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Mias driving situation didn’t go the way she thought it would as she didn’t seem to understand the work and practice you have to put in to pass cause for years her life has been in a bubble with everything handed to her. So what I wonder is how come they’re still living in the uk?
It might relate to Mia and driving and restrictions on non-citizens learning to drive and getting a licence in different countries. Once you have a full licence it is easier to be allowed to drive in other countries.
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On the FF insta account georgie saying there won't be a vlog but sitting there with full blown nipples on show....that'll be on that weird account soon enough. Like sure if you don't want to wear a bra fine but don't make it seem so obvious, especially as Mia was doing the same when she was a minor. Isn't that classed as wrong? I can't think of what but she was a child with certain body parts on show and obviously people look as its human nature and then complain people were staring at her chest
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Odd how her boyfriend made his account private yet shared her latest post earlier in the day before. I do get vibes he may want the views for his own page
Something a bit odd with it all....well in my opinion anyway
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I got what you meant about the awkwardness around the friends. When she was doing the house tour thing, I don't know if she asked her friends to stay out the way but it seemed abit odd to me that everyone was in their own little areas/bedrooms. I just don't see how she fits with any of the friends tbh except the one who does rock climbing too, that wasn't actually there this time. The other couple were more like her bf I'd say so again doesn't fit in with how Mia is. I would say there is a chance of them using her if I'm honest. I know different kind of people can be friends (I was an emo and had a chav best friend) but we still had things in common but you rarely see these other friends or hear about them.
I’m guessing she asked them to stay in their rooms which is odd cause I get she wanted to give a house tour cause that’s what she sees as normal as a youtuber especially when her family have moved to a million houses there’s a house tour every week from them lol but I can’t imagine saying to people I’m hanging out with can you all disappear please so I can film this. In one way I guess you could say they were giving her the space to film but it doesn’t feel like a natural living in the moment situation when a camera is taking over.

I don’t know how she fits in with these friends either cause exactly they have the same look of her boyfriend. I know opposites can attract in friendships too but usually there’s a common interest or genuine connection too and maybe it’s not right for me to judge someone from how they look but Mia is so different in how she acts that it makes you think what does she talk about or have in common with these people. I understand the rock climbing friends cause they’ve something in common and they have fun doing that. I was thinking would some of these friends at the b&b be friends of her boyfriend that she’s met through him? One of the girls and one of the guys have been in past videos of Mias before she even met her boyfriend but the others I don’t recognise. It’s sad to say cause I wouldn’t wish for anyone to be used but it wouldn’t surprise if some of them could be using her.
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This relationship won’t last long term, but every experience at dating will help her grow, to know what she likes/doesn’t like in someone. It seems she met him in rock climbing at Euston. He is one of the instructors there according to their Instagram. It’s good she’s met someone in a natural way through a shared interest, but I do wonder why she’s not actually shared him in her videos or stories yet.
I kinda think she wanna keep it private after what happened with Riley and “ James ”

I know James and Mia never dated but they put him on blast and it ruined her entire friendship with him

same as with Riley, even if he was underage they still low-key revealed who he was and was easy to find and hell broke lose.

Mia havent been talking lots about her new bf, only a bit from what I remember but her parents are ofc still going all about her bf. I hope G&D wont ruin it by saying odd stuff
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Everyone is saying those two as well in the comments
I thought they said it was a 12 hour flight? Vatican City and Monaco are around 2 hour flight time.

Unless the 12 hour flight comment was regarding a holiday they're taking later on in the year?
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When I said she’s awkward around them I didn’t mean there’s anything wrong with being an awkward person cause I’ve had my moments I’ve been socially awkward so I get it but I meant that her awkwardness is like how Georgie acts and also I think she does it to get them to like her. I do understand what you’re saying because she’s not the only person to do that especially if someone hasn’t had a proper friendship in a long time they might do whatever they can to keep the friends they are making which I get cause it makes sense. I don’t think she’s a bad person for doing that but I think at times she over does it and I think if these people genuinely like her and are true friends she wouldn’t need to try this hard. I’m not sure how long she knows all these people, I recognise two of them from past videos.

Yeah in the past I’ve paid for things for people and I don’t think there’s anything wrong treating friends or if you’re choosing to pay for a b&b and inviting friends then I’m not saying they shouldn’t go but I just hope for her sake she gains the maturity to figure out what a genuine friend is and who could possibly be using her. Not saying anyone is using her and I hope I’m wrong but because of the fact she’s got a large following on social media and money I think she should be more careful.

As for her boyfriend yeah we’ve not seen or heard much from him so you’re right can’t know for sure what kind of person he is or if he’s nice. I just meant that he wasn’t being attention seeking on camera cause sometimes friends in these vlogs are desperate to be on camera , he wasn’t trying to get her to talk about him on camera and he wasn’t speaking horribly to her or anything so that’s what I meant by saying he seems nice but now that I think about it I don’t know if he actually is nice or not cause I haven’t seen enough of him to know. I do agree about it being a strange fit cause when I first saw him he was not what I expected her boyfriend to be like.
I got what you meant about the awkwardness around the friends. When she was doing the house tour thing, I don't know if she asked her friends to stay out the way but it seemed abit odd to me that everyone was in their own little areas/bedrooms. I just don't see how she fits with any of the friends tbh except the one who does rock climbing too, that wasn't actually there this time. The other couple were more like her bf I'd say so again doesn't fit in with how Mia is. I would say there is a chance of them using her if I'm honest. I know different kind of people can be friends (I was an emo and had a chav best friend) but we still had things in common but you rarely see these other friends or hear about them.
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That's true. My sister in law is celiac and hates it when people have GF food for no reason.
I hate it too! I’m a coeliac and it’s hard enough to find gluten free items in shops and when people buy it for a flex or trend it’s so frustrating as it’s taking it away from people like me or your sister in law who genuinely can’t eat anything else
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