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Chatty Member
Oh god they’re doing a charity dinner all the way in December 19th for Palestine. The Palestinians are being obliterated as we speak but you want to do a charity dinner all the way in December to boost your own shitty egos
There’s loads of fake accounts on both their instagrams competing like “oh wow you’re such a queen for using your platform” well shit like that anyway
It’s so obvious they’ve used this whole genocide to help their restore their shitty image especially after all the scandal with that summz and faryal’s death threats and cursing disabled children
This has kinda undone the tiny bit of respect i started to have for them… an unnecessary lavish dinner isn’t the right type of event for raising funds for Gaza.
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Oh god they’re doing a charity dinner all the way in December 19th for Palestine. The Palestinians are being obliterated as we speak but you want to do a charity dinner all the way in December to boost your own shitty egos
There’s loads of fake accounts on both their instagrams competing like “oh wow you’re such a queen for using your platform” well shit like that anyway
It’s so obvious they’ve used this whole genocide to help their restore their shitty image especially after all the scandal with that summz and faryal’s death threats and cursing disabled children


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I believe FM is in the UK n she's keeping a low profile becoz she doesn't want FH to start up again n embarrass her while she tries to bag her crappy modelling deals n shows.

Mikey Melin has gone quiet. FH has gone quiet. The grooming predator has gotten away with it, thanks to his enabling wife who is busy promoting his book n her minions who harp on about hoes n sidechicks n dismiss his behaviour.

The lesson taught is an Asian, Muslim woman can be slandered, abused, threatened n blackmailed coz she slept with a man or responded to a married man. Revenge against her is allowed. So many Asian women in the future won't speak up against Asian men like AK coz of this, thanks to AK n FM n their vile supporters. It could be someone's naive, vulnerable daughter one day. Heartbreaking.
Sumaira posted an update video on tik tok yesterday. She’s doing okay thank God.

Yes FH has gone quiet but I don’t think she’s given up. After everything her and Sumaira have been through they’re not going to give up easily especially Sumaira and she even said that in her new tik tok video. Justice is coming slowly but surely.
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When Faryal was making Lamaisah show her Christmas card on Snapchat Faryal put the caption "btw guys before you come at me. We don't celebrate Christmas. It's just a school card" this Liar loves twisting everything to make herself the poor victim is she actually stupid no one comes at her for a card that a child made at school but why is she lying for when she clearly has a Christmas tree in her house & a Christmas stocking, she always gets caught out for her lies.

I thought the card Lamaisah made was really sweet it had a drawing of herself & Alayna on it but Faryal had to ruin it & tried embarrassing Lamaisah when she was reading the card out. Lamaisah wrote in the card 'Alayna is the best thing that happened in my life' then Faryal seething with jealously inside says "Alayna's the best thing that happened in your life don't lie Lamaisah" she's such a selfish cow probably jealous of the sister relationship that Alayna & Lamaisah have & probably wanted the card to be about her. Faryal hasn't got a good relationship with her own brother now trying to ruin her children's relationships with each other she could have just said "that's such a nice beautiful thing to say" but no this brainless tart has to ruin every moment.
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Things are pretty shit in the UK, nothing wrong with people/families wanting to move out. Why is fakeyal is the only one entitled to do that?!
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When contacted by The Independent, a spokesperson for Celebrity Big Brother said that although the production team meets several potential housemates when casting, the final lineup is “not confirmed until closer to transmission”.

“As per our welfare protocols, we are unable to comment on the casting process for individual prospective Housemates, other than to say that suitability to participate is determined by a number of factors,” the statement continued.

“We can also offer the following guidance; we dispute a number of claims made in the video, and the allegations made do not represent our current position. Participation is always subject to a series of assessments, background checks and production requirements that confirm suitability and eligibility to participate in the programme.

“This is made clear to prospective housemates and their representatives at every stage of the process.”
What a shame, she went got a load of treatments too in preparation. I bet she got the fox eye thread lift or sumat, she’s looking a bit more bog eyed than usual
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Why did they bring Husna the nanny with them? They can’t handle their 2 daughters on their own? Sad. It’s also sad how they didn’t bring their son with them he would’ve had a lot of fun. But ofcourse they dont want to ruin their trip running after and taking care of him. Selfish idiots.
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Faryal is tone deaf & an idiot & she's all talk but no action she was flaunting her Chanel bag lastnight like a fool especially after all her preaching she's been doing, Amir & Faryal are known for not practicing what they preach. Chanel has shown their support for Israel & has even donated £4 million in aid to Israel & there's Faryal parading a Chanel bag around like a clueless clown if Faryal cared & was really affected by what's happening in Palestine she should boycott Chanel & throw her bags in the garbage or maybe even sell her Chanel handbags & then donate all the money from them to Palestine charity but Faryal will never do that her handbags are more precious to her than her own kids are to her.

Faryal's trying to make out she turned down Netflix or Amazon Prime yeah ok Faryal whatever you say "Mrs Martyr" show us proof then instead of a rant of you claiming you turned them down. I don't believe anything dumb & dumber say without evidence because they are known for lying so much & have been caught out so many times for their lies.
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Such a level of bakwaas. Her whole "I care about Gaza" goes back to material stuff, boo boo you're butt hurt about Chanel, am sure the tiny violins are out for you. You claim to the best known Muslim celeb in the UK 🤣🤣🤣🤣 and the only way you can think to help Gaza is by swearing at Zara....okay....
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These 2 lie about the easiest shit to disprove. Just like her Ali Express repackaged “makeup line”. A bunch of serial narcissists
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You can tell she never plays with him she doesn't know how to play with her own children or how to even interact with her own kids, Zaviyaar didn't even want her to join in he wasn't happy, excited or laughing like normal kids would be playing with their parent. In fact he wanted her to fuck off 😂

Faryal thinking Zaviyaar is a genius because he can point to pictures on a mat 😂 when like the previous poster said a 2 year old would be able to do that but because Faryal hardly spends time with her kids she doesn't know where he should be development wise & she thinks it's amazing that a 4 year old can do that. It's like the time when Faryal discovered the 9 times table finger trick & she thought she was some type of genius but then everyone in the comments wrote they knew that ages ago & she acting like she's the only one who invented it 😂
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Only 2 yrs ago, in 2021 when Israel bombed the fuck out of Palestine, n Faryal had her MTK show, she was zip silent. Now Faryal has suddenly (or becoz her n Amir's image n deals hav been trashed) woken up to the plight of Palestinians, other ppl must unfollow Kim n speak up on Faryal's command. Yet Faryal is still following n liking Ken Dolls posts who has been silent n said he won't talk about Palestine! But that's ok of course!! The hypocrisy!

The DM reported Amir n Manny might fight, seems this is the 'work' Faryal has gone for. Faryal is being his manager again n I'm sure she'll use the money for a London house. Again where is the "she wants Amir to retire, n she can't bear to watch him fight?" She bashed his parents for using his 'blood money' but as long as Faryal is the manager n getting the 'blood money' it's ok. I hope the referee doesn't stop the fight this time, since his own wife after seeing how Amir got battered in the Kell fight, doesn't care he'll be taking blows to the brain again.
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Amir reposted this pic again on his snapchat. He posted this same pic multiple times in the past as if he has no other pics of them together. So weird.
fakeyal has access to all his accounts and will no doubt be posting half this shit herself
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Just saw online that Modest Street & her teenage daughter Diyannah have had a falling out & she's left her mum house & is now living with her dad. This all happened 7 months ago but has just recently come out. Diyannah is saying her mum took 5 grand out of her account which was her money that she had made herself when Diyannah asked her mum to return the money her mum shouted at her. Modest Street is saying her daughter leaving was a blessing in disguise & she will no longer have her prayers who the hell says that about their own child. Modest Street married some weirdo & brought him into her kids life she put him before her own children there has to be something off about a man that takes on a woman who has five children. I always felt like Modest Street tries to use religion & hide behind it & how pious she is to try cover up her clout chasing manipulative ways.

Diyannah is saying what you see online is not real with her mum & that behind closed doors it's very toxic. I knew there was something off about Modest Street the way she licks Faryal & Amir's arse these types of mothers think they can control their children forever but they forget children grow up & eventually see the truth. Amir & Faryal's kids will one day see the truth & leave them & be making videos about how toxic their parents are. Children are not silly they can tell who is geniune or not. Faryal & Amir can dump their kids as much as they like now but they are forgetting they're not going to stay this age forever & will one day grow up & see how selfish & useless Faryal & Amir are.
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The two fake fools Amir & Faryal couldn't be bothered to even now put a fake gushing anniversary post about each other like they normally do & people would laugh at them in the comments at their joke of a marriage, what happened to Amir's "queen Faryal you deserve everything" also translated into thanks for putting up with me humiliating you every year & letting me off for sticking my dick in multiple other women & being my secretary, thanks for being the best doormat wife ever 😂

All Faryal could post was an old photo with the caption '11 years ❣' & Amir just reposted it. Faryal looks like an even bigger idiot by putting 11 years like she thinks just because her & Amir have been together 11 years that it's an achievement. Wow Faryal you managed to stay in an unhappy, miserable, fake marriage where your husband constantly lies & cheats on you for 11 years well done Faryal 👏🏼 a really great achievement 😂
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Lol at that image of her in the corner taking a pic of her quran class, yeah really paying attention aren't you.
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Sumzz put out some post on her Insta stories but they have gone now probably because the girl who's messages she posted threatened her with the police. It was about how some girls she knew & were supporting her during the whole Amir Khan situation are now turning against her they made a hate page on Sumaira & were calling her all sorts one girl called Hana & the other one nafeesaxbilal. I think Hana lent Sumaira money & then got pissed off when she didn't get her money back or something. I saw the messages that Hana sent to Sumaira & they are absolutely vile & disgusting calling her a prostitute. Apparently Faryaal Hussain then also started following this hate page.

I don't know who or what to believe anymore & it's all very messy. I think if you are genuinely helping someone out & giving them money then you shouldn't expect it back unless you stated at the beginning you are lending it & want it returned. This Hana girl says in one of the messages to Sumaira "you wouldn't even have shower gel if it wasn't for me" which makes me think if Sumaira couldn't even afford shower gel how is she suppose to pay you back. I do find it weird how all of a sudden Faryaal Hussain has got all dolled up on all her recent Insta pics & now has no intention of seeing this Amir Khan case through when before she said she will do whatever it takes & even help financially because Sumaira hasn't got the type of money the Khan's do.
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I don't think you guys should be using this Palestine stuff as fuel here.

Yes they're both dumb chavs, but this is an issue I'm united with them on.

There's stuff more important in life than shitposting on forums.
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