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Thanks for the new thread ladies! 🥳🥳

Now- look at this. Her caption reads : "The glow up is real." 😂😂

Screenshot 2023-01-15 5.47.05 PM.png
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Cardinal Rule

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Just catching up on vlogs. Are they intentionally trying to fatten Abbie up like a Christmas goose? She stole a pack of Oreos at breakfast yet they still gave her a large bowl of sugary cereal afterwards. The vlog before that Abs hadn’t even finished eating what was in front of her & still had the food smeared across her face & yet she was tapping & pulling on Priscilla requesting the next lot of food. They gave it to her obvs 🙄. She shouldn’t need a snack immediately after breakfast & I don’t buy Asas excuses of she’s still starving immediately after eating or she has Interoception issues so she isn’t able to feel full like some autistic people. I just don’t think that’s what Abbies case is (although I acknowledge she may feel slight hunger a couple of hours after eating as they only feed her junk that doesn’t sustain her). They’ve made her greedy, food obsessed & her asking for food every single second of her life is because they couldn’t be bothered to parent her properly, just stuffed her with food instead to keep her busy & quiet & to appease any meltdowns that may have been bubbling up. Just makes me sad for her 😞They couldn’t even do the bare minimum for one part of her parenting & not fuck up Abbies feeding habits & relationships with food. Sorry for the war and peace write up. Just needed to get the disgust I have for Asswipe and piggy off my chest before I go to sleep.

Abbie would enjoy eating the yoga mat I’m guessing 😂
He said he was feeding her a protein cereal to keep her feeling fuller. And the idiot stuck his hand in her bowl while she was eating, to wrestle out a few morsels for himself. He complained that the cereal was expensive, but the website suggested it ran $1.45-$1.95 per one-cup serving. Expensive, AssA? Like daily Duncan expensive? Or big booze bottles expensive? Or buy a motorcycle for a long weekend trip with your dad expensive? Or multiple date nights a week with Big P at high-end restaurants expensive? Or outfitting the Flintstones buggy with new batteries, higher speeds and undercarriage disco lights expensive? Or Big P’s weekly mani-pedi expensive? I could go on…

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Here is a picture of my only dog stormy. We used to have another dog cosmo who unfortunately crossed the rainbow Bridge last February. We will be looking for another buddy for our other dog stormy soon.
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Asa. Get your huge ass off of your daughter. Quit standing behind her and pinning her with your body.
Quit using her as a marionette.
Leave her the hell alone, you disgusting piece of shit.
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Chatty Member
Four of my crew. They all agree: “Go Nala! Chomp away on that fat hambeast’s hand, arm, any part available.” 😺😸😹😻😼😽
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i LOVE Pet Sharing Day! Every here has the cutest pets and you can tell how loved they all are. :)

Our sweet PEPPERMINT, who is so spoiled and loved that when we lost our heat for a few days last month during that cold front we always made sure she was bundled up like a burrito in the warmest blankets. :)
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New video
What is the fool saying?! The OT's said it might be good for an ABA therapist to join them, but Asa said he didnt feel it was necessary, that he would show them how to handle Abbie.
Then whats the point of taking her to therapy?! :unsure::unsure::unsure:

AND...he said "they are used to little kids, shes as big as the therapist."
Why is she going to a therapist for small children? She'll be 18 in a few months. Is she still going to go to childrens therapy, running amok and disturbing other peoples appointments?

Im sorry, its not Abbies fault, but if she was disrupting my grandsons therapy I would speak up. We fought tooth and nail to start his services, and just because THEY never follow through and think its appropriate for their (basically) adult child to start at/stay at that level?
Nope. Nope. Nope.
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Mom Needs Coffee

Well-known member
We have indoor cats. Our one cat,Bella,is “special”. She is a product of inbreeding😡 and has some neurological issues. A few years ago she got out and we noticed within a few minutes she was gone due to her always being motion around us if we are sitting down watching tv(think of Elaine on Seinfeld when she was dancing). We immediately searched the house and then I ran outside,thank God we did! She had fallen into our pool(it was at night and she is a tuxedo cat) and was meowing and swimming (as well as a cat can) . I instantly scooped her up and was so grateful that I followed my instincts to look outside. Anyone who has a real connection with their pets knows when things aren’t right. But then again, P doesn’t have any connection with her own daughter..let alone a catView attachment 1891404

your Bella looks like my kitty Lightning here she is also with her brother Thunder.
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Not good. 😂😂 Not good at all. LMFAO! 😂😂
I am going to have to delete this app. I will get nothing accomplished in real life ever again.
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Chatty Member
Um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um

I can’t stand her.

So 450 pound beauty guide Priscilla gets her own ROOM to scam people, but Abbie, the money maker and victim of exploitation has to do everything on the kitchen counter? Table tasks, hair brushing, "school". How come, besides her bedroom, she doesn't have a sensory room? Or a play room designated only to her where she can make a mess and be herself? That's why she's overweight cuz she's always in the fucking kitchen asking for food.
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Chatty Member
I don’t think she actually cares about football. She thinks it makes her more interesting, and of course it’s provided content for her/them.
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Ya, I noticed she had to be told the quarterback was from Clemson. What a moron. Say that in Reba's voice or Bugs Bunny's
Off question, has anyone been her since before 2019? I've been here since Feb 2020..I think Noir was 2019?
October 2019 here.
I did a happy dance when I discovered that I wasn't alone seeing through the billshit of Assa and Percillerpotamus Massive.
Little did I know then, that I would be among some of the smartest, funniest and talented people from all over the world.
I often wonder where certain people went from back then. If you get the chance to read the threads from the beginning you should.
You will see that there were some excellent posts made about the Hambeasts and their shenanigans.
It was a lot of fun to be here back then.
Of course, the smart asses/know it alls/mean girls came and went. For the most part. 😆
They are not missed by me and those who remain - whale - I personally laugh at.
A snark site is for snarkin' - I'm here for it! 😆
Snarkin' since October 2019 until I can't snark no mo'!
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