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What the hell have I just watched! Two bastard kitchens! “it’s functional but we need to make it aesthetically pleasing” !?!?!? At the start of lockdown 3 and this is what he posts? Prettying up his fully functional second kitchen stacked with free Miele’s.
Insta interior wankers who say that they 'need' to replace x, y or z in their perfectly functional houses really grind my gears. He could perhaps turn the basement into a cannabis farm to make up for the lost grifting cash. Huge swathes of Ramsgate smell of weed already so they'd probably get away with it.

HOOP ALERT he's praising the decorator and her niece for the prep and spraying of the spindles which he said he hadn't mentioned before. I know we all knew about it but maybe that was because of the snooping about her work, but did he not include a video once of the spraying and infer it was his work, or at leastnot credit her with it? It's so long ago my mind could be playing tricks.
He definitely gave the impression that he was going to be doing the work.
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He better start giving a shit, that Gravy Train has derailed. They will not get any #AD revenue ever again. That house and the kids schooling are not cheap. They’re totally in the shit

Whatever money they have left from selling the kids will not last forever. Like you say, running a house that size will never be cheap. Not sure on the schooling, many say the grandparents pay for that, though it has never been confirmed.

Either way, they certainly won't be able to carry on with the lifestyle they were living. Considering most was gifted, or hugely discounted when they did actually pay for something.

And all those expensive free clothes and shoes will no longer fit the children, so they will now have to pay £55 per nightdress or jumper.

The problem for influencers with a conscience, and anything other than selfishness, is that it is a fine line between trying to influence for the good of others, and being called hypocritical for trying to do so. There are few who have/can negotiate that successfully.
The problem for Mr Hooper is that he is trying to be something he isn't, never was, and never will be, even before he fell from favour. I'm not sure where he is on the class scale, but probably not as high as he thinks and not as high as he aspires to. The same goes for his position as an influencer - he was never where he wanted to be, never quite as important as he thought. Now, with the pandemic and the impact on the global consultancy business, he could well be struggling to stay afloat, like a duck frantically paddling. Any uncertainty in his real life, coupled with the demise of his influencing career, could account for his manic, insensitive posts.
That ramble was an attempt at explanation only. He is where he is because of his actions (and to some degree his wifes). I can see no justification for thoughtless insensitivity, "let them eat cake " attitude. Personal responsibility. Personal accountability. Try it some time Mr Hooper.
There are genuine influencers who do try to raise awareness on a regular basis. But those who just jump on the bandwagon because they see everyone else is posting stuff, they ruin it for them all. They don't even try to write their own take on the issue either, just repost what others have said.

Sly will post something about the school meals, he usually does about a week or two after it has been talked about in the news and on social media.


I did feel a tiny bit sorry for him at one point with all the manic posts and dishevelled appearance. But then you see the tone deaf side of him reappear, and you just end up feeling nothing but sheer anger towards him.
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I have sent a DM to Lego on insta to say I’m disappointed they are using PTWM to advertise Lego sets, that her adverts are always appalling, you never see any mention of her kids a genuinely playing with Lego in her stories or grid unless its an advert. I would rather they pay an “influencer” who actually has kids who love Lego being paid to advertise Lego than one that doesnt. Or even better to families in need - I know that’s harder to show but to know if they even did this would be a big thumbs up. I said her language and behaviour is not family friendly and they should do better research in to who they choose to advertise their products. She is one massive advert Chanel which dilutes the worth of any product because she advertises anything.

I have sent a DM to Lego on insta to say I’m disappointed they are using PTWM to advertise Lego sets, that her adverts are always appalling, you never see any mention of her kids a genuinely playing with Lego in her stories or grid unless its an advert. I would rather they pay an “influencer” who actually has kids who love Lego being paid to advertise Lego than one that doesnt. Or even better to families in need - I know that’s harder to show but to know if they even did this would be a big thumbs up. I said her language and behaviour is not family friendly and they should do better research in to who they choose to advertise their products. She is one massive advert Chanel which dilutes the worth of any product because she advertises anything.
Oops this was on wrong thread lol but maybe I should also send one about FOD for ruining the fun of searching lego pieces in a huge box 😂😂
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Glen really

@Dogmuck is right. Seems as if our clemmie has been a fame and money hungry bitch since forever. Doesn’t matter how she did it, she was gunna be famous. Someone on here, I think it was @Hatchet_job mentioned that they are a partnership with a lot of love. I disagree, even Clem said she didn’t really like or get on with Sly when she realised she was preggers 6 weeks into their relationship (I think) and she’s been whinging and nagging at him ever since. Don’t forget she called him an a class twat...
I think it is a business partnership not a partnership of love. In my opinion
You are not wrong my friend. Old Glen was not blinded by her rise in Instagram fame, that fame didn’t create Alice, Alice was always there, she couldn’t hide it on shite TV but she could hide it on her squares...but then people had to meet her. People saw her for what she was but were still too scared of her “head girl” status to say anything. She rode that fear for a good couple of years but imagine the WhatsApp chats that were had behind her back😱 Anyway once that Pandora’s box was open there was no putting her back and the other huns could not wait for her to trip up...and she did...monumentally.

The moral of this story...DONT SELL YOUR KIDS FOR FREE KITCHENS! Oh and also don’t go on shitty tv programs that highlight what a snide fuxker you are...that Shit is gonna bite you on the arse.

Question to the room: was that video making the rounds before Alicegate?
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Ahh what a treat, another entirely tone-deaf story whining about his poor upset children (that he'd dressed inappropriately for a wet walk on the beach in the freezing cold). And aww, poor fod being forced to take his exercise on the beach :cry:. Only 14 minutes of exercising then he had to trudge back to his mansion :cry:. My heart bleeds. It was uncomfortable viewing him filming the twins when the one he was carrying was clearly quite distressed. Why would your first thought be to film an upset small child to post a story mocking them for a whole bunch of strangers on IG instead of trying to comfort them? Distract them with some games? Play with them? A 4 year old would also understand what he's doing mocking them when they are sad and feel embarrassed and confused by it.
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Because I imagine they’re sending the kids to school. Even though he’s clearly doing nothing, Clemmie is the saviour of the NHS. Makes me pissed of as my kids are home (teacher) as I can’t get a place. I may be wrong, but he has too much time on his hands to be home schooling and looking after dogs and working...
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Thinking about it. If he poured the beer into a glass he couldn’t showcase the Brewdog brand ... he is a sly fucker
Easily fixed... Pour into a glass with the can beside. God, he’s such a loser. Don’t think the Brewdog collar ever came through even in the golden days but still pushing for it. He’s insufferable.
And why boasting about midday drinking when he has 4 kids, a dog & a puppy to look after. Where the heck are they?!
Oh and I’m utterly cringing at how long he spent setting that staged picture up with the strategically placed flowers, book & beer 🤦🏼‍♀️
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Am sure those who've been displaced from their homes due to flooding will be relieved to know the Hooper's survived with just their trampoline having been blown from one part of their garden to another.

Thoughts and prayers are with FOD while he balances his phone on a fence post to film the garden rebuilding for his next reel. Perhaps set up a Just Giving page for trampoline companies to use to offer a free replacement?
He probably lobbed it over himself for content.

Why does he own next door's garden?

I feel like that hat must smell.
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I’m presuming the kids are in school via Glen’s keyworker status as it’s just not doable (unless he’s on furlough) presume she works more than one day a week now?!
I think, and please someone correct me if I am wrong with children of key workers, but I think if there is a parent at home then they prefer them to stay home, and not go to school.
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I’ve not watched the video, but is that the kids play room? Why the fuck do they need a big print with the word ‘mum’ on there? That’s a bit narcissistic isn’t it? Have I read it right?

Maybe I should put a portrait of myself on the wall in my girls bedroom? I’m sure they would simply love that. 🤔🤔🤔


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And she’d have been right to!

Shame Glen doesn’t have the same standards as Mr exhausteddad! She needs kicking in the fanny for enabling him!
I don’t think she could kick him in the balls ... there’s none there... I would class him as a bully.

The way he treats his family .... it’s just horrendous to watch
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I think it was Mauritius. The one wear Glen just moaned about the rain. But there was a St Lucia trip too.

I’m glad she’s no longer on insta, imagine all the entitled moaning we’d have about all the things she can’t do at the moment! 🙄
Mauritius was my favourite Glen on hols trip because that’s where she commented somewhere (her feed, stories, who cares) that she took that trip “for” her followers (rough life!) and then posted a photo of a blue wall. Made me want to run to whatever resort she was at 🤦🏻‍♀️

I’m pretty sure that St Lucia was the non-stop rain trip.
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Oh bless! Look at him trying to prove it was from his sister. I expect this is him just texting clammie and she’s fake responding. Do better FOD, do better
I could copy that picture. Easy. But why would I? I like nice pictures. It's boring and pointless and going by their current prices it wasn't cheap. Wouldn't you rather have a similar picture your child had drawn? Higgledy piggledy, but made with love.

@blurstoftimes just for you.


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Newish to the party. Does he have a sister? Or is this her? 🤔. Odd gift from anyone other than her kids, or is that just me?
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