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Seb sitting next to Lewis ❤
And with Mick on the other side. I feel like everyone is friends with Seb but few are genuinely close to him like those 2 are. The way they spoke about each other in the press conference...there was genuine love there. Heartwarming to see that Baku 17 brought them together when it could have done the opposite.

Would also like to wholeheartedly agree with blonde Alex being an absolute dish.
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“I’ve been thrown out of better places than this”


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Waited for the new thread to speak RE Mick, and I completely agree with the general consensus that Haas have been out of order. It’s been obvious for months that they didn’t want him anymore, with the way they were all speaking about him and the constant rumours about Hulkenberg (who I have nothing against, but choosing him just means they evidently don’t like Mick because in reality he offers very little). But instead of telling him and at least giving him a chance to look elsewhere or plan something it seems like they’re just dragging it out and now he has no options. I’ve seen a few people on twitter saying Haas stopped him talking to Williams because they wanted to talk to him first, just to drop him anyway? No idea if it’s true but it honestly wouldnt surprise me. I think he was informed on Saturday, also according to Twitter. I completely agree w you Stephen about them just wanting to hang onto the Schumacher name because it is definitely a pull- I mean no malice by this but Magnussen and Hulkenberg really aren’t, aside from people hoping they still have beef from a hundred years ago. Just seems unfair. I hope he does go to Merc though, they’ll help him out like they did with Esteban
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a GENIUS idea!

but yes @Princess of Scots - great idea 👌🏻 we’re going to have to make a timetable of our post season activities!
I was thinking about making a list, but I think I've forgotten half of it, and I can't be bothered to find everything again 😂

NORWAY IS IN THE FUCKING FINAL AFTER BEATING FRANCE!!! it's going to be a Viking battle on Sundays with us meeting Denmark!
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Did I just shout FUCK YOOOOU! at my TV when Max crossed the finish line?
Heck yesss!

and we have Seb in the points❤❤❤
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aw crocs have the best time in york! i absolutely love it there - lots of lovely little bars and great shopping 💙 i’ll keep an eye on charles on saturday for you. fully approve of the alcohol choice x
Thank you 🤗 I've just arrived and did not expect so much rain... Totally brought the wrong outfit and shoe choices 🥴 should have brought wellies tbh!

I feel bad for Nicholas Latifi 🥺. Everyone is sad about Mick, Seb and Daniel leaving F1 (for now) and does farewell and memories posts but no one is talking about him.
And he may not be a great driver but he looks like a really nice guy. He is also really mature, the way he handles Williams dropping him and analyses his own performances is really good. He doesn't try to hide his poor performances behind some lame excuses.
It is just like back in lockdown, he was streaming quite often with Lando, Charles, Alex and George and yet he has never been considered as a member of the twich quartet.
I kinda love Nicky, I don't think he's ever done anything wrong (this is where I find out he is actually problematic lol 🥲), he seems sweet and his girlfriend Sandy is so cute 💕
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Checo is so desperate to lamp Max across the face 😂

Also loving Sharls chilled vibe knowing exactly what he’s done
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You would think that but honestly it's upsetting how quickly you stop seeing people as gorgeous when they constantly do daft things, you just start looking at them like they're some sort of overgrown child 😂😂
That just means I'm gonna have to marry Lewis instead of Lando/Sharl/Pierre/Lance then. And will keep the others on the side. Oh no! What a terrible option marrying Lewis will be! My life is over! 😆😆😆
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Well he made this speech but not convinced he’s sincere. Mick deserves so much more. I wish Michael was there 😭
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Princess of Scots

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feel sad for Nicky, he does seem like such a good guy❤ And even with his poor performance, he's put his mark on the sport.
I really hope he'll get a seat in Indy, and do well there. I think he'll thrive there.
Yeah, I don't dislike Nicky. Is he up to F1 standards? Not quite , but not everyone will be. I don't have anything against him, he's a nice guy. Just not up to scratch. That's all. No hard feelings.

I agree, he would probably do really well in Indycar. Look at how well Marcus Ericsson is doing there. I think he could be in for a shout at a good team there. Aren't Ganassi quite keen on taking him for next year?

Also, would be interesting if he took up a Formula E seat too.
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I AM NOT READY FOR THE BREAKUP 😩 Also I just started welling up when the F1 theme started playing. I AM NOT OKAY.

Ah you are not wrong 😅 I didn't hate him but didn't like him that much. But it probably wasn't because of him but more because of all his Monza win propaganda that Canal + were doing at that time. I mean they were talking and showing videos of it EVERY weekend, MULTIPLE times per weekend so i was fed up 😅 But i change my mind when i join here 😂
Gosh, I need to move to France! I can’t imagine the magic of watching Pierre-lead content every weekend 🤣 Are we absolutely sure it’s not me running Canal+ 🤣 I’m glad we’ve made you see the soft side of Pedro! 💕 Can’t wait for all the French gossip you can give us next year!
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If Seb was speeding he’s truly come full circle with his first 6 seconds in F1 being a speeding penalty 💀
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