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Assa would have us believe that her interests have just changed. But I believe she jumped in the pool over the winter and it's made her anti-pool ever since for the most part.
ASSa controls the narrative and he knows the humpers are dumb as rocks. But when comments come flying in to question his narrative and in particular the pool incident, his verbal diarrhea kicks in to give his authoritarian response. Yeah, ASSa is a little dictator in the Moldy Manor and anyone who questions his authority gets gaslighted. We catch little jabs he makes to P, Isaiah and Abbie in the Vlogs but I would guess they’re delivered all day everyday. They’re all conditioned to take his shit. He’s a sick fuck.
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Everyone is here for different reasons... but I would hope no one really thinks this is a place for advocation or avsocial movement.

As for fat shaming... sure maybe... some more than others. But no one is forced to participate or read. If you don't like a topic, or poster. Ignore. Don't read. Scroll on by. Or block the person entirely. There is plenty I don't agree with so I just don't engage unless I have something to add.

As for Ass killing the fish on purposeling tt. I honestly don't think so. Not because he wouldn't but I don't think P really cares that much about anything other than herself. Plus it just gives her something to keep bringing up in order to manipulate to get her way. That is probably why Ass waa upset... he knew killing the fish will now be thrown in his face for years. Wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't receive a gift or big purchase soon to make up for it. She will be using dead fish as leverage.

Neither of those people give a genuine shit about anything outside of themselves. Not about their animals, children, "friends"... not even eachother.
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Omg she's discussing what time her inlaws have sex. Jfc.

And discussing her and Asshat showering together. Wtaf.

And now Asshat is telling sex stories.


Cindy her star humper wants to know where Abbie is. And when is her birthday.




Her personal goal is 50K and her team goal is 80K this month.
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I have this suspicion that content is the main reason she is being taken out of school. In no vlog have they expressed any displeasure or problems with the school. One day they are excited about this school year and she's doing great, the next day they are pulling her from school. No in-between.
I have a suspicion that at some point after the school year at JSA is over, we're going to get either a sob story vlog or a series of passive-aggressive IG posts & comments from them about JSA. JSA failed Abbie, they made all sorts of promises they couldn't deliver, everything changed once they moved to the new building, they were warehousing her, etc etc etc - it'll be like when they pulled her out of public school* and talked shit about the district for years. It's a great setup for sympathetic drama, as well as a way to deflect from their own failings.

*Public schools really aren't set up for kids like Abbie so I'm fairly apathetic about them moving her to an autism-specific school. I get it. The district may well have been warehousing her, but knowing what we know now about the Maasses it's equally as likely that they expected way more than any school could have done for Abbie.
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In a perfect world, we'd see them using her AAC with her to help her learn. Do they expect the "teacher" to do this? I wonder if any of her therapists (Brandy, whoever else she has) use the device with her and incorporate it in during their sessions? Ours always did, and it wasn't just for things he requested. It was for yes/no questions, number/color identification, asking for a break, what the weather was, what day it was, his personal info like name/address/phone number, about various family members, etc.
The last time they showed anyone engaging with her in a conversation with her device was well before covid. And it was Brandy.

Ab seem to really enjoy it. She was in tuned, happy, calm, and more alive. She wasn't being "taught," trained, or being ordered around. Brandy was just asking her questions and allowing her to answer. She would then interact with Abbie's answer and also respond with the device also. It wasn't about being right or wrong for Abigail or about getting a reward. It was purely one on one connection.

Ab doesn't use her device because her parents can't be bothered her. She presses buttons (and pokes them, pulls them, etc) purely for attention. Any attention. Sure it revolves around food because her parents whole focus is consuming. She knows food will get her interaction. Food is the only thing that brings a twinkle to her mother's eye for sure.

Sad is no one will ever know where Ab would be if her parents even put a small bit of effort towards her. They are the type that think educating and teaching their child is 0% their responsibility, ever. That is other people's problem. Why it is always someone else's failings not theirs... and why covid homeschooling was abandoned.
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I used to rollerblade for HOURS every single day as a teenager...with my CD Walkman! :D
:LOL:😂😂SAME!!! Only I was in my mid-20s, but still, it was so much fun! I miss those days, to be honest! :cool: I don't miss lugging around that Texas-sized Walkman with one CD in it 😂 but still, good times!! After getting off work at 11 pm, my co-worker/friend and I would rollerblade around the high school parking lot, and once in a while, our other friend would drive his jeep slowly thru the lot with us hanging on to the back skitching.

This was frowned upon by the school but all three of us took our chances only at night, and in the hopes that no one drove by and spotted us! All in good fun, no laws (or bones) were broken!!:ROFLMAO:😂😂

I wish I had kept my rollerblades, although these days I would probably crash and break an arm if I attempted to even stand up in them, let alone actually rollerblade!! 😂😂😂


Now, back to the mASSive family...

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Who in the world looks a $900 inflatable dock that's meant to create additional space for water activities in lakes and thinks "I should use that as a float in my tiny suburban backyard pool"???
People who need a 1500lb weight limit.
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It looked difficult for him to walk down the 3 stairs out of P's kitchen. That really is a shame.

White trash people who recently got money,
Exactly! White trash with a little new cash. Plus, people who require drone usage to get an arial , full body shot of their significant other. 🙀
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I don't get it either. If none of his IB credits from high school transferred, then HOW? He would have had to double up on classes in order to do that. A lot of my classes in college had prerequisite courses you had to take first and they could not be taken simultaneously. Not to mention each of my education classes had their own practicums I had to complete, often at different schools.

As for tonight's vlog, well, it was another missed opportunity to use her AAC to identify colors and even work on counting while doing "table tasks".
I graduated college in 2.5 years and it was gruelling but I was an adult with limited income and a single mom. I took the maximum classes each semester. Once you're a full-time student you paid the same tuition for 4-classes as you did for up to 7-classes. Plus all summer courses... which consisted of 3 mini sessions that lasted 6 weeks each with a maximum of 2 courses. Life lesson tip: don't take a literature or economics class in these "mini" courses. I've spouted this information just to make the point that there is literally no way Golden Boy could graduate early.
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It was a mASSive Mother's Day and Moldy Manor!!

Poor Wayne...he is about to burst.

Mother's Day snout rub and pinky lift.

I thought this was an odd comment for a kid who grew up in that family.
We always peel our cucumbers here, the skins are so bitter.
Screenshot (931).png

I saved the best for last... 🤦‍♀️ :ROFLMAO:😂😂:m

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Ha, ha! Let’s see…
She has a
Picnic Hams
Bat wings
Spam skin
What am I missing @WowMeowMeowWow ?
I seriously never have ever been so curious yet replused by another human body before!
I'm sure that Harvard Medical School has never encountered this type of mutant.

I mean, as far as behaviors go though, laying on the ground is rather tame. Personally. I don't see much harm in letting her sit down on the ground as long as it isn't crowded. It's not easy stopping a grown teenager/young adult from doing something like this. There are times where doing so just leads to more severe behaviors, so you really do have to choose your battles at times. The sound of water may have been just really calming and peaceful for her. Maybe they can recreate those sounds at home via like Alexa or Siri, or a white noise machine?

As far as getting up when it is time to leave, well, hmmm, maybe they need to give her a timer-there is one built into the AAC software she uses. They could also make out a visual schedule of what is appropriate and what is not.
For me, the issue is hygeine and basic social norms. It is disgusting that Abbie is allowed to lay upon God only knows what filth is on the ground. They are also ignoring Abbie's basic dignity by allowing this behavior. They have made this young woman a side show that they want to lecture others on. The moment that Abbie indicates that she is going to lie on the floor, is the moment that they need to intercede and take her to the car. They care so little for Abbie's dignity that it makes me ill.
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Per usual these days, Im late to the party, but that live she did last night was a hoot.
Nothing I like better than seeing these morons make total asses of themselves, and boy did they ever. 😂 😂
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The only plans they have at the moment is to go on their trip in a month from now. They fly by the seat of their pants all the time with everything else in their lives and the only constant for Abbie was going to JSA or the daily trips to Dunkin. This video tonight showed me his lips are moving but he is saying absolutely nothing. They don't have a plan for Abbie. I think they're hoping they find someone who will babysit her during the day and take her "out into the community" for hours on end but I seriously doubt that 1) Assa will not want to micro manage the outings and 2) whoever they get to do this will quickly discover they're underpaid and overworked for this severely disabled IDD person. If they do finds someone by the time they return for the RV trip, I give it until October before we begin to hear about things not working because of certain "behaviors". That is when talk about how wonder boy is graduating in the Spring 2023 and will begin to take on more responsibility with Abbie's day-to-day care. I am sure they've promised him plenty of $$$ to entice him into babysitting Abbie all day and they've probably told him now that he's a college grad, he's perfectly qualified to be her "teacher". I think Isaiah is lazy and would jump at the chance to just hang out at home and get paid for it and he's use to watching Abbie anyway. Maybe I am wrong about all of this but I don't put anything past them to scam their own son. Afterall, look what they do to Abbie.
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have you ever wondered if Asa"s own father thinks that Asa is a tool and an embarrassment
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Why teach her "I want to wrestle " ??

How about I want to talk?? Or I want to swim?? Or I want to have summer here? There was a time they were getting Abbie to text or Skype with Summer...that lasted 5 minutes.

She needs to learn real words... Like apple, banana, peppers!!!! That she's not allowed to have. I highly doubt she understood about going to a hockey game next Friday ...seriously.

She obsesses over the same 6-7 words because that's all they've taught her in 17 years. What else is she going to say??? It's almost getting too late for Abbie she's so shut in..with her 6-7 words she's clearly miserable and frustrated that's why she acts so feral, so angry and aggressive ...

As I mentioned we have 2 teenage autistic boys in the family, both very different in needs both nonverbal.
But....the eldest uses his ipad..and puts 3-5 word sentences together...with more than food subjects! He asks to go for a swim, a bike ride, cuddle, watch his movies, take mitts the dog outside...etc..
The younger teen...doesn t use an ipad..he signs. He does have motor issues so it's modified but fluent...fluent enough to thank you.

it's 4-6 hours a day 5 days a week of school, private home communication therapy 4 days a week 90 minutes and schedule routine...commitment as the boys have gotten older the time is less of course.
these kids ARE teachable! And yes at times it's hard...but it gets easier for them.
It breaks my heart seeing Abbie only have so few words to say.

Obviously MOM was hunched over nose buried in her phone as always .
Isaiah doesn't seem thrilled to be home...
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So they kind of glossed over the changes to the McKay scholarship fund that recently happened. Asa stated that instead of the check going to the school, the check would go to their house and that they are officially homeschooling her starting in August. Good Luck Massives. And why the hell do they not just teach her the word "wrestle" on her AAC instead of the sign for it? Also, Abbie is almost a grown woman. No one should be wrestling with her-it's inappropriate. Teach her the word "tickle" since that is what you say she really wants-and it is more acceptable.
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What the ....

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Disclaimer: read with sarcasm! And I do not condone the killing of fish...I have two fish tanks myself and they are apart of my family. Dumb ass shocked the poor things and flushed out all the beneficial bacteria.:mad:


Holy Fat Face!


Well isn't that special!


Oh look, now it's the whole family! Awwwww 🤮


Oh hi Felbow!


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Best thing to emerge from a vlog in months. 😸 Only a matter of time before that gunt wins and that redwood is unable to push it up and out of the way. I cannot wait. Hope that cart has a trailer hitch. They gonna need it! 🛺🐽❌
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