nala before calling or GB knows he couldn't get upset due to Asshat’s anger issues..
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Barf. :sick:

View attachment 1886027

4 half pound burgers for two people.

And one of those two had gastric sleeve surgery. WTF.

View attachment 1886033

Don't cry Cilla. You can have third dinner when you get home.

View attachment 1886037

I swear she is special needs. She acts JUST like my neighbor's kid. Just like her. Talks like her, mannerisms all of it.
Look at everyone around her all smiling and happy....and here she is bawling like a baby...its ridiculous really
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Sir Cindy wants to know if S/he can have a cookie from publix?

and a cheeky selfie with Abbie.
Anything for Sir Cindy….and You! 😻😹😻

The wasteful spending these 2 do is ridiculous.

Mother of the Year, standing at the fence taking a selfie with the mascot won't move her fat ass to let her kid in closer. Yuck, did anyone else see the Grease in that pizza roll pan...🤮
What he did to those pizza rolls was nothing short of criminal. Who adds olive oil and cheese to frozen pizza rolls? Nasty ASF.🤢
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Abbies never been to a dealership because they've always had old, used cars, or got them from the Carvana vending machine. 😆 😆
Theres no shame in that, but Im sick of them both acting as if they werent on the struggle bus until 2018. They want their new viewers to assume they've always lived this way, that it has nothing to do with Abbie or scamming MLM's. :mad:
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Pink Marshmallow

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As per usual with Asshat, he knows best when it comes to what to do with Abbie and whatever her therapists say doesn't really matter. He basically speaks as if the therapists don't know what they're doing and haven't got any sort of experience, education and training when it comes to dealing with someone like Abbie. It's like Asshat has to fight not to roll his eyes and audibly scoff at what the therapists tell him or suggest to him. It makes you wonder why they even bother taking Abbie to therapy if Asshat and P are just going to ignore what they're supposed to work on w/ Abbie at home. I think A&P see it mostly as having someone else look after Abbie outside of the home so that P can go on her daily multiple shopping trips and Asshat can sit around desperately trying to think of content for the vlog and not showering. With lots of adult beverages consumed as well. Of course.

Asshat did the full body contact hand over hand thing again. What a colossal douche. Literally puppeteering her is not teaching her. Not to mention there is no need to be that up in her personal space.

And Asshat telling Abbie to stop rubbing her face when they're cooking.... really, dude?? So, it's okay when Cillame does it like 500 times a day including when she's cooking?? P did it while getting dishes out of the dishwasher not that long after Asshat told Abbie to stop doing it. Then like 10 seconds later, P did it again. Like come on! lol There is seriously something going on with P that she's scratching and swiping at her face so much.
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As a dog owner.. I’m disgusted by ass. He picked up a toy sandy had chewed up. All he had to do was show it to her and talk to her and she cowered and backed off. She’s terrified of him. I’d put money on it that he screams at her and has likely hit her. She was so scared just from him showing her a toy!
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Plus, when there is a camera shoved at you I'd find it easier just to hand it to her so they move the fuck on.
What bugs me about the cookie thing, or going to Daleys, etc., is the big ass production involved.
Instead of telling the service worker they need a minute to decide, they wait until the worker is at the counter, and only then do they start the song and dance, making the worker wait.
"Which one do you want? Thats oatmeal. Do you want chocolate? No not that one. Abbie look. This one? What is that? Tell her/him. No, not thank you, what is that? Good job. Grab it. What do you say? No, say thank you. Aweeee. Thank you worker! GREAT job Ab!"

Because heres the real deal. There will never be a time that Abbie walks up to the counter anywhere, whips out her iPad and says:
"Hello, my name is Abigail and I want a chocolate chip cookie." Never. (And, btw...the "greeting" thing is already gone LOL)
If there was a chance she could ever do that, I could understand making the worker stand there through that painfully awkward scenario, but it wont happen. We see them do this same shit at the candy stores, bakeries, all the places they go. Its ridiculous.

And I'll take it one step further. They think Abbie is cute. Well, Asa does. I think P hates these interactions to be honest, but Asa? He thinks shes just so darn cute...look at her!! She just educated that person by asking for a cookie and signing "thank you", even though I prompted her the whole time. Surely this person will now be enlightened! Life changed! Going home to tell everyone they know about the amazing Princess they served that day! How wonderful and patient her parents were! Blah freakin blah. Lets see how cute Abbie looks in five years snatching a cookie and shoving the entire thing in her mouth.
I'm just over these fools!!
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