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Anyone else’s side effects seem to go and then come back again?
I got over the worst within about a fortnight but now I seem to be having them again.
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I’ve been on 50mg for about 3 months now, for anxiety. I do feel better but I noticed I’m very irritable and I’m exhausted. The night sweats have gone but I feel so angry and tired that it’s having an effect on my relationship and my work. I don’t know if it’s these or something else. Tried to speak to my doctor but so far no joy.
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I started taking it a month ago. No side effects other than a big of a bad head for a week. I take mine before bed.
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50mg is a really low dose on Sertraline. For me (OCD and severe physical anxiety symptoms with low mood as a result) the therapeutic dose was 159mg - which is where the research suggests it should be according to my psychiatrist at the time. Maybe speak to your doctor @TapToBoreMeRigid to look at increasing x
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Trying to self wean 😕 ive dropped to 25mg for last 2 days. I dont know if its just in my head but I feel a growing sense of unease. Im starting a new job, i didnt want to speak to dr because i feel like they would want me to settle before coming off but im just sick of being on meds. Im sick of being depressed. Im sick of having anxiety.
Maybe coming off is a stupid idea but here we are!
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I completely agree with you. Unfortunately I think anti depressants all come with their own side effects but if they are taking over your life it’s just not worth it. You’ll need to taper off, wash out and then start a new medication.

How far into taking them are you? I personally would not make any decisions until you are + 2/3 months into them x
I started them beginning of February following a mental breakdown. I don’t know if it was a placebo effect but the first week or two was hideous but after I seemed to pick up massively and felt happy that I’ve finally found something that will help. Now I’ve crashed again, struggling with pretty much everything, I have a 2 year old who is on the go constantly and I’m finding that really tough.
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For anyone who has had bruising as a side effect- are you able to continue taking it?

I have started getting huge bruises on my legs, I’m going to speak to my doctor (when I can eventually get through…). If it is likely to be the sertraline causing it, I don’t think I’m in a position for the time being to try and come off of it or try and change due to family stuff going on which is going to be difficult enough to navigate anyway.
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At what point did you all start to feel better and when did you realise?
Mentally, after my dose was upped at around week 3.
Physically, I’m still struggling with tiredness and night sweating. I’ve just done two months.
I take mine at 9pm and it’s been better for me.
Started taking it at 7am but it made me feel so nauseous!
Hope you’re ok!
Did you struggle with the tiredness too?x
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So I reached out to the doctor this morning to talk about the extreme sweating on 100mg, despite my mental health improving. There was a massive language barrier but he just said “ok we just stop the sertraline and then side effects will stop”

so blunt. I said to him I’m too scared to just stop! And asked him if I could go back down to 50mg (previously 50mg wasn’t working for me). But I’ll try anything.

i will give it 2 weeks and if either I’m still sweating or feel a relapse I’ll have to call them back.

honestly fucking useless. I felt like I could have just done this without the help of a doctor.

I’ve fallen through the net at every hurdle with my depression and now it feels like no one is helping me
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Chatty Member
I’ve just switched from sertraline 150 to venlafaxine. My brain fog was absolutely horrendous on sertraline. I’d been on it for three years with the brain fog getting slowly worse and worse. It helped massively with my anxiety, didn’t do much for my depression as my main symptom is lethargy anyway, so in some ways made it worse. My anxiety is a bit worse in venlafaxine but at least I can function, I’ve started reading books again and my memory has improved x100 (it was absolutely horrendous on sertraline). I’m glad I went on sertraline, it helped me at a time when my anxiety was killing me but I’d rather not ever go back on it.


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Hi guys! Slightly OT but Has anyone taken medication for social anxiety and has it worked? I want to go on medication I feel l need it but my anxiety would be mainly social it’s very bad


VIP Member
How’s it going now? I also want to drop to 25mg but I’m a bit apprehensive about the side effects!
After 2 days crying in bed i gave up... 😕
I’ve basically gone cold turkey from 50mg for the same reasons. Mentally I’ve felt ok (relatively speaking) but I’ve had what I think are physical withdrawal symptoms. It’s been almost two weeks though and they’re not as bad now, so I’m hoping it continues to improve.
I was so anxious. My body was shaking like restless. My anxiety kicked my arse and i nearly made so bad choices with words with ppl... normal service resumed fairly quick though


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Definitely speak to your GP about your dose lovely! I still felt absolutely horrific on 50mg and quite nauseous to boot. I was moved up to 100mg and the anxiety finally (mostly!) subsided and the nausea seemed to vanish too!
Thank you! Yes we are going to review in 2 weeks and he said he might up my dose so fingers crossed it works!


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I had the same feelings after increasing from 50 to 100mg. It just didn't agree with me at all, I felt my mental health was declining so I approached my Doctor two weeks ago and I asked to come off sertraline, so we are weaning off , and introduced another. My head feels a little bit clearer . Definitely less anxious . It was taking over my life. Everyone is different .. it agrees with most people
Yeah I went from 50mg to 100mg and it really helped me but I seem to be going backwards all of a sudden!


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I started 50mg of sertraline a week ago for post natal depression. I’m also having counselling.

I had a couple of days where I was just sweating like a pig. So embarrassing. Constantly wiping my forehead.

But today I just feel so emotionless. Like numb. My toddler is bringing me books to do etc and I’m just sat on the sofa staring at the tv feeling so flat.

It’s not a nice feeling and Google tells me it can be a side effect.

The brain fog is pissing me off too. I’m just struggling to get through the day making decisions like what shall I have for dinner tonight? Simple decisions like that.

Anyone else been like this? Does it pass?
I had that for about two weeks and it did pass for me. It will be different for everyone. I was numb, then just very chilled and I’ve been on it about 2+ months now and I feel ‘normal’. A lot more chilled but my emotions are back - getting annoyed at my OH etc 🤣

I have to be honest, I’m super tired on it. I sleep HEAVY! Anyone else had this? Or maybe it’s because I’m no longer super anxious 24/7?


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Eugh, just completed week 3 of my 50mg script and I have had a bad crash. I’m currently taking them for low mood and really struggling with my self worth. I’m a bit paranoid people think I’m stupid, my work hate me and I’m going to lose my job. My mood had improved but now it’s seriously nose dived. Have a review this week but hoping it passes quick rather than needed my dosage altering!