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Chatty Member
Agree with pp - How on earth is this story about summz not going viral? They should be villified for this! It seems to not be getting the attention it deserves
Because when you have money you can control the media narrative. He will have a full P.R team who will be spinning everything released before it hits the press. The only thing is that will come crashing down once and for all


Chatty Member
She should have gotten better representation and begun legal action against Amir for defamation. Has she already spent what The Sun paid her for her story cos she could have easily used that to begin legal proceedings and be in line for a couple of hundred thousand, maybe more, for defaming her on tv.

It’s all a bit of a shit show, isn’t it. And why am I seeing multiple posts about Faryal’s ‘fake tits being out’ because A) they’re clearly not fake (ask anyone with actual implants or a doctor, because to us it is obvious hers are real - she’s gone to town with facial work yes but body seems to have been left alone) B) They are no more ‘out’ or ‘on show’ than 90% if f girls on a night out. It’s honestly a bit weird talking about her chest so much when she shows like 5mm of cleavage 😅

She wants to look a bit sexy and that’s fine. Mixing it with religious Muslim quotes is the odd bit, but so is fixating on her chest lol
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Chatty Member

I am sceptical that she was actually in London. She always posts herself shopping, out with the girls and if there’s boxing on (which there was ydy) she goes/snaps the fact she was invited but chose not to go. Something just doesn’t ring right. Also all her snaps are uploaded rather than live.. she does this often for editing anyway so that’s no different to usual. Something just felt off.
They seem to be pretending. Maybe to throw that FH off the scent?


Active member

Amir is an idiot he doesn't know the first thing about how to be smart with his money or how to invest properly or about building & properties. He takes advise from his equally cluess stupid wife who thinks she some type of business woman because she came out with a lip gloss when Kylie came out with it first Faryal your just a cheap copy cat. That eyesore wedding hall cost him £11 million he is deluded if he thinks he's going to make any type of profit on that wedding hall which is surrounded by garbage.

Amir is probably still blaming his dad for the wedding hall when if he had a brain cell of his own he would have known it was a bad idea from the start. Imagine the type of mansion he could have bought with £11 million but instead he used it on that crap which is sat in Bolton surrounded by shit 😂


Active member
What on earth is happening here by the looks of it that woman’s dress is hanging off and amir gets his grubby hand near the woman to get her attention ? She covers up knowing amir is a desperado



Well-known member
It’s their 11th anniversary. I thought they were alone together but then I noticed that the table next to them is joined with theirs so they’re clearly with other people. How sad. Healthy couples love spending time together especially on their anniversary…but not these two.



VIP Member
The last picture she put up was hamas they had caught. The ones who attacked the festival...that picture was from the first 24 hours ...and she feels sad and numb for them...



VIP Member
85 percent of Hamas grew up as orphans because the terrorist Israeli govt killed their parents. They grew up under a cruel occupation n a total sea, air n land blockade of Gaza for the last 17 yrs when Israel withdrew from Gaza. They would smuggle food n basic necessities for Gaza thru the tunnels. We r seeing now what Israel govt has been getting away with for the past 75 yrs silently.

Watch Born in Gaza on Netflix to see how kids grow up. They never had a chance in life. Not condoning the acts on Oct 7, but it never would've happened if the Israeli govt didn't treat them like caged dogs in an open air prison.

I feel so sorry for Hamas who were once kids with parents n normal dreams n looking at that pic, I completely understand why Faryal does as well. Ppl can come at me all they want, I don't care! In June 2023 Hamas applied to the International Court of Justice that Israel was committing war crimes n should be held accountable, that's how desperate they were to be heard, but nothing was done.
Hamas top leaders with a combined net worth of billions ... while people live in refugee camps...hamas is the reason palestine is the way it is


Chatty Member
Wearing a tight top - stripper? 😅 So half of London must be strippers lol

A lot of this reminds me of how old ‘aunties’ used to speak in my community, esp the stuff about about how girls should dress and behave. I get the feeling Sumzz would be judged pretty harshly too if there wasn’t more hate for Faryal - and by extension Amir even though he’s the one more in the wrong in the marriage, clearly)
I didn’t say that wearing a tight top equates to being a stripper, I’m saying that if there were any scantily clad strippers in the protest, would they be exempt from the “stfu mind your business bc at least they are raising awareness” police as well? Anyway you don’t get it. She’s just a giant hypocrite.


VIP Member
She knows exactly what she's doing with those videos.
I honestly think she's the most materialistic and narcisstic person I've ever come across.


New member
Hi guys, I’m new to this thread, but does anyone know what faryal is referring to? I’ve fallen victim to scammers she promoted a couple months back, and I tried a lot to reach out to her, sent emails to her team etc. I commented under some of her posts but they were instantly marked as spam and got deleted.

It took a huge mental toll on me, so I stopped keeping up with her snaps etc. I don’t know if other people fell victim as well and maybe she wants to address that now? When it happened I managed to find a few others who were victim to the scam, but I stopped hearing back from them as well.

she promoted a personal shopper “ayaddiscount” or yasmeen ayad, that person turned out to be a crypto scammer. Does anyone have any info about that on this thread?
Sorry I haven’t read the whole thread, I’ve just cane across it.