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PR trips and PR drops are lovely but the absolute anxiety of not get getting a steady week wage. I would pick my employment over free trips any day!
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Exactly! You absolutely don't sound like a snob, they're as rough! Hotels are charging eye-watering prices right now which is really pissing people off, doing this kind of thing just adds fuel to the fire. 'Influencer' marketing is 100% NOT required in the Irish hotel industry right now. People just book abroad to escape the greed.
100% all of this. I have never set foot in the hotel, often passed near it going to the Bord Gais to shows I paid to attend. Unlike the huns who don't go anywhere unless it's free.

And @NotGonnaLieToYou you most certainly are not a snob. You're stating the truth. Nothing more, nothing less.

If The Marker wants to bring in business, here's a few ideas:
1. Don't give freebies to scabby yokes oh I mean 'influencers' who most definitely will not encourage business and will never darken your door unless it's a freebie, and
2. Reduce your fecking prices and do deals for actual PAYING CUSTOMERS.

Jesus wept. 😡
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I realise this is going to sound wanky but....if you are invited to an event/show of a designer. The rule is that you should wear something of that designer.
There were people there in casual/loungewear with runners but it was Sinead Keary they were wearing
Meanwhile she rocks up looking like a Bosco presenter in those bloody Sambas that make her feet look like canal barges.
No you're right. If you are going to something with a brand, especially when you are receiving a meal, a hotel stay etc in exchange for promoting the brand, the very least you should do is wear something from that brand. It's like going to a Charlotte Tilbury event but putting up a pic of your makeup for the event and it's a full face of Mac.
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So she collect the kids drops them bk to the house for kips to feed while she goes to see her mam !! I’m sorry now but wtf!!
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Grace doesn’t give to her own kids , I very much doubt she gives to homeless people. I don’t believe for a second she went and bought him a voucher . As for the “I’m so wrecked from my busy day stories” , her busy day involved buying a pair of tights , meeting Shosannah , meeting friends for lunch , collecting her kids from being minded elsewhere all day to drop them home to be fed by Chris and topped off by peeling herself off the couch ( her own words) to go to Lidl for cat food . She’s so delusional!
It's actually unbelievable when you listen to her spout off a "busy" day.
That sounds like a lovely day to me tbh.

And also, doing anything for her children sounds like such a CHORE.
" I had to go pick Sienna up tights"
God bless ya, poor pet. Sounds hectic.
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Are they off on a cuh lihil romantic break to the hotel beside Connolly train station!!

She's unreal. Why have kids if you drop them, as a couple, at every opportunity!
So in the past month, have they as a couple/ parents been together with their kids at weekend
She had ibeetttta & belfast...he had golf trip

Anxiety my absolute hoop! She is an insult to people with genuine anxiety

And I'll say it again, how can she classify this as a busy week! 2 hotel stays in 2 days. Treatments, free lunches... she truly needs an actual job
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What on earth are these brands thinking of?
Why would you need to take huns away for a night to talk about eye cream, or whatever it is. Seriously.
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I sometimes wonder what it would be like to have that level of confidence. Not sure confidence is the right word. Delusional maybe?

I would never arrive at The Westbury or anywhere else for that matter wearing painters overalls either way 🤣🤣🤣
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What's she doing up at 5.30 am walking around the place on gravel waking everyone up the fool.

Also, she's swea-in ..... well obvs, you are walking around in a sweatshirt and a lumberjack fleece at the end of May you tit.
I would lose my shit with a gombeen like her wandering around waffling into her phone, IM ON MY PAID HOLIDAYS YOU TOOL, LET ME GET SOME SLEEP!!
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What utter shite. How can she be exhausted! You've literally been on a staycation since Thursday!

So who had the kids last night? Did she seriously just pick them up ( presumably from Anne) go out for ice cream & land back in again on top of her mam to laze about whilst her mam fed her kids! Plus showered the kids at her mam's house! Like why the fook don't you just go home! Telling she didn't want to go home, as she'd be left parenting alone

She is beyond help at thus stage! One "busy " week scamming freebies & she thinks she's back! Says it all that she's not posted properly on any of the events & by her own admission thr contebt is late..but who cares she's gotten her free food & free stay!!

She's the biggest chancer going
What she blabbering on about now I can’t bear to listen to her
Do not waste your time, it'll just boil your blood! She's exhausted, she's emotional that she's still at the influencer game all these years later. She thinks she's back.
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Chatty Member
Her mortgage isnt very big,wouldnt cover a new house. She got that house cheap from the builder as she was going to promote the estate and help him sell more houses! That estate is hugely popular, hard to buy in, and certainly didnt need grease to help promote it
Where did you pull that nonsense from 😆
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The child so shocked when she said gooooood morning to him, he looked behind him to see who was there. And when he said he didn't want belreakfast she snapped not you, cara.
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Chatty Member
Is she for fucking real she gets up at 6am does her “little” skin care routine and chills out?!!

Does she hear herself
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Lady Bug

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Didn't mention the baby shower because she was pretending to be at home with her kids all weekend.
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