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Modest St and all these others don't have any personality or even enough followers to be classed as a celeb influencer. They're just stars in their own worlds.
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Real classy 😒

She really thrives off being a controversial jerk and terrible “friend”. Everything always has to be about her and her only. Narcissist
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Fakey is so fake that she had to prove to the world that she talks to her brother after I pulled her up. The convo she put up was prob a conversation Amir was having with him, as he gets on better with him than you!!! 🤣🤣🤣 I follow your brother on snap and have been doing so for years. he hasn’t wished your son birthday or ever mentioned any of your kids 🤣

your dad has seen you after years. Mama doom doom must have begged him!!!
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Amir posted on Snapchat telling the kids their KFC is inside & Alayna is saying "no she wants McDonald's" then the nanny goes on to say "McDonald's support Israel" well if they bothered doing their research properly they would know that KFC is also on the list of brands to boycott. Why not just make the kids healthy home made food instead of fast food oh let me think because they are too lazy. The kids were only a couple of weeks ago having McDonald's happy meals & Amir & Faryal weren't bothered then.

I saw a post Dina Torkia put up in regards to the post the photographer posted about how the people of Gaza don't want pity from people who repost his stories with horrific images & videos but then their next post is them having fun. Dina said people should be mindful of what is appropriate to post & what might look insensitive because the people in Gaza are watching people's stories so at a time like this people should be more mindful & aware of what they are posting. She also said she knows life goes on but you don't have to post about the parties, events & food if you need to attend such events there is no need to post about it aswell at a time like this.

I completely agree with her it's just about posting what is appropriate at a time like this & being more mindful, I'm sure Faryal could have refrained from posting her cleavage & handbags but no she can't & I'm sure Amir could refrain from showing off his latest car but no he can't they also didn't need to post about the boxing match & event they attended but these two desperate fame hungry attention seekers couldn't even stop themselves from posting about it & then even posting photos of themselves with celebs that support Israel talk about being tone deaf & insensitive. Faryal & Amir maybe try practicing what you preach instead of just preaching.
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Random thought: maybe if Faryal didn’t F up her face with all the plastic surgery, she wouldn’t need to wear skimpy outfits for attention. Basically, faryal’s face is so bad she knows she won’t get any compliments on it. So she’s resorting to haram outfits for validation.
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Faryal's new Tik Tok video is hilarious 😂 she's trying so hard to be like those Dubai bling women & acting like a "boss queen" but in reality Faryal's a cheap desperate doormat who gets cheated & humiliated by Amir again & again & then gets a handbag thrown at her & accepts it 😂 I don't think any of the Dubai bling women would even be that desperate to put up with a man whore like Amir who sends his dick pics to multiple random women then tells these women "text me later my wife is in the room" how embarrassing. Faryal has really sold her soul for this materlistic world then she puts up her delusional religious quotes & has her delusional followers praising her hypocritical haram ways.
I can remember when Amir was going to divorce Faryal & the deluded idiot was claiming she got "evil eye" from people if Amir can't keep his dick in his pants then that's his problem what has it got to do with evil eye. Faryal maybe the reason is he doesn't love you & find you attractive & he's a dirty lying dog & it's not evil eye.

It's like Amir going on about Friday prayers but then fucking women in hotel rooms, begging for nudes, sending dick pics & drinking alcohol. Faryal & Amir will both take each other to hell there's an Islamic quote "bad women are for bad men, And bad men are for bad women; while good women are for good men, And good men are for good women" that's why these two lying hypocrites have ended up together because they're both equally bad & deserve each other they don't deserve anyone good, honest, loyal & faithful. Faryal & Amir haven't got anything else going for them they are shit human beings, are Z listers & are rubbish parents so they have to get outside validation from somewhere like social media & materlistic items. At least Faryal & Amir have ended up together instead of ruining someone else's life they can ruin each others lives with their fake shit show of a marriage 😂
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Just saw online that Modest Street & her teenage daughter Diyannah have had a falling out & she's left her mum house & is now living with her dad. This all happened 7 months ago but has just recently come out. Diyannah is saying her mum took 5 grand out of her account which was her money that she had made herself when Diyannah asked her mum to return the money her mum shouted at her. Modest Street is saying her daughter leaving was a blessing in disguise & she will no longer have her prayers who the hell says that about their own child. Modest Street married some weirdo & brought him into her kids life she put him before her own children there has to be something off about a man that takes on a woman who has five children. I always felt like Modest Street tries to use religion & hide behind it & how pious she is to try cover up her clout chasing manipulative ways.

Diyannah is saying what you see online is not real with her mum & that behind closed doors it's very toxic. I knew there was something off about Modest Street the way she licks Faryal & Amir's arse these types of mothers think they can control their children forever but they forget children grow up & eventually see the truth. Amir & Faryal's kids will one day see the truth & leave them & be making videos about how toxic their parents are. Children are not silly they can tell who is geniune or not. Faryal & Amir can dump their kids as much as they like now but they are forgetting they're not going to stay this age forever & will one day grow up & see how selfish & useless Faryal & Amir are.
Modest street is such a weirdo. Who would put that out in social media in the first place.

She was doing some fuck boy shit with her ex-husband as well. Putting too much info on social media. But doing it to your own kids is next level weird.
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Faryal would have been desperate to get invited to the wedding of the guy who owns PLT & have her tits out on show & post none stop on social media but her & Amir were obviously not well known enough or worth an invite 😂 Faryal was probably also gagging for an invite to the Met Gala so she could drool over her idols the Kardashian's. Faryal thought by being married to Amir it will open doors for her but instead by being married to him all it's done is humiliated her, made her a laughing stock to the world & left her with so many insecurities & a botched face.


Who remembers when Faryal & Amir got invited to the Espys when it was boiling hot weather & Faryal decided to dress as a cheap hooker in leather she looked so stupid & ridiculous 😂 she really thought she "made it" when she spotted Bruce Jenner on the red carpet & was fangirling like a clown.


Amir the clueless fool also called Caitlyn 'Bruce' 🤦‍♀️😂😂😂
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That Sue has been up Faryal's arse going on about how Faryal is posting about Palestine & acting like Faryal is some type of queen & saviour when Faryal & Amir have been doing the bare minimum aswell but Sue loves to lick Faryal's arse & will conveniently brush over the rest of Amir & Faryal's hypocritical behaviour but yet she has a problem with Angelina Jolie I smell jealousy. It's like Faryal & Sue are in competition with other influencers & love calling people out yet when someone does speak out then they still have shit to say. It's like Sue & Faryal want to be known for being the first one's to post about Palestine they just can't stand anyone else getting any type of praise shouldn't they just be happy that someone like Angelina Jolie who is more well known & has more influence has spoken up about what is happening & how wrong it is instead of bashing her & saying "oh now she finally decided to speak up" I don't see Sue bashing Faryal for parading a Chanel bag around or bashing Faryal for attending boxing events & posing in photos with celebs who support Israel.

Oh poor Faryal doesn't feel like eating wasn't she just the other day posting about how Amir's mum makes the best chicken & was out with them having dinner the other day aswell. Faryal stays in one night & then post about "I don't even feel like going out" but then is out the next day, she doesn't feel like eating for one day but then post about "I lost my appetite & can't eat" I guarantee by tomorrow she will be posting plates of food again.
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The “aspiring law student” is quite DIM. And I’m pretty certain she’s never even been to Miami, Florida otherwise she would always post throwbacks to “take me back”

I remember when she would stay with Amir in his tiny rented apartment in LA when he would train for his fights, and it looked so dumpy and basic. She would always reach out for “private chef needed to make healthy meals for athlete” meanwhile she would be at Kim K’s plastic surgeon’s office getting treatments done 😏
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That's the thing with fake lying hypocrites they always end up exposing themselves in some way & get caught out like dumb & dumber. Faryal must think she’s some type of Saint because she has stopped drinking Starbucks the way she's posing like a moron with a coffee cup she's so tone deaf & cluess. Faryal & Amir are posting about Palestine because they know they have to they were getting called out for being silent & not speaking up when the bombing was first happening they were both quiet & posting like normal for 3 weeks until they were getting pressure put on them in the comments & people asking why they are not speaking up.

Faryal you stopped drinking Starbucks but still parade a Chanel bag around & pose in photos with celebrities that support Israel yeah that really makes sense even Amir practically had his head up Eminem's arse hole. It's like I said before these two clowns just pick & choose what to do & what not to do as long as it fits them & their fake lifestyle just like they do with being Muslim they think they can just pick & choose what to follow & what not to follow as long as it suits them. Amir & Faryal act like desperate little fan girls around celebrities it's so cringey no one else has their phone out it's always dumb & dumber on their phones snapping away especially Amir the way he was shoving the phone in Manny Pacquiao's face was embarrassing.


This was posted by a photographer who's in Gaza & has been posting daily & showing what's happening in Palestine & how horrific it is. It sums it up how people in Gaza feel about these so called "celebrities" posting a few post here & there about Palestine & thinking they have done their "bit" & then in the next post them carrying on happily like normal. You can sense the anger & frustration they don't want fake pity or sympathy from people living in their ivory towers who are so far detached from reality & have zero clue. It's like Amir the other day posting really horrific videos of injured & dead children but then the next post his him promoting Aymen's stupid scam. Now dumb & Dumber are even teaching their kids to celebrate Halloween 🤦‍♀️
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I’ve felt that Faryal genuinely is affected and troubled and grieved like the rest of us with seeing a genocide taking place in front of our eyes in real time whilst the hypocrisy of the western world and the mainstream media infuriates us all. Yes Faryal is materialistic and self centred, insecure as hell as an individual and as a wife, but she’s not evil like these terrorists killing innocent children so she IS showing her solidarity and being vocal like so many of us. To the point where I think she’s actually struck a nerve with certain people of actual power and I hope she doesn’t get harmed for her vocalisation. I doubt this is a fabricated message she received.
Yes she is genuinely concerned and heartbroken about the Palestinians which is a good thing. Good for her and Amir for being vocal about it. BUT the two of them are tone deaf- they post sad Palestine videos/photos but then right after they go about their day like nothing happened…they go out and celebrate and have fun which is very disrespectful in my opinion. Like I said before if I was an influencer I wouldn’t post my activities until after the genocide stops out of respect. And I would feel too guilty to go on vacation and go to fancy restaurants etc while Palestinians are being annihilated.
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I’m sure this isn’t their first Ramadan there, but it all seems to be about keeping up with the Dubai bling cast this year!
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That Myra girl is such a bitch and so is fakeyal and her ass licking followers. Isnt Myra racist against Pakistani’s? She’s said the word Paki multiple times in the comment section of fakeyal’s previous posts. Fakeyal is pakistani herself so idk why she stays friends with that racist bitch I would block her ass.
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If their show is renewed at least they can continue to make fools of themselves & let the world see it & have a good laugh at them 😂 looks like that Ferrari was especially hired out for the show. Their "reality" show is far from reality they try acting like they live this lavish Dubai life & spend money left right & centre when the truth is Amir is stingy & Faryal only gets gifts after getting cheated on yeah really living the Dubai high life Faryal only getting stuff from your husband after he has stuck his dick somewhere else 😂

Faryal & Amir hire out houses & cars just for the show but in reality they are living a sad fake unhappy life & can't even be decent parents. I can't believe they are actually showing their faces on tv again after all the recent drama with Amir sending dick pics & harassing women for nudes & Faryal wishing cancer & death on innocent children. These two really have zero shame it's all about money for them even if it costs them their dignity not that they have much dignity in the first place one word to describe them EMBARRASSING!!!
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What happened to Faryal attending London Fashion week? And Amir looks like a chubby washed up boxer someone should tell him he looks like an idiot with his beard shaved off he's trying to look younger but just looks like a fat chipmunk. I bet he bought a load of his own books & gave them to his family & also got his arse licking mates to buy some. Can't believe anyone actually turned up to his book signings all the Asians that were there it's embarrassing especially after what he's been in the papers for recently. Some people are just clueless & will lick his arse no matter what he does.

Sumaira's tik tok was sad to see but I get why some people are saying she probably only messaged Amir back because she also wanted the luxury lifestyle & when Amir & her had an argument only after that she told Faryal everything. Amir's still in the wrong the most because he's the married one & also because he lied to Geo News. Sumaira maybe thought she was special but then realised Amir was doing the same with loads of other girls at the same time messaging them building a friendship then asking for nudes & then asking to meet up. Faryal & Amir both do need a reality check & be brought back down to Earth they've been getting away with their lies & hypocritical behaviour for far too long & trying to fool everyone & it's about time they get a taste of their own medicine. If they can't appreciate what they have or be grateful for the position they are in & use it to do good then it should all get taken away from them.
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Fakeyal you were following kim and kylie too until recently. After the genocide stops I’m sure you’ll be buying their products again and watching their reality show lol.

🙄🙄🙄🙄 she just can’t help it but make this all about herself can she?!
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