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Why would anyone want or accept a bag from a man that's been sending his dick pics to loads of random women & been fucking random women in hotel rooms behind your back, I would throw it back in his face but here's the cheap desperate woman Faryal with her "thank you Amir Khan" yeah thank you for shagging multiple other women all throughout our marriage & humiliating me & then throwing a treat at me "woof woof" 🐶 Faryal looks like a complete & utter idiot opening her Gucci bag on the floor whilst Amir records it to post on social media to show the world that he can afford a Gucci bag but yet he can't "afford" to keep his dirty disease ridden dick in his pants. Sorry to say but seriously what's the difference between Faryal & a prostitute she is accepting gifts as a pay off & I'm sure that Gucci bag didn't come for free she probably got on her back for Amir in return 🤢🤮

Looks like it's the new trend for all these useless gold digger mother's to get their kids names tattooed on them. Alyzeh trapped a rich man had a baby with him but they're not together anymore but as long as she still receives money from him to maintain her materlistic lifestyle she's not bothered these women have zero thought for the children & the messed up toxic environment they are bringing them into. Sue is another cheap woman who probably is happy as long as the abusive man is still providing child maintenance all these women just care about is money they have zero morals & can be bought off. Have some dignity & self respect! But then again these are the same women parading their tits all over social media.
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Why does she need so many watches? She needs to know the time....why? So she knows when it's time to go to work? Time to pick her kids up from school? Time to see her parents?
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It deeply sickens me how she’s always showing off her luxury goods especially during these sad times. Fakeyal people in Palestine are breaking their fast with grass and here you are showing your luxury cars. Be more considerate. Your profile probably shows up on their explore page…you and these other influencers are probably making them feel bad.

Shame on you. Also its ramadan…spend more time in worship…stop making cringy videos of yourself for insta and stop showing off your luxury things.
Her replies to the comments calling her out only made her look worse. She thinks her replies are funny and witty but they only make her look dumb. Her inability to not wear Chanel is embarrassing. She thinks not buying any new Chanel but promoting her old ones is acceptable.
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In the news here in the UK there is a huge story in all the papers about the comedian Russell Brand who is a sexual predator he groomed women used his power & fame to silence people & because he was famous he was surrounded by enablers hiding his ways even though everyone who knew him said there was something off about him & he would make a lot of sick sexual jokes aimed at women. Russell is going with the same narrative as Amir "why are the women coming out now, why did it take them this long" & trying to say they must have another agenda like they want money or want fame.

Amir is no better than Russell ok Amir might not have raped anyone but manipulating, lying & grooming women for your sick sexual needs is just as bad then blackmailing them & slandering them after aswell. I can't believe the UK papers haven't called Amir out for being a sexual predator aswell instead they downplay it & call him a "love rat" when clearly it's more serious than that in fact all the big TV shows have invited him on to promote his stupid book 🙄
I was thinking the exact same thing. Why didn’t they bat an eyelid about Amir.

I think it could be due to his YouTube channel which has been surrounded with plenty of controversy.
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Well-known member
1. Get ur parents to beg on TV for ur husband not to divorce u coz he's the cash cow.

2. On valentine's demand to know where ur thousands of pounds worth of watch is.

3. Remind the world ur son is the only male u'll ever love, while milking ur millionaire husband that u pretend ur trapped with, n dump the kids with the maids at every opportunity.

4. Get urself sum sick fuck, minion followers like Slimeball Sue (hi Sue!) to praise u for being strong n independent while milking ur husband like a cow. That's a strong Asian female for ya! Congrats! U've made it in life.
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Chatty Member
Her and amir are out for dinner again. For someone who has a ‘heavy heart’ she sure looks happy in the snaps🙄
Like I said earlier, she’s just preaching from her ivory tower. I don’t think there’s really anyone that doesn’t condemn the atrocities that are taking place against Palestinians, but she needs to quit acting like only she and Amir are “brave” enough to go against the grain. Someone commented under her post that Chanel donated millions to the IDF, so is she going to burn her Chanel bags now? I think not. She just loves to talk the talk but never walks the walk.
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Right, however, celebrities or influencers dropping their public opinions isn’t going to stop this war. This shouldn’t even be about “oh Dj KhaLeD is a SeLL-out, and FaRYaL is DoinG the MoST ouT of EVerYoNe eLsE”…the thread got off topic again bc of the current political climate. May there soon be peace for all involved.
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It seems as though Faryal is more concerned & obsessed with other influencers & what they are posting or not posting regarding the situation in Palestine she's so focused on shaming & calling other influencers out like it makes her feel better about herself. The main focus should be raising awareness of the truth & what the Western media is not showing about what is really happening in Palestine. Faryal's main focus & aim shouldn't be about other influencers if they don't post then thats on them & their conscience it's like as if she's used this opportunity to try & show how good her & Amir are because they are posting about Palestine & how bad others are.

Faryal the clueless idiot had the nerve to put the caption "dinner time because I is starvinnnn" when she knows the horrific situation in Palestine & their are actually people who are straving to death. This materlistic woman doesn't know the meaning of starving when their are people in Palestine with no food & water. Faryal was calling other influencers out yesterday for posting a few snaps & mocking them saying "wow good job" but then she does exactly the same she post a few things about Palestine & then she's back to posting photos of herself posing or posting pics of her food in a restaurant.

Didn't Faryal only yesterday put out a post about how "everyday I wake up with a heavy heart & sick feeling in my stomach. My whole day revolves around what's going on in Palestine" & then she couldn't even out of respect wait a few days to not post her dumb superficial snaps she couldn't even wait a day & she's posting the next day like normal after that whole post about apparently how much she's affected by what's happening.
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Chatty Member
She’s definitely fallen out with amir. The set up convo with the Nannie’s about who they would rather live with and that the kids will of course stay with her. So predictable.
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Chatty Member
Looking as trashy as ever…and flipping the bird to Amir. Now he is a scum bag husband, but she’s the one that chose to stay with him 🙄
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When Faryal said to the nanny "if you had to choose who would you live with me or Amir" & the nanny said "where are the kids going" 😂 Faryal was recording & wanted the nanny to say she would rather stay with her over Amir but the nanny said it all by not answering the question they hate Faryal's guts & only put up with her because it's their job & they need the money. Faryal also tried threatening the nanny saying "I'm just letting you know I run the house" & the nanny still didn't pick her 😂 Faryal doesn't run the house she barely gets up & wipes her own ass. Faryal couldn't do fuck all if she didn't have the nannies there.

Faryal has definitely had a falling out with Amir with her cryptic quotes about "giving people too many chances" & "learn to be done with people" oh shut up Faryal I don't think Amir gives a shit about your dumb indirect quotes in fact he's probably gotten satisfied whilst he was in England by one of his side pieces he knows your ass isn't going anywhere. Faryal go hug your Gucci bag that Amir threw at you 😂 also how funny was it when Alayna was hugging Amir & she said "Faryal is over there" 🤣🤣
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She don’t care about Palestine, she used it all for clout. She’s been non stop reposting pics of herself and all her material things
Influencers that don’t post about Gaza made her sick, but the few things she posted she made sure she pinned herself to put herself up top. That’s one way to keep the awareness going
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She needs to sit down and shut the fuck up. She's basically now insinuating the Hamas attack wasn't real and being outright antisemitic at this point. It started as showing sympathy with the Palestinian people which is absolutely fair but true colours are showing now. But posting about all of that between gloating about her lifestyle is downright disrespectful and tone deaf. She is vile.
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It’s the posing with them like she’s mother of the year, she’s probably never changed her boy’s nappy
Or had to feed him, no wonder he hardly speaks. She defo avoids uploading anything with him actually speaking unlike Amir.
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Looks like these 2 fools got their show renewed for another season 🤔🤬... so much for sumzz and faryal hussains efforts to show the world their true colors.
These 2 morons ain't going no where
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