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Why are those “candy boxes” even a thing? Just get off your arse and go to the shop if you want sweets! Influencers should be ashamed promoting that tat to the gullible fools who actually use their “discount” codes!
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You'd have to wonder is it all for the benefit of a big lead up to her announcement 🙄
Wouldnt be surprised!!!

If she had replied to my message in the question box then I'd say ok fair enough... but shes asking people to open up and shes not replying... how the hell would that help anyone ffs ...

Edit to add: I didnt tell her how I am cause I think she gives a shite.. I done it as an experiment to see would she reply ...

She didn't engage or reply... shes playing a dangerous fucking game... imagine someone genuinely reached out to her who was feeling in a bad way ... to get silence back ..
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“I’m cutting out dairy” proceeds to show two dairy items in the same breath. Lads is she that thick?? She can’t be, I refuse to believe it! 🙈
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This is what I don’t understand about influencers, these businesses are clearly struggling but they are still happy to come along and get their freebie and they genuinely believe this is them helping small Irish businesses? What about saying “yeah no problem we will come along but I’ll pay for my lunch” or “thanks for the offer but can we give a free lunch to a follower instead” or do something other than order the most expensive thing on the menu, take one or two pictures on their story that disappears after a day. literally anything other than rock up, get the freebie and fuck off. Grace genuinely believes she is helping struggling Irish businesses, all she’s doing is kicking them while they are down and making she gets her freebie out of them before they go under. It’s disgusting. All the sympathy in the world for the Alex and the staff there but I genuinely will not support a business that gives hand outs to these free loaders. I appreciate the business is struggling but giving handouts to influencers that get everything for free is not the way to go and people are getting sick of it. Why not randomly comp a lunch for a table that turns up, send over free drinks, kids eat free etc be genuine and say “this is on the house, tell your friends, come back to us, times are tough”. I would go out of my way to support a business like that and I am trying to support businesses like that in my local are even without freebies. But I will not spend my hard earned money somewhere that does hand outs for influencers, absolutely no way and a lot of people feel that way. People are waking up to Influencers and how disgraceful it is that they take take take under the guise of helping a business. They will be the final nail in the coffin for a lot of Irish businesses.
Honestly all they need do is offer a competion. Brunch for 2 ppl, 50 euro voucher. Anything. But the laziness of giving a blogger a fee meal and waiting for the plebs to come in their droves is infuriating
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Begrudgingly uploaded this as she hadnt been seen to do it yet. Couldn't even write the thing on her hand big enough to see 🙄 and the cheek of her asking to limit contacts and be careful. Oh so you HAD to get your nails done. You HAD to meet Zen Jen. You HAD to go to Dundrum for pods. Cop the hell on and practice what you preach


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I think half the problem with Grace is that her family - mother, sister and husband are enablers. They are happy to ride on her coat tails so they will go along with what she does.

My mother would kick me up and down the road if I let that amount of washing build up and THEN send it to a dry cleaners when I had a washing machine and dryer and my partner had lost his job. Anyone with half a brain would know its a stupid and lazy thing to do. She isn't even out of the house during the day - stick the load on and do your "Contenh" and get it when it is finished.

I don't know if she is trolling us at this point or actually that dense.
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Hang on I’m assuming she’s paying that Buckley chap for taking those videos and pics of her? So she’s whinging about not being able to pay her mortgage but she is paying that man to follow her around with his camera? Jesus wept . We badly need a new bloggers unveiled.
I’d honestly kill for another BU call all the twats out
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She has no concerns over the costs of the wedding because it’ll all be ad or gifted. Everything.
She completely missed the mark as to why people were angry at her. She was selective in the comments she showed. She hasn’t even deleted them yet. They were posted on her home page yet she addressed it on her main page hoping to drive her hard core lunatic fans over there in defence and drive up engagement more.
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Wheres reality

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I cried for 3 hours straight tonight with Anxiety and panic . I have Generalised anxiety disorder and PTSD. I done the stupid thing and went on instagram and viewed Grace's stories . For a split sec I was like " she is actually trying to relate , no bullshit "
10 seconds later I could see it was for engagement and she was bursting to read out what people sent to her. Then the Louis copeland ad immediately. It sounds stupid but it set me off crying again . Said to my husband is anyone out there on that app genuine and not full of s**t . There's a reason I barely ever go and view her stories now and this set me right off. I spent 2 hours worrying over parking the car in tesco today , I ended up not going.
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Imagine paying that money for laundry that you can do yourself and have the time to do when you're "worried about money because Chris lost his job". She's full of 💩💩
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Can I just ask, who the fuck has that many laundry baskets in their house??? I get maybe people with big families etc... but a family of 4, is there really the need? I'm sure maybe 2 max!!
You think by bag number 5 you would stop and reevaluate your life

New thread: goh the all clear for BV buh still can’t do me crusty laundry.
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LOVE the fact the hair extensions are coming out ‘because there’s just no need for them at the momenh’ 😂 no Grace, it’s because you finally realised they look god awful!!

I hate the fact she constantly uses her sausage fingers to wipe the sweat off her top lip. Always manages to flash the engagement ring though doesn’t she!

Imagine the smell of all that washing thats just been building up and up and up. Filthy grotbag 🤢🤢🤢
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She didn’t even share any information about the place, just took her free brunch and bragged about it. Of course she would recommend it, she’d recommend literally anything if it’s given to her for free. This is why she bugs me so much, she’s so insincere and lacks any credibility as an “influencer”. Even Zen Jen’s comment yesterday “I’m going to buy a few bits after watching your stories” fake as f**k 🤮
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I don't really care that much about the amount of free shit her and other influences get if I'm being honest. If someone wanted to send me boxes full of free cosmetics/clothes/homeware that I would use then I probably would accept it all as well.
What gets me about grabby grace is the lack of gratitude, manners, transparency and authenticity.

If 10 companies offer you similar products, don't accept all 10! Or at least do what you are being PAID TO DO i.e. advertise the product well. Be grateful for receiving it and give HONEST reviews on the products.
The content Grace is producing is garbage. There is nothing interesting or imaginative about it at all. She would do so much better of she just went back to the basics and gave honest reviews of products she is receiving even if its 3 boxes of stuff a day! I literally wouldn't care once she was reviewing them honestly. You can't be dying to work with every single brand who has given you free shit ever 🙄

This whole having moments like buying coffee, walking in the park and crappy hair and make up tutorials with bad camera work and music are doing her zero favours and make her look ridiculous.

Rant over 😬
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I’m sorry now but she was lazing around in that towel for over 3 hours today, which means that child was stuck in that baby jail all day on a gorgeous autumn day like this so she could laze in a towel? I feel guilty if I lie down for 15 minutes in mine after a shower. Such a gorgeous time of year to be ours side, something we’re not actually restricted on and she spends her Sunday in a towel while her kids are stuck inside? She barely sees them from one end of the week to the other. I went back to work when my little one was a year old and now weekends are totally for her, I’ve just found out I’m pregnant with no.2 and knackered but I still wouldn’t feel right not doing something with my child no matter how tired I am. She boils my blood lately.
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3 F'ing coffee machines!! Then a few weeks ago she jumped on another bandwagon and she was banging on about the waste from cafes with their take away cups etc......, and yet everyday she still buys coffee from diff coffee shops to take away!!!!! I'll say it again...3 F'ing coffee machines!! Buy a bloody travel mug, or sorry, hint for one Grace, you'll get one free sooner or later!! She really boiling my poss lately😡
I follow lots of interior accounts on Instagram. I hash tagged #coffeenook & not one other interior blogger came up with 3 coffee machines. They all had just the 1! The greed & smugness of FBG is unreal, not a nice trait. I wouldn’t be one bit jealous of her that’s suggested by her adoring followers. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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