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Im getting fed up with these "challenge" videos. we get it youre wealthy, we get that you like to flaunt and overspend on things but I believe it is so damaging to the children. Mia looks back at her past in Gran Canaria etc and just laughs. She doesnt laugh because she was a child but she laughs at how she got no presents at xmas or how they had to share an advent calendar. She finds it funny because now she gets anything and everything she wants. Her face on her recent instagram post literally shows it all. Her massive ego and wealth is too much for her. Staying in the savoy is not a challenge, neither is eating pizza in a tent in the back garden. Children watch these vlogs and probably wonder why they dont get that many presents on xmas like family fizz do, or they try and act like Mia (god help their parents) which is damaging.
You’re so right. Most of their “challenges” are not challenges at all.
  • Staying in a $3000 hotel?
  • Letting your Tesla decide what you eat for 24 hours?
  • Buying whatever you want as long as it starts with the first letter in your name?
  • Buying whatever you want as long as it’s in one colour?
  • Taking your step-dad’s credit card for 24 hours?
These are just some of the ‘challenges’ over the past six months. I honestly can’t see how shopping is a challenge…

The bragging is unreal. Putting ‘$3000 hotel’ into the title of the video is disgusting. They have lost touch with reality for sure
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i know there's always worse cases of neglect and she could end up in a worse situation. but sometimes i wish sienna would end up with people who actually send her to school and pay healthy amount of attention towards. and give her a normal upbringing.

bored kids end up getting into trouble when theyre older as they get caught up with the wrong crowd dopamine hunting. i hope sienna doesnt but could happen.
If she lived with Katie and Bob she would have a completely different childhood.
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I honestly can't wait until the children of YouTubers grow up and speak out on how their parents exploited them online. It's disgusting to see how their entire livelihood is based on the content that these kids produce. And the fact that they are not being given a fair chance at succeeding in their own lives through education and a proper social life is just disgusting. A lot of these YouTuber parents are doing the exact same thing that the parents of child actors do. Just take Jeanette McCurdy, for instance, who had to wait all these years of trauma to speak out on how her mom abused her and used her for money. Children on these channels can't even consent to being exposed online and their parents will probably blow off all the money on themselves and not leave anything to the kids once YouTube dies. Idk if they don't see this, but YouTube and Instagram as social media platforms are dying and it's a lot harder to succeed on TikTok. Sienna is not gonna make it being an influencer.
I can’t wait for them all to speak out either. I think I can already predict who will be the ones to do it! Sienna Family Fizz, Isla Ingham, Alessia Saccone Joly & Chloe from Dad V Girls.
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Whoever is looking through their comments is still deleting them 🙄 If you can't hand criticism don't post stuff on the internet!
People are making valid points but instead of taking it on board they just pretend it doesn't exist like always. If people were being rude or nasty I'd understand but they were mostly just trying to educate
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Question for those in the UK regarding Mia’s driving. Are all cars manual (stick shift), or do people also drive automatic cars like in the US? I feel like Mia might have an easier time learning to drive an automatic car. I can drive both, but I am not certain how things work in the UK.
Both but if you do your test in an automatic you are only allowed to drive automatic. If you learn in a manual, you can drive either. Id say most people in UK learn Manual for this reason
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I honestly would NOT be surprised if they get pregnant with another child on purpose just for views, just like they did with Koa.
I think another child would be the breaking point for them. I think Mia would totally rebel as she’s already desperate for attention and I dread to think what would happen to poor Sienna. And of course Darren and Georgie would act like everything is fine and they are a picture perfect family 🙄
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Thread title suggestions either “chill out Avril” or “Hey hey you you I could be your girlfriend”
lyrics from one of Avril Lavignes songs called girlfriend which made me think of Mia as she really wants to be someone’s girlfriend.

Also just want to say this a harmless joke in no way am I wanting to give an almost 18 year old a hard time it’s just I find her obsession with wanting a boyfriend odd haha
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I do wonder if that whole 'minimalist' lifestyle they promoted was just simply that they didnt have the money. As soon as their channel started getting more popular it all changed. And especially when K&K were born. I feel like its mainly Georgie though, I dont see Darren raving over the brands as much. Most of the designer clothes they wear arnt even nice, mia always looks like shes just fallen in her wardrobe and that Burberry dress they got Sienna is the chaviest thing ive ever seen. I mean mia walking around in her Jucie tracksuit with her hair slicked back and the 2 bits framing her face, that was the definition of chav when I was at school 🤣 now its 'Y2K vibes'
I agree! I’ve always thought that the reason they were “minimalist” is because they didn’t have money. They’ve talked about their life before YouTube and by the sounds of it they were living off of benefits. So on one hand, I get them wanting to spoil their children and give them the best they can but they’re overdoing it! Not everything needs to be designer and just because it has a designer label doesn’t mean it’s nice, the Burberry dress for example. You could tell by Siennas face she didn’t like it at all 😂
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i’m sorry this made me laugh so hard
What on earth is that caption 🤣 'base my whole personality on her' it sounds more like someone taking the piss out of Mia not something she would say herself. I hope for her sake that its a joke
Keep wishing love 😉
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Before the little ones came, I really thought Sienna and Darren had a very close relationship! He was very engaged with her. She was also 4 years younger though.
I agree! before Karma and Koa came along Sienna was way closer to Darren and he had way more time for her and their bond was lovely to see. Yeah like you said he was very engaged with her but then that all changed when the younger two came along. Yeah she’s getting older so she’s not a little baby anymore so bonds can change a little but for it to change this much something about that isn’t right to me and it’s cause he’s become more distant from her cause I honestly think in his mind and in Georgie’s that when a child gets to a certain age they don’t know how to interact with them and start treating them like an adult when she’s still a 10 year old kid.
Anytime Sienna gives him a gift whether it’s for a birthday , Christmas or just surprises him from a shopping trip her face lights up with excitement to give it to him and his reactions are never that great he always seems uninterested or when he is interested he gives her a minute of his time then stops giving her attention and starts giving attention to the younger two again and Sienna always looks disappointed and left out but bless her she never complains she goes quiet. I know we don’t see every second of their life on camera but the fact that anytime on camera she gets left out in my opinion says a lot and it has to also be like that off camera too.
I know Karma and Koa are still very young and younger siblings tend to get more of the attention at that age but they don’t even try to treat the kids as fairly as they can. They can give Sienna her own bathroom and shopping sprees but what about quality time and actually getting to know her and having conversations with her especially while she’s still a kid they should be enjoying her at this age.
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It might be silly of me to say this. But I’ve noticed when they cook, they only use that deep pot thing(sorry my English is not the best so idk what it’s called). But is that all they have after living there for so many months? Like surely by now they would have pans as well. It can’t be that hard to pop down to a shop and buy a pan, like it looks absolutely ridiculous when they use it, like when they used it in that shape food video. Maybe they’re just doing it to seem quirky and fun idk but it looks dumb for me.
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View attachment 1734658Why the random tie again Mia? It’s not quickly it’s not fun and not a good outfit. I get fashion can be different from person to person but come on.. Really?
The irony is, if she actually went to school she’d be so fed up with ties they wouldn’t be “fashion” (I use that word very lightly when it comes to Mia 😂)
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Georgie and Darren think because Mia has her own YouTube channel and money it means she’s mature when she isn’t mature at all. She’s very naive, she acts like a bully a lot of the time, she has the mind of a 13 year old and this is all concerning because she’s going to be 18 soon. She will come across all kinds of people in life and not everyone will tolerate her attitude and immature behaviour cause they won’t care about her YouTube channel or how many followers she has so she won’t be able to use the social media fame to try get away with things.

I don’t know what she’ll be like managing her own money she will either be very good at it or very bad you never with her. She’s also awful at spotting fake friends and people using her and yes I know throughout life people can lose friends or have a fake friend and you can learn from it but Mia doesn’t seem to know how to know when someone is using her which could put her in difficult situations.
Also her befriending people years younger than her young teenagers and people who have just become a teenager that all needs to stop. It’s different when you’re 30 becoming friends with a 26 year old but when you’re about to be 18 befriending 14 year olds it looks very weird even if you’re not trying to date them it still looks odd. I know Mia mentally is stuck at 13 years old so she has more in common with these kids and she clearly feels out of place around people her own age and a bit older cause her mind is sooo much younger but that can’t be an excuse forever for her wanting to hang around with kids.

She’s meeting these people through social media and I can’t speak for others but if I had a 14 year old child tell me they’re speaking to an 18 year old who wants to be their friend I would be thinking that’s strange why does this adult want to befriend you. It doesn’t matter if they’re an influencer it still seems weird. I don’t think Mia sees it as wrong she honestly didn’t seem to understand why it was wrong to want that 13 year old boy in Costa Rica to be her boyfriend. I know it’s not her fault she ended up mentally stunted but I really hope over the next year she matures a lot.
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so a little story of the time i met family fizz.

i don’t know if you remember recently, mia, georgie and sienna attended a festival for the game ‘match masters’. this was a free event in central london as promo for the app. i lived in london at the time and was out for a walk when i came across the event. i decided to go in with a friend as it was free, and there in front of the stage, was 3/6 of family fizz.

now i’ve been watching the family from the start, and though i know their flaws, i was still pretty star struck. i saw them taking some pictures with some young fans, and it looked AWKWARD. they seemed super quiet and awkward, nothing like they are on camera. no kind of conversation with the fans, they were stood awkwardly nodding as people spoke to them, and just a quick picture to get rid of them. i understand if they’re out and busy, but they were at an event they were promoting!!

i saw them again later on at the stage. it was a very small event with maybe 30 people watching megan mckenna perform. all 3 girls were stood on their phones not engaging with each other, or watching the performance. that was until they posted an insta story where mia would start dancing like she was having the time of her life. it was honestly shocking seeing how staged everything they post is.

the final thing to note was sienna. she was SO excluded by mia and georgie. she was always stood a meter behind whilst the other two were chatting, then got involved just to film them, it was really heart breaking to see. she is so young and to see a CHILD being left all alone was so horrible

tbh they spend 95% of their time vlogging or filming. the kids havent been in school for years. of course they are gonna struggle interacting in person with people and be real.

is a real shame they keep excluding sienna. she is the one loosing out the most with their current lifestyle. I really hope she is able to break away from them as she gets older. although it will be very hard, as she has grown up super isolated in a bubble and is really lacking in any life or education skills.
in some ways, mia is showcasing what sienna will be doing in a few years.

their new house is SO impractical for their young family. 1 set of stairs is difficult enough for toddlers. why is georgie and darren’s room on the 5th floor whilst the toddlers is on the 2nd. it makes ZERO sense especially if there was an emergency. if georgie or darren had to race down the stairs to save a choking toddler at night, they could easily fall down those steep stairs and hurt themselves. would have been better having G and Ds bedroom on the 2nd or 3rd floor and let almost 18 year old mia (!!!!!) have privacy up to on the 5th floor

tbh this family has never displayed anything remotely close to common sense.

impracticalness is their passion lol.
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Does Darren not realise vitamins are essential to helping bodies grow and regulate as normal? If you’re deficient in vitamins you can really struggle to get enough just through diet and need extra supplements. I have b12 injections wonder what Darren will think of that 😂
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How sad is it that an eleven year old girl has no friends to celebrate her birthday with?
I’m not saying Sienna needs a birthday party with 20 friends in attendance but it’s the fact she doesn’t even have a couple of friends that Georgie or Darren could take her to go bowling with them as a party. It’s nice to have time with family celebrating of course but it’s also nice to have one day with friends especially when you’re young like that it’s important for your development to spend time with kids your age.
The only friend she has is Jojo but she doesn’t see him very often unfortunately and she doesn’t know a lot about him cause Georgie asked Sienna before when they went to buy Jojo a present what things does he like and Sienna said she had no idea what things he likes which to me is sad that she doesn’t get the chance to form a close bond with even one child her age and properly get to know them.
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