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Chatty Member
Confirmed she has a boyfriend in the new video at 4:53 on their main channel, Darren says he has a car license
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Yikes, at the end of the day she’s just wearing athletic clothing and if she wants to feel good in it good for her. There’s plenty of things to criticise her, as an adult, on. And the so-called objectifying of herself and that she enjoys the attention? That is literally what she’s taught is successful and good for her career, I really don’t think it’s fair to being that down on her and more a reflection of Darren (and Georgie) than her “enjoying it” and wanting an only fans..
Sorry but she is far from a child anymore. We were all at that age once and we were all old enough to make adult decisions for ourselves by then. She is choosing to be perceived in a certain light for some reason but I don’t think she’s being forced. Like I say, she wouldn’t post so much ‘posey’ content if she wasn’t loving it and craving that very specific kind of attention.

It’s all well and good saying ‘she wears those things to feel good for herself’ but it’s clearly not true when she plasters it all over the internet again and again for everyone else’s benefit. Again, I think the tiny skirt and low cut tops for climbing are absolutely pathetic. You cannot deny that’s not a desperate move. But yes, I’m afraid the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree and she does of course take after her mother for being a desperate attention seeker but I still believe at this age, it’s her own choice.
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Well I just checked and he’s clearly deleted all his other YT videos. That’s clearly a decision he’s made since being in that relationship as they were previously up there. Like I say, I always thought it was weird that they never appeared together when he, at one point, WAS doing the whole YT thing.

It just doesn’t make sense that he’s not being welcomed into the fold publicly in any way. He doesn’t join her on fam holidays and the family have never appeared with him once. Does he appear in any family events or days out? I haven’t seen him.

Again, I fully understand why that might be in terms of YT but insta too? She makes her type so clear in her shorts videos and he is just not that type which is why, along with his lack of presence, just makes me think 🤔
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She's always been rubbish at lip syncing. And so has georgie. If I mess up or don't start at the right time I always start over
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They are so disrespectful in their new video. Spitting drink everywhere, spilling drink and food going everywhere too. I get some was accidental but come on at least either do it outside or cover up furniture
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I agree. The dress she’s wearing kinda looks like those American prom dresses from 2014-2016 that I remember from the old YouTube days. She either dresses like she’s a kid or like she’s in a midlife crisis

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Another bloody spilt thumb nail of sienna 🙄🙄they honestly piss me right off, Georgie should know better allowing Darren to edit like that, freaks of nature
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The story of her at the coach station saying about travelling during train strikes....
Honestly the coach from London Victoria to Bournemouth wasn't that bad the time I did it and only takes ~3 hrs if the traffic is alright. It looked like a national express coach too and they're fine! I don't know how tall Mias bf is but she'll certainly have plenty of leg room 😅
Also, so many people her age (especially uni students travelling home) can only afford to go by coach cos trains are often like 3x the price, so she's really just travelling like a normal person her age for once🤷🏻😂
But travelling by bus/coach isn't cool enough for Mia. Tbh I prefer going by coach somewhere (although still have to get to London or my nearest airport) then having to change trains so many times especially if you have luggage, you can just relax.
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That account had been made a couple of days ago and Mia got tagged several times. I don't understand why they at least didn't remove the tag yet. That's extremly sad and concerning
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See this is why I don't understand why she has these friends or even the boyfriend. The only thing she knows is how to go abroad, and what expensive items she can buy. And the whole dressing up in the same outfits as the rest of the family, the idiotic ways and tantrums she has. I honestly do not get why people want to be around her
Absolutely! The mind boggles 😅

I just couldn’t be friends with someone, even at the age of 18/19 who is just so shallow and has nothing interesting to say aside from discussing her latest fave skincare product. We’ve mentioned before how many of her friendships don’t seem genuine. She never has consistently posted about one special/close friendship, instead blipping from ‘bestie’ to ‘bestie’ until they (probably) realise how awful she is.
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Haven't watched their videos in a little while not sure about karmas fringe sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't not sure where it falls 🤔

I see they went to NYC yes completely appropriate for a family of young children trapsing around a big busy City with nothing much of interest for the kids.🙄
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So there's a tiktok going around about Mia pretending she got pregnant. How bloody insensitive do these guys feel they have to be. Maybe I missed that actual video if it was uploaded but Georgie was saying it was for the family fizz channel. Sounded like she was also in on the prank too

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Chatty Member
Wait for "AD" or "Gifted" in the title 😂
Do you reckon it's gonna be like Dubai again? They sure like it there
They said in their Dubai plane vlog on Fizzier a few months ago they were gonna be taking a 12 hour flight later this year and that the 7 hours to Dubai was good preparation for this bigger flight.

So not anywhere in Europe, Dubai, NZ or Oz.

Surely has to be the US or South America? But not a lot of direct flights are 12 hours to the US from London are they?

I’m thinking South America or Thailand. Most flights are around 12 hours. Climate is more pleasant than Central America, but Thailand is very hot.

They’ve not been to SA yet right? Brazil or Argentina or Columbia maybe?
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Chatty Member
They also do it because they don't want her socialising with kids her age. She might see how wrong her life is if they do that...
Honestly I hope her instructor dishes any dirt she gets made aware of 😯it could get spicy if there is dirt to dish.
Love to try find her instructor
Defo looks like they might be together
It makes sense, as she’s been absent the last week from Family Fizz stories when they went to buy shoes and she went to that flower field the other day, clearly without the family.
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It could be true but they do tend to pick one topic and do countless TikTok’s about it, it either annoys or interests people so they engage with it and it gets them more views. I can understand them having another after having Karma to have a closer age gap. That was one of the reasons I had my third child because there was a bigger age gap between my first two. But if they had 5th now i’d be almost sure it’s to keep themselves relevant but after YouTube families have so many kids it really doesn’t bring the views in. It’s not a surprise or anything new or interesting to watch, it’ll be the exact same content as the other two pregnancies and births
Difference is you chose to have your third child as there was a bigger gap between your first two children so you wanted a closer age gap with your third child that makes sense I understand that completely but as for Family Fizz they even said it themselves when they were trying for Karma and after Georgie got pregnant that they were so excited about what the baby will do for their channel as they said they were so excited for the content they could make with a baby which is absolutely disgusting and selfish for that to be a reason to have a baby.

I understand them wanting to have a child after Karma so she had a sibling close in age but also they were obessed with the attention and money they made out of Karmas birth , Darren never shut up about the views they were getting and her helping to make their channel grow more and their bank account definitely played a part in them wanting another baby as soon as they could but also they expressed they wanted a boy so much they were desperate.

Of course they chose to have kids so they wanted them and they know what comes with raising kids of all ages cause they have 4 kids so I know exploiting kids isn’t the only reason they had kids cause it’s a huge responsibility they know that and not saying the kids aren’t loved or taken care of cause they are but I think if they have never been a family on YouTube exploiting their kids, they probably never would of had more kids cause of the fact what pushed them to try for Karma was Darren talking about how well a baby can do on a family channel.

They have made a lot of money using their kids they can afford to pop out babies like all these family vloggers and keep money rolling in which is what makes them selfish. People can have as many kids as they want that’s their choice of course but if one of your reasons to have kids is to exploit them that’s awful. They exploit babies , toddlers and look at how they exploited Mia during her pre-teen and teen years they love the feeling of seeing all that content do well and have the money roll in. I hope they have no more kids cause that’ll be one less child being exploited.
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I appreciate you reading all that haha and I apologise it was so long but thought I’d share all that cause some people might of forgot those things or might not of been watching the channel at that time to know those things. I believe he’s quite controlling at times over Georgie and her autonomy and it doesn’t help that Georgie many times has spoke about men like they’re above and better than women. She’s said that a man is the leader and should tell the women what to do they follow him and I think that’s such a messed up thing to say while your daughters are sitting there taking in what you’re saying and they’ll most likely believe that is true.

After seeing how much she thinks a man is the one who should be in control it makes sense why she says and does a lot of things to please Darren. Look at the way she praises and favours Koa they all call him king Koa and obsess over him being a boy like he’s better than his sisters. I don’t know if her being raised as a Jehovah witness growing up in a cult maybe she was taught the man is the leader and having a son is more special than having daughters and that way of thinking might have stuck with her more than she realises. Not making excuses for her though because favouring your son over your daughters acting like he’s a king and better than girls is very weird and not good parenting.

Her obsession with wanting to please Darren and play the role of a perfect wife she sometimes reminds me of a stepford wife with her dresses and lipstick. Darren shaming her for not wanting to breast feed anymore is awful and he’s always put pressure on her to have babies which is so wrong but she’s agreed to it every time to have these kids and happily exploits them with him so they’re both bad and weird in their own ways. I think Darren likes to be controlling and he can never handle when anyone has a different opinion to him cause he never can accept being in the wrong he gets very defensive so I can imagine any arguments they have she probably just lets him get his way cause from what we see on camera she goes along with what he wants like she thinks a man is the one who always knows best and is the boss.
Again brilliant points, and I would argue that Georgie's submission to men, really does come from her religious upbringing.

Also I've been looking into their older videos again and I was wondering if anybody knows where specifically Georgie's and Darren's pasts are mentioned.
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Chatty Member
I don’t know what Georgie has done to her face if it’s fillers or something but it’s aged her. Her face has that pillow face fake look to it you can see it a lot lately in her photos she looks different not in a good way and of course it’s her choice to get what she wants done to her face/body but it’s a shame because she’s so young yet she looks so much older.
True but she’s always looked so old. Even the photos of her with Mia at her birth she looked about 30 when she was only 16/17!
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