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Was watching the old people/toddlers video and can’t believe these people act like this in public, happily filming themselves and others. At least this video was for charity but it seems a bit strange how Darren happily donates money to help other children get educated and find work but won’t let his own children go into any career other than YouTube. At least he’s not going out donating cameras and telling kids they should just become YouTubers.
Also kind of nitpicky, but I hate how they say boba, sounds like they’re talking about boba fett, I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say it like that so don’t know where they got that from.
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View attachment 1532198I don’t have the mental capacity to even watch this video..
This video’s giving me second hand embarrassment you guys 😭😭😭
Someone already mentioned this but Mia’s just becoming so un-relatable and irrelevant. She’s running out of video ideas and her latest vids aren’t performing that well (even with her teenage minion fan base), so she has to resort to content like this

Also has anyone else noticed how small and skimpy Mia’s clothing is? Like she wears clothes that are two or three sizes smaller… and it’s pretty obvious
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Their new video is so out of touch again! Their "cheap" budget was £50 and Georgie says its hard to get an outfit for £75! I know prices are rocketing these days but you can get cute and functional outfits for way less if you know where to look!

But also, they're British youtubers buying everyday outfits and pretending they're for back to school! Very, very few schools in the uk don't have a uniform for kids 4-16 years old so they're clearly trying to keep american-ising their content! It's more understandable for Mia cause a lot of 6th forms/colleges allow own clothes and very few have proper uniforms (though a fair few have formal or semi-formal dress codes).

I think they should've looked at some dress codes for colleges and schools here that don't have uniforms and based the challenge off of that to at least make it different to their other outfit buying videos and more realistic.

I don’t think any of them looked like back to school outfits except perhaps Karma's skirt 🤷
I was just about to say the same thing. They are so out of touch. They should do a video where they show you how you can get good school supplies on a budget and im talking £10-£20. People are struggling at the moment. Saying £50 is a cheap budget for a whole outfit is so out of touch. When Karma opened the £75 I actually thought that was the expensive budget 😬 people are struggling to find money to feed their kids and they are saying £75 for one outfit is reasonable? They came from no money and living in a council flat, you would think they would be more understanding. Like you said, most schools have a uniform here anyway and mia and sienna dont attend school so its a stupid video to make. The way they are obsessed with brands and labels is odd. I gèt when youre a teenager and you want to look cool to fit in but as an adult I didnt think we cared about that anymore? Im way more impressed when someone puts together a good outfit that theyve spent say £20 on than someone paying £100 for a tacky tshirt with a brand name on the front, I thought people had moved on from that.
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I don’t know how she’ll cope when she moves out. She has no life skills and has been so sheltered by her parents. She also doesn’t have any real friends so I can imagine she’ll be very lonely. I really cannot believe she is turning 18 soon, she really hasn’t grown up since she as 15.
I’d be worried about her getting herself into dangerous situations since she really doesn’t understand how unsafe the world can be for young women

imagine a 1st year uni student moving out of home into student dorms and following the crowd to bar where drinks are cheap. but like x1000. since she was is so sheltered and has no life sense or skills

she will end up like kate elisabeth but worse. i genuinely worry about kate and how much she drinks. cause it seems like its all her friends do and she doesnt have anything else to do with her life anymore since finishing school.
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Mia is just a spiteful bitch who thinks the world revolves around her, and thinks shes top dog when she really isnt.
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I just watched Mia's boyfriend vlog and I hope her parents are concerned. She's so young, and even the most street wise 18 year old is vulnerable.
It's so easy to fall into the wrong crowd. And it's SO easy to get manipulated into sex, drugs, etc. Even without knowing you're being manipulated.

I was 19 when I met one of my online friends. Ended up being made to do things I didn't want to do, was emotionally abused, and suffered horribly. At the time I had NO idea, thought I was enjoying myself. I'm 30 now and still affected by that period of my life.

Sorry for oversharing but I just hope Georgie will read this thread and realize her daughter is young and naive (as very young adults always are to some degree) and Mia needs to be taught how to say no, when to leave situations, what red flags to look out for, and the consequences if she falls into the wrong crowd, etc. Hopefully they have already done that, but it doesn't seem like it if she thinks that content was okay to post to young viewers.

Maybe those kids from the newest vlog aren't bad people and wouldn't do anything to hurt her, but you can never be too careful. Mia would benefit from some genuine friends (perhaps she could join an art class, running group, literally any hobby where she can meet people) and NOT film any of it. Just be a teenager.
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I’m actually so saddened to hear that Sienna was treated poorly by Mia without a camera on too. I hope she is okay and gets a break from the bullying. Sienna is such an angel and I hate to think she just sits there and takes it because she’s too scared to say anything :(
Edit - spelling
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God I actually worry for what will become of Mia, I seriously think she is going to be ripped to shreds online someday. I think Darren sees everything in terms of dollar signs but I wish her mum would take control and help her.
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Why was she so stroppy in her dress video. Wasn't cool. It was irritating and childish. Sienna looked so pretty in that video tho. I really feel for her tho. She gets treated like crap by all of them.
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A video of Mia and this tiktoker came up, Mia’s gone to stay over at hers for a few days. She’s 23 and Mia’s 17, just me who find that a bit strange?
Definately very weird. Like @account70032 said, mia is still a minor at 17, yet staying at the house of an actual adult for a few days. Also i dont believe these influencers are her actual friends, its all about gaining more followers, but why would normal 23 year olds want to be friends with a minor
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The way Sienna turned the Stella McCartney box towards the camera to get a good glimpse of the gift first instead of herself really spoke volume to me. Big yikes 😬
I noticed this, so sad. Also noticed that they added the logo of each designer in the bottom right hand corner each time she opened a present 🤢. Maybe its just me but no one I know gives a crap about designer names anymore, yeh you want good quality but I just feel like buying something for the name was something we cared about as teenagers and then you grow out of? It makes me cringe everytime Georgie and Mia gush over a brand. Especially buying it for a child who will grow out of it in a couple of months
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why did they feel the need to flash up the designer logo every time she opened something designer in that video? so desperate
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Chatty Member
I think their plan is to save enough money so that the girls can live comfortably for the rest of their lives without needing a job that requires an education. I don’t know if they think YouTube is young to work forever for them but I wouldn’t think so.. and I’m pretty sure they have mentioned that Mia has enough money for the rest of her life already. But I think this is quite stupid.. unexpected things can happen and what if money runs out? Also, having a job is more than just about money for most people. It allows for socialisation and a sense of purpose in life! are they just going to continue living a life of isolation, occasionally meeting other YouTubers but having no real bond, going shopping, and decorating houses? I know Mia wants to travel, but how many more bloody places could there be for her to see? She’s spent majority of her life travelling! And she says she wants to do it with friends.. but what friends? I don’t know if she understands that friends are not just random people you meet online and have a few similarities with then go your seperate ways. Has she ever had a true best friend? I feel bad for her but something tells me she is oblivious as she’s never even experienced it. I’m kind of rambling now lol but I also want to add that I think a possibility for Georgie and Darren keeping sienna out of school is because they are afraid she will be recognised. Chances are she would have to stay back at least a year to make up for her lack of education or get special help from the teacher. Kids that recognise her could catch on that she actually hasn’t been homeschooled properly (or at all) and this would damage their reputation as it could potentially be spread around, or some parents may even take their concern to authorities. As the selfish people they seem to be I wouldn’t put it past them to care about their reputation more than their daughter’s wellbeing.
I doubt they'd save enough for the girls so that they could have enough each to live. Cost of living rising, house prices through the roof.. heck most celebs who have millions don't give their children millions to live off without working! Most have some sort of leg up, but don't just provide endlessly for them. Plus a lot of millionaires are also still working, still earning, still working hard.. I don't think there are a whole lot of people who just sail through life with plenty of money and never really working.
Honestly I don't know what they'll do in the future.. at least Mia has some sort of experience to put on her CV with her book and channel... but I don't see Sienna going down the same road so I don't know what she'll do in the future with no education, qualifications or experience in anything other than just being around in the background of youtube videos.
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did anyone notice mia ate pop tarts which arent vegan (gelatin). i personally dont care but just find it interesting if she is aware they arent vegan or doesnt care.
Yeh only the unfrosted ones are vegan. I dont think they care anymore. I mean im not fussed as im not vegan but its funny how they preach about it yet ive seen them eat non vegan foods many times
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Something that surprises me about this family is that they seem to have no interest in growing their own food. Considering they usually eat really clean, whole foods vegan meals, I find it odd that they don’t seem to have an interest in growing their own food. Obviously, they would have to settle down somewhere permanently for this to happen. I feel like Sienna would love to garden & grow her own food, plus it‘s something Karma & Koa could enjoy helping with as well. I also feel people would enjoy seeing any videos they could make as their garden grew, & produced food for them to eat.
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Its like she wants them all to fancy/want her, especially the older boys
Definitely I agree that’s what she wants and also her ego is so big that I honestly think she believes they all fancy her which is why she has no problem going up to them and asking them those weird questions cause in her mind she probably thinks she’s amazing and better than everyone cause that’s how she comes across with her attitude. I think all those followers she has telling her for years how beautiful they think she is and constantly complimenting her has gone to her head.
Her obsession with wanting male attention should be making her parents worry but instead they don’t care when they allow her to make videos like this. Any parent would be looking out for their daughter telling her she’s worth more than just trying to get attention from boys and that she shouldn’t be desperate to have a boyfriend she should focus on her education and her friends while she’s young and if a boy comes along that’s nice then great but let it happen naturally. The way she is acting isn’t normal teenage behaviour this is a girl who for some reason has boys on her mind 24/7 and it’s probably cause she has nothing else to do with her time.
I feel sorry for her being mentally stunted because of all the travelling and being isolated for years never getting to have friends , learn to socialise and have normal experiences in life a young child should get to have with school etc. All she cares about is how a guy looks and I wish Georgie and Darren had taught her about having someone who is nice and respects her is also important. Georgie is encouraging Mia to be like this which I can’t understand cause when Mia is an adult then fair enough they can’t have much of an opinion on what she wants to say or do but while she’s been a teenager you would think they would be looking out for her cause who would honestly be comfortable watching their teenager daughter walk around going up to guys asking them things like that?
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Does anyone else remember back when they weren't materialistic at all? That Xmas when Sienna got a book, and Mia got a nail set, and that was literally it. They shared a chocolate advent calender and would get to open a door each every other day.
And another Xmas (or was it the same one?) where Sienna had a stocking from Santa full of little gifts, and Mia only had one thing in hers bc she was getting older? I thought that last thing was really harsh but the way those girls were raised (overall) back then seems much healthier than now. Is it money that has changed G&D's parenting so much?
I do wonder if that whole 'minimalist' lifestyle they promoted was just simply that they didnt have the money. As soon as their channel started getting more popular it all changed. And especially when K&K were born. I feel like its mainly Georgie though, I dont see Darren raving over the brands as much. Most of the designer clothes they wear arnt even nice, mia always looks like shes just fallen in her wardrobe and that Burberry dress they got Sienna is the chaviest thing ive ever seen. I mean mia walking around in her Jucie tracksuit with her hair slicked back and the 2 bits framing her face, that was the definition of chav when I was at school 🤣 now its 'Y2K vibes'
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