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Are you SERIOUS?!? I get he is using this video for the narrative of the week, but did he forget all the stupid shit they bought for her when they were trying to pump up the typical teen narrative. This dude needs to get leveled down! His reply to someone supporting his video is downright shitty!

View attachment 1887657
LOL.. Asshat is sure hanging onto "developmental delay".... at what age does he think she will catch up? Maybe by 40? The humps might understand better that she has profound ID ... and she should be picking out toys at that level...not a "typical teen". But he confuses them with all the mixed narratives.
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Oh shut up Ass. We have 3 of us here too. One of us is 6ft and also severely autistic. We don't need a huge ass SUV. He is perfectly fine in my little Hyundai. Stop trying to say all this shit is "for Abbie". It's FOR YOU. As a side note. We used to have a Jeep Grand Cherokee. I loved that thing. It was an awesome vehicle. I MISS it.
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I walk barefoot a lot at home, I have cats, and ill admit I'm not the best at cleaning, but my soles are never that dirty. I think Priscilla cried because the toy was a food truck like she once wanted and the little people fit inside but she wouldn't fit in one now.
She really annoyed me when she said they don't need more "accessories" for abby, but she has "decor" everywhere . Decor is mostly clutter but toys actually have a purpose.
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Whyyyy is her head tilted so much 😂😂
She does that to hide her jowls..and she puts a bunch of purses in front to hide her gunts.

Abbie has been pushing the shopping cart around since they started VLOGGING. 5 years ago..Asshat with his going on and on about how well its going taking her out in the community.. blah blah..independence..blah blah...doing excellent.... blah blah... He wants so bad to show she has progressed since he started his "home schooling"... everyone can see that is sadly not so.
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No kidding that your heart is heavy you lispy oink. You slather everything in cheese and ranch 🐽 Poor tired Piggy has had too much fun this week and she is tired. Atha, I haven't had any one on one time with Thummer, do you mind if we go to the game? WTF? She is not your friend, she is a young woman whom you have been exploiting since childhood.
I was so disturbed when the Masssives took Abbie to the stadium and instead of letting her explore for her own pleasure, Dickdo is filming her honking and flapping. I can't imagine what the people there were thinking when they saw that. I don't thik that I've ever noticed parents filming their children the way that he does. It is not normal.
That purse is even tackier than I expected. Looks like that Jags tablecloth is getting a run for its money this weekend. So far it has seen the stadium for the send off, the hockey game and today's foodfest😂😂😂
They only took her because they needed to count it as a field trip for her home fooling classes.
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Has anyone heard from @Kimmied lately? I've been thinking about her ❤ and hoping she is doing well.

My goodness, WLW. I can't even joke about him anymore as he truly is not long for this world. :(

At the opposite end of the couch, we have one of the sweetest pics. ❤ Abbie, although she looks either medicated, relaxed, or just tired, is resting against Crystal, one of two people she is truly drawn to. I really do like Crystal, she is an all-around good person.
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Pink Marshmallow

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Sometimes when I hear Asswipe tell Abs something she knows exactly what he said. And he does say when you hear her moan she's frustrated that she can't communicate. I wish they would remember that when she's sitting there and they talk about her like she can't hear. And you know she didn't get her dislike of Prissass from Mommy being sweet to her.
There have been so many times where Abbie has been relatively quiet and then Asshat starts talking to P or Isaiah or Summer about Abbie while she's standing right there and Abbie suddenly starts to become very vocal and noisy. She knows they're talking about her and she becomes agitated. Obviously she doesn't understand each and every word and nuance but she understands enough that it stresses her out. One incident that still stands out to me is a cpl months ago when they all went out to eat and Asshat decided that was an appropriate time to start discussing Abbie's toileting issues. In that situation, regardless of how much Abbie understands or not, it is insanely inappropriate and disrespectful to Abbie. Other people at the restaurant no doubt heard him talking about it and then the fact that he's talking about it on the vlog for all the viewers to know about. It was disgusting. Abbie has a right to dignity.
She definitely picks up on how much P dislikes her.
I have multiple gifs of Abbie resisting and rejecting Cilla's forced and fake affections.




stop mom-min.gif
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Who amongst us could live with Abbie without calming meds? I ruddy couldn’t. Their life honestly must be hell on earth. For the 2% of the day we see the heavily edited her the other 98% is sure as hell an ugly rollercoaster. They missed their chance to regulate her, it’s long gone. I think a real adherence to a schedule UP TO the age of 5 would have started to mould a different Abbie. Sadly she was born to a pair of thick twats. So that wasn’t going to happen.
They don't deal with her 24/7. Their life is far from hell on earth. P is involved even less. Plus, regardless of the difficulties with her, without Ab they wouldn't have shit. The girl deserves better than drugged up for convenience, needs ignored, neglected, and pushed aside.... all while the rest of the Maasholes have "all the things" and pawn her off every chance they get.

They far from have it rough. Fuck those cunts.

As far as who here could live with Abigail... I could. Plenty others could. No shame on any who couldn't though. As far as unmedicated.... well meds are meant to help the person taking them... not to sedate a child so you can look good on camera, with doctors, or when company is over. No one should be medicated for other's pleasure. It is meant to improve the life of the person they are prescribed to.
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All of these sweet, healthy, happy and kissable faces on this thread! ❤❤❤❤
This is what 6:30 am and 4:30 pm looks like every day here.

I agree with much so many have posted here since last nights vlog.
Our babes are part of our daily lives…Our daily routine. The Maassives really don’t have either. I have found that my fur critters thrive on a schedule, just like most living creatures. Obviously, I have like 6 too many…lol…but, it is what it is. 😂 I often remark to Man Meow how neat it is that our kitties have the choice to be anywhere in our house, yet they choose to be around us. I type this as Layla sleeps on my feet, Wyatt is in my lap and Leland is happily staring and smiling at me. Like many have said, I do a head count before I leave…especially if I know I am going to be gone most of the day. There have even been times where I have realized I didn’t lay eyes on one and have made a u-turn back home to make sure everyone is okay. I could go on and on, but I feel like three words sum it up nicely. Love, responsibility and routine.
And these fools are responsible for another human being….for the rest of their lives. Pretty eye opening! 👀
If I can say one thing in their favor…they have unintentionally given us this…and I for one am so, so thankful! There is nothing like waking up to fur babies and a full on belly laugh! You all kick ass! Have the best Wednesday!❤
😂🤣😂 @What the .... 😂🤣😂
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You know whats really funny? I think he put the toilet shot in thinking it would increase engagement, if nothing else create conversation among those who already comment.
Didnt work at all.
He has 140 comments. Only 6 mention the toilet. No one gave a shit, pun intended. 😂 :poop:😂
The majority of the comments are "Welcome Roger!". The plant.
He even left the negative comment about ethics and exploiting Abbie up- Im sure to get engagement. Only four responses to that, two from the same person. 😂😂
Frankly it appears he has no "following" at all. No one cares hes naked. No one is defending him about ethics.
I think the only people who watch are the FA ride-or-dies, who watch hoping for some extra tidbit of family info that wasnt on FA, or those who think they are helping A&P by "supporting their family."
And Im also willing to bet that many of his views are fellow college kids, curious about the weirdo filming himself on his one-wheel. He is not popular on campus. I think hes mocked behind his back. The fact that this is his 3rd year, and we've seen no real friendships other than our beloved Taj and Davis, and that he has had ONE short term relationship which ended very quickly...???...hes not living his best life, thats for sure.
The fact that he keeps trying to vlog shows he has little to no self-awareness or even pride.
Its so fricking cringey!
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Wooooweeee. A gold mine of a FB Live. 😂 Plenty to work with, but I feel like this pretty much sums up everything Percillerpotamus. A Beauty Guide…lost in a hotel bathroom. Geeezus Almighty.😂
View attachment 1909343
Imagine having that in your downline? Poor Pinky 🤣 🤣 🤣



I'm buying this and sending it to Cilla for her Fatmobile. . $3.13 on Ebay. Totally worth it.

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The 2 huge Maassives laugh as their already overweight teenage daughter shoves a whole cookie in her mouth in a public grocery store. Nice real nice
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Man I wish I was at the manor to see what went down in the immediate aftermath.
Did P collapse with the vapors? Turn to Lurch for comfort?
Flip over her tent and pull down her banner in a childlike rage?
Is her Mommy comforting her?
Is Asa busy cleaning everything up and ignoring her, or in her face for content?

Enquiring minds want to know! (showing my age lol) 😆 😆
Momma Candy is probably threatening to beat up KC.
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Asshat is really really trying to exploit the cat missing narrative... wow..imagine the clicks.. lets put that one pick of Abbie sort of by Nala on the couch.. the humps will go wild!!!

I think the cat missing might have happened...but I think it was way over played for content. It was heart breaking to see Nala scared and alone out there trying to tell them.. but they were probably too drunk to even pay any attention..the beasts.

How do you not notice your cat is missing for that long?
We have indoor cats. Our one cat,Bella,is “special”. She is a product of inbreeding😡 and has some neurological issues. A few years ago she got out and we noticed within a few minutes she was gone due to her always being motion around us if we are sitting down watching tv(think of Elaine on Seinfeld when she was dancing). We immediately searched the house and then I ran outside,thank God we did! She had fallen into our pool(it was at night and she is a tuxedo cat) and was meowing and swimming (as well as a cat can) . I instantly scooped her up and was so grateful that I followed my instincts to look outside. Anyone who has a real connection with their pets knows when things aren’t right. But then again, P doesn’t have any connection with her own daughter..let alone a cat


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BS that isn't homeschooling. Going to Lowes and Dunkin plus the idiotic things like feeding the fish are not school...GEEZEZ....
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I would like to know what Abbie’s actions were in OT. He always skirts the truth and downplays her severity. I would ask in the comments, but for some unknown reason, I’m shadow banned on YouTube and FB would tear me apart for asking. I guess I’ll just have to think the worst.
I imagine sessions are rather difficult to handle now she’s older and less disciplined. Her shoving, pulling and pushing people seems to have been increasing recently, (Asa mentioned the pushing therapists out of the way in a vlog a while ago too). I doubt any of that helps build a good professional relationship with her therapists either. Never mind an ABA therapist attending the OT sessions, they’d be better with SEAL Team 6 😂 Asa the sensitive little bitch has shadow banned me again it seems as well. All because I politely pointed out the hypocrisy of him telling people not to judge Abbie all of the time and yet he was doing exactly that and judging people coming out of toilets, deciding who looks disabled or needy enough to use them. He cannot handle criticism in the slightest can he 😆
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