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VIP Member
I was on it for about 18 months, after a sudden bereavement and work was horrendous. I was worried about side effects but aside from really vivid dreams, they didnt affect me too much when I started out on them. I didnt seem to benefit very much from them, and although I dont know what I expected, I now feel no different without them. The Doctor told me I was depressed, they gave me Sertraline and sent me on a stress management group 🤔 I hope they work for you- I know some people have really benefitted from antidepressants.
I came off them after speaking to ky GP - they just said reduce the dose but they didn't seem really sure 🤷‍♀️ Be warned tho - the 'brain zaps' when you come off them, I cant quite explain them, but they're wierd and a little unsettling, but apparently its completely normal. I also had the dizziness. Good luck 👍
Interesting this Im hoping to decrease my dosage tomorrow when my dr calls me as im having therapy for my anxiety, I do get very vivid dreams and have been getting headaches and earache where I feel dizzy, I hadnt thought it may be the tablets , I have had a lot of stressful situations happen since Christmas but seem more able to talk things through, I had a sudden hearing loss and had a hard time coming to terms with it as well as other situations

I'm on 50mg and wake up drenched in the night. I'm not a sweaty person really either, just at night since I started Sertraline.

I feel tentatively OK at the moment (although I think this is circumstantial as much as anything) so I'm scared to change my dose although I feel very sluggish and lacking in motivation.
Im the same but im menopausal and not only get sweats at night but at the most random times during the day its embarrassing, but its interesting you mention sertraline giving you this symptom as I never even linked it to this

That’s interesting hadn’t thought of that being an option.
I’ve been on 50mg for almost 5 months now.
I actually feel like I need my dosage increased so when I speak to my doctor about that i may ask her about splitting the dosage in half x
I still have insomnia on 150 mg but as I mention to another tattler im menopausal so it could be that , I was very itchy when I first went on 50 mg only for about a week though and got lots of spots around my mouth


VIP Member
My packet says the same, but dr advised to start on 25mg. If that’s what you are most comfortable doing, then give it a go. I didn’t have any increased symptoms when I upped my dose after the 2 weeks so it may be a better way to ease yourself in to it (noting that everyone reacts to it differently)
thank you. I have asked the doctor for a sick note so I'm hoping that I can take the 2 weeks of medicine and have the side effects without work.


VIP Member
Just had my appointment and they’ve upped my propranolol dose to try take the edge off things! Fingers crossed it works!
I had the same experience when I took it in the morning, however now I take it in the evening & instead I wake up in the middle of the night & can be wide awake for anything from an hour to a few hours.
I don’t understand how it makes me tired during the day but gives me insomnia at night when I actually need to sleep 🥺
Yeah I had this for the first four months. I’m on 50mg but dr prescribed me 25mg tablets so I could try taking one 25mg in morning and one 25mg in evening. It did make a difference (had to give it time). I’m not back to just taking both in the morning with no problems. He also suggested alternating days to split e.g Monday take 50mg in morning then Tuesday take 25mg in morning and again in evening, then Wednesday take 50mg in morning.

I barely have the tiredness anymore and the insomnia was awful just you like described but it’s gone now completely. I hope you


Chatty Member
I tapered off over a few weeks and still feel awful. My head feels like it’s full of air and I’m so nauseous, how long does withdrawal last?


VIP Member
Has anyone been prescribed sertraline for panic disorder? I first started taking it (50mg) over 2 years ago, went cold Turkey and have recently started taking the same dose again. It does stop the panic attacks but I just feel so numb/unmotivated and down and the doctors not listening. Just wondering if anyone else has similar?
It’s called emotional blunting. I had it at first! Common and normal, it does pass! X


VIP Member
I’m sure there are other things they could look into for you 💕 Or like the poster above says, changing the time of day you take it can really help! If I take mine in the morning I tend to wake up every day drenched in sweat, whereas I wake up normally if I take it at night - it’s so odd!
Yeah may move tomorrow to taking at night but I'm new back on this so don't know when to switch round. Just so fed up of feeling this shite 😪


VIP Member
They’re not chubby thighs!
They look similar to the bruises I get. Very strange but I don’t know if it’s linked to the medication🤷‍♀️. Let us know if they stop if you do reduce your medication.

sorry for the manky bruise pictures everyone!
Oh wow yes they look very similar! I’ve had the haematology department hospital review my bloods and they are not greatly concerned due to the sertraline. I’m just so anxious about coming off them to see if the bruising subsides 😬😬😬


Chatty Member
Trying to self wean 😕 ive dropped to 25mg for last 2 days. I dont know if its just in my head but I feel a growing sense of unease. Im starting a new job, i didnt want to speak to dr because i feel like they would want me to settle before coming off but im just sick of being on meds. Im sick of being depressed. Im sick of having anxiety.
Maybe coming off is a stupid idea but here we are!
How’s it going now? I also want to drop to 25mg but I’m a bit apprehensive about the side effects!


New member
Has anyone been prescribed sertraline for panic disorder? I first started taking it (50mg) over 2 years ago, went cold Turkey and have recently started taking the same dose again. It does stop the panic attacks but I just feel so numb/unmotivated and down and the doctors not listening. Just wondering if anyone else has similar?


Chatty Member
How long have you been taking it? It can take a little while for the side effects to subside.

I'm definitely hotter in bed since I've been taking it, but I'm a sweaty person anyway.
About 5 days now, I wasn't expecting the side effects to kick in so soon.

I'm taking it at night now and just suffer through before I sleep, as taking it in the morning was ruining my day as I still have work etc. 😅


Well-known member
Finally took my first tablet 9 hours ago after a week of crying. I don’t think I can do this I feel awful. Can I stop after just one?


VIP Member
Hope everyone is keeping well.

I wondered if anyone else notices a difference in the effectiveness of different sertraline brands? My chemist often changes which generic brand they give me and I swear it’s noticeable that some just don’t work for me. Google is a bit inconclusive - could all be in my head and maybe I’m just having a few days of naturally not feeling great and attributing it to the wrong thing. But would be interested in others’ views.


Active member
Sorry I know this is about sertraline and I know a few people on it who seem fine with it but I was put on fluoxicilin not sure if spelt right 😂and I seem to be the only person I know on it, what are the difference between them if anyone knows?


VIP Member
Not sertraline but has anyone tried citalopram?

I keep slurring my words and have struggled to keep my balance since I started it. I switched straight from duloxetine.
Maybe I'm just health anxious but idk if this is a cause for concern or if it'll go away in time.

I feel horrendously nauseous as well. I just don't feel okay mentally or physically right now.


Well-known member
What a difference the 100 has made to my head. I feel like I finally have clarity. However, I have noticed that I am really struggling to orgasm. I can feel really turned on but get frustrated that I just don’t feel that pleasure. Sorry I know a lot of info.
Yes that’s definitely a downside! It can happen it just takes a lot longer and a lot of patience. Worth it for my happiness though.