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VIP Member
I’d say it’s similar to the ache/sensation you get after an injection, that kind of heavy and dead feeling
Mines kinda like to a slight tingling pain/sensation, restless arms almost. I have to do pushups most nights to 'tire' my arms so I can sleep.


VIP Member
Been on sertraline on and off for around 8 years 🤣. I tried many SSRIs before that and it's the best for me. I have anxiety which makes me on edge and snap , sertraline takes the edge off. I feel like I can cope with stress more and it makes more level headed and logical. I tried coming off it but I reverted to anxious and snappy. Sertraline is supposed to better at relieving anxiety than depression.

Also a sweaty mess buy sure maximum protection only thing that clogs my sweat glands up 🤣😩


VIP Member
It’s referred to as ‘emotional blunting’ it can be a passing side effect but it can also be long term. Just persevere and review in 3 weeks. It’s not easy but it’ll be worth it x


VIP Member
I find it’s been knocking me out. Last night I work up at 2:52am for a wee, got back into bed and I have no recollection of anything else until 7:10am 😂


VIP Member
Folks, I moved from lexapro to sertraline a few weeks ago, currently at 100mg dosage. I cannot get cool, I went outside in a t shirt earlier (Ireland in January cold!) which is incredibly unlike me. I know sertraline sweats can be a common side effect but this isn’t so much sweating as just feeling overwhelmingly stifling warm at all times. I got night sweats on lexapro, but never this draining daytime overheating. Has anyone else experienced this? If I’m struggling in winter, how will I survive summer!?


Well-known member
I’m constantly sweating since I started on the meds, wake up every morning drenched too! It’s so gross but I‘m still willing to put up with it to have a clear head.
Definitely. I didn't realise how bad my head and mood was until it started improving. Small price to pay but I'd rather have a side effect that benefits me. Like a size 8 body 😂


VIP Member
I’ve been on sertraline, 2 weeks today.
Obviously I didnt feel anything for the first 5 days then wow, it hit me like a ton of bricks.
Felt so low, anxious, couldn’t stop crying. Getting really triggered over the smallest of things.
Once those feelings were over, I had 2 days where I felt amazing, so much so, I went out all day both days, felt positive about the future, wasn’t speaking negatively and felt generally really good.
And now I’m back to feeling low again, I’m able to function but can definitely feel something lingering. I
I feel like I could easily just cry at any moment.

I’ve been signed off work, been off for 3 weeks now, I’m due to go back to the doctors tonight for a review, my sick note runs out next Tuesday. I definitely don’t feel ready to go back to work yet, especially if I feel so delicate still.
Work is the reason I am in this state. But at the same time I don’t wanna put it off any longer and make it harder for myself to go back. It’s a catch 22 situation.
Just wondering how long it was before people started to feel continuous ‘good’ effects from taking it. Cause I don’t know if I can live like this while I’m taking it.


Chatty Member
I really want to stop taking it because I’m feeling like I’m in a good place but I don’t want to deal with the affects of coming off.


Chatty Member
I found Sertraline made me feel quite flat and I also had low libido. I’m on Duloxetine now and that works better for me.


VIP Member
My doctor has changed my tablets, from sertraline 50mg to fluoxetine 10mg, increase to 20mg after 1 week.
He didn’t say to wean off, just stop taking them & take the fluoxetine as normal.
But I’ve just come over all hot, sweaty & heart is racing like mad.
I feel alright but just feels abit weird that’s all, il have to take it easy the next few days Incase I feel peculiar.
Anyone else had to do this?


VIP Member
50mg is a really low dose on Sertraline. For me (OCD and severe physical anxiety symptoms with low mood as a result) the therapeutic dose was 159mg - which is where the research suggests it should be according to my psychiatrist at the time. Maybe speak to your doctor @TapToBoreMeRigid to look at increasing x
I've just stumbled on this thread and that'ss is really interesting.

I've been on 50mg for 8 months and it has turned down the noise in my head and the constant cycling negative thoughts (I have cPTSD) but I still struggle to concentrate, get out of bed etc. and feel really low a lot of the time and don't have much quality of life, I just don't cry anymore 😂. I think I'll speak to my GP about upping my dose.


VIP Member
Not sure if anyone will see this but I forgot to take my 50mg sertraline for two nights this week cos of such a hectic time. And today I am dizzy, I feel nauseous, I’ve had a bit of a dodgy tummy and I just feel not well at all.

Could this be withdrawal from just 2 days of not taking it? I’ve taken it now


VIP Member
Has anyone ever had hot/cold sweats on sertraline??
I’m sweating just laying on the sofa but can feel the cold aswell. I’m obsessing over a draft in the room and I can’t find it, I am driving my husband mad. I’m worried I’m hallucinating 😅
Yes! So weird but my legs and neck seem to sweat a lot. Especially in the evenings.
I’ve been on 50mg for about 3 months now, for anxiety. I do feel better but I noticed I’m very irritable and I’m exhausted. The night sweats have gone but I feel so angry and tired that it’s having an effect on my relationship and my work. I don’t know if it’s these or something else. Tried to speak to my doctor but so far no joy.
Have you tried taking it at different times of the day? I had overwhelming tiredness at first but I’m now six months in and it’s all levelled out