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Chatty Member
Notice when Ass said about vlogging their date at that restaurant pig straight away said NOPE! She wanted to pack her jowls in peace. We still got to see their huge amounts of food, pig has a big serving of pasta, no doubt they had dessert as well.

I get the feeling that they are both DONE with vlogging, but their lifestyle depends on the income. Too bad.
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LOL... every chance he gets he has to anyway "our friends"... "we had friends over".... "they are our friends"...etc etc etc. Imagine him filming their feet Did he pay these people to play his "friends"????
He also used the opportunity to mention how successful his first business was.. so successful.....yea...

"Abbie is progressing"...."knocking things out"... "going down the list". "so independent"........ Chick Filet....So proud... ugh fish bubbles

end of VLOG....
I bet one day Asscrack is going to say Abbie woke up, made her bed, her own breakfast and decided to do all the cleaning and washing before Pigrillalazyfatlardpus and Asscrackmageepus could wake up from their hangovers. And it happened without the camera rolling, and she talked to their imaginary friends too, as well as made them coffee and snacks. Lol
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He’s such an asshole. What happened to “be a kind a human” I guess that’s only a t shirt cause they sure don’t preach that.
What Asshat continues to miss is that he puts his content, life, and foolishness out for the world to view. If he can't deal with people having opinions, put your content on private, and don't have your daughter perform to make your shitty family money. Simple, Bitch boy! He has said it before, they are a brand. Many people that try a brand and don't like it post reviews. That's how it goes, the good with the bad. Someone posted Asa's Google reviews and he wasn't so nice about BRANDS that he looked at or tried, but that didn't stop him from posting something negative. He just can't help himself.
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Catching up, my husband's blood pressure has been dangerously high. In the ER Thursday and scrambling to find a doctor on Friday. It's down but still too high. He had a triple bypass 8 years ago, numerous stents, a pacemaker and an aortic aneurysm they have been keeping a close eye on for years now. Moving to a new state and not having your cardiology team "down the road" left us discombobulated but his cardiologist in NC talked us thru and helped locate someone in Austin. The belief is the stress of moving caused his blood pressure to rise and they've added additional BP medication as well as anti anxiety medication. When we landed in the ER his BP was 206/136. Phew! It's down to 163/98 now. Still a ways to go for someone who's generally 120/80 - normal with his meds.
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Why does it always have to be about Pig? Isaiah put up a tree on Facetime with his parents because Pig was sad. Booohooo! Millions of people are decorating their homes to celebrate Christmas. We want to feel some Christmas cheer. Not Isaiah though…OH NO! Isaiah needs fo do it to make Mama Sow feel better. Nevermind the fact that he will be home next week to participate in the matching PJ extravaganza.
News Flash 🐽, Isaiah is not responsible for your happiness. He should be able to do things simply because he wants to, not because your emotions depend on it. You dumb sot.
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The fact the entire house is in chaos...every room a mess, piles and piles of crap-decore so Priscilla can have her home resemble her " vision" of a mall at Christmas is rediculous.
If she only spent 1/2 that time being an actual MOTHER.

That sow has no sense of priorities other than her own. Of course Abbie has a melt down, you were both antagonizing her! She has zero clue what Christmas is, or why the house is in chaos....She could care less about decorating a tree! So why force her?? For some resemblance of a Rockwell Christmas moment for Pigcilla to pretend she has the perfect home, kids, marriage etc...???

Maybe if you guys put your phone's down and actually acted like parents you'd see why Abbies upset? Pigcilla does absolutely nothing with or for Abbie all day.... She's obsessed with her phone and her pyramid scheme...and Asa is no better playing video games online till 3-4 am every night.

Grow up the both of you.

We know Pigcilla will be un-decorating her department store tree in order to put up the new glittery ribbon she forgot about....She will make time for that because it's priority not her daughter. Abbie is a prop for Asa's channel.... Nothing more.
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Please get them to take pics and or video!!
They can join us here or send what they get to you! 😆
My brother says there are always strange sounds coming from their house. He also said he saw some girl the size of a teenager puking outside and a large woman was standing by her with a dust pan. I am guessing that was Abbie doing the puking.

They said they will pay more attention to them and give me all of the fun information to share here!

Please, more details!!!! What was CIlldebeast wearing, was she tarted up and does she look even bigger in person?
She was wearing an ugly tie-dye dress and looked horrible. I would say she is about the same size as she is on the videos. What was sad to me was that Abbie looked bigger than she does on the videos in person. Quite a bit more belly fat.
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These two could do a woke, female version of a Laurel and Hardy movie 🐽 🦗😂😂

Of all the people you could classify as "woke," I would say Priscilla is 100% not it :LOL:

Pretty sad when you have to reveal to the world you're both losers. Yeah, we know neither of you were the popular kids and getting an invite to an event that is $125 per head is not because you're a Instagram influencer. It's because they want your fcking money. Your IQ is dropping faster than your balls, Asa.
This is now the second time in a couple months that Priscila has gotten an "invite" to a public even that requires guests to pay (that restaurant soft opening is the other one). I have a feeling it has nothing to do with her being an "influencer"...she's simply gotten herself (probably without even knowing it) onto some kind of "Jacksonville nightlife" mass marketing mailing list that advertises local events. My dead mom still gets similar invitations because she bought tickets to some kind of restaurant open house tasting event one time. Next time I visit her grave I'll have to tell her what a great job she's doing influencing.
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I don't know. Abbie didn't look that thrilled to hear the motorcycles start up. She looked like it scared her a little and she jumped back into the cart. Aren't loud noises hard for her? Motorcycles can be very loud especially Harleys.
It appeared to scare the shit out of her.
The look on her face. The way jumped back in the cart, threw her bag and took her shoes off as if to say get me the fuk outta here.
That entire segment was for the female Hambeast.
She loved all her Harley daddy's back in the shop days and still tries to make herself revelant to anyone with a Harley today.
No doubt those guys laughed at her and probably thought she was a POS for asking them to scare Abbie like that.
Harley daddies don't give bitches like her a 2nd thought or 2nd look.
Sorry Percillerpotamus. Your attempt to be revelant to the Harley daddies completely failed.
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Chatty Member
Show of hands: Who is beyond weary of Manipulative MaAssive Sow pulling her tears and pouty lips to con her family? Junior should be studying before winter break, not buying a tree that he’ll leave up until June and decorating it while FaceTiming with the parental units decorate their tree. What a spoiled Pigcilla!

View attachment 1793611
If I hear one more word about her fucking mama's heart :poop: :poop: :poop: I will ask Meow's excitable snowman to go pay pig a personal visit :ROFLMAO:
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Notice how that fat bitch is always giving Ass directions on putting up this decoration and that decoration?! Why doesn't the fat heifer do it herself, or at least HELP instead of standing there with her 3 chins and 4 gunts and that stupid fucking lisp. I'd like to knock that fucking lisp right off of her fat chops. Thupid bitch.
My sentiments exactly! This INFURIATES me! Perhaps she should be aware that this outright refusal to move her body, or engage in any of type of aerobic and/or weight-bearing activity is in large part responsible for her morbid obesity! I am 15 years her senior, and I STILL put up all of the exterior lights (ALA Clark W Griswold 😜) which includes climbing a seven foot ladder to get said light bins down from the wood shelves in our garage. When the outside is finished, I then proceed to take all 30 of our indoor decoration bins down from the attic, and I get back on that seven foot ladder to decorate the 9ft tree (one of 5 full size trees in our home) as well as decorating the plant shelf over our front door. And yes, my husband and kids would help if I let them, but I prefer to do it myself, for as long as I am able! I love to move my body … it’s as good for my mental health & wellbeing as it is for my physical health. She has done this to herself…and doesn’t seem to care one bit. I cannot make sense of it.
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Vegan for the Animals

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Big P likes the idea of having a plaque outside her house because she thinks it’ll impress people. The pair of them are all for show when it comes to having material items and they also blow their own trumpets regularly making out that they are donating to good causes or feeding homeless people, etc… Having a lot of money doesn’t mean a person has class and these two nobheads certainly don’t.
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I'm so sick of their "so lucky to do life with you" posts.
Although, I guess they should be happy to have each other, no one else would want them.
And cute? Please.
They are clueless, tasteless, poorly dressed, poorly groomed, always greasy and shiny.
I bet they smell like hot dog water. 😂😂
Just actitivated my account the hot dog water comment slayed me as a born and bread New Yorker
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Dear Ass,
THIS IS NOT SCHOOL. Just admit that Abbie no longer participates in school. She follows a few commands for you to put away dishes or whatever.
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Cardinal Rule

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Show of hands: Who is beyond weary of Manipulative MaAssive Sow pulling her tears and pouty lips to con her family? Junior should be studying before winter break, not buying a tree that he’ll leave up until June and decorating it while FaceTiming with the parental units decorate their tree. What a spoiled Pigcilla!

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New video
I can't believe how cold Cilldebeast is. She cares more about that ugly tree in her Duuuuuvvaaaaaallll livingroom than she does her own daughter. Dickdo seemed genuinely shaken/emotional talking about Abbie's melt down and Cilldebeast was so uninterested in it. I bet that he was the only one to tend to Abbie and that vile twat stayed in the livingroom decorating that tacky tree. I hope that between Nahla and Abbie, every ornament gets destroyed.
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