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They’ve come out to play! 😳
Wow how wonky are her boobs. Now I’m wondering is that the reason she puts her hands over them on pics and vids she posts. Makes no sense why she covers it but still wears it all on show so now I’m thinking is she putting her hand over to cover the wonkyness??


Chatty Member
Faryal always portrays on social media as if she’s now kind and loving to Arifa/Mariyah, but it doesn’t appear she made any effort to meet them during their visit to Dubai. I saw that Harry posted that Amir brought the daughters out for a day visit to a children’s park, but no sign of Faryal of course. I’m sure she would’ve been keen on posting it to gain brownie points…but then again she’s probably seething with anger against Amir and the last thing she wants to do is be nice to anyone that matters to him.
ok i was wrong…mariyah posted a video with faryal


New member
I actually think Faryal Hussain & Sumaira gave Faryal & Amir enough time & plenty of chances to just give a simple apology that Amir lied & Sumaira did not send any nude photos or blackmail him for money it would have stopped then & there & probably Faryal's voice notes wouldn't have even been exposed then. Sumaira admitted she messaged Amir & it was wrong of her to continue messaging a married man she never denied that she denied she sent nudes & blackmailed him & in fact it was Amir who sent dick pics & offered to give her money which was proven to be true with screenshots. Unlike Amir & Faryal who all of a sudden deny everything & get a bout of "amnesia" & can't even remember contacting any women. Until evidence is shown then they have a "sexting problem". If Faryal Hussain & Sumaira wanted to really go for them they could have released all this straight away without giving them an opportunity to say sorry that's all they ever wanted in the first place from those two hypocrites. Amir is the one who went to Geo News he thought his lies will get him through just like he does with everything else in life lies & gets away with it but this time it didn't work, it was only a matter of time before he messed with the wrong people or women shall I say.

Faryal stayed quiet enabling Amir's behaviour she was happy to let Amir go to Geo News say all those lies about Sumaira when it was in fact Amir & Faryal blackmailing & threatening Sumaira (& numerous other women) & it was Amir sending & begging for nudes. Faryal didn't give a shit then she's only piping up now because her own image & reputation is on the line with her mocking children with disabilities & kissing a man before marriage I'm glad she's been knocked "off her high horse" with her comment about "I never gave a man my number when I was single" she was single & pursued Amir facetiming him, having late night chats with him & thirsty for him to marry her. Faryal was a thirsty fame hungry little girl so she probably thinks all the other women are like that when no Faryal not all women are like you who want 5mins of fame that you keep going on about & actually it's more embarrassing & damaging for the women to come out & say Amir sent them dick pics who wants to be associated with that but they are doing it to stand up for the truth they are putting their reputation on the line whereas FARYAL & AMIR ARE LYING TO PROTECT WHAT LITTLE REPUTATION THEY HAVE LEFT.

Faryal your the one mocking & hurling abuse at innocent children with disabilities, threatening to slit throats & your worried for your children's lives & safety oh here she goes again USING her children when it suits her, your not worried about your children's safety when they are in the house with that dirty disgusting pervert are you? Or when they are left with random people whilst your in a diffrent country for months. Faryal is an outright narcissist she is just projecting everything she has done & twisting it around saying it's happening to her, I'm glad Faryal Hussain & Sumaira are exposing things everyday this way no one will just forget about it or it won't just go away because that's what Amir & Faryal want.
What did she say about children with disabilities? I didn't see anything about that.


Active member
The nanny is back in time for the kids going back to school and faryal and amir both leave for the uk. When do schools start in Dubai?


Chatty Member
When Faryal did the mirror video on her snap recently, it was so obvious she stuffed the hip area. Lol u could tell she probably used tissue or something under her pants to make it look like she has big hips


Chatty Member
What I fail to understand is... Why can't amir just hire escorts/hookers that Dubai seems to be so full of. Like faryal already knows he wont stop cheating on her. It'll be far much cheaper sincd the record shows she goes and buys expensive gifts for herself everytime he's caught. And the escorts won't come after him either.
Maybe he’s scared of getting caught in Dubai. Even the women he’s messaged were all based in the UK.


Well-known member
Is one of the reasons she won’t leave him because of their faith and divorce isn’t allowed? It could rules be broken due to his behaviour? Sorry if this sounds ignorant it’s not something I have any knowledge of.


Chatty Member

I wonder how it will do as well. A big portion of his fan base don’t seem to care about how he treats women, which says a lot about them too. That Abdu Roziq made a bit of a scummy comment on Summz’s page basically calling HER out. These sexist losers have no shame.

The book deal would have been agreed ages ago of course but the UK public as a whole see him as a bit of a joke at this point. He’ll milk his fan base for ££ probably. Normal people don’t like men who use women - then blame them 🤡
What did thqt abdu roziq say??


Chatty Member
This tart is always on her phone. Learn how to live
in the moment fakey. On IG she posted a video of herself on a hammock and honestly it didnt seem like she was truly enjoying herself on it …seems like she only took the video for the gram
💯 she looked she was too focused on not falling out of the hammock lol


Active member
Compare the Maldives trip to a picture that she posted when she went on her honeymoon. Back then I would have thought she actually liked amir. Now she just wants to live to show people!


It will probably a tiktok or instagram special Christmas x faryal thing

I’m sure faryal was caught messaging a dude online before she married khan but during her engagement I forgot what he was called but it was plastered on twitter


Well-known member
She ditched her son for 2 weeks and went to UK and now she ditched him and the girls again for this vacay. Heartless bitch. There’s nothing wrong with couples leaving their kids with a sitter and travelling every now and then… but when it happens way too often its not good like in fakey and amir’s case.

Also, is she making fun of Amir’s toes in this pic?
