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Chatty Member
i have a friend that also constantly exposes her cleavage in public and it’s so awkward to even try to make eye contact with her - and she has a grown teenage son that she’s always flashing her chest in front of. weird! i’ll never understand the joy in displaying your bits so proudly

just like this tramp 😏 very obviously having no issue flashing her cleavage in the first video and then trying to cover her modesty in the second..why even bother Faryal? you’re no virtuous woman.

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Looks like their away again without zaviyar 🙈 not like their skint they can afford to take all the kids esp as it looks like the nanny is there do they have a nanny each?
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Active member
Wow. He reposted it to his IG stories. If you’re going to sin atleast hide it…especially if most of your followers are muslim. He acts like a good muslim by going for umrah and posting it, doing charity, going to jummah on fridays, etc but he’s a hypocrite and so is fakey.
Who’s worse
AMIR khan or lord aleem 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Make It Stop

VIP Member
Sue your the one so obsessed with reading what people have to say about you & have nothing better to do if your not bothered by it why read it & then do a whole rant on it 😂 what is she going on about "I'm not scared bitch" 😂 no one even threatened her I think she's getting confused with her idol who's arse she's stuck up she's the one who threatens to slit people's throats not us 😂 Sue your the one who puts your entire life on social media but when it's negative you got a problem if you can't take it don't give it out.

Like anyone is going to take spiritual, moral & religious advice from her & she should know about low vibration behaviour didn't she take a man back that beat her up whilst she was pregnant & now let's her kids be around him..... oh I forgot she needs his money. No one's mad here Sue looks like you are. Wow I didn't know she got pregnant before marriage her mum must be so proud also her sister has kids isn't she single now aswell? What a lovely pair of classy women NOT!!! Wasn't Sue's own son saying he was embarrassed by her revealing photos & men will look at them poor kid at least he seems to have some sense.

Sue must have some serious issues supporting a guy like Andrew Tate who thinks women are a man's property & should worship their men, women shouldn't leave the house & how it's ok for a man to cheat & he has spoken about hitting women & how women who get raped should take some responsibility for it that's sick the vile pig. Sue I would love to see what a guy like Andrew Tate would make of you since you love hyping him up you already failed his test of what & how a woman should behave if you support him then sit at home wear a bin bag & do the dishes, cook & clean all day & then when he comes home kiss his feet 😂 Andrew Tate is the type of man that will high five Sue & Faryal's husbands whilst the 2 doormats lie on the floor waiting for the men to wipe their feet on them 😂
You do realise your second and third paragraph are at odds with one another? You’re basically condemning women for not living up to your idea of class in one paragraph but then condemning Andrew Tates views on women in your third!
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Well-known member
I don’t think it’s a tattoo honestly - I think it’s makeup swatches … probably trying to create something for her shitty AliExpress brand
I wouldn’t put it past her tbh. She’s capable of anything. Cheating can be due to one’s character I agree but it can also be due to some underlying factors too which we can’t be dismissed
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Chatty Member
Have you ever had experience of family courts?Because I have. It isn’t always a clear cut case of 50/50 custody, in fact more often than not it’s about who can provide the better care and more importantly stability (on paper at least) so if Faryal could prove for example that AK doesn’t have a stable life style (I’m not saying this is the case - but who knows what goes on behind closed doors), doesn’t have a reliable support network etc then yes she could build a case to spite him and take the children or just make idifficult in general.

One argument that could be used for example is that the children have never spent any durable time with the paternal grandparents/family and the youngest 2 at least barely know them. Whereas they’ve all spent large amounts of time with Faryal’s mother in both the UK and America and so that is what they have known to be a stable support network regardless of the lack of time they’ve spent with Faryal. This argument alone would hold a huge amount of weight in a family court. Then Faryal could bring up her claim that AK’s sister once attacked her/threw a remote at her (whatever the story was). There’s so much that you could build a case on, if you wanted to and the inclination is usually towards the mother rightly or wrongly.

Anyway, she’s not going to divorce him lol, loves the Z list fame too much.

Maybe Omar covered for him too but the person i referred to is not him, this person is way more significant than Omar lol.
Yes, I actually have first hand experience with family court as my parents are going through a messy divorce themselves involving seven figures and my mum is throwing lies out left, right and centre. That is common in divorce and they’ve heard it all before. Everything will be split close to 50/50 (in her case she won’t get extra, such as the family house, as no young children are involved).

All Mariyah did was chuck a remote control at her, yes it was bad but it was hardly attempted murder lol, and that sort of petty nastiness goes on in a lot of families and guess what it’s stil 50/50 custody. Faryal didn’t go to the police or press charges either. A hell of a lot has happened and notice how she hasn’t been caught out even once in a lie to try and have them arrested.

Courts have heard it all before. Also Faryal doesn’t have the history of infidelity and compulsive lying that Amir does. She clearly has her faults, but she’s not a massively vindictive or dishonest person. What she is is very lazy, insecure and desperate to hold onto her husband. Actually quite sad - and messed up all round. I bet in 20’years time she’ll wish she had divorced him.
Have you ever had experience of family courts?Because I have. It isn’t always a clear cut case of 50/50 custody, in fact more often than not it’s about who can provide the better care and more importantly stability (on paper at least) so if Faryal could prove for example that AK doesn’t have a stable life style (I’m not saying this is the case - but who knows what goes on behind closed doors), doesn’t have a reliable support network etc then yes she could build a case to spite him and take the children or just make idifficult in general.

One argument that could be used for example is that the children have never spent any durable time with the paternal grandparents/family and the youngest 2 at least barely know them. Whereas they’ve all spent large amounts of time with Faryal’s mother in both the UK and America and so that is what they have known to be a stable support network regardless of the lack of time they’ve spent with Faryal. This argument alone would hold a huge amount of weight in a family court. Then Faryal could bring up her claim that AK’s sister once attacked her/threw a remote at her (whatever the story was). There’s so much that you could build a case on, if you wanted to and the inclination is usually towards the mother rightly or wrongly.

Anyway, she’s not going to divorce him lol, loves the Z list fame too much.

Maybe Omar covered for him too but the person i referred to is not him, this person is way more significant than Omar lol.
Yes, I actually have first hand experience with family court as my parents are going through a messy divorce themselves involving seven figures and my mum is throwing lies out left, right and centre. Everything is split 50/50 (in her case she won’t get extra as no young children involved).

UK courts don’t care about apparent time with grandparents and petty things like that to try and use it as a ‘advantage’ for one parents over the other. Mariyah once threw a remote at their mum during an argument. That stuff goes on in most families and many kids spend more time with one set of grandparents over the other for various reasons growing up. Doesn’t mean the other side is ‘less fit’ in the eyes of the law.

Ask any actual solicitor. Things would be split as close to 50/50 as possible. Every other family has had incidents like the ridiculous remote control thing and if she were to pretend Amir had hit her (which I doiubt as she could have made up shit like this before in the already 10 years it marriage). Even when Amit falsely accused her of shagging Anthony Joshua Faryal didn’t get nasty back, did she.

She is lazy, overly materialistic, a rubbish mum and a doormat but she’s not particularly volatile, aggressive or nasty. She doesn’t have the history of lying and infidelity that Amir has. I bet in 20 years time she’ll wish she divorced him.
Sorry about this mess of a post^^ Can’t edit it or delete and rewrite 😭😭
**Edit it properly I mean
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Active member
Faryal h has posted her chats on Instagram with fm friends /minions of the moment who are trying to silence faryal h
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Chatty Member
If her husband is Kamran Sattar then he's the guy who just bought Love Hemp in Feb 2023 after it went bust n had to pay a £70k fine for misleading investors.

Faryal n her shady promotions. Wonder if ppl even got their money back that they lost from that Zainab woman.

Yeh that is Nimra's husband . The guy is a bit of a nut job . Nimra is an a friend of a friend of Faryal's .
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Chatty Member
That face wash ad was ridiculous. She's pumping it but it's empty, she then moves her hand out of view n continues to pump but you can see there's no foam. She then suddenly shows a clip with her face washed, not even lathering it on her face to show how it works. There was a filter on as well after her face was washed.

Love Hemp went bust in Feb 2023 because they were making no profits, yet she's promoting a bust company. There's been a last minute save where someones brought the company, hoping to get sales. The only reason she started promoting it is becoz they've hired Anthony Joshua to promote it. She's been desperately tagging the company n putting links up but no promo codes.

I don't get why any1 would buy what this fraudster recommends. She's also clearly obsessed with AJ.

Isis t love hemp owned by Nimra Sattar's husband? Nimra has been out with Faryal and Shabana a few times . I thought she was promoting it as favour
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Mrs. HI

faryal had an issue I’m so sure before marriage when she was engaged she was speaking to a dude and she was exposed in twitter I cant seem to find the page now but I’m so sure it happened. This was just before they got married as well someone else must remember ?
I remember reading something about this too..
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probably don’t want to make the honeymoon about their new watches and have fakey over shine that too
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VIP Member
Then Faryal could bring up her claim that AK’s sister once attacked her/threw a remote at her (whatever the story was).

Anyway, she’s not going to divorce him lol, loves the Z list fame too much.
These two are so chavvy
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Chatty Member

What site is that on?
It’s on their instagram. Luxury promise make out like their staff and owners are all about female empowerment and women supporting women. How on earth can they use Faryal to promote them when she revels in breaking other women down to make herself feel better?!
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