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Nope. Too far. The pose as well. She's 11!!!!!! 🤢🤢😡😡😡
Wtf is wrong with Darren , Georgie and Mia to all allow this? why are they doing this to this little girl who is a CHILD! making her look older than she is , sexualising her and exploiting her it’s unforgivable! There’s grown men seeing and liking that photo wanting to see little girls looking like adults which is disgusting to think about but unfortunately it’s what the world is like these things sadly this exists. Sienna has no friends she has no social life all she has is Mia to hang out with but this is not the kind of thing an 18 year old and 11 year old sister should be doing together cause nobody should exploit a child.

When I was 11 my sister was 19 and she would take me to the cinema or go out looking around the shops but she never made me grow up fast or try turn me into her 19 year old friend cause I wasn’t 19 I was 11 so I was allowed be a kid whereas Mia and Georgie both treat Sienna like they’re in this trio friendship group ( even though they leave Sienna out 99% of the time) and act like they’re all the same age it’s very weird. It’s not a mother and daughters dynamic and it’s not a big sister little sister dynamic cause they don’t act normal. Poor Sienna has a high chance of being messed up mentally like Mia is and trying to act way older than she is to fit in with Mia and Georgie.
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I forced myself to sit through Mias new video and she just sounds more spoiled and self obsessed as time goes by.She really does live in a bubble and acts like everything that doesn’t go her way is the end of the world. Her attention seeking is too much we get it you failed your test but life goes on there’ll be more chances in the future to take the test. Of course being disappointed and upset I get that she’s entitled to feel like that but it’s like she can’t believe someone would fail her cause she thinks she’s ‘famous’ like she can’t believe this happened when anyone with common sense would see they needed to practice and be more ready to take a test rather than rushing into it not being prepared. She felt upset so causally goes on a shopping spree in selfridges lol. She thinks the world revolves around her and it’s annoying she doesn’t have any mature role models around her to help her mature and realise the world doesn’t revolve around her.
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I personally don’t think them doing the pregnancy prank is that big of a deal. I can’t understand why that would be offensive to people with fertility issues?
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Watching Mias new video and her friend saying she's not sure if it's vegan friendly, my Polish boyfriend has just said that it isn't actually vegan (the jelly thing she let karma and Koa try)
It says a lot about Mia’s views on veganism that she didn’t even bother to double check, even after her friend said she wasn’t sure if it was vegan or not. She just tried it anyway and then gave it to Koa and karma!
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Why do they still call Karma and Koa ‘the babies’ or ‘toddlers’ ? FFS Karma is 5 in a few weeks. She has been a toddler for 4 years!
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This is so petty but I can’t stop noticing whenever georgie is describing a food she always say “creamy”. Oooh that looks creamy mmm that makes it so creamy like girl think of another adjective 😭😭
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Sienna joking about "less hot version of me" is gross!! Isn't she only 11?
They’ve really been getting Sienna into tiktoks more now cause she’s a pre-teen so their sick minds know the content they can use her for just like they did with Mia. Sienna is a nice innocent kid but it’ll be a miracle if she doesn’t turn into another Mia. I really hope Sienna doesn’t change even though I’ve noticed her being influenced by Mia and Georgie in some ways unfortunately , I still hope she’s able to be her own person. I know people can say making a TikTok is not a big deal but this isn’t just a TikTok that a couple people will see , a lot of followers watch their TikToks and it’s disgusting they try make their 11 year old act older.
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I wonder what they’re going to do come September when Karma can no longer attend nursery? Will she start a school? I hope they don’t stop Koa going just because Karma doesn’t go anymore.
Let’s leave sienna out again!!! Mia got georgie some gucci earring for Mother’s Day, saying they were from mia, Koa and karma. What harm would it have done including sienna in that??
She always has to one up Sienna and if she included Sienna, Mia wouldn’t get all the praise. Very sad that she’s now an adult and still can’t look past the jealousy she has for her 11 year old sister.
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Chatty Member
So Darren & Georgie go for a date night once a week. Where are the little ones and Sienna during this time? I highly doubt Mia is staying at home and minding them all.

For those asking as to why Karma and Kia go to nursery/school and Sienna doesn’t. They go because it enables Family Fizz to film the majority of their weekly content without disruptions or any slow downs. Most of their videos are morning / early afternoon. Sienna doesn’t attend school because they need her for video content, and if she was in school / sitting exams, she wouldn’t be free at all for the time needed to make videos.

There need to be more detailed laws and information about child abuse. They are abusing Sienna every day and forcing her to mature faster than she should be. Just because she is healthy, physically and has more than enough money to support herself, doesn’t mean she isn’t being abused emotionally. She is deprived of love and a real connection with her family, who for unknown reasons have a very broken attachment to her. Her family are posting photos and statuses appearing as though she wrote them from her Instagram, without consent.

I agree with everything that’s been put forward here except one thing - I sadly feel this Family won’t die out - even though their view count is lower than years ago. There will always be a new generation who will find their channel.

Mia really changed for the worse throughout her teens. She was a lovely, shy girl at the beginning of their channel days and I feel her personality changed drastically during the pandemic to what it is now. The thumbnail on her latest video is disgusting
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The way they spend their money, it wont last long. Their views are a lot lower than what they were a few years ago and every once big youtuber (bethany mota, zoella, etc.) proves that it doesnt last forever. Your fans grow up. If they were wise and lived within their means then the money would last. But they just spend on stupid things constantly. The house they rent in london must be ridiculously expensive. Putting young children in designer clothes costing hundreds that they will out grow in a month. When their views and followers drop right down and their income drops with it, they are going to have a big wake up call. I mean if they really have millions, why haven't they bought a property yet? Why are they still renting. Either they are planning to up and go soon or i dont believe they really do have that much. I think the reason they show shopping so much in videos is so that they can use the things they buy as a business expense. They would have had to file their first tax return in Jan, bet that was a shock to the system
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1. You took your 5 yr old to a garden for her 5th birthday
2. She powered through those presents and had no manners.. yes she’s 5 but my 5 year old niece would be told off for that and has been, so she knows to slow down and take it in
3. The cake thing on the face was done for fetish content it’s obvious
4. That slice of cake for Mia was so thin… damaging disgusting behaviour why on earth are they trying to keep her anorexic
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Jumping on the bed with those ridiculous boots on 🙄
Also I know her friend has an eye infection but could she have picked sunglasses that look any more ridiculous?? It’s like she’s got bloody iPads on her eyes.
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I just watched the new video on their Fizzier channel of Karma going shopping and I’m honestly a fan of Karma cause sometimes she can be funny with how she doesn’t seem fond of Mia 😂 I’ve noticed the last year she clearly favours Sienna and although I wouldn’t normally encourage siblings to not treat each other equally I think in this case it is a good thing because poor Sienna deserves someone who adores her in that family cause Karma looks up to her which is nice. Karma got Sienna a big bag of popcorn , Koa a big pack of crisps and then got Mia some other crisp kind of thing that didn’t look nice the ones that look like not many people would choose first to buy and looks like the last thing Mia would of wanted to receive but it was funny cause at the end of the video when Karma gives them all the things she got them Mias face she was not happy and had a jealous look on her face looking at Sienna with the popcorn. You would not think she is an adult! she could of shown some enthusiasm towards her little sister it’s not the end of the world there’s plenty of other food there to eat.
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I live in London, it is freezing out and the sky is grey. Georgies in a short pink summer dress 🤨
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Baby number 5 is being spoken about on Tik Tok 😭 please do not bring another poor soul into this world.
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The gymnastics rooms for sienna is great, but did she really go to the library all alone? I wouldn’t let my 11 year old to walk around central london alone?
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cry baby. She has the money and the time to do a lot of lessons in order to pass. Not everyone passes on their first go. She finally realise she has to actually put effort and work in order to achieve what she wants.
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Bloody hell I did 4th gear on like my 3rd or 4th lesson!
Same! She’s no way ready if she can’t even do 3rd gear as you need that for basic roads/before getting to a roundabout etc. she’s far from ready if she can’t even drive in 3rd gear which she’s be using majority of the time. I’m surprised her instructor let her book her test if she’s not able to do 3rd/4th
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It honestly makes me so angry how wealthy influencers are gifted things - especially holidays. I could think of many hard working families who actually make a difference in their communities, who have never been overseas before and would truly deserve this!

They literally just went to Dubai 6 weeks ago.
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