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What Asshat continues to miss is that he puts his content, life, and foolishness out for the world to view. If he can't deal with people having opinions, put your content on private, and don't have your daughter perform to make your shitty family money. Simple, Bitch boy! He has said it before, they are a brand. Many people that try a brand and don't like it post reviews. That's how it goes, the good with the bad. Someone posted Asa's Google reviews and he wasn't so nice about BRANDS that he looked at or tried, but that didn't stop him from posting something negative. He just can't help himself.
Little dick Man Syndrome. 💯%!!!
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Do you suppose she's going to replace her hobby lobby/home goods "decor" with real antique pieces?
I hope she does and buys antique glass and knickknacks that break!!
Then I hope Abbie goes full rage and destroys it all.
Or she can just get into it when they are ignoring her and break it one-piece at a time.
It won't matter to me.
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What an Ass. I don’t know why Assa hates folks with a college degree so much. Maybe because he didn’t go to college so he has to flex his “self taught” skills. If you were doing so much for Abbie why was there no follow through or listening to all these therapists back then. He’s been working on the same tasks since the old house. Give it up. She will never know her colors. Who cares. Although she has profound IDD she is teachable. She especially she needs more things taught on her IPAD for communication. All their homeschool entails is Abbie being Priscilla and A’s cleaning slave. 🤬🤬

Coming from both having years of personal experience with my son and his therapists as well as getting a degree in early childhood education, I can absolutely say that my degree helped a SHIT TON with my son. I learned how to condense 3 fucking lessons into one and even combine all that shit together with some OT. As a *bonus*, I also took quite a few psychology classes and learned different toilet training methods as well as how to do exposure therapy in a gentler way for my kiddo. I also was the one who got him his first AAC device and taught him how to use it. Asa, there are huge advantages to obtaining a 4yr degree in Early Childhood/Special Ed that you are missing. It's evident in your videos. One thing that you seem to have missing in your daily schedule is fucking ART. ART is fucking wonderful. Plus, it is a wonderful teaching tool. Especially on those you know, high sensory days. Colors, textures, shapes, fine motor work, the different smells, and literally everything else involved in art can be used as a whole learning experience. Building and painting a little bird house was so much fun for me and my kiddo together. If you had actually gone to school for this stuff Asa, you'd know how important art is for every kid and how much of an invaluable teaching tool it can be. You'd also know how important play actually is. No matter what "Type" of play it is. When my son is playing with his toys, he is engaging in his own way. He is learning how things work. Who cares if he is playing with baby toys? Baby toys teach things like numbers, colors, and are entertaining. You'd also realize how important it is for child development to allow kids to get messy. Giving them time to do something like roll in the grass, play in dirt, jump in puddles, etc. Do you incorporate any of this into your day? Or is it just chores?
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How did Cilldebeast's wrist gain so much weight? That is painful to look at.
Her body is putting fat wherever it can go, She's on a fast track to a heart attack.

Cilla has a loooong way to go to catch up with her "leader"


"Attha do I look as good ath she doeth?"

cilla wedding (2).jpg

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LOL... every chance he gets he has to anyway "our friends"... "we had friends over".... "they are our friends"...etc etc etc. Imagine him filming their feet Did he pay these people to play his "friends"????
He also used the opportunity to mention how successful his first business was.. so successful.....yea...

"Abbie is progressing"...."knocking things out"... "going down the list". "so independent"........ Chick Filet....So proud... ugh fish bubbles

end of VLOG....
I always thought that when you brag or harp on something, ie, our friends, we have so many friends, we hung out with our friends, we are so tired because we were out with our friends, they’ve been our friends for so long, friends we call aunt and uncle, blah blah blah…omg, it more than likely isn’t the truth. Stop it already! Big P also likes to brag that their house is over a hundred years old. SO? It’s not historic. The city didn’t award you a plaque, did they? The town I live in has many historic homes that are recognized, not by the homeowner, you idiot, but by the county. Also annoying is that she complains that she’s so tired because they are so busy having contractors in their home, staying up late with friends watching football, working (haha), decorating, closing SW…they like to brag about it all like they are the only ones who have a lot going on. We ALL do…they are no different. It’s called life!
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Show of hands: Who is beyond weary of Manipulative MaAssive Sow pulling her tears and pouty lips to con her family? Junior should be studying before winter break, not buying a tree that he’ll leave up until June and decorating it while FaceTiming with the parental units decorate their tree. What a spoiled Pigcilla!

View attachment 1793611
Her emotional attachment to him is so incredibly unhealthy. Does she realise that? I guess not, you need a minimum of intelligence for introspection .
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Moobie the Introvert vs Pig the Extrovert
Looks like Pig was doing a fine job at making new friends. 🤣
That lady has the look of…If I hear one more drunken Wooooheeeew emerge from that bitch, I am going to lose my shit!
View attachment 1796746
View attachment 1796749

I see a man that doesn't like anyone but himself because everyone else in the world is stupid and not worth his time. And a woman so desperate for friends she'll chat up everyone. They're both sad, pathetic people.
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pantry goblin
That is perfect!

This popped up on my Instagram right under Cilla's Crap and Stuff. I thought it was Abbie! It's not but damn talk about almost giving me a heart attack o_O I


So if Lauren is now in a size 22 What the hell size is Cillabehomoth now? 58?

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What the ....

VIP Member
I feel very snarky this evening!
These photos remind me of SlimShadeTree.
Oh how I miss the itchy scratchy show!


I see the spam is still thriving. Ugh

This vlog was a cringe fest. Seriously.
Why didn’t bitch just say SHE wanted to hear the hogs fire up.
Probably was the first time her Gunts got some good vibrations in years!
I mean look at her…she’s giddy. Gross…

And really, if those dudes watched the vlog, they would already know Shithead had a Motorcycle Repair Shop.
Asshat is just lying out of his puckered ass again.

Popcorn time!
Big P looked like she slathered popcorn oil all over her fat ass!

Long line, long wait.
So fuck the rest of the line, the Maassholes got vlogging to do.
Let’s make her pay, grab the popcorn, grab the money back…cause it was free dumbasses…then sign thank you.
Everything is such a show.

WTF was wrong with Candy Von Hog?

She looked annoyed as hell ha, ha!

That’s too funny who ever said she looks like the Michelin Man. Totally accurate.

Why does she wear her hair like that all the time? All it does is make her fat ass head look even fatter.

Picture time!
Take a picture with a creepy green grown ass man.
Because that’s what typical teens do. FFS!

Vlog ends with bragging about the Christmas décor in the “formal” sitting room.

I do have to say the wood in the sign looks cool but everything else is cold and uninviting. What’s up with the dead animals hanging from the mantle? Those supposed to be stockings? Awful!
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She really put all that makeup on a young child, wow. And of course using her for more views and sales. These people are awful.
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