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You’re right Narc men absolutely are bullies. Again though I didn’t see him as a narc, it’s interesting to hear your opinion on that.

Personally I just see him as a bit of a desperate wet lettuce 🥬 🥗. He strikes me as someone who was a school nerd a bit of a saddo and now is desperate to be cool and popular. He definitely gets dopamine hits off the attention and his FOD years have been one big dopamine ride. I believe he doesn’t want to lose that gratification and five minutes of fame so will use anything, be that his kids, his dog, his wife, his house or any bit of news, as a prop for likes on his grid. I don’t think he realises that he’s not funny or offensive because as long as complete strangers keep saying 😝😝😝 “you’re such a great dad” “your house is goals” “Glen is so pretty” “aww pablo”, it’s giving him the attention he’s desperately been seeking since he was 12. Maybe that is narcissistic but my experience of narcs is much more sinister than Fod (check out Jack Monroe) but maybe he’s just a very smooth narc 🤷‍♀️
You’re bang on with this... I agree with everting. I can just picture him shouting at Clemmie and the kids. Deep down he’s fuming that she’a fucked it... I can see him punishing her everyday, it’s spilling over with him losing it with the kids too.
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I think he’s removed the potty image. Remember when he filmed one of the twins on the ‘naughty step’ and you could see Glen directing it in a mirror.
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Omg yeah. Clearly the kids didn’t choose to “curate” that insta wall or buy that print (cue video from Sly saying the girls bought Glen the print) as it’s the same generic shite that’s all over the house...but in English.
How utterly self absorbed, surprised she didn’t get one saying “Glens brilliant”
just like the’C’ in the upstairs kitchen . She thought she was the dog’s bollox back in the day .
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Chatty Member
Just wondering if that video yesterday was old footage again, hence the potty. He's looked through his phone looking for something that fits his current narrative that the girls don't go to bed, found this video from a couple of years ago and thought he'd pretend it's now.
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Chatty Member
Tagged bikes 🚲

New embarrassing video. Looks like the dogs are the new twins.

Wouldn’t suggest you look if you’re not a fan of him man handling the puppy.

Wouldn’t suggest you look if you’re not a fan of complete dick heads
He's been fucking told not to hold the fucking puppy like that. Fucking stupid prick....
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I don’t think he can have known what she was writing about him. Who would be ok with all the nasty things she said about him?! It was so humiliating. I mean he totally deserved it but surely he didn’t know about it! She’s worse than him that’s for sure
Yeah but think about all the nasty things he says about his kids on Instagram? We are all like 😱 did he really hope they’d choke? Does he really mean they are all dead to him? Does he really mean they are pains in the arse? I could go on, he’s slated them a million times but I don’t believe that’s how he feels, it’s all for the gram, their “gram” life is one big circus

Other than the class A twat remark I don’t think she was too harsh about him, also wasn’t it all part of the big act to appear like us? I mean I’d happily call Mr Dogmuck a class A twat on here...and happily tell him that’s what I’ve done in real life, but then I’m not trying to pretend not be Mrs Dogmuck. Glen and possibly him, would think they were deep undercover agents trying to infiltrate our ranks and so they had to slag each other off or people here would be 🤔

When Glen/Alice came on and defended Glen, everyone was like 👋 is that you Glen? Obviously she denied it. So I think she decided that attack (of Sly) was the best form of defence, for her cover
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@Dogmuck did your spy in Bristol confirm the Christmas visit?
They indeed did - but no news on NYE party yet.

I hear you, but I only re-registered so that I could tell you all about the Christmas honking middle-class lockdown rule breaking twatfest beach meet-up. I thought I was doing a service to the community by letting you all know that they were indeed bending the rules, but in Ramsgate and not in Bristol (on Christmas day at least). The profile limiting thing seemed obvious to me, particularly as I live in the same town as our main protagonists.
Fair enough, and I’m sorry if you’ve felt a cold easterly chill from, what are normally, very welcoming, kind hearted trolls. I apologise for any offence I’ve caused, I know I’m often worse than most for my semi professional Sherlock 🕵️‍♀️ behaviour.
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Thank you kind trolls for all you get well wishes. You’re all so lovely xxx

You’re right Narc men absolutely are bullies. Again though I didn’t see him as a narc, it’s interesting to hear your opinion on that.

Personally I just see him as a bit of a desperate wet lettuce 🥬 🥗. He strikes me as someone who was a school nerd a bit of a saddo and now is desperate to be cool and popular. He definitely gets dopamine hits off the attention and his FOD years have been one big dopamine ride. I believe he doesn’t want to lose that gratification and five minutes of fame so will use anything, be that his kids, his dog, his wife, his house or any bit of news, as a prop for likes on his grid. I don’t think he realises that he’s not funny or offensive because as long as complete strangers keep saying 😝😝😝 “you’re such a great dad” “your house is goals” “Glen is so pretty” “aww pablo”, it’s giving him the attention he’s desperately been seeking since he was 12. Maybe that is narcissistic but my experience of narcs is much more sinister than Fod (check out Jack Monroe) but maybe he’s just a very smooth narc 🤷‍♀️
He is a definite narcissist and there’s a certain edge to him that doesn’t come across as a jokey, fun-lovin’ bloke.
He’s far too wrapped up in himself and doesn’t like criticism. He gets very angry and arsey if things are pointed out to him.
Over privileged twat!
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Gah his stories at the beach have really annoyed me. Everyone gets short with their kids at times especially if it took a long time to get ready/get somewhere and they're not in the mood. Difference is I feel like shit amd so guilty if I speak like that because I'm fed up. I wouldn't share it to Instagram and be smug about it! Probably already pointed out but in the video his daughter is wearing wet leggings and in the picture a muddy puddlesuit. So did he take that off her and then record the video? Probably because we're stuck indoors with no beach to stroll too but he's rattled me today! (And a wee aside that video of the twins at bedtime they're in cots and tiny so presumably old? Is he purposefully trying to be the kind of arsehole Dad kids grow up to resent?)
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This doesn’t look like a playroom at all ! Again it’s a room that was done with their taste and nothing is for the kids. I don’t have a playroom sadly but I do have a play area in the living room and let’s just say that it’s messy and colorful. Also from my experience, any toys that is put away in storage areas never get used.


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Sneaky mentions of Glen

They’re trying aren’t they.

Do they think the racist tag expires?
Definitely mentioning her more.... he's mentioning her more in comments too when he's answering questions 👀
I wonder if they'll try wheeling her back out soon?
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I can't abide Stacey soloman, can't help feeling repulsed by her. She looks so grubby all the time 🤢
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Look at them being all hip and cool with their Ibiza coffee table book!
Oops, nearly forgot they were DJ’s!


And in their case sourced means gifted/scrounged
Mega eyeroll here too when I saw that Ibiza book prominently displayed! So embarrassingly try-hard. They are the uncoolest people ever.
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Cannot believe they’ve got another dog!!!! They’re mental. He’s always moaning that he’s the only one that cares about Pablo but now he’s got another one?! Wtf.
He’s desperate for content so he’s going with the puppy pull factor. So wrong.
While we’re talking desperate, my husband and I have never laughed so much as when we saw him in the fucking god awful hat! Mate you just look like a sad old git desperate to be considered young and cool. Please accept that those days are over for you. It’s tragic it really is, but at the same time, hilarious for us to watch. Is he trying to be a wannabe hipster? 😂 what a fail!!!!
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