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I’ve been on 50mg for about 3 months now, for anxiety. I do feel better but I noticed I’m very irritable and I’m exhausted. The night sweats have gone but I feel so angry and tired that it’s having an effect on my relationship and my work. I don’t know if it’s these or something else. Tried to speak to my doctor but so far no joy.
Have you tried taking it at different times of the day? I had overwhelming tiredness at first but I’m now six months in and it’s all levelled out


Active member
I started on 25mg last week and am due to increase to 50mg tomorrow. I have no energy or motivation - I'm spending all day in bed. When I do have to get up and be normal I am exhausted afterwards. Does it get better?
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Does anyone take their dose at night? I’m thinking of switching to night to combat the tiredness I have been feeling from it. I also think it’s starting to interact with the amount of coffee I consume!
I changed from taking it at night to taking it first thing in the morning with breakfast. I used to be very tired otherwise


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I bruise like a peach anyway, but when I first started taking Sertraline I woke up with a subconjunctival haemorrhage (burst blood vessel in my eye) which looked awful and had never happened to me before. Citalopram also made me bleed more if I cut myself so, I don't know if it's all SSRIs. It seems to have subsided with time though.

I've been on 50mg Sertraline since March and haven't noticed any side effects apart from the horrible night sweats for a while.


Active member
I'm on 50mg sertraline. Started taking it back at the beginning of summer. Was on 20mg citalopram before this. I haven't noticed many physical side effects. It has definitely, 100% helped my anxiety and depression though! One thing I would say is that it makes me feel numb. It's hard to explain but I don't ever seem to feel happy or excited, on the flip side of that my lows are fewer and far between.


VIP Member
I suffer quite badly with restless leg syndrome and sertraline made it a hundred times worse, making me more tired, depressed and irritable. A lot of these types of drugs make RLS symptoms worse it’s so bloody frustrating.


Chatty Member
Yes, that’s what I mean. I took it at night yesterday without water and I’m suffering. If I take it at night, I can’t really fall asleep. Not sure what to do again.
When I was in hospital the recommended times were to take half a dose at 1pm and the next by 10pm.
But I also take quietapine alongside, so I'm always usually knocked out afterwards


Chatty Member
i was on 50mg for about a year but noticed i was starting to feel bad again so i am now on 100mg. i’ve never been properly diagnosed with ocd but i have pretty bad compulsions and my brain feels like there are very dark outcomes to these. since taking sertraline i no longer get them. i also used to pull out my eyebrow hairs which i barely do anymore.

im 18 now and started taking it (age 16/17) because i was feeling very depressed and did not know how to go about daily life and being a person anymore. my mum had been desperately trying to get me through to a doctor who would listen for a very long time and it took a very serious breakdown and last straw for them to offer medication to me.

ive noticed that i often have random waves of nausea and now i can fall asleep randomly during the day (it was impossible for me to nap before). i also have very vivid dreams at night, to the point that very often i struggle to distinguish between what happened in a dream and reality. i also think in general i have become better in relation to social situations and other people. but im not actually fully sure if these things are due to the sertraline or are just coincidental and due to me naturally changing as a person which is frustrating- particularly the nausea, social parts and feeling more tired...

i can fall asleep heavily during the day but can’t fall asleep at night until 5:30am. great when you have online lessons at 9!

overall i think i do feel happier, but unfortunately i can’t say it has really helped my anxiety. i still feel anxious every moment of the day and dont think i’ve ever properly had a feeling of ease


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Started 50mg for the last week, don't feel any different and no side effects. Not been on it before - can anyone advise!? I've got a review in 2 weeks.... should I ask to up the dose to 75mg or?


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Does anyone know if you can take immodium at the start of sertraline? I’m really struggling with the bowels since starting it. It’s wakening me in the night etc 🤦🏻‍♀️ I can’t get my GP today due to the bank holiday


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God I’m praying someone here has some sort of solution for these sertraline side effects.

I’m on 100mg after 50 had no effect on me. I am CONSTANTLY sweating, and boiling hot. The sweating is mainly my face. Forehead and top lip.

Ive got an active 2 year old and any sort of activity from me, even sometimes just walking or getting on/off the floor I’m as red as a beetroot and sweating.

the social embarrassment is huge and I’m starting to become a recluse because I know people are staring at me when I’m standing there sweating buckets.

bit of a moan …. I feel so stuck because 100% the sertraline is working for me and my mental health has improved. So I am happy to stay on it for that reason, but I am fed up of feeling like a sweaty unhygienic Furness.


Chatty Member
I seem to be getting over the side effects now. No nausea anymore and I have my appetite back, but I wouldn't say they have started helping me yet


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So it’s been almost 3 weeks on 50mg.. i don’t think I feel any better and I’ve completely lost my appetite. I also had sex today and I’m so upset that it just doesn’t feel the same !! I just feel numb in every aspect if that makes sense? Anyone else or just me 😂🙄

my doctor is a going to review again in a couple of weeks so hopefully some sortof positive change is coming my way
I wish I had lost my appetite 😅

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I have been on Sertraline for a very long time (10+ years) for free-floating anxiety. My doctor has told me that I'm likely to be on them for the rest of my life, which is scary. I will say that I've tried a few in my time and Sertraline is the only one that doesn't leave me feeling hazy or groggy. The only negative is the weight gain, which has been huge.

I take 50mg/day but my pharmacy often runs out of 50s, so gives me 100mg with instructions to chop them in half. Despite trying very hard to cut them neatly in half, if I mistakenly chop off a bit more than that, I start to feel very ill ... as in, physically sick.

I also find that if I don't take my tablet with a full glass of water, it kind of stays lodged in my throat and causes really bad indigestion ... it's very odd. As much as I'm not a breakfast person, I try to have something to eat with my tablet too (even if just a banana), which helps it digest better.

Just lately I think something might have changed with the batch as I have a severe headache I can't shake. I remember having one when I first went on Sertraline too.

My doctor has said that Sertraline is one of the safest, most effective, anti-depressants on the market. She said she often prescribes it to women to take for PMT as it takes the edge off perfectly.

Before Sertraline I tried a whole raft of anti-depressants, some which helped me to sleep at night which was a bonus but I'd pay for it the next morning by feeling hungover.

In my experience, it can take several trials of various drugs until you find one that is best for you. You do need to give them time to work - if, after 6 weeks you're not feeling any benefits then it's time to consider something else. It's also important to know (and remember) that what works for someone you know, might not work for you.

Has anyone had a problem with sweating? I’ve been on it for about 6 months and can’t even walk to the shops without coming back and needing a shower. I wore a tshirt while it was snowing last week it’s horrendous!
Yes! But I put it down to perimenopause. It seems to be a lot better nowadays (10 years in).
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