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To be honest , I think that she is very physically unwell . This is not just laziness in my opinion . It’s very unusual for a healthy adult to get thrush in the mouth . You usually only see it in people who are severely immunocompromised or maybe undiagnosed diabetes . I saw her story where she mentioned being so exhausted . I hope that she goes to see her GP
I agree it is unusual for a healthy adult to get thrush in your mouth. I think it's obvious she is mentally and physically unwell. One of the most common symptoms of depression is extreme tiredness and fatigue. People can struggle to get out of bed or even wash themselves. People know she isn't well but continue to slate her non stop. I feel some of the things she doesn't help herself. But others things are not at all. Talking about her weight or appearance is not on IMO. Like she really does come out with some silly things (we all do I suppose but we aren't all broadcasting out lives). But imagine it was your family member who had mental health issues and had to read the things written here. I currently have good mental and I wouldn't be able for it. I know people will say she deserves it and she's greedy. But look she is a product of the influencer world. They are all the same. I and I'm sure others wouldn't do it because I'd rather work for what I have than being talked about on forums like this. I know I'm guilty because here I am🙈.

I know there are numerous people on here saying they had depression and anxiety and had to work long hours and mind kids and didn't have half the help she had. But look some of the richest people in the world who have everything conceivable kill themselves or are highly depressed. Everyone also experiences things differently.
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Imagine she let the handbrake off fkn candles and cheese everywhere legs hangin out d back safety 1st Grace!
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I agree with most things discussed on this thread about Graces behaviour but I don’t understand this comment?? Are you saying that lads only fancy slim girls??? Really??
Well I was a fat teenager and all the teenage boys were never obsessed with me. Thats where I'm coming from with the comment. Being a fat teenager was not fun.
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My pal message voduz and asked them what the craic was with using grace and why the videos lack any/all important information. I suggest others do too, power in the masses and all that
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If I worked with someone or knew someone that spoke like that..slow...draining etc and we’re lazy as sin

and just kept listing out all their illnesses and ailments

I would AVOID them like the plague

Talk about sucking the life out of the room
Christ above

who are her audience?
Like what do we think?

young mums?
Not single 20/30yr old galz no way
sorry but shes dowdy and no make up skills etc

mums with small kids?

Does she think that after cleaning up weetabix Lego and nappies mums want to come on and hear about her thrush and how she needs a day off after twirling her skirt in a field?

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Wouldn’t let my newborn baby within a mile of THAT

between the pillows, the cat litter tray, the dirty high chairs and walls visible in stories,

the EFFORT and praise required for daily house jobs the rest of us don’t blink at, numerous panic attacks, migraines, anxieheeee etc etc etc

and NOW a variety of fungal infections....

what in the world ..hope he gets his carers allowance upped
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Two faced, slow paced speaking Grace needs to learn to hush her followers dont need to know she has thrush 🤷‍♀️

Early suggestion but at the rate this thread is moving 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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I completely agree, she's getting very little engagement on her posts because most of her followers don't look at her stories any more cos it's either #ad or #moaning.
She has a small band of followers who hit milestones with her who stay faithful to her but on the whole, she's not one bit relevant or interesting
Her content is dismal, she never researches anything properly and has all of the enthusiasm of a dead duck with no brand loyalty.
Any brand who works with her now are doing themselves a huge disservice because all she does is drag people's mood and enthusiasm down unfortunately.
And it's such a pity because there is a gap in the market for a relatable mammy, is eyeing up that gap but is even worse than grace for disclosing and they don't realise people can see right through them and it's a pity because Jess in particular could do really well, her little one is adorable and she's still doing a full time job, so if she was more transparent people would really warm to her
Grace followed all the call out pages she knew whenever people were writing into them in anon boxes about the constant #gifted so she actually said on her stories that she feels like it’s show-offie to constantly say gifted so she’s come up with her own way of saying it that’s within the guidelines but you really have to be savvy to pick up on her language sometimes the whole Penney’s allowed me pull stock really really bugged me wtf did that mean 🤔 people no longer see her the way they did I know when I originally followed her it was for makeup tips, affordable brands and her reviews but she never kept up with current make to trends so it’s like watching your older cousin do her makeup with a monotone voice over. When she does do her make up it’s all Charlotte Tillbury and very expensive brands that are not every day wear for most women. She’s not a good home account either she needs people to come in and restyle her rooms for her I’d rather follow the people she’s getting in, and as for cleaning she’s too pampered and spoiled to really get in and give her house a good scrub, I don’t know where that leaves her she seems to spend most of her time online moaning and talking about her mental health it’s draining to watch.
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Scrolled through Graces feed... where have the outfits gone, the makeup, the grooming?She looked so well through pregnancies etc. Why not accept weight, everyone has their vice, focus on dressing well for her size, at least there’s an audience for that....pick something and do it well, everything is such a mish mash now, food, sweets, hair products, tan, kettles, cleaning products, arts and crafts..... it’s just too much, it’s overwhelming watching it, it’s insulting to people working hard and trying their best for their families. She wants to take a break tomorrow but will go “somewhere nice”, talk about living in a fantasy world. Take a break and actually rest, switch of the phone, stop burning candles and melts and actually rest your mind and body. It’s all madness. Excess and gluttony only heightening depression. It’s actually sad to watch. Value your family and relationship, nice things will never fill the void long term.
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If they are I feel so sorry for them but you know the saying put money away for a rainy day. They have spent way above there means for the past few years I was go smacked when they got a mortgage for such a big house. They must have known graces job if that's what you call it would not last for ever she should have been building up her clients for make-up or went and done a few courses and updated her skills.
I've criticised Grace for all the freebies etc, but after hearing those voice messages I'm absolutely going to defend her now.

Firstly, I think it was kind of her to offer help, apologise and to offer to call you Jane. She really went out of her way to explain herself, which she really didn't have to do. Most people would just ignore.

To me, it's clear from those messages that Grace is not bullshitting. Just because she's able to pick herself up and get on with things an hour or two after a panic attack doesn't mean she's not suffering real panic attacks.. Not everyone's experience is the same. As she said she's been suffering from them for a long time on and off, she's probably learned to not give in to the urge to just lay low at home, etc. She said that in Australia she couldn't even leave the bed.

I read a couple of posts saying she needs to describe her panic attacks and her triggers. Some panic attacks have absolutely no triggers. They hit you out of nowhere and you feel you're going to die, or you can't breathe, or you have to escape somewhere, etc. And if your system is just about coping from constant (less severe) anxiety all the time, it doesn't take much to push it over the edge into full panic mode. Panic attacks consume you, they're soul destroying and I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy. But they do end, or if you live with general anxiety disorder, the feeling of intense panic fades and the background din of anxiety returns. I really don't see Grace trying to make herself the poster child of anxiety. She's not obliged to give us her medical history or the ins and outs of her condition just because she alludes to it in her stories.

I also read some posts previously along the lines of "she should be in hospital if she's suffering multiple panic attacks a day" and "surely Chris would have brought her to A&E if she had a panic attack." This kind of thinking really is quite uneducated and even damaging. It adds to the stigma around mental health. Suffering with anxiety/panic doesn't mean you need to go to the hospital. For a lot of people panic attacks are a part of life. For those people, are they supposed to go to the hospital every time they have a panic attack? Obviously not. Panic attacks are not a sign someone is "losing it," "going crazy" or that they need immediate medical help.
Yes if your anxiety or panic attacks are as bad as she says they were when she had to call people to come mind her kids then yes you would bring the person who you love so dearly to hospital. Yes you would go through a and e. If my husband suddenly took to the bed sobbing and having multiple anxiety attacks that meant he had to cancel plans and work I would bring him to hospital. She says she has a history of anxiety and depression so yes I’d bring her to hospital if it had escalated to the extent she said.
I don’t feel like she was genuine at all. I never asked for the ins and outs of her medical history. I called her out on how fake and false it looks posting one min about being crippled with a panic attack an then out shopping in me price.
I suffered anxiety and panic attacks myself. But the long term treatment for both of those isn’t medication it’s cbt. Medication is for the very first phase after your gp diagnoses you to get you through until you can get therapy. I would be gravely concerned if someone I loved suffered for over a decade and never made a plan with a therapist to actually stop the panic attacks.
She is over stretched and living the insta life which is fake and obviously doesn’t agree with her mental health.
She can’t handle any criticism of her work without playing mental health. The jumping ship for sponsorship or freebies for three different hairdryers. Her reaction was oh my anxiety. That’s horseshit. If she had any sense she would go back to beauty and use her intsa page for just beauty and stop shilling all kinds of shite.
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Does anyone else think if you sent grace a packet of tic tacs and told her they had ‘healing’ powers she’d believe it 🙄🙄
Healing forest me arse 😂😂
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Speaking more generally, I think a lot of these influencers need to check their intentions with regard to what they share.

Mental health, for instance. I enjoyed Kyla’s story on anxiety as it was a personal anecdote with a moral to the story-ie- talk to someone.

Grace, among others, though speaks personally, brandashes this notion of “raising awareness” with regard to mental health. This is commonplace. I feel like in 2020, western society is fairly mental-health aware.

The concept of “Awareness” can be, in my opinion, a way for people to complain/whinge without prioritizing appropriate avenues that may improve their mental health.

Is talking important? YES. Absolutely. But talk to a friend, family member, professional.

In my opinion, singing the same anxiety song on repeat under the guise of awareness is futile.

If you spilled a glass of water, would you alert all in your household “LOOK LOOK LOOK! IM RAISING AWARENESS!” or would go about cleaning the damn thing up?
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I commented just saying I didn't get it. Which I don't. Nothing mean. At last count 80 something people liked my comment and... pooooofffff.....its been deleted
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