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Sienna's eyes actually shone when she saw the guitar, I really hope they arrange lessons for her.
What a sweet boy Jojo is, to make her a lovely card with 10 pound of his own money in it. His parents are doing a great job with him and are so good with Sienna too.
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I can’t stand the way they speak badly about going to school and putting it down as if it’s not good enough and that homeschooling produces way better smart kids in their eyes which isn’t right to say at all cause whether you go to school or you’re homeschooled receiving a good education at home they should be treated as equal and both should be respected. Sienna will be 11 next month and her handwriting , her lack of social awareness and other things she doesn’t understand when she should at her age show how neglected her education has been but they don’t care cause all they’ve used her for is to make them money on the channel.
Family freedom made a video recently about asking Jojo if he wants to remain being homeschooled or attend a secondary school and Katie and Bob spoke highly about both kinds of education they didn’t talk about bad about one to brain wash their son or make him think there’s only one good way to be educated. They even repeatedly said to him if you ever want to attend a secondary school that is absolutely ok you can tell us at any time. Katie and Bob really do come across as lovely people and I respect the way they are giving him options with education and he will be a non judgmental person respectful of others choices which is good compared to the Family Fizz kids who are brain washed to think everything Darren says is right.
Unless they have now magically got Sienna tutors for multiple subjects and she’s doing a proper school curriculum that isn’t just her doing a cheap 5 minute maths problem activity book one time then forgetting about it or doing colouring in her room or watching YouTube vlogs, only then I will believe she is getting an education.
All Sienna has been told all these years is that an education is pointless and you should just be a YouTuber cause in Darrens words “ you don’t have a boss and you get to travel the world” so obviously she’s not going to be realising how much an education would help her in life and she’s seen Mia who hasn’t gone to school all these years and that’s her big sister who she looks up to as she has no friends to play with so all she does is try hang around Mia and dress like her and be like her so she’s going to most likely follow in her footsteps.
Also Georgie in the YouTube comment saying that when Sienna went to school she couldn’t understand why you can’t talk all the time, well that’s the rules how else are you going to focus and learn things if you’re busy having a gossip or messing around not paying attention . Yeah it can be annoying cause there are times at school you want to just chat but in life there are rules for a reason and even being homeschooled you need structure and routine especially young children need it and even then when it’s school time at home you should be focused on that and not trying to have a gossip. It’s like they have their kids in a bubble and that they can do whatever they want and not have to listen to rules but if we all did that nobody would be educated or working.
Life isn’t all about going to get your nails done everyday there’s a lot more to life.
Also them saying Sienna prefers being in a safe and nurturing environment at home?
Her life is exploited online how is that safe? There are many photos and videos of her all over the Internet and god knows what weird people have had access to those photos and videos.
They have purposely put her life out there like that they haven’t protected her privacy so that’s not safe. As for nurturing yeah she’s spoiled she has clothes she gets her hair and nails done a lot and she gets fed so I’m not saying she isn’t loved but she gets left out a lot and Mia has even said before Sienna is always bored and she must be lonely at times too.
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Just think it's hilarious that they're going to disney. No way does Darren let the kids watch TV or films. They've definitely never seen anything properly. The kids are just gonna enjoy the noise and the characters with no clue what they actually are.
No way they've paid for this. Would be very surprised. Don't see it being somewhere they would go out of their way to pay for.
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What? She was only 2 days late and they feel the need to make a video to see if she is pregnant🤣🤣 clearly struggling for views. And she said because the other months have been abit late it adds up to 9 days late? 🤨 Dont you just count from your last period each time? I dont think in June it was 1st June, July was 4th July, August 5th would be 1 day late not 5? Or have i been doing it wrong most my life 🤣
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They've started Karma in gymnastics now too. And Sienna is still going to her classes.

Have they finally realised they need to give their children at least a hint of a normal social life?!

I just really hope they send Karma to school next year. They claim the older 2 are "home-schooled" because they didn't like school (which we have doubts behind the truth of that for Sienna) so I hope they let her at least try for a year. She needs someone that knows what they're doing to teach her the next step up of the very basics she would've learnt from nursery. And they need to not push her to not like school just because they don't think she needs a proper education (cos we know she won't get that with this family's idea of home school).
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I don't get how they're anti-vaccine and all about conspiracy theories and yet are extremely pro-capitalist, getting sponsored by a ton of companies and get free stuff and encouraging consumerism in their audiences and own kids, and shop at Shein (which mistreats its workers and is terrible for the environment). They also flew so much over the past few years and bought tons of things just to get rid of them when they no longer needed them. Everything about them is so hypocritical and uneducated.
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According to Georgies insta stories, Sienna has started gymnastics.

I'd personally say that at very almost 11, she is old for starting something such as gymnastics as you usually learn things such as coordination, flexibility, balance and how to properly control your body at a younger age. Sienna is likely to have highly ingrained ways of holding and moving her body that are likely not the same as those who have done gym. from a much younger age and may hinder her ability to get as fluid and controlled motions (obviously, this will usually get better over time though).

However, I am VERY glad she has been put into a class (hopefully with other peers her own age and not private sessions) so she can have proper help to develop some skills and hopefully build her confidence back up to where it was a couple of years ago!
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I suspect sadly Sienna is so behind in terms of the national curriculum, she couldn’t just slot back into mainstream education, and it would highlight the lack of education going on at home.

I think there is zero chance of Karma going personally.
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What do they provide, apart from 'positive messaging' it's all just content trends, it's not even informative about their vegan diet anymore like their old videos where they'd do a food shop and show you what you could get for a certain amount and items you may not have realised was vegan. Their channel is pretty much now the epitome of brain rot, there's no educational value, there's no information, there's no exploration it's trend hopping family channel copy cat content it's littreally just 'entertainment'. The pure irony is that everything they've spoke against is what they've become but I suppose that's what greed does to you.
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Mia needs someone to put her in her place and give her a wake up call that her acting like a bully is not ok and her attitude is horrible and immature and she needs to grow up. She thinks cause she has all these followers and subscribers that she’s better than everyone and she’s very rude. The way she treats and speaks to Sienna isn’t nice and yeah I know Georgie for once said to Mia that wasn’t nice to say but they need to properly give out to her in order for her to learn and realise what’s right and wrong cause it seems like they’re afraid to correct her. Georgie is always trying to act like she’s Mias age and Mias friend and she wants to look like a cool relaxed no rules mum she wants to impress Mia rather than acting like a mother. As for Darren for all the years I’ve watched them him and Mias relationship is awkward which is strange as he’s known her since she was 5 but you wouldn’t guess that by how they interact with eachother it’s like he’s uncomfortable to give out to her or discipline her and I understand he’s her step dad so maybe he has never felt it’s his place to do that and has just left it to Georgie but when Mia is insulting Sienna and bullying her you would think that would bother him especially when Sienna looks hurt at Mias words it would be nice for him to speak up for Sienna.
There’s teasing your sibling and joking around and then there’s bullying and wanting your sibling to feel sad and making them believe the mean things you say are true like when Mia insults Siennas appearance and her feet. Mia is very insecure and I think it makes her feel better about herself when she points out someone else’s insecurities or tries to make someone else insecure. I don’t like Mias personality.
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I skipped trough most of the new video they posted to see what you guys were on about and oh my gosh, what was the meaning of that even. I used to work in service as a cashier and if they came in and acted like that it would be hell for me, hell even my manager would have thrown them out for acting like that and filming the employees and other people. How can they even act like that in public and think it’s okay to be disruptive in public, so they not have common sense? Why can’t they just be like how they used to, vlog their day and be chill like back in 2016-17. I get it that people change trough out the years but this is absolutely ridiculous. Their videos are getting worse and worse with each idea and each upload..

Also a note, it’s sad to see parents act like this and encouraging their kids to act like this in public and have no respect for others when they are out and about, as seen in their other videos. Another thing is that im afraid Mia will still continue to do all these kinds If videos even after she becomes an adult and maybe even in her 20s as she doesn’t know anything else..
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Does anyone else find it annoying the way georgie says "sure" or anything with the letter 'u' in it. For example for human she says it like "hooman"
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The amount of people they filmed in the background that looked uncomfortable. I wish vloggers had to get permission to film other people to broadcast just like actual companies have to. If i was in the background of someones video i would not be happy and would definitly sue
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I really don’t mind them buying their kids so much stuff since they came from so little money, the issue for me is that they don’t think about what they buy for their kids. They as parents just buy what they like and they don’t ask the kids what they want unless it’s Mia. That is what annoys me the most about them. They only know what to give Mia but never the other kids.
I just wish they'd spend the money on something more meaningful, like music lessons, dance classes, horse riding, art class - literally anything. They can offer their children so many opportunities with that kind of money but they're spending it on designer clothes.

With that being said, I guess Sienna is doing gymnastics and I'm not sure mia would actually be interested in anything now.
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The thing is if you’ve gone many years not having a normal childhood , not having any friends and not learning to use your imagination and play with toys then you won’t really know how to act like a kid and enjoy things. You also won’t know what toys to be wanting or how to really play with things if your parents haven’t been encouraging you to be a kid.
Siennas only influence has been Mia and all Mia is into is clothes, jewellery and taking pictures of herself so this is what Sienna sees as normal. They’ve made Sienna grow up way too fast and I think the poor kid feels a bit lost at times even though she’s always so grateful for whatever she gets , I do think she seems a bit uninterested and bored of clothes when she would probably enjoy playing with games instead.
Mia can be quite a mean big sister too and very judgmental. There’s basically 7 years between her and Sienna which is a big difference with the interests you’ll have at two very different ages and it’s not until both of you get a bit older and are both adults when the age gap doesn’t feel as small anymore and you have more things in common. There’s 8 years between my older sister and I and never once when I was a kid did my sister make fun of me for playing with toys or judge me for things I liked whereas there’s been times Mia has made fun of Sienna for playing with toys and after that I noticed Sienna losing interest in things she clearly she wanted to play with and instead just copying Mia more.

It might of been last year but Georgie had got Sienna this wooden doll house toy something like that with little dolls with it cause she’d seen Sienna playing with Karmas toys which where similar to it and she asked Sienna would she like something like that and Sienna said yes so that’s why Georgie got her that but I remember when Sienna opened the present she did look happy but Mia immediately made comments like “why did you get her a baby toy?” And “at Siennas age I would never play with that” and was laughing and I really believe those words when into Siennas head and then Sienna awkwardly was acting like she doesn’t like playing with those things anymore and Georgie looked confused cause Sienna had told her before that she wanted something like that. I think Mia gets away with being a bully and Georgie or Darren should of told her at the time that Sienna is still a kid she can play with toys it’s normal.

This is why it’s important to have friends your own age and get to be a kid having fun for as long as you can cause there’s no need to be wanting your child to grow up so fast.
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I noticed something on this thread that is getting a bit weird and annoying. Yes I know it’s just a thread not that big of a deal but the whole point of this thread is people are allowed give their opinions and fair enough people are going to disagree and not always see things the same way but anytime I comment something whether it’s an opinion or I’m giving a fact , one person in particular will purposely comment right after me saying the exact opposite to what I said almost every time I don’t know if it’s to try prove a point or start arguments but it’s a bit odd. I’ve noticed them doing it ever since I spoke about how important it is for kids to receive an education whether it’s going to school or being homeschooled because clearly the ‘unschooling’ family fizz say they do hasn’t helped those kids progress but the person had a rant at me for it cause they took it as me hating in unschooling when I just speaking about Family Fizz not anyone else’s experience.
All I’m saying is people have every right to comment on here and nobody has to agree with what I’m saying I know the whole point on here is discussing things but I’m just saying I’m fully aware of this person doing this and I’m saying this politely you don’t have to keep purposely be doing that cause end of the day this isn’t a fan page for family fizz these are threads where we sometimes will speak good of them or sometimes give opinions about things that aren’t good about them so if you don’t like reading those things maybe you shouldn’t be using these threads.

Mia is obsessed with boys in an unhealthy way in my opinion but I’m sure she’ll grow out of it hopefully and so is Georgie which is what’s weird and whether people want to hear it or not that’s my opinion BUT it isn’t Mia’s fault at all I understand why she’s like that after how she’s been living all these years.
I’ve even said myself it’s normal for girls to talk about boys and be obsessed in a way but to a certain extent cause there comes a point when it’s get a bit too much and I wish Mia knew there’s more to life than boys and obsessing over things boys are doing. The way she learned Spanish is impressive she’s a smart girl and it’s just a shame she never was encouraged with her education.
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