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Thing is when you look at her up close with no makeup on and no filter to blur her skin which she’s used multiple times cause understandably she’s insecure I get that but you can see all the scars that have been left on her face and that’s the sad thing cause there was a chance a lot of that could of been prevented. So even if all the spots and redness disappear she’s still left with deep scars on her face and I do feel sorry for her cause I know how hard it is to battle cystic acne but also the fact Darren and Georgie let their beliefs get in the way of their daughters health I think that’s so wrong of them cause whether medication works or not for someone you never know unless it give it a chance and I’m telling you it would of helped her even a bit instead of leaving her skin to get quite bad to the point of no return with scars. Of course there’s times her face will look clearer than others and I know how good a feeling that is when your skin isn’t having a flare up so I hope her skin avoids flare ups but it’s sad that she didn’t get the right help she could of.

As for Mia’s hair I honestly think her natural hair colour looks the best on her. Obviously it’s her natural colour so it’s going to suit her but I think every other colour most of the time it either looks like a wig on her it doesn’t look natural even if she matches her eyebrows to it or the colour drains her to the point she looks very pale and unwell. I think a much lighter brown would of been better. I do think blonde suits her better as it’s closer to her natural hair colour.
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Another shopping video. Cant contain my excitement. They 100% do it so they can use the things bought as a business expense for tax. They dont even get great views on these videos
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Chatty Member
Really hoping it's cos it's April fools day🤷🏻
On another note...
Georgies next what I eat in a day is up:

Breakfast - a coffee followed by some yoghurt with some berries blended in

Snack/Lunch - a macadamia bar with a can of kombucha

Dinner - a bowl of broccoli topped with some tofu and kimchi

Dessert - some Halo ice cream (didn't say how much) and a coconut sugar gingerbread man which Sienna had made
She genuinely scares me with these. I can’t help but think of the impressionable teens watching thinking this is normal.
Obviously I don’t know how much of everything she ate, and for example I don’t know the calories of Sienna’s biscuit. But I’ve totalled up her calorie intake of that “what I eat in a day” including drinks, to be 990. The daily recommended for a woman is 2000.
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I hope she’s lying, there’s no way she could live alone she has no idea about the real world or how to act is an acceptable way. Not even that long ago she was cooking dinner and left it cooking half way through to rush to a driving lesson and Georgie found it burning.
For the cooking thing she'd fit right in in my student accom at the minute. 2 people have set off the fire alarm in the past week cooking and it's a small accom block 😅 But they were probably drunk/high considering one was at ~10:30pm and the other ~around 2am 🤷🏻 Mia wouldn't (shouldn't) have been for that, she clearly just can't hold more than one thought in her head at a time

But I agree, she is very immature still in how she acts and perceives the world. We were having this convo on a thread here around when she turned 18, so ~5 months ago, and I'd say she has probably matured the tiniest shred in that time, and that's being generous. She wouldn't survive living alone.
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Mia was definitely not ready for her test. I just watched the video and she said she should have been doing at least 40mph on a National speed limit road (which is usually 70mph). I’ve always been told you can drive 10% under the speed limit so she should have been doing at least 63mph! If she doesn’t even know basic things like the National speed limit she should not be allowed to drive 🤦🏻‍♀️
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I hate how they branded themselves as minimalists when they had a lower income years ago and dropped all of that when the money came in. Having less money is nothing to be ashamed of but the way they’ve switched up is startling
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I agree, I think a lighter brown would have been better. It’s waaaaayyy to harsh for her and kind of looks like a wig
I think the shade of brown is wrong for her. She said she got it ashy but it looks super warm brown to me. Something closer to siennas shade would have looked better imo, maybe when it fades it’ll look better
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just me and my biggest baby today the only daughter I love and care about because for no reason at all I can’t tolerate my other two daughters
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I just feel so bad for Sienna, she is so bright and intelligent but always gets cut off, ignored for the other children. Mia was DEFINITELY laughing behind her hand, her hair looks beautiful and suits her. But those sorts of things will put doubt into her mind.
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I'm in London Friday and Saturday, very close to where I believe they live, really hope I don't see them. One place I'm going is somewhere Mia goes quite a bit too.
Hint of whereabouts? I’m about 10 years late but the house is strange, money or no money, big family or not, who needs 5 floors and that many rooms.. must cost a few million.

The beds for Karma and Koa are odd, and Koa will in a few years need his own room. They should be on the same floor as Darren and Georgie for obvious reasons. Again the gender stereotypes and colours for both of them.. makes me rage.

Sienna’s bathroom I feel is a bit fancy/much for an 11 year old, something a bit simpler would’ve been better.

The house is so not appropriate for the younger two.

Just the house in general is far too clean and spotless and lacks a home feel
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They’ve drummed it into Sienna’s head that having a job and working for somebody else is bad and that they never want her to do that. She used to want to be a scientist and work with space, but Darren, albeit not directly, told her that it’s not possible and that she’s better off doing YouTube. He shattered her dreams and since then she seems terrified to do anything other than what her parents want her to. Darren has an extremely toxic work ethic and everyone else just goes along with it.
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mia failed her driving test.
I'm glad, but it's another test used up by somebody who wasn't ready when there are so many people that are that can't get them! I know so many people who aren't able to get tests (myself included) that were told they were ready by their instructors 6+ months ago. And for me, my theory runs out in a couple weeks so I'll have to redo that to then get a new certificate code to be able to even try and book my practical 🙃

At least there isn't 1 more irresponsible driver on the roads for now 🤷🏻 She got a taste of reality. Confidence is good, over-confidence is bad, and not everything is just a given.
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Speaking about these pregnancy prank..

I have always despised the 2 videos they made with Mia wearing a fake pregnancy bump. She’s a literal child and Georgie thought it would be hilarious to make her 12(I think it was) go out wearing it and pretending she’s pregnant. I know it sometimes happens but it was for sure not to spread awareness about that it can happen in unfortunate events but just for fun and silly views.
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I haven’t watched the Truman show movie in a long time but I remember a scene it was something like he was talking to his wife and then she stops and holds up a tin of soup I think and makes sure the brand name is in the camera shot and starts talking about the product advertising it to sell it to the people watching and then goes back to talking to him but it makes me think of Family Fizz and other family channels nothing is ever really lived in the moment or natural because they’re doing it for the camera and trying to sell whatever they are using or doing and then it’ll go back to them walking around vlogging to then go back to them trying to sell something to viewers so it’s all just very fake and weird. You see the parents of the these channels looking at the camera then looking at the kids saying “isn’t this product great kids!?” and then kids give a cringe rehearsed “Yeah!”.
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Chatty Member
I want to scoop Sienna up and give her the biggest hug. My heart breaks for that little girl. She’s the sweetest soul and always has been and her parents constantly overlook that for loud and obnoxious Mia.
I’m glad Sienna has lots of interests and does some extra curriculars but I wish her parents would invest as much time in her education as she’s clearly talked about how much she loves science and wanted to be a scientist at one stage. Even if that dream of hers has changed, they are still closing all the doors on any future dreams she may have.
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Darren is so closed minded saying she should just do a test in an automatic since she’ll NEVER have to drive a manual
My dad said a very similar thing when I was starting lessons and it is true tbh, most cars are automatic so if she is struggling to learn driving manual it might be better to change. Although it doesn’t seem like Mia wasn’t very prepared so Darren should’ve encouraged her to have more lessons and properly learn before taking the test or deciding to change. Instead he probably pushed her to take her test quickly so they can make content out of her driving.
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You know what I really hope for, that they won’t ever do the pregnancy bump thing with Sienna and karma that they did with Mia. I get there’s teen pregnancy but people actually have a fetish for it and that’s why they got so many views on those as well and I hope they won’t get exploited like Mia did.
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Oh I agree she's allowed to be upset, she's only human but to constantly post about how upset and sad etc she is, is a cry for attention and for people to comment how amazing she still is etc. I never learnt to drive, nor do I wish to, but if I was to then I would go automatic as I know I'd be a total mess driving manual so I don't get why if Darren was saying she should have done automatic then why didn't she do that at the start. She just doesn't take well to things not going her way
Yes even Darren kept saying in the videos how Mia was panicky and kept making serious errors and even Mia said that she kept stalling the car in her driving lessons so I have no idea why her driving instructor and her parents booked her a driving test….I drive automatic because I couldn’t do manuel due to my difficulties and I’m actually glad I made that decision. I dunno whether Mia should go automatic but if she does there is nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about.
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