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Hopefully this is the rise before his fall!!!

im going to message her brother on socials and ask what he thinks about the injustice his sister is creating along with his bil
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On snap Amir posted an old photo of him and fakeyal. I’ve noticed he’s been doing that for atleast the past few months…he once in awhile randomly posts a pic of them together. Definitely does it just for show and to make it seem like they’re a happy couple and that things are good between them.
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View attachment 2559916
If shes not promoting/advertising Chanel why’s she using it for one of her promotional/ad posts?! Funny how the Chanel bag is the only item with its logo on her pic. She could have easily blurred out the Chanel purse or photoshopped it out. We all know she has good photoshopping skills.

Also, giving a brand free positive promo (even if u think they don’t need ur promo) is still benefiting the brand. It’s crazy how she’s trying to gaslight ppl into thinking they’re harming the cause by calling her out for the bag. Shes that desperate to wear out her Chanel’s. It only shows how materialistic she is and how greedy she is bc we all know she doesn’t actually need the money from these promos.

she really wants an award for posting about Palestine. But there’s many of us who r posting about Palestine and refraining from posting about our personal lives bc we want Palestine to get all the focus. She can’t even do that but she acts like she’s an amazing human being for throwing Palestine posts in between her “my life is amazing” posts
You're right she could have just the bag logo or not have even posed with the bag! But she JUST has to let everyone know she can afford a Chanel bag 🙄🙄
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Alayna painting something and this evil witch comes along saying that doesn’t look like a sunset to me. She always has to put her kids down she’s so miserable and toxic. It’s a child for crying out loud build her confidence not knock her down
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Her arse cheek is practically hanging out in this photo 🤦‍♀️ her face looks so scary & not right she's had that much botox she can't even move her face anymore, if her face looks that scary in photos I can't imagine how it must look in reality in person. Faryal made a mistake standing next to Alia Bhatt & having a photo taken it shows even more how weird Faryal's face looks the hilarious thing is Faryal has even photo shopped & edited her own face in that picture & it still didn't help 😂 Alia looks so fresh faced, young & pretty & Faryal looks like an over the top, harsh old drag queen.
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Imagine a husband proudly recording his wife saying "fuck you" and flipping him off for the world to see. Tells you everything you need to know about their "marriage," no self-respecting couple would do that to each other let alone post it for the world to see. Who is this new scammer Amir is promoting now, Was or something? What happened to Aymen? Amir went on everyday about how Aymen and him are making people money, showing screenshot after screenshot trying to prove they're not scammers now all of a sudden he has this new partner and they have their own telegram group. Doesn't seem shady at all. Of course they're baiting people to join the group, how does this scamming fraud and cheat of a husband look his kids in the eye everyday?
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What does Faryal mean by this quote? She's actually delusional putting up quotes that she doesn't follow or live by herself she can't even see that everytime she puts these quotes up she looks like a complete & utter hypocrite. Faryal doesn't accept her nose she's had a nose job & then on photos still facetunes her nose to an Inch of it's life she hasn't got one natural photo on her Insta & always has a filter on her face on Snapchat when Amir tries recording her she always covers her face. Faryal has zero self love if she did she wouldn't stay with a dirty man like Amir & continue to be his stupid doormat wife. A woman that has self love doesn't look for validation by showing her body parts on social media & showing off materlistic things & staying with a man that has zero respect for the marriage & the person he is married to.

Amir humiliates her so much because he knows he can & she won't leave sure Faryal gets pissed off for a bit but then he knows all he has to do is throw her a treat a car or handbag & all is forgotten. Amir has zero regard for his kids aswell imagine Lamaisah reading her dad's been having an affair for 4 months & shagging women in hotel rooms & been sending numerous dick pics to random women. Amir is just pure dirt he doesn't even love these women that he gets involved with or want to marry them he just uses them then goes back to the dumb doormat at home. Faryal is an actual embarrassment to women & mothers she accepts her husband fucking other women & can't even raise her own children, all she is good for is getting her plastic tits out & smoking shisha. Well done Faryal 🤡
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Here she goes again with her religious quotes she is so stupid does she think she can pick & choose when to be religious & when to be a tart, one minute posting a video of her fake tits bursting out of her top then the next minute posting herself sat on the prayer mat & religious quotes. Faryal put a quote the other day about how everyone wants her & Amir to split up & that everyone has tried everything to split them up but they still couldn't nothing. Faryal is a delusional lost case the only person doing "stuff" is her embarrassing desperate "husband" & no one could give a crap if her & Amir split up in fact like I've said before they both deserve each other & should stay together forever their dumb, pathetic fake marriage is the gift that keeps on giving 😂
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In a way am glad the kids have the nannies, seems like they're learning how to be nice people from them rather than their mother.
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Why is this not going viral?

Amir and his wife have done worse than other celebs who got slaughtered like kevin spacey.

What makes it worse is that they've been working together like epstein and his woman. If you guys have seen that show house of cards, they're moving like low iq versions of Frank and Claire.
right!? with all the exposure he has right now he could be vilified in the media, but it’s not gaining traction for whatever reason. it’s messed up
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I think that's why Amir & Faryal always make these sly digs at Lamaisah because she calls them out & doesn't want to be like them, in Amir & Faryal's eyes Lamaisah is getting harder to control now because she is 10 & becoming independent but the little one's are easier for them to manipulate & control. If Amir thinks it's acceptable & right to call Lamaisah ugly & post it on social media I can only imagine what he says behind closed doors & the stuff he's not posting.

Amir the moron thinks 11.30am is an early start & posting about how he has to attend one of the girls school plays because she wanted him to come. I think she only wanted him to be there as not to be left out because the rest of the kids will all have their parents in the audience. I'm surprised he got his arse up & is actually going but as usual the lazy selfish mother Faryal is no where to be seen she couldn't give a crap about her daughters play & if it was up to Faryal she would probably send the nannies in her place to go watch it instead. It's one day & Faryal still couldn't get her useless arse out of bed to make her child happy.
That's disgusting. Their lives are so empty, materialistic and depraved. No spirituality, culture or morals. It's sad when you see Muslims without any positive points from their religion and culture.

Couples actually grafting to pay the bills and make a future for their family still juggle duties to make time for their kids.
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Do her followers not know the definition of humble? Fakeyal is one of the cockiest and least humble people on this planet. Anyone who sais “bitch you wish you looked like me” isnt humble. Amir’s followers call him humble too just because he’s nice to his fans and social but he’s arrogant as well.

Also on her newest insta post someone commented and asked if she threatens other women that AK cheats on her with and she lied and said no. Lying bitch.


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all this drama because khan couldn’t keep it in his pants. on top of that he lied to make summz look like the liar. that’s probably to show other girls if they try and speak up khan is powerful enough to lie and turn your life inside out. whether summz is wrong or not for her actions is not the point here the point is khan goes and does as he pleases and grooms and manipulates girls and then lies about them when he is caught out. faryal you and your minions need to understand that before you blame the girls without your rat of a husband amir these girls wouldn’t have been a problem in your self proclaimed desired by everyone Pakistani life.
I really hop summz gets the justice and yes I think we should report khans account for using it to groom girls because that’s where he begins contact and then also faryals for harassing butttttt I’ll say it now as soon as faryal feels she is mcdoomed she will make her kids an account and milk that for attention
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Raising awareness is vital. But does she think her poorly written posts make a difference to anything? Where is her outrage when mosques and schools are attacked in Muslim countries? Where are her posts for girls who can't go to school in Afghanistan? She's so dumb that honestly if you asked about the history of Palestine and Israel she wouldn't have the first clue. And the suffering is awful, she is better of making a statement about how to help people, how to raise money, how to do something that makes a real difference to those affected (regardless of what side they're on) instead she's picking apart what "influencers" are posting. And as if netflix give a toss about her.
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Why do they always refer to fakeyal as a model? If sponsored instagram pics are classed as modelling then we’re all models. And please an ali express makeup line is not being a businesswoman
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She knows nothing about designer items just goes and picks clothes and shoes other high end influencers showcase
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