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Well Kaory was a model so that’s how she met Dontai.. Kaory and Dontai got married and travelled abroad but ran out of money but somehow end up in Dubai. I believe they are in their early 20s. They do seem nice too nice to scam people for scaymen I hope they realise and stop but they seem to have set up a trading office in dubai
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Chatty Member
No it’s a co

its a mix of Balmoral, alayna and Lamaisah 😅 they really think they’re regal.
Oh that makes it even more hilarious lol. I can’t help but chuckle at the “where excellence meets elegance” line lol. Somebody said it looks like their child made with their magnetic tile set and I could seriously go down right now and construct the prototype with the same tiles lol. What an utter trash location too:

They overspent in the least desirable place.

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Imagine a husband proudly recording his wife saying "fuck you" and flipping him off for the world to see. Tells you everything you need to know about their "marriage," no self-respecting couple would do that to each other let alone post it for the world to see. Who is this new scammer Amir is promoting now, Was or something? What happened to Aymen? Amir went on everyday about how Aymen and him are making people money, showing screenshot after screenshot trying to prove they're not scammers now all of a sudden he has this new partner and they have their own telegram group. Doesn't seem shady at all. Of course they're baiting people to join the group, how does this scamming fraud and cheat of a husband look his kids in the eye everyday?
is telegram a UAE thing? Fyza keeps promoting her telegram, it seems like a non trackable platform where you can scam in peace
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Why oh why would you post a pic with a Bollywood star and FaceApp your face
Because in Faryal's delusional mind she thought it might help & make her look better than Alia but her attempt failed miserably 😂 even with plastic surgery & photoshop Faryal still looks hideous & scary & Alia all natural no injections or photshop looks gorgeous.
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Why did Fakeyal try to imply she purchased her Ferrari when Amir got it. Did he get caught shagging another woman.

She also shared an Emaar property folder a few days ago n captioned it 'just purchased a new property in Dubai'. I wonder which girl Amir got caught with this time.

Was thinking abt Amir's twitter msg where he called her a gold digger. I wonder if he feels it works out in his favour now, coz atleast he gets to cheat in peace.
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I agree she shouldn’t be posting completely normal stuff after posting sad and graphic pictures etc.

But she actually has been one of the loudest UK “influencer” voices for Palestine since everything has kicked off. She didn’t just post one photo of one statement and dil like the majority. If someone does something good I won’t doubt their intentions, it seems to me she is genuinely hurt by what is happening - who wouldn’t be after seeing all that? And I’m glad she’s sharing it to her huge audience. I will give her respect where it’s due.
My spelling is atrocious here. I meant she didn’t post one photo or statement and then dip
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Chatty Member
The crystal tower is nearly complete and they’re even booking weddings a whopping 1.5 months away from now with their March 2024 launch date. Who the heck would wait that last minute to host a wedding!? In any case…the promo videos have so much Ai imagery that it makes the venue look like some flashy video game level lol. And the name - the “Balmayna” - really going for the Arabic look with the name and palm trees 🌴…palm trees in England!? lol. I could’ve swore this thing had a different name to start, and now it’s suddenly under different management bc Faryal and her mommy couldn’t be bothered with it…oh wait, that’s probably precisely why it took them 6+ years to even get to this point. And not a single picture of the interior! Sketchy…and ferociously tacky.

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Which friend is Faryal shading now on sc? Is she capable of having proper friends, the only ones she has r the ones who kiss her arse. Remember the friend she was moaning about in Paris that she gave all her time, while sat with her husband who was in the midst of a cheating scandal.

Also what did Slimeball Sue post? I don't follow or look at her page unless it's to do with Faryal. My friend said Sue showed her son swearing at his dad n then asked him what happened with ur dad, n her son said he kissed a woman something like that n Slimeball Sue was laughing. So it's ok for her son to do that, but no one was allowed to badmouth Amir for cheating. Remember the whole ho n side chick campaign she started against Sumz. Wow just goes to show how under Faryal she is.
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Chatty Member
What the heck were the last two videos faryal posted? Alarna was looking at the camera for approval and it was so staged! She is also a one trick pony with the mean and moody aesthetic in the black suit reel. It’s tacky AF and reminds me of those MLM boss babe vibes
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Lol Amir really is so brainless!!! It makes you LOL big time. Fakey and MIL did take control of it but then clearly dumped it lol.

Amir if I was in your shoes and I had a sibling who was about to get married I would have got it ready intime for that so it would have got a lot of social media attention!!! You really are out your depth!!!
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It's disgusting how she referred to herself on insta n sc as a child bride. Getting married 2 months shy of ur 22nd bday is not a child bride u sick, twisted bimbo.

Do ppl n her really believe she looks 25, we've seen the unfiltered pics the DM snaps n she looks older than Amir.

Is Myra replacing Slimeball Sue. Can anyone believe this comment n Faryal liked it. If this was even 1% true we would've heard of this. Shameless liars!


N that pic of the woman in blue is a member of the royal family in Bahrain. Faryal acts so tough n she's not scared of anyone n when this person tagged her about Faryal, Faryal deleted her own comment. Haha wat a loser.


Also Kim k's arse made an appearance in Faryal's pic. We've see ur real arse that Amir snapped. Is she doing this for her reddit followers who talk they want to bend her over n fuck her juicy, big ass.


Also I noticed as soon as the DM carried this article 2 weeks ago mocking the metal ceilings n the wires hanging from the smoke alarms, they announced they r delaying the wedding hall. I recall Faryal saying in MTKs she's in charge of the wedding hall. How did that go for u Amir?

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Chatty Member
She had laser eye surgery so she wouldn't need to wear glasses n is now trying to generate attention n sympathy as if she was sick or needed life saving surgery.

The moment she posted the first pic of someone sending her flowers, I knew it was to get everyone else to n to bag freebies n gifts. Isn't she showing off a pair of shoes now that someone sent her. She's shamelessly greedy.

It might improve her vision enough to delete all the comments she doesn't like. She missed this one.

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Is that what her “month long trip” post was about? She can’t ever be honest about anything. She made it seem like she was leaving Dubai for a month - but Amir is off in America too, so maybe she was trying to tag along and the plan backfired lol.
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