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Hmmmm her last post about itv and their ‘lucrative offer’ I smell bull. If it was about Palestine she would provided a screen shot but they probably had someone better in mind and dropped her. They’ve approached her after her posts about Palestine, you wouldn’t bother if that’s gonna be the case
Why does she get so much praise for reposting a few things about Palestine, she does nothing in her day to day life plus we can see it hasn’t impacted her as a mother, she certainly doesn’t want to spend more time with her children.
reposting about Gaza has not impacted her ‘work’ when has she worked for L’Oréal, Louis Vuitton or even any company that supports Israel?!
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Looks like Amir & Faryal can't even be bothered to pretend to like each other now 😂 On father's day Faryal didn't even bother putting her usual fake dumb post wishing Amir happy father's day but Amir wished his own dad & father in law probably because even after humiliating & cheating on Faryal so many times Faryal's dad still goes up Amir's bum hole which is so weird. Now on Eid dumb & dumber didn't do their fake "happy family" photo instead Faryal just did a post where she obviously got paid to advertise the designers clothes. Faryal & Amir probably got paid to do the Hello shoot aswell so basically dumber & dumber only pretend to play happy families when they are getting paid for it.

The kids have zero family around them for Eid & looks like Faryal only dressed the girls in order to get paid for that post on Instagram. Zaviyaar is pulling Alayna's hair & kicking her & all Faryal the moron can do is laugh like an idiot & post it on Snapchat. Most parents look forward to the summer holidays so they can spend time with the children but not dumb & dumber they a shipping the kids away to America for 2 months.
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She's an attention seeking trashbag. This is her 2nd announcement that she has something to tell, she's loving it. If it was so news worthy she wouldn't need to hype it up beforehand.

Her desperation for attention reminds me of Poonam Pandey that z lister bollywood actress. She faked her death on insta as a publicity stunt but says it was to promote cervical cancer in India.

Also Faryal promoting sum random guy on tiktok, claiming he's only one who makes her laugh. She did the exact same with Ken Doll. He said Faryal contacted him n saying he's the only one who makes her laugh n then invited him for dinner n they became besties. Seems Ken doll is being replaced by a new bestie.
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Just seen his snap, looks like AJ has good skills to get away from someone. He couldn’t get rid of amir any quicker
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He got into the ring because he's a beg & loves leeching of anyone's success & fame since he's such a big failure himself & is mostly only known for wanking on skype 😂 he loves making it all about him. Amir looks like a complete & utter little fan boy looking up to Joshua with that dumb big grin on his face, seriously how can he not be ashamed or embarrassed after acusing Joshua of fucking his wife & Faryal faking messages from Joshua I felt second hand embarrassment for him.


Also I noticed how Amir swerved Eddie Hearn & didn't fist bump him when he fist bumped everyone else. Faryal & Amir are so unprofessional & literally fall out with everyone they ever work with. They can't keep hold of any friends that's why the two fools are stuck with each other no one else will put up with them.


Faryal stop pretending to show of your muscles when you clearly have none your obviously trying to show your fake tits off to the world. Does she think people are stupid by putting that muscle emoji there. I guess with a face & personality like hers the only thing she can do is show off fake body parts 😂
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Has she got another tattoo looks like this one spells Alayna. This woman hardly ever spends any quality time with her kids the nannies do all the things that the parents should be doing like getting them ready for school, dressing them, doing their hair, bathing them, taking them to school, being at school plays & disciplining them. I thought nannies are only there to help out when the parents are busy or away from home but Faryal's kids nannies basically raise the kids, why did Faryal have children in the first place if she can't be bothered to do anything that involves looking after her children..... oh yeah I know why because she had to trap the dirty greasy boxer. Whilst the nannies take on the role of parents this gives Amir & Faryal more time to live their sad, shallow & materlistic life.

Faryal is such a rubbish absent mum it's like she has to tattoo the kids name on herself to prove her love for them when normal mothers prove their love to their children everyday by being present & raising them they don't need to get stupid tattoos just to "show" the world, it's like she knows she is a shit mother & thinks she's doing her "bit" by tattooing their names on her skin like she's saying "look at me I love my children so much that I will even go & put myself through pain just to get their name tattooed on me" yeah Faryal you can get a pointless tattoo on your arm which means nothing but yet you can't get your arse up & get your kids ready for school or even be there to pick them up at home time.
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Funny how Faryal made it to London right after the protest & not on the day of the protest like she said she was going to, now she's claiming she will be at the ceasefire rally tomorrow when members of Parliament will be voting for or against a ceasefire let's see if she actually turns up this time she managed to get to Selfridges just fine without a problem.


Didn't Faryal just post this the other day & now she is back to posting her superficial, materlistic crap again it doesn't last long with her literally not even a day until she is back to her normal selfish, superficial, meaningless life. Why would she put that stupid sly face emoji she's such an idiot the meaning of that emoji is being smug so she is basically saying shopping doesn't feel the same because of what's happening in Gaza but she is smug because she is still shopping wtf! This tart exposes her own lies & selfishness. Also on her Snapchat why is she posting Christmas songs & Christmas related posts inbetween post about Gaza how insensitive. Faryal who thinks she's so intelligent can't even spell 'Propaganda' right she spelt it 'Propagana' on her Snapchat the brainless bimbo😂 & why are Amir & Faryal only doing a charity event on December 19th the people in Gaza need help right now it's all about self promotion for him & to promote his AK foundation.
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New world record. Cleansed her sole and got her tits out within 24 hours. Wow. When u think it can’t get any worse
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Chatty Member
Sumat don’t seem right, they making out they started this venture which I very much doubt. They don’t spend anytime at home as a family or cook for themselves. It’s definitely someone else who’s started this and approached them to invest. As usual they have to make out they shitted it out themselves
Right?! I don’t even understand why they said it’s “their new venture” - it clearly isn’t! This guys’ “wedding hall” has been under construction for nearly a decade but we’re supposed to believe he developed and created a halal meal kit company? LOL
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Ewww gross!!! 🤢🤮 Look at this cheap tramp sticking her arse out next to men there is nothing classy, elegant & sophisticated about her & she always comes across as desperate, tasteless & crude always sticking her arse & boobs out, pouting at the camera, has her mouth open & revealing her inner thigh like she's making an only fans video. Can't she just pose normally or is her default setting to always act & pose like a slut when the cameras on her 😂 Her kids, parents & in-laws must be so ashamed & embarrassed by her.
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She’s just using the whole thing to make herself look good, she got exposed for hiding her greasy husbands pervy ways, threatening other women over him trying to shag them and commenting on children in the most disgusting way. It’s only ever damage control with these 2 paindu bastards
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Fakeyal isn’t unwell, she’s holed up in bed with her million fake accounts constantly commenting on TikTok and instagram.
All the fake accounts you see is the greasy pervert uncle and fakeyal with a few of their tag along friends
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Faryal taking the piss out of Amir for blocking her on social media when they have an argument & fall out but then he's sleeping in the same bed as her. Faryal is so dumb she also blocks Amir & then is sleeping in the same bed as him in fact he goes & sticks his dick somewhere else & Faryal still sleeps in the same bed as him so that makes her the bigger fool 😂


Maybe Faryal should also save & read this quote aswell by the same "relationship guru" 😂 Faryal the delusional clown needs accept the fact no woman is jealous of her or wants to be her or wants her dirty greasy husband he's the one with his tongue hanging out going after any woman with a pulse. Maybe it makes Faryal feel better thinking it's the women holding Amir at gun point & forcing his pants to fall off. Like I said she's completely deluded 😂
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It's not just the tits that magically grew. Her butt does as well. Amir's snaps a few weeks ago vs hers.

That's why she never lets him snap her properly n I'm sure after this we'll never see her real butt again.


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Amir & Faryal are so detached from reality they live a very superficial life their stupid problems revolve around Amir not being able to keep his pants on these two morons have no idea what real hardship & suffering is. The more wealth you have in this life the more you will get questioned by God in the next life about how you used that wealth to do good & help others what will Faryal say she used her wealth to get a boob job, lip fillers & pointless bags & shoes & what will Amir say he got stupid cars & watches these materlistic things will not go with them in their graves & will not help them in the next life.

Faryal posted a video the other day of herself crying with a tissue in her hand like she has to show the world "look at me, poor me I'm so affected by what is happening I'm crying" she said it's affecting her mental health well it can't be affecting her mental health that much she was out again lastnight with her cleavage out in a restaurant with people singing & dancing. I know life has to go on but these two idiots take the piss going out to restaurants surrounded by music & snapping their food pics it's too soon & disrespectful how can you be crying one minute & celebrating the next then after Faryal has been out she has to snap a photo of her on the prayer mat afterwards to show just how "religious" she is & how does she even pray when she always has nail varnish on. Amir is just as stupid he post about Palestine & then is still promoting Aymen's stupid scam in between or showing off his watch or car. Faryal & Amir’s actions speak louder than their words they can preach all they like but look at how they behave & their actions that tells you everything about the type of people they are & their characters.
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I'm guessing she's wearing something like this under her dress with the abnormal cinched in waist & over the top protuding hips. It's like with everything else in Faryal's life a fake illusion & not real, once again her trying to be something that she isn't could she get anymore insecure Fake tits, fake nose, fake lips & now even fake hips & butt 😂 she really despises herself & wants to come across as this confident boss woman on social media but in reality she's her cheating husbands doormat secretary sat at home trying to attach fake plastic to herself 😂 Faryal can try changing her outside appearance as much as she wants but it won't change who she is on the inside a greedy, selfish, lying manipulator just like her dirty husband if any two people were made for each other it's these two clowns 🤡 😂
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Fakey so good at trying to project that her outer being is perfect whereas from inside she’s a cold, heartless woman. Nothing humane, Motherley about her. Defo has childhood traumas and abandonment issues. She needs to do her inner work. She’s insecure as hell!! Too much reassurance needed from random strangers 🤣🤣🤣
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