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Back to her saying Maass Manor. :mad: :mad:
Im fixating, but we say it in jest.
This classless fat cell with hooves and claws, means it.
Does she even have a clue how pretentious she sounds?!
All because she has a cement pond and french doors.
I hope she knows that a real manor has more than 3 bedrooms.
God- I truly despise her funky, cheesy ass.

Oh- and hey #MomChef, Im willing to bet everyone is sick of your low country boil, your pasta bars, and "famous" spaghetti.
Go take some cooking classes and stop embarrassing yourself!!
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Can we revisit P calling a football team “her boys”. These are grown ass adult men who have families and kids and their own mother’s who are proud. Grown ass men. P, you’re no longer the football booster club president at a high school with your silly little son and his lettermen jacket. This lady is out of touch with reality. She’s absolutely out of touch parenting Abbie. P has got to stay awake at night analyzing her relationship with her daughter. I would if I didn’t have a real connection with my child. I keep thinking back to the childhood home videos they’ve shown from Abbie’s early years. P is sitting at the table with Isaiah with a baby gate between her and Abbie who’s in the living room bouncing on couches. P just sits there like she doesn’t know how to interact with her daughter. Watching from a distance and she still watches from a distance. It’s so odd to me. It’s like she can’t recognize her own child. Even more odd, she can’t recognize herself in Abbie but I actually think P is just like her in a lot of ways.

Asa, I don’t like you but I do hope you get yourself and your cholesterol under control and get healthier. Your recent vlogs show us your are also rapidly gaining weight. More so then ever before. You know your wife will be dependent on your care in a matter of years, as well as Abbie. How will you do it when you can’t reach your feet to tie your own shoes?
I get that people claim their teams.- "my Jags", "my Wolverines", etc. Thats not uncommon. The "boys" thing is a bit bizarre to me.
I also get wearing the team swag. When I go to a game, Im a blur of maize and blue, block M cheek tattoos, beads, hat, you name it. So are most others in attendance.

But if Im not at an actual game, Im not clowning around with cardboard earrings, a tacky ETSY purse, matching toga and shoes.
She does it because she thinks its super cute to have a reputation of being extra and going overboard.
She does it with meals, holidays, decor, and then Asa just fawns and praises her "enthusiasm". She laps it up, and it gives the humpers something to comment about- AKA more engagement.

She is a parody of a fan. Its something that lets her spend money, escape the house, and give her an identity.
Just like she suddenly became "the hostess". The holiday queen.
Shes a poser, plan and simple.
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Let’s film Abbie’s doctor visit for the whole world but yet Ms fat face refuses to discuss her health issues. She is so vile.
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I am always grossed out when Abbie feeds the fish. As usual, her hand went to her mouth after she threw the pellets into the wind. DO those fish even get fed? They never have Abbie wash her hands as soon as she has put the bag away. I had to laugh when Dickdo proudly said that the Lisping Oink made the "Disheveled Josephs" from scratch , yet mentioned Manwich 😂 😂 😂 I guess it becomes a gourmet recipe when shredded "cheeze" from a bag is melted ontop. Even though the Lisping Oink's car likely didn't have a ton of mileage, road wise, it went through Hell with Abbie's thrashing and the two tons of fun up front in the drivers and passenger seats. I don't think that any non-commercial vehicle is prepared for that sort of assault on an automobile😂😂😂
Someone commented in one of the vlogs if she had ever attempted to eat the fish food...and Assa replied "Why would she?"

Well duhh????
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Update on the lawsuit, if anyone cares, a few days ago, the plaintiff’s attorney requested information from other parties (third parties) involved. One of those parties is Kylie’s cellphone company. Kylie and Asa’s attorney just made a motion to object that information from being given, all of it, from incoming, outgoing and text messages…
Let me say, people that have done no wrong, have nothing to hide.. It doesn’t look good that they are trying to hide her cellphone records..
This is gettting juicey. They want to prove that she was driving while distracted on her phone! Thank you for updating on this ♥ ♥
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Dangerous people are the ones that think they're ok and even publicly claim not to have any mental health issues. This woman has some serious mental health issues. Asshat is all up in there filming her inability to regulate her emotions thinking she is just some highly sensitive empath. The amount that we have seen Piggy break down as of lately (he is filming it) says a lot. I truly believe Piggy has no problem letting him film this stuff because she also thinks it makes her look so sensitive and loving. She is so stunted in so many ways. She is really NOT ok. She is still an obese beaver bitch, but I have some sympathy for her. ABbie, I'm sorry you ended dup with these two.

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No sympathy at all for Pig here.
I was up much later than usual last night. Went back and started reading thread #9 of FA. March 2020. Pig was already high and mighty over her short lived weight loss at that time. She had a bunch of blow back for selling $48 hand scamitizer…as it became named here…😂 Basically taking part in exploiting a virus in the very early days where we were all scrambling trying to figure out wtf was happening. She was her typical beaver bitch self. She was responding to comments regarding the price with her “Everyone has different priorities” clap back. Knowing full good and well that bitch did not and still doesn’t have any priorities outside of eating and drinking, and was galavanting across the country during that time without a care in the world. She has just gotten worse since then. Fuck her. 🐽
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Naked on the toilet! There should have been a trigger warning. There is something seriously wrong with him. I have a daughter the same exact age and this is just 7th hell level messed up.
I couldnt believe it when I saw that. Now that its out there he cant take it back. And when hes looking for employment and they look him up and see that no way in hell he's getting that job. You just dont put shit like that on the internet....
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Naked on the toilet! There should have been a trigger warning. There is something seriously wrong with him. I have a daughter the same exact age and this is just 7th hell level messed up.
I reported his dumb ass for nudity!


Someone commented in one of the vlogs if she had ever attempted to eat the fish food...and Assa replied "Why would she?"

Well duhh????
Because he claims she has PICA and everything goes in her mouth. His words!
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Wooooweeee. A gold mine of a FB Live. 😂 Plenty to work with, but I feel like this pretty much sums up everything Percillerpotamus. A Beauty Guide…lost in a hotel bathroom. Geeezus Almighty.😂
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I'm confused as to why they don't stay for her therapy session? Every single one of our private sessions has only been an hour long. Certainly not long enough to do any kind of shopping or anything. PLus, it was usually required so I could see what they were doing. I just don't get it. If they had been there, maybe Abbie wouldn't be running amok now.
Ours too. They are an hour but really, they are only 45 minutes because 15 minutes of the appointment is for updating the parents and paperwork. I sit in the waiting room and update paperwork and it is usually when I have time to jump on here or watch a video with headphones on.
That is one of the biggest reasons that I don't see OT working out very long. The therapist need A&P there, to go over updates, goals and things that they want to see the parents work on at home.. Of course, we won't see A&P actually ever working on those things though, so at least they aren't wasting the therapist time, in talking...
I remember many years ago, our kids would run amok and be wild, upon entering the therapist office. We worked on that though. We used quiet feet, quiet voices, learning to check in and sit down, bringing sensory toys to play with, etc. Never then, did I let them go in without me and without being in my hands (so they didn't run back into offices). I had multiple children too.. Once we taught them the expectations, less hand holding needed to be done, they were less wild and now, I can actually allow them to walk ahead of me, and go in and sit down and wait.. The therapist sometimes don't even know they have arrived.
Gosh, I just don't see why parents think their child can get away with everything, just because they have a disability. It irks me... Im sorry but I have literally put everything into my kids on discipline and teaching them to have proper etiquette. Yet, they just think they can get away with everything...
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Furbaby pic time!! I LOVE seeing everyone's babies this morning! You see their rumps daily in my profile pic lol. Here they are in all their lovely glory. Two shelter rescues that we couldn't love more. Juno is the old and wise puppy at 12 (top pic). She is the alpha female and loves to steal toys from Maya. Maya is the nut case on the! She's 3. She lets you know how unfair Juno is being on a daily basis.


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I am (for some unknown reason) shadow banned on the FA YouTube channel. I am also shadow banned from Isaiah’s channel, although I have never commented on his channel. Are these channel somehow connected, particularly in ad revenue. 🤔
My comments show up on the travel channel and also Cilla’s channel.
A few months ago when Asa did that "premiere" and live chat with the moderator, I used one of my sock accounts.
I asked a question about Abbies supposed progress, and why they waited this long to teach her simple things like "hello" or pouring cereal.
I asked in a very humper-like manner though, very polite. Asa even responded politely. It was the standard BS about age being unimportant and delays, but he was polite.
I only commented with that acct. that one time. I tried to use that same account to comment on the recent vlog about the OT, and discovered I was shadow banned.
So even though I had been polite, and he responded, he remembered that I dared question him and banned me after the chat!
Hes the comment nazi. No comment for you! 😂 😂
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Why yes I am dropping a heart react on every single pet photo posted in this thread...

Here are my two babies, Stella and Mouse, in their favorite spots to lounge when not on my bed: in my shoes, and on a plastic bag. Cats.

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I would say Priscila is the most food motivated than anyone else in that family. She made sure she was in charge of the concession stand at the high school as we saw her do the weekly/bi-weekly Costco runs. I think seeing two large grocery carts full of food is porn for her. She's on a first name basis with the butchers now and I am sure besides making daily trips to pick up miscellaneous items at the store, she probably does weekly Instacart orders. The flow of food coming into the house is what gets her out of bed in the morning. She plans these "dates" with Asa because she knows there is a 5lb Prime Rib with her name on it somewhere in JAX.
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