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I’m sorry, Georgie did WHAT? A 10 year old should not have responsibility for a four year old in a shopping centre! Leave them in a cafe with doors if you really absolutely have to, but this is ridiculous
I wouldn’t even trust my 12 year old niece with my 6 year old in a shopping centre let alone a 10 and 4 year old 😱
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I was thinking this last night. All the other British 'influencers' I follow posted an insta story so it's not like they can pretend they didn't know cos they don't watch tv/the news.

Even people who are anti-monarchist have paid tribute. She was the one constant in everyone's life. Even if they didn't like her or what she stood for, they should appreciate that she has left a lasting legacy.

All they had to do was post a pic like everyone else 🤷
Exactly. Its so disrespectful in my opinion
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hi sorry im new to the thread but was wondering do we know if they brush their teeth and if so with what. in the recent vlog i couldnt stop looking at siennas teeth, they look horrendous! yet georgie, darren, and mias teeth look fine. karmas dont really look bad so how come siennas are so bad. i can't even go a night without brushing because of the dirty feeling and taste you get!
in the past Darren has said they only use water 🤮 I’m not sure if they use a natural vegan alternative now or not. But they never used to be high on hygiene. Also, they have a very high sugar intake in their diet, even vegan foods are high in sugars from all the fruit so it’s no surprise poor sienna has rotten looking teeth
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There's a post on tik tok of her, him and Sienna which says "boyfriend or our long lost brother". I don't think either of them have flat out said they're dating, just implied the possibility.

His tiktok and insta are both @charleygillam
He only looks 15/16 years old
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Well-known member
Really, never heard of that. As a working parent I would be livid 😂
Pretty sure it’s optional
Feel like my school defo did the staggered start thing if you wanted or at least offered half days if you weren’t yet 5 and yeah only a few kids/their parents actually chose to do that
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I guess I’m just struggling to imagine the development of the situation. I get that he couldn’t do anything about it in the moment but it wasn’t just that tiktok. Mia has been dropping clues for weeks and he’s continually featured in her content.

If I had a friend with a public following who suggested publicly we were dating I would simply ask them to stop, and if they didn’t, we would no longer be friends. I certainly wouldn’t appear in their content across several platforms, over several weeks making jokes about potentially dating and talk about buying them underwear. If their family made a video with ‘clues’ about me and discuss our wedding/children I would immediately want it removed. I wouldn’t allow the joke to continue. The taxi Tiktok was just the tip of the iceberg of him playing along.

Why the sudden public freak out? Hes entitled to change his mind about it but couldn’t he privately ask for the content to be removed?

I’m not defending Mia, we all know she’s a fucking idiot. I feel bad for James and the situation is unfortunate but I think the whole thing was a lapse of his judgement too, and the situation is definitely more complicated than what were seeing.
Yeah this is a really good point I agree cause of course the family fizz video he obviously didn’t have control over that and the stuff they were saying in it made it seem they most likely are talking about James so I understand that’s not fair on James and they should never of made that video but at the same time when James is happily taking part in tiktoks that hint he could be Mias boyfriend or that they’re dating and both like eachother then I can’t defend James because he should know better that making tiktoks like that is going to get people talking and speculating and harassing him and yes you could say well people shouldn’t harass someone with questions like that but if you’re putting content out there asking people to guess who her boyfriend is or figure it out then people are going to question him so if he doesn’t like that and is uncomfortable he should know better then to be making videos like that.

If he doesn’t want people to think he’s dating Mia when he clearly isn’t then he should stop making those kinds of videos with her and ask her to stop or say he doesn’t want to be in it. I understand there can be certain situations like in the car when someone could feel awkward not taking part in a tiktok that everyone else in the car is taking part in it’s like a peer pressure kind of thing but if he’s going to play along with the dating joke then he can’t be defended cause he’s putting himself in that situation.

There might of been part of him that liked the attention and clout at first from the situation at first but now with Mia making it seem they could be talking as more than friends maybe that’s made him uncomfortable but if it really makes him uncomfortable he wouldn’t keep making the content with her. I agree the situation is unfortunate and I feel sorry for him with the family fizz video and having to deal with Mias obsession but if they keep making tiktoks about it then he’s just as much to blame for playing along cause he could easily just not do it and if Mia has a problem with that then she’s not the kind of friend he should want in his life.
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Chatty Member
She said she was complaining about the products used and that it wasn't 'expensive' make-up. She was using tarte shape tape concealer, a tarte eyeshadow palette and a morphe Jaclyn Hill palette. That stuff isn't exactly cheap.
She did also say though that maybe she didn’t recognize the brands. I’m not defending Mia in anyway but I personally didn’t think the video was that bad. Like before I watched it I assumed she was going to be giggling and being obnoxious for the whole thing like she usually is haha
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We don’t know much about his past really but from what I remember/ can put together he was raised by grandparents and those seem to be the only family he has any contact with. I also remember him saying social services were involved in his childhood. Pretty sure he left school without any qualifications so that’s probably where a lot of his attitude towards education comes from. Just another one of those people who thinks it’s pointless because he’s got a bit of money, forgetting all the people that leave school with nothing and stay at that point for the rest of their lives
I left school with nothing but that didn't stop me!
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This doesn't fit the conversation right now, but is it mandatory to have an education in the UK? I thought that every child has to go to school/have home school? Poor Sienna probably doesn't even know the basics... they really set their kids up for failure
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i’ll be honest i also assumed he’s gay, but i did a quick google… he has 1 tattoo, no piercings and is a capricorn so it does make sense
a lot of people ask if he’s gay on his lives, I have a feeling he may be exploring options and it wouldn’t surprise me if he comes out as gay in the future Obviously if he’s straight that’s fine but I do get the impression he may be more into males than females
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I know sending kids to school won’t magically make them more mature and well rounded but there’s no denying that Mia especially is would’ve benefited from having a structured education and being around peers her own age.

It’s ok for older teens and young adults to not be completely mature all of the time, but with Mia every things she does is immature. Growing up around people her own age and being able to make real friends she can keep in touch with would mean now Mia wouldn’t feel the need to do ridiculous things for attention and befriend influencers who she barely knows and are likely using her.

Going to school would’ve also provided her with a good level of education, of course grades aren’t everything but the things you learn in school are useful for life. Particularly topics covered in PSHE lessons were issues such as online safety and relationships would be covered, which could have prevented her from sending nudes to that boy and pursuing relationships with people who are too young.

Also, I know I previously mentioned that kids her age will be applying to uni but I do know that there are other routes to becoming successful, my point was more that at Mia’s age most people are thinking about their careers, planning to move out and making these decisions of their own accord. Of course Mia would say she’s already got a job as she does YouTube, but it’s not exactly a job she chose to go into. More that she was lead into it by her parents and is now left with no other choice since she has no relevant education to lead her to another job. I’m glad karma and Koa have been sent to nursery and hope they get to some form of school as well and maybe then Sienna might get to go too as she’s still young enough to catch up. Although I doubt this’ll happen as Darren especially seems to be against education, which is sad as they’ll just end up like Mia.
(Edit: Sorry for the long post)

The last comment I will say on the topic is not everyone has the same opinion of education, and what education means compared to another person. My opinion is clearly very different, and I will leave it at that factor. People also have different opinions on what someone will or will not learn in a traditional education setting in terms of interacting with other students. Clearly I see things very differently.
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Its so sad they’ve taken the kids to disney land and mias the only one whos ever been allowed to watch disney. Its crazy they call tv and films ‘brain rot’ yet their youtube videos are a lot more brain rot than a disney film. They get so many facts wrong or ask the most ridiculous and basic questions in their youtube videos. Ive noticed recently its so obvious mia and siennas education is lacking. And yet they think their youtube videos are somehow above professionally made content. It also makes me so mad as a person working within the film and television industry that they act as if its a completely useless industry when they’re working within the same industry

Everyone has their own opinion on TV/Movies. I personally don’t watch TV/Movies, on rare occasion I will watch something with friends, but otherwise I have no interest whatsoever. Growing up I was only allowed to watch it minimally. I personally don’t have a very good opinion regarding celebrities or the industry as a whole. Most of my friends that have kids limit how much time their kids watch TV/movies. I think people watch too much, but that’s just me. Everyone has their own opinion and has to make the choice that is best for them or their children. In terms of Disney, I personally have no desire to go there, but I don’t think you have to know Disney characters to enjoy being at the parks. I think you can take your family and just enjoy it for what it is without knowing the characters. I have a good friend who has never read Harry Potter, but her daughter loves the books/movies. They went to the theme park in FL, and she had a blast. But that’s just my personal opinion.
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does anyone else think georgie has lost weight. im not sure but her recent insta story she is is slim. ik she is fit and active but im not sure.
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When I started reception they did half days and had smaller classes to begin with and then eventually they went on to full days with full classes
Yeah my kids have done this but it only lasts a couple of weeks at most, and you wouldn’t miss entire days of school during term time
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