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VIP Member
God I’m praying someone here has some sort of solution for these sertraline side effects.

I’m on 100mg after 50 had no effect on me. I am CONSTANTLY sweating, and boiling hot. The sweating is mainly my face. Forehead and top lip.

Ive got an active 2 year old and any sort of activity from me, even sometimes just walking or getting on/off the floor I’m as red as a beetroot and sweating.

the social embarrassment is huge and I’m starting to become a recluse because I know people are staring at me when I’m standing there sweating buckets.

bit of a moan …. I feel so stuck because 100% the sertraline is working for me and my mental health has improved. So I am happy to stay on it for that reason, but I am fed up of feeling like a sweaty unhygienic Furness.
100% feel you. It is absolutely horrific for me during the night, I am pouring with sweat. I’ve noticed that as soon as I exert myself even slightly it starts. I feel like I am a lot hotter than I ever used to be. It’s awful.


VIP Member
I’m wondering if the calf aches could potentially be dehydration? Are you keeping up with your water in take? I’ve found since upping to 100mg I am extreeeeeeeemely thirsty all the time so it could be that?


VIP Member
The restless legs are the worst for me! I often find myself listening to podcasts and pacing until the early hours so I can finally get some sleep!
I want to come off the sertraline.
I don’t know if it’s making me feel more miserable tbh.
I ache all over everyday, I sweat a lot, I feel cold, my bones ache, I have zero energy to do even the most basic of things, I have a short fuse & get very frustrated over the most silliest of things.
I never used to be like this before. I thought maybe it was the flu but this has gone on a few weeks now.
I just want to feel happy & content 💔😢
I am the very same !!!
The headaches stopped after the first two weeks for me, the sickness took a long time to settle.
I tried taking them in the morning but just felt too alert and by night I couldn’t switch off at all. I then tried at night but found myself feeling very out of it by the morning. My pupils were so large, and I felt very irrational. I don’t know what to do :(
I’ve taken it at midday, found the tiredness kicked in early evening but least husband was home to help with kids. I found taking them at night gave insomnia (tried as early as 5pm all the way up to 10pm) so then switched to 8am but would crash tiredness wise at midday but less insomnia. So currently doing half at 8am and half at 8pm. It’s been my most balanced approach so far. Doctor said sometimes you have to decide if the benefits outweighs the cons and for me they do. It’s a personal choice. I would say to anyone experiencing initial side effects to give it a good 2-3 weeks as lots of the initial side effects go away. I’ve been on 50mg for five months now.

I was put on sertraline for pmdd (pre menstral disphoric disorder) as well as general low mood after having my second child and it has made a huge difference. Feel like I was living a life in Grey before and now the colour is back. The pmdd is a million times better and now only have small dips which are significantly less, in fact this cycle I’d say I didn’t have any pmdd moments which is a huge huge relief for myself and my family so trying to accept I can’t have it all right now and just need to manage the insomnia

so maybe look at taking half a dose in the morning and half a dose in the evening?

I also find self hypnosis videos on YouTube very helpful for sleep/anxiety/stress before bed. Helps me to switch off. Look up minds in unison (used to be called Thomas hall) he does loads. Look for the 22 minuteones called ‘stop panic and anxiety’ or ‘sleep easy’. They have a blue thumbnail. Oo I may be able to post a link? I’ll see if I can

I’ve taken my first 100mg dosage today. I definitely am feeling the effects. Is it normal to feel the effects >3 hours after taking. Very shakey, quite dazed and slightly euphoric.
Yes I defintely felt like this until they got into my system. I used to take 50mg when I first woke up and then the other 50mg a few hours later to reduce the effects :)
Hi all. Have been prescribed 50mg of sertraline for generalised anxiety.

Took my first one last night at 11:00pm. Woke up about 5:00am for the loo and felt like I was having an out of body experience. I could walk but it felt like I was floating. Had a sudden urge to throw up. Nothing came out but I ended up sat next to the toilet for about 20 mins just in case😅

Today I feel slightly dizzy and a little nauseous, usually have a decreased appetite due to my anxiety but I’m not hungry at all. Feel really cold too and shaky.

I know it’s expected to feel worse before you start to feel better but is it likely the physical symptoms increase as the first couple of weeks go on?


VIP Member
I forgot to take my tablets over about 2 days and now feel so ill, such a sore head and sore tummy. This happened to anyone else? How long did it last?


VIP Member
I'm a sweaty beast. Only been on it 3.5w.

Anxiety is worse than ever and I'm terrified I'm a lost cause. I can't imagine feeling well again and I feel like giving in.


VIP Member
I’ve taken immodium while on it and been fine.

This makes sense! I felt like this for a while after I started taking it and was wondering wtf was happening
Getting to the time of year I can’t wear jeans anymore 😅 took my daughter to the park the other day and my back was literally like a waterfall 😅 also everyone remember to drink plenty of fluids as you dehydrate quicker apparently I wasn’t aware of this until a year into taking it 😅
Thanks a lot. Still having the stomach issues 🤦🏻‍♀️ hoping it settles it’s coming up to a week since I’ve started them tomorrow


VIP Member
Yea I’m on 100mg if I miss even a day I start to get withdrawals. Like feel like I’m coming down with a flu, headaches, tummy ache etc.
That’s definitely what’s happening to me then. I couldn’t put my finger on it but I just keep feeling sick on off all day. Feel cold but warm. Got bad tummy.

I’ve taken my dose now so hopefully by tomorrows dose I should start to pick up again


Chatty Member
Yeah I had this for the first four months. I’m on 50mg but dr prescribed me 25mg tablets so I could try taking one 25mg in morning and one 25mg in evening. It did make a difference (had to give it time). I’m not back to just taking both in the morning with no problems. He also suggested alternating days to split e.g Monday take 50mg in morning then Tuesday take 25mg in morning and again in evening, then Wednesday take 50mg in morning.

I barely have the tiredness anymore and the insomnia was awful just you like described but it’s gone now completely. I hope you
That’s interesting hadn’t thought of that being an option.
I’ve been on 50mg for almost 5 months now.
I actually feel like I need my dosage increased so when I speak to my doctor about that i may ask her about splitting the dosage in half x


VIP Member
Is anyone else struggling with the dreams?
Me. when I first started taking Sertraline the dreams I had were mad, like I couldnt make them up if I tried and they freaked me out. Im cutting my dose now (I take 25mg a day and I feel like I could come off them), but I stupidly started taking 25mg every other day (so cut my dose by 50%) and the dreams came back. so I'm now doing two days on, one day off for a few weeks and will then reduce it again. I've been on it for years so I plan to come off slowly.


VIP Member
I was on it for about 10 weeks. Worst thing I ever took. It wasn't that I wasn't even feeling better, if anything it was making me feel worse. Switched to Lexapro about a month ago and am seeing a definite improvement.