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Well-known member
Not a fan of them but atleast they posted something to support the Palestinians even if it’s not written by them lol. Too many Muslims sitting on the fence to avoid losing brand deals etc so I think this is something we shouldn’t pick them apart for lol
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Just like she got plastic fake boobs & big fish lips after Amir was caught shagging porn stars & glamour models she needs help if she thinks transforming into an alien will make Amir stop shagging about. And why did she only get a tattoo of her son Zaviyaar's date of birth & not her daughters date of births? Is it because pendu Faryal thinks her son is special & means more to her & her daughters are less in her eyes because they are girls so no point getting their date of births tattooed on her like they don't deserve it. It feels like as if she is claiming her son & trying to make it out like he belongs to her having only his date of birth on her arm like he is her property.

Why only single one child out most parents that have Tattoos of their kids names etc won't just have one kids name they will have all their kids names because that's what normal parents do they don't pick & choose which child is more deserving you love them equally. I'm sure Lamaisah & Alayna would have seen Faryal's tattoo & wondering why only their brothers date of birth is on their mum's wrist & not theirs. Faryal spent the least time with her "precious" son he has been practically raised by nannies all his life maybe it would have been more fitting to get the nannies names tattooed on her arm since they are the ones who raised Zaviyar 😂
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I'm also confused about why they left Zaviyaar behind they have the nanny with them anyway so why not bring Zaviyaar aswell not like Faryal & Amir would have been taking care of him the nannies would have it's very strange only leaving one child behind especially the "boy" that they were both so desperate for. The reason why they have a nanny with them even though they have a 5 & 9 year old who are mostly independent is because Faryal can't be arsed to do any parenting at all even so much as doing her daughters hair, the nanny does everything probably takes the girls toilet, gives them baths & dresses them basically what the useless mother Faryal should be doing but because she can't be bothered to even do those basic things she got the nanny to tag along to a family holiday. It really annoys me when people have 3, 4 or 5 kids but then can't be arsed to look after them or raise them it's like you were alright to get on your back & alright to pop them out one after the other but now you can't be bothered to actually raise them why have so many then? when there are women out there who would do anything to even have 1 child & can't.

I can remember when Faryal's mum use to babysit for her & Faryal said she would never ever get a nanny because she could never trust any stranger with the kids apart from her own mother well that all changed now when Faryal lost her free babysitter in her mum & now had to pay strangers to take care of the kids. I bet Faryal fell out with her mum over babysitting because Faryal & the kids haven't seen her side of the family in years or gone to New York but when Faryal's mum was babysitting for free Faryal use to see her mum all the time. Amir is just as useless & is happy to also have nannies because he knows otherwise he would have to do it.
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Amir saying "Zaviyaar is so spoilt" when Zaviyaar wouldn't take the dummy out of his mouth. That's not called being spoilt that's called shit, lazy useless parenting. I think Zaviyaar is 4 years old which means he's either in school or going soon which is so bad having a dummy whilst you are in school he will probably getting bullied & get called a "baby" & no wonder his speech is so bad. Amir & Faryal can't be bothered to do any parenting what's so ever they just give in when the kids misbehave because they are so lazy. It's hard work being a good hands on parent but it's easy being a lazy one & sticking the kids in front of ipads all day & with dummies in their mouths.

Faryal will no doubt blame the nanny for why Zaviyaar can't talk properly or why he still has a dummy just like she blamed the nanny when Zaviyaar coloured the wall. Where were Amir & Faryal when Zaviyaar was colouring on the wall probably too busy sending dick pics & getting shit injected into their face 😂 the nanny was probably busy cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing & wiping the other 2 kids butt's that's why she probably didn't see Zaviyaar, yet Faryal still tried shaming the nanny by posting her on Snapchat & saying "everyone in the comments are saying where was the nanny" no one said that Faryal more like where were the shit stupid parents & at 4 years old he should know by now not to colour on the wall that's toddler behaviour.
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I wouldn't mind her going on tbh. It'll be a car crash lol.

She'll probably be the worst cook amongst all the contestants, including the guys.
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Chatty Member
just WHAT exactly is her angle? clearly never going to leave Amir (and citing her “children” as the reason)…but it’s perfectly fine to voluntarily leave her kids for days/weeks on end, posting pics of lingerie, posing like an escort, and now taking a picture with a famous footballer to make Amir jealous? he probably doesn’t even give a damn
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Active member
Why is this not going viral?

Amir and his wife have done worse than other celebs who got slaughtered like kevin spacey.

What makes it worse is that they've been working together like epstein and his woman. If you guys have seen that show house of cards, they're moving like low iq versions of Frank and Claire.
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New member
Nothing led to anything, so it makes sense FH stopped devoting her time and attention to it. It’s a loser’s game to go after schmoozers like Amir and Faryal
I disagree. Faryaal Hussain claims to be a lawyer and offers legal advice but she's not even qualified. Our Voice and Faryaal Hussain isn't SRA (Solicitors Regulation Authority) regulated and cannot be found on their database, nor can they be found on the Law Society database. I checked this myself when this drama began. That woman is not qualified to be giving legal advice. She was clearly exploiting Sumaira for her own personal gain, isn't it funny how FH now has a 'skincare' brand that's recently launched as well as a podcast. She’s also deleting comments and blocking people that are calling her out.
Literally threw off the abaya into this View attachment 2615945
Why am I not surprised 😂
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The only time Amir gets Faryal anything is after he has stuck his dick elsewhere. Amir knows you have to throw a treat at the "dog" occasionally to keep it obedient 😂 did anyone see Faryal's snap of Zaviyaar colouring all over the white wall does no one watch him & he's just left on his own, Faryal probably put cctv cameras on all the rooms inside her house so she can just watch the kids from a diffrent room on her phone & not actually have to get off her arse & actually be with them & watch them in person like the cameras are babysitters.

Faryal saying her mum wants her to have more children if that's true then her mum is stupid encouraging her useless daughter to produce more children when she hardly takes care of the one's she already has & also encouraging her daughter to have more kids with a dirty lying cheat no loving sane mother would ever encourage their daughter to have more children with a man like Amir. Faryal's mum probably has the backward mentality that if you pop out more kids with a man then he will be under your control more & you can then use the children as leverage against him, well Faryal already tried that by popping out 3 & it didn't work Amir still cheats & does what he wants. Faryal & her mother are both evil, scheming, money, fame hungry witches.
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Well-known member
Ironic London is safe for her, but not Brooklyn. Also both proud parents showing Alayna doing fuck u n that's meant to be funny to show to the public. Just goes to show their uneducated, low-life mindset.

I noticed Amir didn't bother to visit his in-laws in the US. Just a few yrs ago Fakeyal, Amir n mama Doom were a trio.

Not like he's scared or answerable to them. Didn't they make a grovelling plea on TV for him to not divorce Fakeyal. Seems like Fakeyal, he can't be arsed to visit them.
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Well-known member
Faryal using the London protest as an excuse to come to London next week. Erm stay and do a protest there, to the rich Arabs.
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Norfolking Good

VIP Member
Wow when you see her next to her daughters it really emphasises how much surgery she has had. She looks like a wax doll and not remotely feminine.
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Well-known member
Saudi sickens me, calling all these actors n actresses from Hollywood n Bollywood who've been silent while Palestinians r dying. Saudi paid $1 million for some of the major Hollywood stars to attend. N Amir n Faryal 2 desperate dogs goin anywhere there's a celeb.

Faryal was just calling out ppl for attending F1 saying she doesn't know how ppl can enjoy themselves right now. I just can't stand her hypocrisy!

Brainwashed ppl in the comments "Faryal we know u went for umrah just to pray for Palestinians." She's clarified she had no intention of goin for umrah, it was a last minute plan n she went to Saudi to attend the awards n suck up to these genocide supporting devils. N lying it was nice to be around LIKE MINDED ppl who spoke abt Palestine, when these celebs have been silent. Shameless lying hypocrite who milked the Palestine situation to redeem herself.

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