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VIP Member
I’m really struggling at the moment. I still have my repeat prescription for this and I think I need to go back on it again.

It gave me such bad headaches/sickness feeling for a while which did eventually pass. I also struggled to sleep but it definitely did help.

The world is making me an anxious mess and I just can’t cope very well at the moment.
I'm 5w 2d in and the headaches have subsided now. I was sick for a week. I'm really glad I stuck with it and hope to see some positive effects soon. I guess I already have - I brushed my teeth and did laundry.

Re the sleep struggle, could you look at adjusting the time of day you take it to see if that helps this time? Good luck. You deserve to feel well.


VIP Member
I had that for about two weeks and it did pass for me. It will be different for everyone. I was numb, then just very chilled and I’ve been on it about 2+ months now and I feel ‘normal’. A lot more chilled but my emotions are back - getting annoyed at my OH etc 🤣

I have to be honest, I’m super tired on it. I sleep HEAVY! Anyone else had this? Or maybe it’s because I’m no longer super anxious 24/7?
Bless me #ididntknow 😉😉

Thanks for that…. I’m hoping it passes soon. My kid is 19 months so I’ve probably left it too late to take meds so I’m not expecting miracles overnight but I just want to feel normal again.

I just feel numb today. I’ve been saying I’ll go to tescos since 10am and I’m just sat here on the sofa with a tantrum going on from my kid and I’m just like I’m having an out of body feeling. Absolutely no emotions!


VIP Member
I missed a 50mg dose last week and within 24 hours I had a horrible headache, felt really sick and had super upset stomach! I want come off them in the summer and already dreading the withdrawal!

Also tempted to swap to another type cos i’m soooo tired all the time and even though my anxiety is better I feel really down
Exactly the same as me. I missed one dose (thought it was 2, but nope just 1). And wow I feel rough


Chatty Member
I’m really struggling at the moment. I still have my repeat prescription for this and I think I need to go back on it again.

It gave me such bad headaches/sickness feeling for a while which did eventually pass. I also struggled to sleep but it definitely did help.

The world is making me an anxious mess and I just can’t cope very well at the moment.


VIP Member
What a difference the 100 has made to my head. I feel like I finally have clarity. However, I have noticed that I am really struggling to orgasm. I can feel really turned on but get frustrated that I just don’t feel that pleasure. Sorry I know a lot of info.
Sorry if TMI but I’m the exact same I have a libido I just can’t orgasm, that and tiredness are my only side affects, although for me personally just having sex is enough satisfaction usually, I don’t necessarily have to orgasm so it’s not that big of an issue for me to deal with temporarily. I’m just wondering if it comes back once you stop taking it. I’ve been on it over a year now and it’s still the same started on 50mg currently on 100mg although I had a bad tear after giving birth to my daughter and couldn’t orgasm prior to going on the medication so think it could possibly be something to do with that as well but the medication may be adding to it, but for me the pros outweigh the cons, as mood wise I feel a lot better and it’s made me start to feel like myself again.


VIP Member
Started 7 days ago on 50mg. Very bad intrusive thoughts and anxiety/OCD relapse after coming off a med which had stopped working for me. Chose this one as we are TTC.

Dizzy, headaches and nausea for the first 6 days. Sweating too. Have just tried to sleep through it but it has been hard due to the anxiety.

Oh I hope this works. I'm 35 and have been on some form of med since I was 15.


Chatty Member
Some can be taken at the same time as reducing Sertraline. I did the same when going from Sertraline to Duloxetine, I didn’t have to taper off Sertraline first


VIP Member
Wow I thought I was alone with having these symptoms, I’ve got calf ache , foot ache and sometimes aches in my thigh.
I thought it was cause I am overweight!

maybe weight doesn’t help but I’m certain it has to be the tablets causing it!

I don’t even feel like it’s doing an awful lot for my mood, i feel quite low still some days. Especially today.


VIP Member
Has anyone on here had a bit of weight gain / finds it harder to lose weight on sertraline, but has decided to accept it because it’s worth it for the benefits? That’s kind of where I am now - it’s nothing drastic, a few pounds maybe, but it’s proving hard to shift and I haven’t really started eating more or workout out less so I do kind of attribute it to the meds. But don’t want to make myself even more unhappy by dieting for the rest of my life but it’s weird to think about accepting a bit of weight gain - we’re so conditioned not to! I’d love to hear anyone’s thoughts.


New member
Trying to self wean 😕 ive dropped to 25mg for last 2 days. I dont know if its just in my head but I feel a growing sense of unease. Im starting a new job, i didnt want to speak to dr because i feel like they would want me to settle before coming off but im just sick of being on meds. Im sick of being depressed. Im sick of having anxiety.
Maybe coming off is a stupid idea but here we are!
I’ve basically gone cold turkey from 50mg for the same reasons. Mentally I’ve felt ok (relatively speaking) but I’ve had what I think are physical withdrawal symptoms. It’s been almost two weeks though and they’re not as bad now, so I’m hoping it continues to improve.


VIP Member
I started them beginning of February following a mental breakdown. I don’t know if it was a placebo effect but the first week or two was hideous but after I seemed to pick up massively and felt happy that I’ve finally found something that will help. Now I’ve crashed again, struggling with pretty much everything, I have a 2 year old who is on the go constantly and I’m finding that really tough.
So sorry to read this, What dosage are you on?


VIP Member
So weird that you guys posted as I’ve also been in withdrawal this week! My prescription was sent to a pharmacy nowhere near me so I’ve gone four days without, usually on 100mg. My OCD has come back in a BAD WAY and I’ve been so wired at night when I usually sleep like a log!

Still had Propranolol on hand to keep the physical effects of anxiety at bay but my poor brain is excited to have the meds back in my hands tonight! 😳 Roll on zombie brain 🧟‍♀️


VIP Member
citalopram worked for me when I had depression but didn’t touch the sides for anxiety and intrusive thoughts
I found the exact same thing! I was given it for depression ten years ago and it didn’t really do much for me (as well as awful side effects!). But now I know it was anxiety and OCD causing the low mood - trying Sertraline instead worked so much better for me as it sorted the root of the issue!


VIP Member
Some yoga or stretches definitely helps me at bedtime. Sometimes I have to lie on my arms to deaden them enough to sleep, then I wake up and wonder why I can't move 🙄
Agreed it's definitely worth it for the quieter mind.


Chatty Member
So I reached out to the doctor this morning to talk about the extreme sweating on 100mg, despite my mental health improving. There was a massive language barrier but he just said “ok we just stop the sertraline and then side effects will stop”

so blunt. I said to him I’m too scared to just stop! And asked him if I could go back down to 50mg (previously 50mg wasn’t working for me). But I’ll try anything.

i will give it 2 weeks and if either I’m still sweating or feel a relapse I’ll have to call them back.

honestly fucking useless. I felt like I could have just done this without the help of a doctor.

I’ve fallen through the net at every hurdle with my depression and now it feels like no one is helping me
sorry you had a crap experience! Don’t know if it’s worth swapping to a different medication that you can taper off while starting another at the same time? I did that when coming off Sertraline and starting Duloxetine.


VIP Member
Hello, new to this thread and new to sertraline. On 50mg. Is it better to take on morning or nighttime and why? Thanks
I've always taken mine in the morning, with breakfast. Some people report that it makes them tired, but I've never had this issue.
Does anyone else suffer brain fog?
Yes! Quite severely but I wonder if it could be due to perimenopause or something else going on.


VIP Member
I’ve just had my three week review and my dosage is being increased to 100mg. Has anyone found that their side effects either vegan or increased from the dosage increase?
I have been relatively unscathed apart from the tiredness and intense leg sweats. Any advice on the increase would be greatx
I found the main thing for me was the emotional blunting got very bad for a fortnight or so. I had a horrible day at work and desperately wanted to cry it out but my body just wouldn’t let me - it was such a weird feeling! But then it subsided eventually and I’m just at the standard level sertraline numbness which I’m fine with 🤣


VIP Member
Thats what happened me , I had to do something about it as I have been at an all time low. No emotion, no interest in anything, shutting off from everyone and everything, VERY anxious , very snappy too .. poor memory.
Absolutely bang on for me!! So fucking tired constantly too!