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Strange how on his latest post with her, the caption is “subscribe to my YouTube” and he has a link to his YT in the bio. I hope he’s not using this as an opportunity to grow his own social medias
He really doesn't sound like a 19yr old on his videos. There could be any reason why he's now doing YT after his last one was a year ago, he could be using her but she could be helping him also but I still find the pairing of them so odd
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This is the exact same flower field, and I also want to say Mia has never kept any of her "friendships" (if one can even call them that, it seems she meets an influencer a few times, records some tiktoks and then we never see them again) so private, usually with a male friend she would capitalize off of it and imply that he's her boyfriend. This guy was in her recent rock climbing tiktok I think and she didn't even show his face...interesting 🤔
Most of the other content was probably just for the clickbaity titles and views. I doubt she actually has a new boyfriend every week like Darren and Georgie always post TikTok’s about, they just know it peaks people’s interest so gains more views. Sounds like this might actually be somewhat real though
I know they said the main reasons they came back to the uk was for Georgie to have her implants removed and for Mia to do driving lessons and get her licence but Georgie had her surgery a long time ago now even though she went on about it for months after shoving her implants in peoples faces and Mias driving situation didn’t go the way she thought it would as she didn’t seem to understand the work and practice you have to put in to pass cause for years her life has been in a bubble with everything handed to her. So what I wonder is how come they’re still living in the uk? there has to be a reason they haven’t moved to another country again cause yeah they’ve done a lot of holidays but for them to stay living in one place for this long especially the way they left Costa Rica so suddenly so rushed out of nowhere when like 2 weeks before they were still discussing the land they bought with the house they were going to build so something is so off about them it feels like they’re hiding something. There’s times I feel like they’re forcing themselves to say “we love London , we love living here” cause I feel they’re trying to convince themselves sometimes with how much they keep saying it. For the kids sake it’s good they’ve been in London for this long but I wonder how long it’ll last. I wonder are they in London by choice or another reason that they didn’t have much of a choice but to move back.
I think it’s having two younger children now, they definitely haven’t moved around as much since Koa has been born. Still a lot of travelling compared to the average family but most of these past few years they’ve been in Costa Rica and then London. They wanted to stay in Costa Rica more permanently and build there so maybe they’re looking for somewhere else to do that. Travelling with two little ones obviously wasn’t what they thought it would be. I get that impression especially from how they decided to put them into nursery and Karma is going to start school. They want to be the homeschooling hippy travelling family but it’s clearly not all it’s cracked up to be
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Now they are on Snapchat, woop another means to exploit their children 😒
Mias Snapchat however is ridiculous I actually can’t believe what I’m seeing, product agyer product , then about 300 selfies. She’s so empty and vain it’s so sad
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aw the video makes me feel sad, I know pictures can sometimes be deceiving but it looked like she had a very happy and vibrant childhood compared to now. And it seemed like she was close with her dad. I wonder what went wrong for her to no longer want contact.
I know people said she could have been brain washed into thinking he was a bad guy, but idk...I dont want to make any assumptions because I feel like we're missing the full picture. Which thread was it that her dad commented on?
Thread number 4! his first post starts on page 18 then there’s a few more posts after that and his username is kyeza84
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Her swim suit didn't even fit her properly. When she put her arms up a bit you could tell. I'm not really posting my baby online when it's born and that's to actual people I know. I don't get why you'd think it ok to have god knows who watching your children and as @account70032 said there are disgusting people out there with those images doing disgusting things to them. Just why!
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Chatty Member
Mia sounds ridiculous pretending to be wired by her coffee over on Snapchat. Wore off pretty quick when Koa walked in.
how are they all so jet lagged, if I was travelling business class I’d be taking advantage of that plane bed
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If they are still pretending they still support sustainability it makes sense for them to buy second hand. In the area of London they are in, it wouldn't be unusual for designer kids clothes in charity shops to start from upwards of £29-£30.
Oh absolutely agree that designer gear will still be fairly expensive but they can afford to buy from the main shops. Lots of families that still want their kids in designer gear but for less money would be going into charity shops to source these clothes. I don't believe they're still for sustainability.
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I think it’s a good thing Mia doesn’t put her relationship with her boyfriend online because everything else in her life has always been put online she’s grown up being exploited by Darren and Georgie so I think her keeping her relationship offline is the healthiest and wisest thing to do.

I think at first when she got into a relationship with her boyfriend it came across like she was a bit lost at what to do cause she would post some things and talk about her boyfriend cause she’s so used to sharing everything in her life for views but then she pulled back from doing that I’m guessing cause the boyfriend doesn’t like being filmed or maybe she wanted the relationship private but either way I think it’s a good thing the relationship is private because it’s a way for her to learn it’s not normal to put your whole life out there and use your life for views to make money and it’s good for her to live in the real world without a camera in her face and not live in the Truman show world she’s used to all these years.

Part of me was surprised at first that Darren and Georgie haven’t used the boyfriend for views like trying to get him in videos , using him as clickbait or making videos discussing him but maybe they’ve learned that’s weird because look what happened when they did that about that guy James the obsession they had it made them sound so creepy and I’m mainly talking about Georgie she was saying so many strange, disrespectful and inappropriate things about a guy that Mia wasn’t ever even dating! so maybe this time around they have learned to be respectful of people in Mia’s life by keeping it private , not using anything for content and keeping all meetings off camera.

I do wonder what the family act like off camera cause from everything we have seen of them they are so out of touch with the real world most of the time, they can be very snobby, Georgie and Mia are both very immature for their age, they are all very materialistic and they don’t know how to act around people or how to behave in public.
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I’ve always thought she’s had an older face looking but honestly she does look in her 40’s. It’s not even the clothes she wears or makeup cause without makeup you can see she has aged a lot. I’ve also noticed that Darren and Georgie have both aged so much too in a short amount of time they both look a lot older than their ages. Darren actually looks unwell at times with how thin he is now.
She goes from looking like a 14yr old to looking in her 40s. It's so strange. Georgie goes from looking a bit young to looking older too.
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I’m happy for people who have worked hard to earn the money themselves but I’m not happy for people who only have a lot of money because they exploited their kids. If they inherited lots of money that’s different but they didn’t inherit or work hard for any of it they just are child exploiters. I can be happy for people who had tough lives growing up or battled addictions and made a better life for themselves because none of that is easy but just because someone had a hard life that doesn’t give any excuse for them to be child exploiters.

The kids have made them all the money so the kids deserve the money spent on them but those kids should never of been exploited in the first place because their parents should of actually worked hard to provide for their kids instead of taking the lazy selfish route of exploiting their kids to make money. There’ll never be any reason good enough to convince me Darren and Georgie are good people who deserve that money because I think anyone who exploits their children to make money is a disgusting person because imagine being that selfish that you put your childrens lives online for absolutely anyone to know information about them and be able to save photos and videos of their kids and content of their kids can end up on very weird dangerous sides of the Internet unfortunately.

Of course it’s nice to treat your kids to things I think any parent wants to give their child everything they weren’t able to have growing up but I know I’d rather not be rich but be able to sleep at night knowing I’ve never exploited a child and I’m keeping them as safe as possible instead of being rich but knowing strangers are watching my children and saving content of my children which is disgusting and scary to think about. I couldn’t live with that and I would hate for someone to post photos/videos of me that I didn’t understand what it meant to be filmed and put online and couldn’t consent to any of it so why would I do that to a child? Darren and Georgie wanted to live a life going on holidays all the time and going on designer shopping sprees everyday then ok but they should of worked hard and saved up for that lifestyle and not used their kids to make them the money to have this lifestyle.
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The part in the vlog where Georgie was talking about the bulls b*lls and they had to bleep out what she said was totally inappropriate and strange. Even Darren looked shocked
Beside that, but also they filmed the people like right in their faces.. they’re so weird to do that
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Yeah I agree it would be so weird for me too if one of my friends asked me to hide while they did a house tour but I guess in Mias mind she sees it as normal cause she’s used to filming everything letting the camera take over and she lives in a bubble that doesn’t always consider other people.

Her friendships confuse me at times cause there’s different people all the time and I get that she’s 19 as you go through life you can make new friends but some of her friendships I don’t get. Also what I find odd is do you remember she went to Paris a few months ago with that other girl called Mia the one with blonde hair? She had been in a lot of Family Fizz Mia’s videos. Blonde Mia still follows family fizz Mia but family Fizz Mia doesn’t follow her anymore.
Of course your friendship group changes over time, I had many different ones growing up and even now I do as I have many sides of me and depending who I'm with I act accordingly. Maybe that's what Mia is doing, but again I don't see what they could have in common at all.

Ah yes the other Mia, not heard about her since they went to Paris. Wonder what happened there then for FF Mia to no longer follow the other Mia.

Tbh all we see when Mia is out with friends is her buying them things or doing challenges. We never see or hear of them actually conversing or anything. Obviously not everything will be filmed but say when people go clubbing there's videos or when you're out on a field somewhere, there's always evidence of why you're friends with each other. I've never seen this with Mias friends. Again we don't see everything but it's just so strange
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Mias relationship still going strong . Still shocked she’s dating a non YouTuber
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Agree with some of what you've said. I agree that she seems a bit awkward around these friends and I do think she does it to get them to like her, I say this from my own experiences as I do still do it now as an adult because I've not known proper friendship since I left college at 19.

I can't see the others helping pay for that airb&b, well at least not much help with it, again from experience I've often said I'd pay for things just so people go places with me wether for my birthday or any other time. I think to an extent they do use her which is sad because I've been there and still there unfortunately.

I've not seen any interaction with the bf to even form a good enough opinion but for me it seems like a strange fit and not someone she'd be interested in if she had a different up bringing.
When I said she’s awkward around them I didn’t mean there’s anything wrong with being an awkward person cause I’ve had my moments I’ve been socially awkward so I get it but I meant that her awkwardness is like how Georgie acts and also I think she does it to get them to like her. I do understand what you’re saying because she’s not the only person to do that especially if someone hasn’t had a proper friendship in a long time they might do whatever they can to keep the friends they are making which I get cause it makes sense. I don’t think she’s a bad person for doing that but I think at times she over does it and I think if these people genuinely like her and are true friends she wouldn’t need to try this hard. I’m not sure how long she knows all these people, I recognise two of them from past videos.

Yeah in the past I’ve paid for things for people and I don’t think there’s anything wrong treating friends or if you’re choosing to pay for a b&b and inviting friends then I’m not saying they shouldn’t go but I just hope for her sake she gains the maturity to figure out what a genuine friend is and who could possibly be using her. Not saying anyone is using her and I hope I’m wrong but because of the fact she’s got a large following on social media and money I think she should be more careful.

As for her boyfriend yeah we’ve not seen or heard much from him so you’re right can’t know for sure what kind of person he is or if he’s nice. I just meant that he wasn’t being attention seeking on camera cause sometimes friends in these vlogs are desperate to be on camera , he wasn’t trying to get her to talk about him on camera and he wasn’t speaking horribly to her or anything so that’s what I meant by saying he seems nice but now that I think about it I don’t know if he actually is nice or not cause I haven’t seen enough of him to know. I do agree about it being a strange fit cause when I first saw him he was not what I expected her boyfriend to be like.
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