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I feel bad for the people being filmed when they were on the London eye. All the people being trapped with family fizz being loud and annoying and having a camera to their face and beiden filmed without knowing. The other families just wanted a nice day out not have another family talk loudly in there and film everything and talk like they’re the only ones there..
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Chatty Member
I was reading the comments on their back to school video and someone had commented that they thought sienna would do well in school as she was so intelligent and this was family fizz's reply. Apparently she never liked school
Citing ted talks as scientific evidence once again
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From around 12:20-13:20 in the vlog you can hear how annoyed and irritated Bob and Katie both are with the way Mia is ruining the experience and messing around making everyone wait thinking she’s funny when really it’s childish and annoying. I can tell if Mia was Bob and Katie’s daughter they 100% would of gave out to her and not allowed her to act that way but Georgie and Darren never say anything to Mia they just let her act like that. I can tell Bob was genuinely looking forward to spending time with Jojo and Sienna cause he is good with kids but I feel like the fun of the Go Ape experience was actually kind of ruined by Mia. I think Bob can see through Mia cause he made a comment like “not sure if one of them is trying to sabotage it for the other” which was 100% him trying to say Mia is trying to sabotage Siennas birthday day out.
For Mia’s sake she needs to learn to act her age and grow up cause the real world is different to the social media world she’s obsessed with living in and if she doesn’t start to mature and treat people with more respect then people will just not like her.
just watched that clip. Can’t believe Mia acting like a child to get all the attention on her. You can tell the others were fed up and just wanted to enjoy themselves but she was ruining it for them
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Doesn’t she learn from her last mistake she did when she zoomed in? This is not as bad ofc as she didn’t say anything but still?
Absolutely no need to be zooming in on other people. She could have just waited for him to be gone or try and move position as to not capture him
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That’s a really good point cause now that I think of it she didn’t get any toys not even a Lego set or a game
She'd probably love a lego set and they have such a wide variety these days! From what I remember, she enjoyed doing the lego dots kits they got when they did a sponsor. One problem would be transportation as, speaking from experience, they can break easily. Not that that really matters cos they don't take stuff with them when they go 🙄

But otherwise, defo a game! There are such a range of these too. Something like buckaroo, pop-up pirate, or they could literally just search her favourite animal for instance and gets 100s of games around that.

At her age I was still playing with dolls, doing lots of arts and crafts, etc. Yes I got clothes, money, etc. (It was the b-day I got my 1st, very very basic phone too) but I very much still got toys and fun things. She is still a child and they want her to grow up fast imo since having the youngest 2.

Let your 11 year old act like an 11 year old!
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I think they're sending them as free day care for now and also because they know that they are not competent enough to teach their kids basic literacy skills. lmao. Once they're too old they'll remove them and "homeschool"

i think one of the reasons why they sent koa and karma to nursery was cool they couldn't handle both of them as both were a handful.
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Mia’s confidence and being able to speak Spanish are good skills fair play to her I can’t fault her for either of them but there’s just something that doesn’t sit right with me about the way she acts sometimes and the videos she makes I don’t get why a young girl like her is going out asking guys questions like that or asking anyone questions like that in public is there really any need?
I know that’s her choice so nothing me or anyone says can control what she does. I just wonder if Darren hadn’t spoke so badly about getting an education and going to school and how exams are pointless , where would Mia be now if she had stayed in school and got an education. Of course she’s made money from her YouTube and still making money and clearly likes what she does but there’s a lot she’s missed out on that in my opinion would of been important for her to experience and been nice for her having that stability and normality.
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The Karolina she put on her story yesterday has it in her bio she’s 14, even worse. It’s clear that her (200 followers) and Sofia, at least, aren’t social media friends so I would love to know how they became friends initially with such a big age gap
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Her parents should have taught her right from wrong. Is it hard to tell your kid about legal age dating and who you can talk with or be with in that range? Georgie is too busy being her bestie and being a cool mom and whatever crazy obsession she have with Mia having a boyfriend and apparently babies. Darren is probably too scared to say anything as he feels like it’s not his place to say a word.. But we her stepfather he should step in even if it’s a bit of an uncomfortable topic or at least discuss it with Georgie. But knowing Georgie she will brush it off if he even talked to her and say mia is a good girl and it’s just for fun..
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I've just watched their recent "school" shopping vid and they seemed to get nowhere near enough stuff for Sienna to be able to learn to an appropriate level! I've watched another video of school supply shopping for homeschooling and they got so much more to enable their kids to learn to their best ability.

Obviously they may already have stuff like pencils, rubbers, rulers, pencil sharpener for example but I don't see one notebook as sufficient for a years worth of learning spanning a range of subject areas.

If I'm correct (which I think I am) Sienna would be going into yr6 a.k.a SATs year meaning her peers would know at least basic mental and written maths as well as spelling, punctuation, and grammar. We were rarely allowed to use calculators at that age because it was about building basics. Sienna seems to be able to read but how much can she actually comprehend because understanding what you're reading is just as important as being able to read at that age. Do Georgie and Darren ever actually ask her questions about what she has been reading? Does Sienna feel comfortable asking or finding out meaning of words and phrases she doesn't understand? Do they sit with her and work through things or just leave her to her own devices?

Darren and Georgie at the very least you need to sit with her and ask her questions, do some maths about money cos that's something she'll definitely use in the future, and teacher her basic grammar/punctuation cos online editors/autocorrect can only help when you're at least somewhat close to it being correct!
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Jesus christ, Mias latest vlog, had to turn it off so uncomfortable. When did Mia get the confidence of a TV presenter? I am 28 years old and could never do that, idk whether its a good or bad thing. Mias is becoming like Georgie, Manic.
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Just watched the Family Freedom video...

Mia was acting how I'd expect someone Sienna's age to act, not how a 17 nearly 18 would act. She tried to make it all about herself every other minute when they were clearly trying to make the video about themselves and Sienna with little bits of the rest of the Fizz Fam! And she was just being dangerous at GoApe. If the instructor says don't do it you'd stop cos they wouldn't say no unless it was in some way dangerous cos they want you to have fun. Children may do it again to see if they're being serious but an older teen should know that no means no 🙄

Sienna's reaction to her little pink guitar was so sweet and obviously so genuine and she seemed to be properly playing and having fun with Bob in a way we've not seen her do with Darren in so long! I really hope Sienna and Darren still have that sort of dynamic off camera and we just don't see it but their interactions on camera cast doubt on that 😐
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I generally think Sienna dislikes them 🤣 some of the faces she pulls when they are talking are exactly the same as what im thinking. She clearly adores Darren but I just dont see a mother/daughter relationship with Sienna and Georgie. Its so sad
I’ve always said, I hope sienna is the one who breaks free from them and lives her life how she wants to! Obviously they all deserve to live the life they want but mia feeds into Darren and Georgie’s bullshit as she’s the favourite and the younger 2 probably have no hope as it’s all they’ve ever known, being rich and flashy.
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The title of this thread is 100% spot on ! THATS EXACTLY IT !

Their behaviour lately is fkn embarrassing! Georgie with a dress literally showing her arse ! On public transport with people sat right next to them ! ( from one of mias vlogs )

Another of Mias videos with some random guys who looked way older than her ripping the piss out of orphans !

So the Q is where they always horrible bastards putting on a show or has London done this to them ? Answer : THIS IS WHO THEY ALWAYS WHERE ! I know loads of people who live in London and are nice caring responsible and respectful of others ! I feel like I’ve been duped !

if Isabelle Ingham behaved Like Mia everyone would lose their minds !


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Chatty Member
I reckon by the end of next year, they’re going to be cancelled for something and their social media career will come to an end. Their content lately, especially Mia, has become disgusting. Especially with Mia about to turn 18, things can only get more dangerous. They’ve shown they don’t care, so it’s only a matter of time before someone cares enough to report their wrong doings to the right people!
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VIP Member
I generally think Sienna dislikes them 🤣 some of the faces she pulls when they are talking are exactly the same as what im thinking. She clearly adores Darren but I just dont see a mother/daughter relationship with Sienna and Georgie. Its so sad
Yeah you can tell Sienna absolutely adores Darren and has a lot of love for him she always has and it’s lovely to see but I wish he would appreciate it a bit more. They have a better father daughter bond compared to the mother daughter relationship Georgie and Sienna have were there’s just no connection but over the last few years Karma and Koa have got way more of Darrens attention and time and poor Sienna has been pushed to the side. Understandably it bothers her cause there’s many times she’s trying to get his attention but isn’t fully noticed by him so she gives up. I really think it would be nice for Darren and Sienna to spend time together just the two of them for the day every so often cause whenever Mia is with them she’s very loud and Sienna can’t get a word in shes sitting in the back of the car kind of forgotten. Mia’s old enough to understand she doesn’t need to be a part of every single day out so it would be nice if she let Sienna have some time with Darren cause there’s many times Georgie and Mia go out just the two of them.
I feel like Sienna is confused and uncomfortable by Georgie and Mia’s behaviour at times especially Georgie and I can imagine how awkward it must feel if your mum is acting like that and people are staring.
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The thing with the heels mia got, she already had those ones or very similar so why buy the same. Plus they didnt go with her outfit either. Oh gosh and the constant "people keep looking at us because of our shoes" ( before the heels were worn and after). Loves theyre looking because you are being loud and obnoxious, and you have a bloody camera in your face, of course people will look. Jeez!
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