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The company had to photoshop them into a picture…lol and they selected one from that dumb PR damage control interview by the Sun. Good job using “copyrighted” images - dummies. Also, what is with Faryal’s posture? Amir looks so awkward like he doesn’t know where to place his hand.

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Lol also halal food company with multiple wine bottles in the back of their ad 😂😂😂 they seriously can’t get dumber
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A picture says a thousand words…time for a caption contest! Keep replying on this post:


“Amir, u better F-ing smile for the camera otherwise I'll make sure the world knows what a fraud you are”
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Faryaal Hussain posted this around the same time Sumaira posted about Faryaal Hussain not being involved with the Amir Khan case anymore. It seems like Sumaira wanted financial help & was wanting all of Faryaal's time dedicated to the Amir Khan case when Faryaal has other cases to deal with aswell. Sumaira is losing alot of people who supported her during the whole Amir Khan situation she can't just expect others to fund her life after she got herself into this mess. I'm sure Faryaal tried helping her as much as she could but if it's costing Faryaal money that is detrimental to her own family & children then Sumaira shouldn't expect that from her.

The fact Sumaira says "I just don't want to talk about it or the reason" makes me think it was her fault if she has nothing to hide & Faryaal was in the wrong then why not speak about it & say what happened the only reason you wouldn't want to is if you were in the wrong yourself. Sumaira also saying "I'm on my own with this case & should have been from the start" shows how ungrateful she is that Faryaal supported her right from the beginning she even got threats because she took on this case & her husband & family members told her not to take it on but that didn't stop her she wanted to get justice. Faryaal was determined to see this to the end but her & Sumaira have obviously had some kind of disagreement.
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The tarty dress code is to get Amir back for all the shit he does and to piss off the khan family. She knows full well how to dress appropriately and does it when she goes to Saudia Arabia and also coveted herself completely when she was dying to meet Imran Khan in Pakistan
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Don’t forget faryaal hussain is the same person who took her husbands sister to court for unfair dismissal or something along them lines. She’s busy with her new venture now so she cba to what she committed to with sumzz.
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Faryal's the most stupid woman ever trying to justify her cheap, desperate behavior she's basically admitting she only went to perform Umrah & pray for the people of Palestine because she got invited to the film festival & was going to Saudi anyway because of the film festival so like an afterthought she thought she would go & perform Umrah aswell. So if Faryal & Amir didn't get invited to the film festival is she saying they wouldn't have bothered going to do Umrah & praying for the people in Palestine not like they can't afford to go anytime they wanted to but it took them getting invited to a film festival to go to Mecca & pray for the Palestinians.

Why is Faryal trying to twist things saying "I shouldn't have to think twice about doing what my heart was called to do because of the dress I have planned for the event" Faryal you moron no one is saying you should think twice about doing Umrah what they are saying is you should think twice about wearing that inappropriate revealing dress it's the dress that's the issue not you doing Umrah. Faryal also saying "I've been to Umrah many times before" yeah you have which begs the question why you still continue to dress like a slut & now also get tattoos? Faryal claiming her dress isn't that revealing is she dumb so having your chest, arms & a slit that has your legs out up to your ass cheek isn't that revealing, I dread to think what is revealing in her eyes then.

Faryal stop lying your not trying to better yourself as a Muslim at all in fact your getting more & more haram by the day so getting tattoos is trying to better yourself? & then saying "I'm not a Hijabi so stop expecting me to dress like one" no your not a Hijabi but you are a Muslim woman & there are so many classy beautiful modest dresses she could have worn but no this tart has to have every body part on display arms, chest, legs & arse cheek then claim it's not revealing.
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What a sad looking Eid for those kiddies. They really are poor, neglectful “parents”. It looked like the girls were dressed so Faryal could have a photoshoot for her socials and that’s it.
Why couldn’t she allow them to spend Eid with their loving family in Bolton, who actually care.
This bimbo infuriates me!
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I’ve felt that Faryal genuinely is affected and troubled and grieved like the rest of us with seeing a genocide taking place in front of our eyes in real time whilst the hypocrisy of the western world and the mainstream media infuriates us all. Yes Faryal is materialistic and self centred, insecure as hell as an individual and as a wife, but she’s not evil like these terrorists killing innocent children so she IS showing her solidarity and being vocal like so many of us. To the point where I think she’s actually struck a nerve with certain people of actual power and I hope she doesn’t get harmed for her vocalisation. I doubt this is a fabricated message she received.
Faryal commented on Mo Salah’s post too. I was surprised but pleased.
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Didn't this lying hypocrite only 3 weeks ago say she wanted to better her style in dressing & it's something she's been working on & now she's got her tits bursting out of her dress for all to see. Why does she lie so much? Just own up to it Faryal if you want to dress like a cheap tart own it stop one minute posting your tits on social media then to deflect people from it next minute posting prayer mat photos & quran classes, if you want to be a dumb desperate doormat who stays & gets humiliated & cheated on in return for handbags then admit it instead of putting stupid quotes like "I'm a boss queen"

Faryal your a walking joke! you & Amir are so obsessed with online validation, likes & followers you both will literally do anything & can't even see how embarrassing you both come across. No wonder her mum & the rest of her family have washed their hands of her then Faryal after getting cheated on had to play "happy families" & attend Mariyah's wedding with her tail between her legs "boss queen" my ass 😂 the Khan's have put you in your place. By the way Faryal "Miss Boss queen" what happened to that London house of yours? which Amir promised to get you after he fucked some woman in a hotel room you all of a sudden have gone very quiet about your London property 😂
Morticia Addams vibes

She was pretty once upon a time.
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I don't get why whoever this person was needed to dedicate a whole post to it as if she's part of their PR n like some great crime or injustice has been committed n then Faryal gets Amir to share it.

Some ppl r so evil they see ppl in Gaza holding their dead children n r saying it's just dolls it's just a photo op, n this woman is worried abt sum ppl thinking Faryal used her umrah as a photo op.
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My God, how pathetic n vile is she. Saying shopping doesn't feel the same becoz of Palestinians, while snapping herself at the mall. Imagine them inconveniencing her like that! Meanwhile Palestinians are praising God that He made it rain today in Gaza so they can drink some water.

Byatch probably can't wait for 19 Dec to get done up to the nines n get her tits out for Palestinians. Her n her minions n cronies dressed up like it's a Miss world contest thinking how wonderful they r posing at the event n feasting on food n drink for Palestinians.
Yes, exactly!! Even the emoji she typed with that post was the smiling sneaky face :sneaky: we know you're a sneaky b*tch Faryal, trying to stir up sympathy while exposing your own self. How tragic, that Faryal can't shop her luxury brands anymore without feeling the slightest twinge of guilt. What a price to pay, I don't wanna hear one more word from this woman about how her "heart" can't take it anymore. She's so heartbroken over the Palestinian children dying but she had to drag herself to the mall. (even though it doesn't feel the same)
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This woman just LIVES for fanning the flames

She knows damn well she didn’t have to post a single picture of herself for her “ceasefire now” post - but her tartyness reigns supreme, so she had to wear the tightest top available, and couldn’t even bother to cover her chest with the scarf. 🧣 me me me me is the message.

And for everyone defending her, “so what if she’s wearing that, she’s spoke up the most!” - would those same people also be ok with scantily clad strippers marching in the protest? Or would they draw a line for immodesty there? Hypocrites.

Btw has she officially been cast as a “friend” on stupid Dubai bling? She’s in London with Farhana Bodi and they both attended some random baby shower.
3,2,1 …. cue ‘paparazzi photo’ of Faryal tearing down Israeli hostage flyers and causing scandal.
She already implied she did that with her story from yesterday
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I think she deleted the stuff bc I don't see anything either. I think it's about Rahat FA Khan being caught on video beating servant and accusing him of stealing one of his alcohol bottles. The video is upsetting to watch (just a warning). I saw something where someone said Rahat FA Khan is now for his drinking and trashing hotel rooms with his team, within the inner entertainment circles.
He denied it was alcohol instead saying the man lost his holy water. Err so that makes it ok, it’s is a horrible video and they have blatantly made the person he beat speak out after his initial response of “I’m his mentor he has no problem with this” went down like a lead balloon. Hopefully this is his downfall as you should never treat anyone like that.
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Her videos of working out this girl man and she has the cheek to expect summz to not speak out in case her kids see it. Erm look at what you upload yourself. No self respect!
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Why did Fakeyal try to imply she purchased her Ferrari when Amir got it. Did he get caught shagging another woman.

She also shared an Emaar property folder a few days ago n captioned it 'just purchased a new property in Dubai'. I wonder which girl Amir got caught with this time.

Was thinking abt Amir's twitter msg where he called her a gold digger. I wonder if he feels it works out in his favour now, coz atleast he gets to cheat in peace.
I think Amir rents these bc he switches out his Ferrari’s too often.

is telegram a UAE thing? Fyza keeps promoting her telegram, it seems like a non trackable platform where you can scam in peace
No Telegram is big in the US too. lol oddly it’s big in the couponing community, along many others.
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I wish the conflict would end for the sake of innocent children, women and men that have had to endure absolute atrocities…and for these phony pariahs like Faryal thinking she’s some goddamn Mother Theresa of Instagram.
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