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VIP Member
I was on sertraline for around 2 years a couple of years back. I was on 150mg in the end. Didn’t notice anything at 50mg personally so had it increased by 50mg at a time. It definitely helped me, but I was stupid and stopped taking them cold turkey when I felt I was ok/couldn’t be arsed with taking them anymore and just never went back to my gp. Don’t do that, the brain zaps drove me mad, but my mood was quite stable apart from that (by my standards anyway). Fortunately I was ok apart from that but it’s definitely not recommended to do it that way. It is something that you should be supported through with a medical professional.

I still struggle with my mental health but I manage it without anti-depressants. Some days are worse than others, I think I might have just gotten used to having a low mood tbh. I haven’t ruled out going on them again in future though if I need to but with retrospect I’m not sure sertraline was really the right one for me.
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VIP Member
Have you tried taking it at different times of the day? I had overwhelming tiredness at first but I’m now six months in and it’s all levelled out
I started off taking it in the morning but I couldn't sleep so now I take it at night. I just feel like a complete zombie.


VIP Member
I’ve been weaned off of Sertraline and had my last tablet on Tuesday. Has anyone had any bad withdrawal symptoms?
My Dr told me just to half my dose until my pack was done 🤷🏼‍♀️


VIP Member
I have started having some awful nights with it. The second I take it I start producing so much saliva, like a crazy amount then the sickness comes after about 45mins. Real throwing up everything sick. It’s happened a few times and it’s within a couple of minutes of taking the tablets. I’ve been bad and not taken any more since Monday night. I know I can’t have nothing but I didn’t want the sickness ruining my holiday. The last few days I’ve been having periods of dizziness and I don’t know if this could be side effects of not taking the tablets.


Chatty Member
I was on sertraline 150mg and decided to come off last year without consulting my doctor. My anxiety has massively flared up due to moving etc and I’m starting to worry about the future so I definitely think I’m going to have to go back on them. And because of my move, I’m switching doctors and the thought of delaying going back on them makes me sad 😩


Chatty Member
I had severe anxiety and panic disorder a few years ago and was put on 100mg Sertraline and 40mg propranolol three times daily then swapped to 80g propranolol slow release once a day.
I remember having lots of side effects with sertraline at first, mainly insomnia, dry mouth, agitation, zoning out, stomach problems and at some moments a sudden euphoria. I dropped down to 50mg Sertraline because of this and things evened out.

I was on this medication for about 8 months but stopped when I became pregnant. I’m back on it again now while breastfeeding. Sometimes I feel a bit flat and distant. However, it has helped my racing thoughts and repetitive thoughts. Doesn’t make anxiety go away entirely though.

Sertraline was difficult to deal with at first, especially when you don’t know if it’s even worth it. Overall though it works quite well for me.


VIP Member
The sweating is getting ridiculous for me now! I’m constantly having hot flushes and I’m always roasting at work! I’ve had to tell my boss that I’m taking the medication as she thought I had something wrong with me as I’m always so hot. I guess at least I’ll save money on heating this winter 😅


Active member
Just wondering if anyone else has been prescribed setraline and what their experience has been. If they found it helpful and how do you know when you are ready to reduce your dosage and maybe come off them?


VIP Member
I need to review my dose (been on 50mg for 13 months) and I don't know whether to stay as I am, increase or stop taking it.

The critical voice in my head has gone, and overall I am better, but I still have mega brain fog, can't concentrate, feel lethargic, unmotivated and anxious, and I've gained weight.

I feel like I've improved loads but I'm stuck in this flat, blah headspace and I'm not sure what to do.


Chatty Member
Can I ask for some advice, regarding increasing dose and how/when you knew you needed to increase?

I’ve been on 50mg for about 6 months. I’ve pretty much always had what I would call ‘generalised’ anxiety…. usually manifesting in the sort of general feeling of dread, anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach and palpations. Not necessarily triggered by anything but just a general thing.

I started sertraline after my mum died very suddenly, followed very shortly after by a terrible break up - these two things really exacerbated my anxiety and after starting counselling, I decided to speak to the GP who put me on 50mg sertraline.

I’ve found it has worked wonders for my mood and have had much reduced/non existent anxiety. A few side effects but manageable. The last three weeks or so the anxiety is creeping back in and I’m waking up with the impending doom and sick feeling.

It is coming up to the year anniversary of my mum’s death which will of course be having an impact. I’m also a teacher and do find that at the start of the holidays I get quite anxious - mostly just the lack of routine and also this year I will be on my own a lot because of the break up.

I do all the things that help manage my anxiety - exercise, getting outside in the fresh air, making plans to meet up with friends etc - but these are more short term strategies that just help my anxiety in the moment, if that makes sense.

Sorry for rambling! I guess my question is - can anyone give advice about when they knew it was time to increase their dose? Or conversely, has anyone felt their anxiety worsen but not increased? I’m aware I will need to speak to the GP regardless and do have regular reviews, but was hoping to hear from others who actually take sertraline.


VIP Member
I started 50mg of sertraline a week ago for post natal depression. I’m also having counselling.

I had a couple of days where I was just sweating like a pig. So embarrassing. Constantly wiping my forehead.

But today I just feel so emotionless. Like numb. My toddler is bringing me books to do etc and I’m just sat on the sofa staring at the tv feeling so flat.

It’s not a nice feeling and Google tells me it can be a side effect.

The brain fog is pissing me off too. I’m just struggling to get through the day making decisions like what shall I have for dinner tonight? Simple decisions like that.

Anyone else been like this? Does it pass?
I also feel like this. It’s hideous but good to know I’m not alone.
I just have no motivation to do anything.
my boy is 2 years old and very needy atm so when he sees mummy sitting staring into space he gets frustrated and tries dragging me off the sofa 😐🤣 I can’t snap out of it, it’s annoying me now.
I’m sweating buckets one minute, freezing cold the next, that’s also winding me up.

I don’t know if I’m gonna keep up the sertraline tbh its been 3 weeks now and I genuinely feel worse 😅 everyone keeps saying stick at it, it gets better but I’m just feeling fed up of the side effects now!
I recommend giving yourself some me time, if you can do that with little one. Even if it’s just a walk around a shop in the evening, a bath, listen to some music, do what makes you happy for an hour or two. I find that really helps me to come round to reality, have time to process how I feel.


Active member
I started on 50mg of sertraline 5 days ago. First time ever taking it. Today I’ve had some mid-cycle spotting (period shouldn’t be due for at least another 8 days or so), do you think this could be a side effect? Never had spotting like this before x


VIP Member
Hello, new to this thread and new to sertraline. On 50mg. Is it better to take on morning or nighttime and why? Thanks


VIP Member
Sorry if TMI but I’m the exact same I have a libido I just can’t orgasm, that and tiredness are my only side affects, although for me personally just having sex is enough satisfaction usually, I don’t necessarily have to orgasm so it’s not that big of an issue for me to deal with temporarily. I’m just wondering if it comes back once you stop taking it. I’ve been on it over a year now and it’s still the same started on 50mg currently on 100mg although I had a bad tear after giving birth to my daughter and couldn’t orgasm prior to going on the medication so think it could possibly be something to do with that as well but the medication may be adding to it, but for me the pros outweigh the cons, as mood wise I feel a lot better and it’s made me start to feel like myself again.
Definitely not TMI, don’t worry about that. I might overshare here. I’m single and have been for a while and where once-over I would enjoy self pleasure every day I can’t even remember when I last did. I don’t feel anything at all. I think I potentially need to up it to 150mg but worried as to being completely numb.

I hope you’re receiving good aftercare re the tear? Please please speak out if you’re not. It is so important.


VIP Member
I’ve been on 100mg (up from just 50), for just over 2 weeks now and I’ve also got that achy leg feeling tonight. It’s a mixed feeling between restless legs and like I’ve been pushing weights with my legs. Also getting leg cramps in my calf’s and thighs too.

It’s only come on the past couple of days. I’m definitely not as emotional so something good must be happening
That’s fabulous news that you’re starting to feel the good effects at last! 😍 That leg feeling is exactly how mine feel too but I think it’s worth it for the less chaotic mind! Fingers crossed you continue to feel even better! 😁


Well-known member
I developed a weird tremor in my right arm when I was on sertraline. I notice it come on when I was anxious or thinking about something. I stopped noticing it after a while but my partner noticed it all the time and when he was hugging me or something my arm was jerking into his. It was like a tic. Weird feeling