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The fact that Joanne Larby only has 3 threads( (correct me if I’m wrong ) and this is #14 for Grace, speaks for itself.
There are trolls, yeah.
There is also the people speaking the truth, and grace can’t handle the truth. Same as Larby, but I think she stopped buying followers? She went from 145k a few weeks ago to 141k.
So let’s see, after her spheil about “ not working“ for months and “ stressing “ about money, will her follower count go up.
It’s like really bad TV, and I can’t look away. But i can do that without following. Something big about how mean people are is coming up soon, watch this space
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3 F'ing coffee machines!! Then a few weeks ago she jumped on another bandwagon and she was banging on about the waste from cafes with their take away cups etc......, and yet everyday she still buys coffee from diff coffee shops to take away!!!!! I'll say it again...3 F'ing coffee machines!! Buy a bloody travel mug, or sorry, hint for one Grace, you'll get one free sooner or later!! She really boiling my poss lately😡
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And another thing . If I was so stressed and worried about my partner losing his job and having to take a mortgage break, I wouldn’t be on buying unnecessary books , etc . Struggling my hole !
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I've a feeling shes keeping the comments on her home page up to use as evidence of her being 'bullied/trolled' at a later time. This way she can get her name out there as a mental health advocate 🙈🙈🙈 therefore upping her engagement/followers!!
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😳😳😳😳 I have it on decent authority that Mr Tayto is no longer unemployed - in fact, he's after getting a serious salary working as some kind of sales manager type ambassador role with a sheet metal company.
It appears he was doing a few weeks work and then approached them and name dropped the BFG being his fiance etc and is now working again in this new role. On around 100k per year.
So BFG is talking pure SHITE putting on the poor mouth
I’d be questioning who told you this information if I’m honest.

A. Even senior sales managers are on 50-60k max
B. He’s not an insta hun himself so he’s certainly not an ambassador for anything
C. I don’t give a fuck if a fiancé is mark zuckerberg himself he’s not getting a job off her back with the exception of louise Copeland
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She didn’t even use clean version of the song advertising children’s clothing. I hope penneys are delighted to have the f word in the ad.
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How...just how has her dirty laundry built up to that much!!?? They don’t work..the kids aren’t home..fill your day looking after the house! What is she doing all day other than waving a piece of sage around the place 🤦🏼‍♀️ She is the definition of a disgrace
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Between the two of them (it's not just Grace that is sitting on their arse) you would think they could keep on top of the laundry. I am working from home since March and one of the benefits is throwing on a load of washing or doing a bit of cleaning throughout the day. Chris is what have they been doing!
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Steel Magnolia

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She might even come on personally and do the usual “What is wrong with you? You should be ashamed of yourselves ! Do you want your daughters to grow up like you” bla bla bla bla , poor me , I’m just a greedy fucker and I don’t like ye all sussing that out , so I’ll blame ye 🙄🤮
And as always, she's missing the point! It is disgusting that you have three free coffee machines Grace, but you refuse to see that in favour of playing the victim.

Here's what I despise most about Grace: Not only is she greedy, lazy, self-obsessed and self-indulgent, she is conniving. She does awful things, like pawn her kids off, not follow through on things (book club and book club girl!) and grab everything she can without consideration for any loyalty, she then rubs it in people's faces. So she takes three coffee machines she doesn't need, which is bad enough, but then she posts about it just to stir up drama. She is actually twisted and thrives on it.

And of course everything is someone else's fault. She takes no responsibility for her actions and blames everyone else for her failings: trolls for calling her out; the children waking for making her tired; anxiety for her laziness and lack of motivation. I am sick of her shit. My shit is sick of her shit.
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I use Yaundry maybe once a month because I work 10 hour days, have two small kids and having the washing done occasionally is a god send to give me more time with the kids. The volume of washing she has is just disgusting!!!! I get in at 8pm some evenings but make it my business to wipe all counters, clean all floors and stick on a wash. She is a slob
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She didn’t envision it going to 1000 cases. It’s been like that for a week now you brain dead gowl. An essential hair appointment and reflexology ask my dogs bollox.

God forbid you had to mind your kids, work from home, clean the house, do the laundry, cook the dinner, look after vulnerable family members and also worry about getting your sick family home to Ireland to get treatment.

You grace are a waste of oxygen. A disgrace and honestly your kids in years to come will either be little entitled cunts like you. Or hate everything you stand for.
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me ma will tell ya

Chatty Member
The whole mental health chat and question box today was a ploy to increase engagement on her account for the Copeland announcement! There's nothing wrong with her!

And again: "my therapist said I can't name her because she can't take on anymore clients". She's worried about being caught out in her lies! Does she even have a therapist?
She can't be too good of a therapist anyway, when grease is still crying over an ex from 15 years ago.

All those comments on the coffee machines are the truth and as the saying goes "the truth hurts"
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Type 2 more so but I know of at least 3 people (very fond of sugary drinks particularly energy drinks back in the day ) who developed type 1.
I think you need to research type 1 and type 2 Diabetes. Get your facts right please.
Type 1 is an auto immune disease, and the amount if sugar or poor diet intake is irrelevant to the deteriorated pancreas and the onset of type 1.
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I found hairy play doh down the back of the sofa last week that looks more appetising than that maggotty egg 'gowl'ash
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Certainly wouldn't be paying 75 euro for a poxy santa zoom call either, oh wait my mistake that's gifted also. As a previous poster said, she'll never stop being the greedy grabby fucker she is while the freebies are flowing. Totally "missed" the point on the comments on the fbghome page, such as the ones regarding her endless socializing and mixing with others, and her lack of promotion of bear market as a ba. Also, she can go swing with her I don't photoshop, size of her in the louis copeland video. This isn't about her weight, wouldn't care if she was double the size she was once she didn't try to hide it. Also the towel 🤢🤢🤢 dirty greasy bitch. Cue a few days *me time" because her anxhi-a-teee is rampant over a few home truths and she'll be back on pushing the next shitty freebie like nothing ever happened, high on her incense and indian meditation music and all her chakras in order. ❤ Also to anybody who is genuinely struggling right now. Still boiling over her asking people are they ok in the Q box, as previous posters said some poor naive people more than likely confided in her, spilled their hearts out thinking she'd be a safe place only to be ignored and made feel more inadequate.
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I’m raging lads ... unfolllowed her ages ago and just took a peek there and between the bags of washing and the sad story about her reflexology and her getting her hair done I sincerely hope Loki pisses in that YSL bag 😏
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A friend of mine was getting married a few years ago, same sex marriage, one of the brides went into that shop to get a suit made, only to be told by himself when he had a look at her that their suits are very expensive.
She took her custom elsewhere and got a very expensive suit made by someone else.
They can be really harsh in there! When I was with my ex he got his first role after graduating from Trinity and wanted to buy a few new suits. He comes from a really well off family, so wouldn’t have had a restricted budget, but he never really dressed the part. We walked in, they took one look at us as gave us a similar speal of the price range might be out of our budget and we felt really uncomfortable. We went elsewhere of course but they’ve obviously lowered their standards quite a lot letting the likes of them two advertise for them.
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Chatty Member
🎶There’s some snores in dis house
🎶There’s some snores in dis house

Get a bucket and a mop
Me house is in a flop

I don’t cook
I don't clean
Would yiz stop bein’ so mean?

When Me kids are ouh da door
I’ll go lay on Zen’s floor

I drink me coffee all day long
Me tree-free machines make dem strong

I’ll chewtorial me plah’
Jus how many Tymes is dah?

Whatchu got?
I’ll take da lot
I don’t buy it
But I’ll try it
I don’t pay- theres no way

All dis talkin bouh me gee
It’s just me anx-i-ih-Heeeee

I need some chill time
Need some me time

Nothing for it
You can be sure of it

I’m takin to the bed
Yes I’m taking to me bedddddddd

🎶There’s some snores in dis house
🎶There’s some snores in dis house
You could nearly charge us for posts of this quality! I’m in a heap laughing 😂😂👏🏼👏🏼
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