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How can he say that? How can he compare her to any other 17 year old. How about 17 year old Isaiah? 17 year old Summer? Yes, teens like to lounge around sometimes, but it is insanity to say she's just as active as any other 17 year old.

Yep! Here is my 17 year old (she was that old when I took this picture), just resting all the time on the couch.. This was right after finishing up a 12 week Softball session. She did take off this Spring, due to her medical stuff being really bad but that doesn’t mean she is sitting at home. We still get her to the gym to work out 2 times a day. Plus, she is in a school that makes sure the students stay active, by placing every other class on the 2nd floor and only wheelchair users are allowed on the elevators..
Come next fall, she will be back into softball and picking up snowboarding and hopefully volleyball in the Spring…
This is all parent lead but individual wanted. My daughter would never tell me she wanted to do an activity, due to Autism and anxiety. If she ever wanted to quit, she knows she can say she is done. But, it is up to parents to get them interested and keep them busy… Something that A&P fail to do and have always failed Abbie on..
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Cardinal Rule

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The whole vlog was some kind of clusterfuck!
No opportunity for her to decompress after school and the ride home. Mr. Bossy Pants has to issue all the commands: You can’t stay outside. Go inside and take care of your backpack and lunch bag. Pick a snack. No, not that snack. Get your bowl. Put the garabage away. Put the snacks back in the Pig’s pantry. Eat your snack outside. Help me fold dirty beach towels. Go inside because I’m going inside. (Right during the full body clenching stim.) You can’t go inside until you put the cushions back on the outdoor couch. You didn’t place the cushions decoratively. Carry the dirty towels inside. Help me wash the dirty towels. JUST STOP! What the fuck is wrong with you, Man?!

And the stacking wooden dowel table task must be stacked by color. No artistic license is allowed. It was such a shame to watch Sweet Girl happily stacking the wooden pieces on the dowel rods. Then AssAhole comes along demanding she do it his way. She literally dropped her head and folded in on herself. No freedom to play her way on the rare occasion they pulled a toy out to entertain “all the nice new viewers.” Such a shame.

I’m trying to catch up. Just wanted to share what my ID kid ordered from the online bulk store. I’m laughing so hard! Also, I had stuff I wanted to say but I forget. I’m just happy I’m home!!
Oh, @Kimmied - a ❤ for you and a 😳🤣 for your kid and that huge ranch dressing. Welcome home!
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So, it took two of them to keep her contained in Publix, yet she still almost got a container of candy opened before Big P waddled over to intervene.
"Get your cereal" on repeat- nope nope nope.
Put a bag in the hatch. Nope, just hold it.
Plop down and take her shoes off in the boutique, and have Asa physically lift her up.
And they expect her new teacher to do this alone. What if she cant physically manhandle Abbie to her feet? Or chase her?
But hey, the Sow got to have her "Lifetime movie brunch" so it was a great day, right?
I just cant with these two. So great Asa wanted to cry 😂 😂
I bet Asa wanted to cry. Look at his life. The constant questioning Abbie what she wants to do or get is getting old. I believe they only do that when filming for content. Otherwise, I bet they don’t engage that much with her. No offense to Abbie but her gut is getting really large thanks to her parents and the diet they feed her. Let her gain 100lbs and see if Asa can pick her up from the ground then. Had to laugh though when picking out a cake and he pans the camera over to P’s big belly and makes the statement that her and her mom likes chocolate. I swear he does that on purpose to P.
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What an asshole. He can't even smile and say good morning to his wife? His true colors are showing and it doesn't look like the #couplegoals that she claims it to be. And this sub said it all.

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I don't think he realized he was on camera and it most definitely was his real tone with Abbie.
He had a whole different look about him.. he looks cold as ice. Why did Abbie HAVE to eat a bagel..after she already had cereal? No need to push even more carbs on her.

P was bubbly and friendly but she knew she was on camera. I have seen P have this look as well on the VLOGl. Especially around Abbie.. hers were more quick micro expressions because she knew she was on camera...but yea..we get a sense of what its really like there. Wonder how much of that the brother saw?
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I am going to record Abbies honking and make it my sound for notifications and maybe my ring tone. Ehhhhh Ehhhhh Ehhhhh.
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Texas has NC beat. There is no required testing for homeschoolers. Because "freedom".
FL is lax too.

The Maasses have two workable options under the law.

1. They can do "traditional" homeschooling, where they're required to maintain a portfolio of work showing progress through the year and where a licensed teacher of the parents' choosing can do an individual evaluation of the student to sign off that they are making progress. There are no minimum required attendance hours.
This is similar to how it works in my state. You simply need to keep samples of your child's work, and there are numerous people with teaching licenses - easily accessible through any of a number of homeschool groups - who will certify the work at the end of the year no problem. The lax rules are why I elected to have my older child attend an online charter school for gifted kids; my child has a schedule and a curriculum with teachers overseeing their work daily. And don't think there's any actual risk in most states (including FL) for signing off on homeschooled kids each year. The state doesn't give a fuck as long as the paperwork is in order. It's well known and openly discussed which teachers are available to sign off on any "curriculum," no matter how bullshit it is or how little learning is actually happening, in states with these portfolio rules.

2. Private tutoring. I think this may be where they're leaning because Asa & Priscilla themselves won't be doing the teaching. A licensed teacher is required. Abbie is what's known as an "exceptional student" due to her disabilities, and exceptional students have a variety of educational tracks - if they're not able to complete regular or modified curriculum, they can also attend for some type of vocational preparation in accordance with their abilities. This is the type of "evaluation" Abbie would have each year in either case. She wouldn't be expected to take a math test or a read a paragraph. The private tutor could work with her on anything from toileting to making simple purchases at a store to actual job training if she were capable of such. If the private tutor signs off that she's making progress each year in some sort of vocational training, that's all that's necessary.
You can read the law for that here: and it has links to other statutes that defines exceptional students and special needs alternative measures.
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Argh! Pigfuckles posing with that shotgun like it is fashionable and just so dainty and cute. She is an absolute jackass. The fact that she is more about appearances and most likely too ignorant and stunted to learn the actual mechanics of a firearm, as well as comprehend gun safety makes her one of the most dangerous types of individuals to be around while sport shooting. I wouldn’t allow her blubbering ass within 10 miles of me while she is holding that shotgun. Really, anytime, but y’all catch my drift. She-Hog cannot even put the phone down while she is bounced around in the golf cart. It is pathetic.

I mean, surely there are other avenues they can wring some content out of? How about…
Pig goes to her pre-skin cancer removal doctor?
I would watch that. 😂

In the words of one of my most favorite Tattlers…
She ain’t bout dat shotgun lyfe. 😹
Factual statement.😉


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I mean, as far as behaviors go though, laying on the ground is rather tame. Personally. I don't see much harm in letting her sit down on the ground as long as it isn't crowded. It's not easy stopping a grown teenager/young adult from doing something like this. There are times where doing so just leads to more severe behaviors, so you really do have to choose your battles at times. The sound of water may have been just really calming and peaceful for her. Maybe they can recreate those sounds at home via like Alexa or Siri, or a white noise machine?

As far as getting up when it is time to leave, well, hmmm, maybe they need to give her a timer-there is one built into the AAC software she uses. They could also make out a visual schedule of what is appropriate and what is not.
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I'm going to make these and send them to Cillapotamus. Benadryl earrings. They'd come in handy with all of her itching and scratching she does. She can just pull one off, snap it open and voila.

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I am so happy our kiddos are doing great!! He is certainly thriving, and I am too! I've learned that sometimes specialty schools just are not all that great for some kids, and with a good program at a public school-a kid can just soar past all expectations. I LOVE our school district, the teachers he has had both in home and in the classroom have been phenominal. His teacher this year has taken this kiddo so far. A&P have no idea how hard this is going to be on their fragile mental health, their stress level will be through the roof, teachers will quit or call off at a moments notice, etc. They are under the impression that they will have this nice and neat routine for next year and I'm here to say that No you won't. Is it August yet? I can't wait for this shit to go down. They don't have it in them to do this and I need to start hoarding all the white cheddar popcorn I can because this shit is gonna be good!
And why does he continually say Abbie will be out in the community for most of the day? What does he expect this "teacher" to do just drive her around all day? It's ridiculous but hey, I can't wait! 🍿🍸🍿🍸
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After watching Lauren’s vlog I noticed something. When she was leaving and Abby didn’t want to hug her, she was fine with it and said she doesn’t want to she doesn’t have to. We all praised her. Yet when she got home it almost seemed like she was forcing Ella to come give her a kiss. She asked for one and Ella said she was hungry. Then she asked again.
Lauren is just as fake as the Masse family . Her vlog was lame , she needs to take some acting lessons . She set up the camera , acted as if she just woke up . Come on Tattlers ! She exploits her daughter who is on a autistic spectrum for content , money and attention . She know exploits her toddler son . She's a whiner , who complains about everything . Lauren and her husband are creepy sloths who don't have a job have found the easy way to make a living by exploiting their children . Her vlogs are pity partys for a very immature narrcistic woman . No wonder she is friends with the Masse family they are all so much alike . They all seek adoration , they all have a need for attention . What a sad sick life they live . F.U. Masse Squad Parents !
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Chatty Member
Imagine having such a large platform and criticizing a free service run by volunteers for Autistic kids that is attempting to broaden its availability because you don’t like the fact it’s not an all day event. I don’t know anything about SFA but read how they are trying to extend it by creating local branches. She sounds so selfish.
She. IS. So. Selfish.
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Chatty Member
Abbie's IDD was really obvious in this vlog, especially when she was laughing manically around the pool. That's profound IDD, not autism.

Looks like P was mad at being caught coming out of the shitter. Look at that slack-jawed, mouth-breathing resting bitch face. I bet she didn't wash her hands either.

Screenshot (42).png
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As a newlywed every time we left his mother's house from visiting..his mother would say to me "we love you" I thought why did she say that, it didn't even sound like she meant it ...she didn't . lol that *itch. I learned to keep my distance from her. Abs knows the difference between her mother and others that mean real affection.
I hate the empty "we/I love you" ...when you question what they mean by that because their actions dont show it.

I think P thinks loving Abbie is physically kissing her hovering over her...trying to hug her and get her to hug her..smothering her... she could "love" Abbie by respecting her space, not forcing herself on her, treating her like a human being instead of a possession, helping her be more functional in the world... ie ..potty training, discipline, ADL's...etc
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Early in my watching days, Isaiah found old elementary papers. In them he read that it’s hard being Abbie’s brother because he couldn’t stay at Disney and ride rides. They had to leave if Abbie acted up. I was very sad for him and that sentence he read makes it very hard for me to see any one in him but a neglected little kid. We went to Cedar Point when my kids were little. Our boat docks in the area so we used to go often. We almost always ended the day at closing and ride the Iron Dragon in the dark. We missed it one year, one time because the older kids were doing something else. My middle son and my youngest son both remember that one time they didn’t ride it right before leaving. It only happened one time, about 10 years ago, but I feel guilty about it. I really had no idea that little ritual was so important. I just think Isaiah gets shitty parents, taken advantage of, and left to pick up pieces of his parents failures with Abbie way too often and way too young. I have never had older kids take over for the younger ones. Unless it’s just play or a keep an eye on the younger ones so I can cook or something.
There is a brother/sister duo on TikTok. The brother has autism, though higher functioning. The younger sister (both are now in their mid-upper 20s) shares some really fun content with him doing dances along with autism awareness. He is charming as can be. She shared on her YouTube page how she struggled through the years being "Ryan's sister". She never had to do any of the personal care that Isaiah had to do - but it still can be a lonely existence, even in the best circumstances. I appreciate her honesty and really love watching them together. I too have empathy for Isaiah in many ways. His shitty parents have placed way too much on him for way too long.
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What in the FUCK???? No wrist and what the hell is going on on the top of her hands???? Good God, Man.

Grandma in her slippers.



GIF MAKERS! Please! First 5 seconds of her live earlier today. Please GIF when she says "the sale" (the THALE!)
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They're already stressed, and we have definitely seen a bit more defiance from Abbie. No respite, literally 24/7 care of Abbie, and more of her "Abbitude" already.....oh man. I'm enjoying this way more than I should. The only one I feel for is Abbie.
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Holy. Look at the size of that leg. How can she walk on that? And he's purposely keeping those legs in frame. Why?

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Haven't watched because I will get mad, but I guess we are back to showing table toys on vlogs again.

Also sorry for sounding horrible, and rude in my last few comments. I don't mean to be, just been really fed up with these useless parents, their voices, and their whole vlogs.
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