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I will forever find it very weird the way they react to food. It’s not normal to be screaming and jumping around acting all hyper just cause they’ve seen a cake or Georgie saying that eating a bowl of pasta makes her so hyper like wtf that’s not normal. They way they act when they see food you would think they had never seen food before in their lives. There’s no need for all the screeching they need to calm down.
Perfect explanation! i dont get it at all either. very odd behaviour
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Thank you for this insight. How on earth are they getting away with it with Sienna since she attended school system up to age 6-7 in Brighton?! There’s no way she’s attending external exams or being marked on course material, let alone doing any course work. Honestly I’m surprised parents or socials haven’t reported this or asked in the comments about Sienna’s education times. Literally she’s at gymnastics in the mornings and filming in the afternoons - there’s no way she could be doing a day’s home schooling unless she has an online tutor. Definitely not doing any work with Darren or Georgie as Georgie is always out in the mornings.
Yeah I’m so surprised by it! As she was on the school register as she was in school in Brighton they would’ve had meetings with the council asking why she’s now homeschooled and what they plan to do with her education. My mum pays £200 per exam for my siblings to attend the local school, they learn at home but when it’s been exams the last few months they’ve just gone into the local school on the day of the exam then came home after. I can’t imagine them giving sienna any of that as my siblings work hours a day at home and all Sienna seems to do is film stuff or go shopping
Do y’all think they would fake school papers and everything to keep the kids at home to film and such?
Nothing would surprise me with them anymore tbh
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Shows how ignorant I am, I actually didn't realise it was a result of acne. I assumed it was we because of their backwards beliefs about sun cream. I hope you’re doing better now x

It’s really sad and I know I’ve commented on here about this many times but it’s cause I relate to her battle with acne and it’s something I wouldn’t wish on anybody cause it’s hard to get through life with something that you can’t really hide , people are looking at you and you can feel them looking at your acne so it can make you self conscious and sometimes people can make rude comments to your face that’s the experience I had growing up so when I see the acne she’s had I feel bad for her but I’m annoyed and disgusted at Darren and Georgie for allowing their stupid beliefs that make no sense most of the time get in the way of getting help for their daughters skin who has needed help badly for years but they completely neglected that and didn’t give a shit cause they’d rather let her suffer and convince her that medicines and creams wouldn’t help her.

It’s unforgivable what they have done because all the years her acne has gone untreated has left her with severe scarring all over her face that’s aged her and you’re right she looks way older. I think she naturally always had an older looking face anyway cause Georgie does too but having scarring has made her look wayyy older because her poor skin has been through so much. Every time I see her face close up on camera and I see all the scarring I sometimes can’t get over how bad it is and all I can think is how if they’d got her help when she was younger there would of been a better chance it wouldn’t be as bad as it is now.

She covers her face with so much makeup too and I’m not saying she can’t wear makeup she likes it plus I understand it covers up her insecurities I get it but I don’t think its helped over the years putting makeup on severe untreated acne constantly and you can still see the scarring through the makeup sometimes. I’m not saying that taking medication and using medicated creams would of given her completely clear skin forever cause for everyone it’s different it depends on how severe your acne is and your skin type but they didn’t even give her a chance to try these things.

I know Mia is an adult now and yeah it’s up to her to go to a doctor and get help for things but it’s too late the damage has been done it’s extremely unlikely it’s reversible with how bad her scarring is. This is something that should of been treated years ago and probably something she still would be get treated for today and for life maybe but Darren and Georgie are not intelligent they have brain washed themselves in their own little cult and have done the same to Mia and her siblings.
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Idk if this is okay to post and show, if it is my apologies.

But I was looking at Mia’s account and her photos that she was tagged on as I was doing my daily Instagram exploring and I came across this and in some of these photos she’s not even 18 yet. Whoever made this account is such a creep and disgusting. I myself will be reporting this account…

That's disgusting but her mother should be making sure she wears a bra, well at least when she was a minor. But just goes to show they couldn't give two fucks about vile people on the net.
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Does Mia have two or three siblings on her dads side?
Mia has a new boyfriend it seems - Davidemishu
She has 2 siblings on her dads side a little sister and a little brother. The other woman featured in the video sitting on the sofa with them is Mias dad girlfriend/wife he’s been with her a long time since Mia was little you can see in the photos she features in with them and I seen other photos of him with her. Mias dad is obviously young as him and Georgie had Mia young and his girlfriend/wife is obviously young too probably only in her 30’s.
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I downloaded the video before he deleted it, so for anyone who has never seen it, this was the video he made for her:
Does Mia have two or three siblings on her dads side?
Mia has a new boyfriend it seems - Davidemishu
I wonder how she met him
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I’m guessing she asked them to stay in their rooms which is odd cause I get she wanted to give a house tour cause that’s what she sees as normal as a youtuber especially when her family have moved to a million houses there’s a house tour every week from them lol but I can’t imagine saying to people I’m hanging out with can you all disappear please so I can film this. In one way I guess you could say they were giving her the space to film but it doesn’t feel like a natural living in the moment situation when a camera is taking over.

I don’t know how she fits in with these friends either cause exactly they have the same look of her boyfriend. I know opposites can attract in friendships too but usually there’s a common interest or genuine connection too and maybe it’s not right for me to judge someone from how they look but Mia is so different in how she acts that it makes you think what does she talk about or have in common with these people. I understand the rock climbing friends cause they’ve something in common and they have fun doing that. I was thinking would some of these friends at the b&b be friends of her boyfriend that she’s met through him? One of the girls and one of the guys have been in past videos of Mias before she even met her boyfriend but the others I don’t recognise. It’s sad to say cause I wouldn’t wish for anyone to be used but it wouldn’t surprise if some of them could be using her.
I would feel so weird if my friend asked me to "hide" whilst theymade a tour video, then they came in my room to film.....nah bit weird for me.

OK so I watched her newest one and the rock climbing friends was there, but phoebe is much older so I don't get that friendship as Mia was 16/17 and phoebe was like 21/22 when they became friends. The other girl and her boyfriend seem very similar to the bf as does the last guy that came. There was another girl but I believe that was phoebe's friend.
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That's a lot to take in, but thank you.
I feel really sorry for both the kids and Mia's dad (+ family on that side).
The kids have all suffered from moving about every 6 weeks and being denied the right to an education (K&K are leaving nursery apparently, probably because they will up and move again)
Mia's dad is being threatened for no apparent reason and that must be really sad. I did just look back and yeah he made an appearance. That whole side of the family must feel so bad, they've also been made to look like shit (he is listed as a druggie on LadBible, but it's only alleged, not confirmed) when G was just as bad. There's no way they don't do drugs now to be honest, they always say they get hyper on random stuff eg spaghetti, bet it's actually crack their talking about.
It's a shame because Mia's dad definitely wants to see her. Mia will never reach out as she's been brainwashed this whole time into thinking her dad is a drug addict and an alcoholic.
There are three sides to the story, Georgie's, Kyeza's and what actually happened. We need to know what actually happened.
Sorry to go back to Karmas birthday vlog again, but it highlights how much this family has changed! In the past Mia and Sienna received one or two presents and they was genuinely grateful. Karma got loads and each one she was clearly disappointed, she was practically throwing them on the floor wanting the next. Sienna opened each one and took time to appreciate it and say thank you (which she learned as she grew up) the younger 2 have no manners and are spoilt. On a different note, Georgie was expecting Koa to try and open Karmas presents, but I don’t think she was expecting an 18 year old not to keep her hands away, Georgia even says to Mia at one point, that karma can open them herself
Mia's so immature it hurts my brain (opening her presents)
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I don't think she'd like it or cope if she was told she wasn't really that good or if someone was better then her. She reacted badly when a guy said she wasn't good looking
Odd how her boyfriend made his account private yet shared her latest post earlier in the day before. I do get vibes he may want the views for his own page
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Ever since I seen a video of some influencer who accidentally left unedited footage in a vlog of her making her son pose for a thumbnail that’s all I can think about whenever I see these thumbnails from YouTube families cause it’s so weird how everything is content and the poor kids can’t have privacy and don’t get to live in the moment off camera because they have to pose for the camera and fake things for views.
Oh my god that's petrifying. I hope one day family vlogging is illegal
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Watching their packing video, I don't blame Mia for getting annoyed at her family in videos.

They are so embarrassing at times with the jokes & comments they make. She's a 19 year old imagine having to be PG 24/7 & it seems as though her parents are extremely involved in everything she does so I'd think she feels that she can't disappoint them.

Her Boyfriend seemed like a polar opposite to her & her families character, Mia is such a goodie two shoes - I wonder if he broke up with her because he couldn't take how they behave...Seemed like her friends she invited to her bday live different lifestyles to her (drinking, smoking cigs, vapes & weed, swearing) she must be such a kill joy at times.
I remember she gave them alcohol free gin and tonic cans in the bday video and everyone just seemed awkward 😭😂
  • Haha
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I agree, although she definitely doesn’t seem 19, she seems a lot more herself in her own videos. I hope her friends are genuine and she continues to spend more time with them and less with her nut job parents!!
I agree she doesn’t come across like a 19 year old at all she mentally comes across way younger but it is nice to see her do things outside of the family Fizz bubble and have friends. It’s nice to see her happy too because at end of the day these kids on family channels have been exploited but because it’s so normal to them they see nothing wrong with it they don’t understand they’ve been exploited and that’s sad and unfortunate cause it allows their parents to get away with it. Like you said I hope her friends are genuine and I hope Mia continues to be around friends and build a life for herself.
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Wonder if we'll be blessed with more luxury vacation hauls :rolleyes:My former manager went to South Africa wearing his rolex to show off to his girlfriend, promptly got robbed at gunpoint 😄
😳 omg that’s scary! And for the kids sakes i hope nothing like that happens to FF but if they’re going to dress up in designer brands and be obvious tourists, then they’d be setting themselves up for it
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I actually quite like their 12 gifts of birthday for sienna, I find it it’s one of the better ones from the recent years that they’ve been making birthday videos
I do be happy for her when she gets to feel noticed and special cause there has been many times she’s the forgotten child or Mia gets the attention no matter how hard Sienna tries so Sienna getting those moments of being alone with her parents is a good thing even if it’s just so they can exploit her in a video at least she’s getting attention without any of her siblings shouting over her and stealing the spotlight. The times we’ve seen her try so hard to get Georgie’s attention and do nice things for Georgie but Georgie is more interested in Mia it’s sad to watch those moments so when Georgie does do something genuinely nice for Sienna and puts in effort I like that cause Sienna deserves that too.
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I haven't watched this lot since the mum gave birth at home to koala or whatever theyre called. They haven't changed much but they do seem more manic. And they talk to the viewer as if they're three years old. Poor sienna having her room bodged by those twats. Always had a soft spot for Sienna. Mia needs to get a job or a life, preferably both.
Did Sienna like her room? I saw the thumbnail but I just can’t watch. Still lol. I used to enjoy their travel videos most but again, I just can’t.
So I need you guys to update me 🤭🤭
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Have D and G even met him and searched his SM? He does give off weird vibes and I do hope I'm wrong but this doesn't feel like a good match at all.
Probably not. D doesn't feel it is his place as Mia isn't his biological daughter. G will just encourage Mia to date anyone as she's so desperate for her to have a bf and babies 😞
I expect nothing more of G as she's messed up due to the cult she was in but D... come on! He needs to realise he can have a say in all of this as Mia is his stepdaughter who he speaks to regularly. There's no reason he shouldn't have a say whilst she is in his household.
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