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Omg yes! And I got terrible night sweats. I used to wake up on a morning completely drenched.

Took sertraline for around a year and was an absolute idiot with it. Two that spring to mind were taking kalms with it (high dose + kalms left me pretty much out of it at my desk for three hours)
Then I decided one day I didn’t need them- “weaned” myself off them in a daft way (just taking them willy nilly) had an absolute crash a month or so later and thought I might end up being put on a section. Looking back I clearly wasn’t as well as I thought I was and the urge to come off them was just me being impulsive.
Same here with the sweating in bed at night. It’s only my legs too which is annoying. It helps finding the right mattress and bedding but I often wake up in the middle of the night freezing because I’ve been sweating so much and the cold air is hitting my body. It’s so annoying. Although on the plus side my legs have cleared up because of the “sauna session” 😂😂


Chatty Member
I'm still suffering with night sweats and overheating, it's the only side effect I'm still experiencing - though I had them before starting Sertraline, it's just now it is every night.

How long until I should expect it to settle down?


New member
I came off sertraline gradually and stopped 10 days ago under supervision of GP the brain shocks have been wild. Feel like I'm living in a gitchy videogame. Vision and sound jumping. Feel less depressed now. Needed to come off it cause couldn't stand the night sweats and the excessive sweating in general x


VIP Member
Hopefully it’ll pass soon for you @swimming 💕 I got a really bad case of emotional blunting when I first moved up to 100mg, I just couldn’t feel anything and it was bizarre! I’m a lot better now, still not quite as empathetic as I used to be but I can at least feel something myself other than ‘meh’! 🤣


VIP Member
Eughhhh so back on Sertraline. First dose today and definitely feel ‘medicated’. Restless leg and a pressure in my jaw. Wasn’t expecting to dive as quickly into the side effects but I am feeling poorly at the moment too so much immune system is taking a battering.
Reeeeeaaaaaallllyyy worrying about the potential weight gain. I’m overweight as it is and my self worth is shot to pieces from it. I can’t really remember whether I gained the last time I was on it!


New member
Does anyone take their dose at night? I’m thinking of switching to night to combat the tiredness I have been feeling from it. I also think it’s starting to interact with the amount of coffee I consume!
I take mine at 9pm and it’s been better for me.
Started taking it at 7am but it made me feel so nauseous!
Hope you’re ok!


Active member
I’ve been on a year and a half now, it’s deffo dulled the anxiety and depression but I can still feel it, sometimes it can read up but usually it’s lurking.

I want to come off it but I’m still clinging on and just coping cus I have no choice.. single muvvaaa And I just am too scared to go bareback through life!

what are the alternatives??


VIP Member
I’ve an appointment with my dr on Monday to reduce from 100mg to 50mg. My moods been great the last 6 months to a year, but I’m chronically exhausted all the time and 0 energy to do anything so hoping by reducing the dosage it’ll ease that symptom a bit, has anyone else that has reduced found that the tiredness subsided any when you dropped or did it take coming off them altogether before you noticed a difference?


VIP Member
Now that the weather and humidity is rising I can feel the sweats a lot more. I’m naturally a freezer so I’ve only really got them at night but atm I am sweating as soon as I get out of the shower


Chatty Member
Does anyone else find when on sertraline you struggle with impulsive spending? It just makes me think f*** it I'll buy whatever I want.


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I was prescribed this a few weeks ago, had been prescribed it in my teens but never took them. I’ve been doing a lot of reading of peoples’ experiences and know it’s all individual but I’m reluctant to try. I collected the prescription this time and got as far as putting the tablet in my mouth but took it out again 🙃 I was only going to take half of 50mg as a lot of American redditers seem to think our starting dose of 50mg is high. I feel so lost, would like a bit of help now I’m older but apprehensive of side effects with living alone.


VIP Member
Stupid question:
Has anyone tried starting with half a dose before going up? I've been given 50g for a month but the side effects really frighten me. I was thinking could I half the tablet and start with that?


Chatty Member
sounds horrible! Can you call 111 and explain and see if an out of hours doctor can prescribe you some? I’ve always been told never to stop taking them abruptly :(

Oh yes that’s what I meant escitalopram (I always thought it was spelt ‘S citalopram’ but now I’ve seen you write it down I realise they’re different)

sounds like your doctor is on it though, hope you find something 💓
Tried everything before (inc panic!) and nobody could help me. Annoying but I'm trying not to worry too much, I'll have them tomorrow 🤞


VIP Member
The headaches stopped after the first two weeks for me, the sickness took a long time to settle.
I tried taking them in the morning but just felt too alert and by night I couldn’t switch off at all. I then tried at night but found myself feeling very out of it by the morning. My pupils were so large, and I felt very irrational. I don’t know what to do :(
Are you able to try a different medication? I wonder if anyone in this thread has tried taking it midday-ish


VIP Member
I was told if I wanted to swap I would have to taper off and flush out for two weeks!! I would’ve thought it would’ve been the process across the board.


VIP Member
I am sick of the sweating. It’s BAD. Mainly on my forehead and top lip. It’s really having a bad effect on me but I don’t dare change my dose because I can 100% say the sertraline is working for me (100mg).

But because I am quite over weight, people assume I’m dabbing my sweaty face with a tissue cos I’m fat! I’ve been at this weight for 3 years including through pregnancy and never sweat like this before.
I couldve written this myself!!!


VIP Member
Took my first 25mg at midday and I feel like im gonna puke 🤢🤢
you will adjust - I completely agree you must eat with an SSRI when you take it or it will make you feel a bit sick. Your body will adjust within a few weeks. I always take mine after a meal. Until I took sertraline I had no idea that I could feel so much better. I hope your side effects pass quickly and it helps you.
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