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I can't sleep, anyone else still awake? Been feeling like I'm suffocating since yesterday afternoon! Haven't felt this anxious in a few years. Think my Mum has finally broken me!!
I've tried my usual videos to take my mind off things but now I'm doing the countdown to only x amout of hours until I have to be up!
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Those of you who struggle to sleep might want to check in here during the night to keep each other company.
Just a thought.
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My neighbour is doing DIY again and I cannot believe it.

They did a huge project that went on for months at the beginning of the year and I actually got quite ill from the stress of the constant noise, which was the loudest hammering and banging you've ever heard and wasn't even possible to drown out with noise cancelling headphones. It was absolutely relentless and he does at least one big project like this every year.

When he's not doing big projects there is, quite often, lots of DIY noises here and there for whatever else he finds to work on as he goes about his life.

I can't fathom what could possibly need work done to it this time and as soon as it started my heart just sank.

I've already lived in a flat above someone else who was really into DIY and I thought that was bad but he had nothing on this guy. Who has sometimes started before 7am and gone on beyond 10pm. The council are totally useless so I reporting it will be a total waste of time.

Need hugs if anyone has some going spare please.
Huge hug from me and you have my sympathy 100%. No sooner had one set of neighbours finished building work, another lot started. It's been non-stop building for 8 months now. We live on a normally very quiet street but at times the noise is almost unbearable with the jackhammers, drilling, etc. And then there's the endless parade of delivery lorries, skip hire trucks, the concrete mixer, etc. Both sets of neighbours are sweet and we get on well, but I'll be bloody glad when it's all over.
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I've been watching 'Ghosts' - maybe not a good place to start 😣. I would watch the big bang theory everyday if I could!

Hey honey by comparison to you think that I'm just probably anti-social, but I do understand the bit about noise and crowds - I avoid them as much as I can; but when I have to be somewhere through love and obligation (as much as it terrifies me) I usually have a good time - it's the anticipation that shreds my nerves.
Baby steps - a small walk near your house?
Lots of love to you xxx

Boo - are you for real? Nobody needs toy bears here

Chit chat

You remind me of

Who's the investigator?

Don't like, come on Tattlers

What the f**k!
Be careful what you post
Why are you being horrid? I was only saying something nice? What have I done wrong?
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Apps to help people sleep are ones like Headspace or Calm which have free trials but paid for.

There's another app called insight timer which is free.

These work on meditation and calming style things to help you sleep.

Alternatively there are long videos on you tube of the sea washing up the beach and other calming noises that may help?

It might help to listen to Robert Peston ask a question on ITV news. Takes him that long to get to the end of it most people will have fallen asleep by then.
And his hair is almost as bad as Boris's!!!! Bloody scruff.
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I catch up later today 🥰

Hot weather gone at last, alot cooler now ❤

I brought everyone an ice cube today...if I did last week it would have melted by the time everyone got one 😄
I couldn't anyway as this thread weren't around then lol 😀
Love from Pom 🥰

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I am just angry with the RF doing fuck all to put the Call Cuntshow in its place it's so bleeding shi t this week so I am staying away.

Anger is much easier to deal with than the poor sods here that cannot get proper help and don't know how to cope. It seems that bad parenting has a lot to answer for l honestly think some parents need to be brought to account and told their fortunes by good parents and given a kick up the jacksey and pay compensation to their suffering offspring.

I think we should do a collective of what not to do to your kids and show the fuckers up.
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Tatty, your beautiful Finn wasn't 'just a dog', never think that. I have a dog and to me he isn't just a dog. He is my life, he is my family, the family I never had. He is my everything, my whole life 💓💓💓💓💓
Beautifully said. I feel the same about my cat.

Pets aren't "just" anything, whatever some people who don't get it might say. Tatty, your dog was so lucky to have such a loving owner as you. He will have been so happy in life I am sure. Hugs if you want them.
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I don't come on to this thread very much because I am totally out of my depth with what to say to you all.

I am really gobsmacked at the people on here with such awful problems, probably because I have been very fortunate in not having MH problems or other sad stories to tell.

I am just a mouthy, very badly behaved old person with a vast collection of profanities which would probably never help any of you but, I am very sympathetic to you all even though I spend my time on the Cunt and Cuntess of Cali thread.

Here to help but my advice is probably not worth a pitcher of warm spit but think of you all anyway, just ask if you want to know anything sick or humorous.

To all those people that have been upset or traumatized my lowly advice is to say go fuck a doughnut to the nasty bastards in your lives.

I can always ask Ginger Tom and his pussy squad to visit them with their ski masks on.

Maine Coon Mama your cats are stunning and Ginger Tom wants to interview them for CAS squad, cats air service.😾😾😾😾😾😾😾
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I mentioned 'comfort boxes' earlier in the thread. I thought it might be nice to name films/music/books that would be good to keep. Not necessarily in a box, it could be a file on a computer. All ideas welcomed. What provides comfort for me, might not provide comfort for you so this is just an idea to suggest stuff that other people might not have thought of.
The Inn of the Sixth Happiness - always makes me cry in a good way.
Spinal Tap - never fail to laugh and I must have seen it a thousand times.
Pride and Prejudice - The Colin Firth version (TV show not film)
Arsenic and Old Lace - my favourite film of all time. Love Cary Grant.

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Frederica by Georgette Heyer
Daddy Long Legs by Jean Webster.
(Yes, I know they're all Romances, sue me)

Tapestry by Carole King - always makes me think of my beloved sister (RIP)
Diamond Dogs - David Bowie
Actually most of David Bowie

I'm going to stop here because I'm a bit brain dead today so the idea's aren't flowing like they should. But you get the general idea.
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Wow, thank you so much
Sorry everyone this is really boring ..😴
@HairyWeeTerrier , I removed bulbs etc this morning, filthy hands. Paid attention when scrubbing. I found the best result was to hold the scrub tight in one hand ( stationary) and run nails deep along bristles, which are short and soft. Moving the scrub and hand was less successful..
Amazing the things you do automatically and don't pay attention to....anyway that is enough boring for coffee ☕
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Om nom...I tried one of those Cadbury caramilk bars the other day - I thought it was nice but quite sickly and like someone else said it did taste like the original caramac bars from childhood (not the odd thing they make today which is like licking plastic!)
I was disappointed the bar was so small, even though I wasn't that fussed about the actual taste :ROFLMAO:

Anyway - inspired by this thread, I decided to try and eat more healthily yesterday - weighed my cereal and all! So far so good, I wasn't hungry last night, so fingers crossed I can give this a good go as I really need to lose 2 stone (probably closer to 3) but have set myself 1 stone in 2 months so it doesn't seem too difficult.

Well done to everyone that is managing to write down their troubles or even just talking about it for the first time. Sometimes that is the hardest part. I would wholeheartedly recommend CBT therapy if you have anxiety or depression. I have a multitude of different anxieties and have had approx 6 different sessions over the years for different things. My anxieties are quite intense and although I am not completely 'cured', the CBT has provided me with coping strategies that has really improved my quality of life. From being totally agoraphobic in 2006 and being too afraid to leave the house, I now manage to live a relatively normal life and run a fairly successful business. Just wanted to offer encouragement if you are thinking of therapy of some sort - it can never hurt to give it a go.
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Summer house

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Hi everyone, hope you are all well 💓. I've been feeling a bit guilty because I reached out to you all for support when I was in a dark place a few weeks ago and haven't commented since. You were all brilliant and gave me good advice 🤗
Just to let you know, I have been keeping up with what's going on here - the happy and sad 🙂
I also want you to know that irl I'm a very private person and after I posted that night I felt really uncomfortable. I had told you things that no one that really knows me knows and that is so unlike me.
I just want to add, because I didn't mention at the time that since lockdown I know I have been drinking too much. Ive had a few (probably too many) drinks tonight and just felt I wanted to share that with you all because I know I will not be judged on this thread.
I know its not the answer to my or anyone's problems but its where I am at right now. 😔. Please don't hate me, I just needed to tell someone 💓
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Another day on Tattle everyone. Hugs all around. Especially hugs to @spangly, I needed a virtual hug today. 🤗
I'm not reading the papers today. It's all a bit much. So I'm avoiding headlines.
I think I'm going to look into 'past lives' which is a topic which always fascinates me. So I'm going to go down the rabbit hole 🐇🐇🐰🐰😆
I'm supposed to be researching into the Anglo Saxons for a book, but it's all grist to the mill so I'll do that another day.
Stay strong everyone ❤
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Anniversary of my Mum's death today.
Im not scheduled to be anywhere or do anything in particular so I decided to snuggle down and read a book.

Ive been reading the same page over and over and just cannot get into it because my mind is wandering.
Im not even crying because the bereavement isnt recent but I just cannot seem tp actually do anything.

Isnt the mind weird sometimes!
@Chita Grief is just love with nowhere to go. Sending hugs ❤
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No, in my opinion you are not overthinking it.
It definitely sounds like she is panicking over hitting the 'big' 30.
Next time she brings up the age thing, in whatever way, just laugh and say, "Honestly X, you need to get over the age thing. Soon you'll be be 30 and then after that I'll be 26 and that's just life sweetie (or whatever endearment you would normally use for her)." If you laugh it off by facing the thing head on she should back off. She wants reassurance that you can't give, which is sad, but taunting you is unfair.

Set yourself a tiny goal each day. Or every other day. Or even once a week.
Today I will clear those dishes.
or Today I will do just one load of laundry.
or Today I will eat a light meal and I won't let it upset my tummy.
Been there and honestly, watching the things around you go to pot only makes your mind set worse. I found that seeing small tasks completed helped me feel "Well I'm not as useless as I thought. " .... and they build up until eventually you've caught up and got a sort of routine. It might take ages but it's a goal.
It's this fucking covid crap. Everything is messed up, especially our heads. You truly aren't alone, honestly. Good for you recognising the rut, that alone is a positive.
I'm so glad you have a dog. Cuddles and petting and walks are all good therapy. And music. Seriously, make a play list of your favourite bouncy songs, put your head phones on and just get lost in the moment. I really found music great for getting through my head fog and giving me just a tiny teeny spark of "Yes!" and a smile.
Try not to think of your friends' burdens. Focus on you. Just you.🌻
thank you. ❤ That kindness was so very much what I needed today. I’ve stuck a note on my mirror with my goal for today, and put on a nice blouse for work. Thank you. ❤
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Also remember that the little things we take for granted might be things some people wish they could have.

I was at a funeral yesterday.
The tea afterwards was held in a marquee at the back of the house.
Many parked on the street near the house and walked to the back garden, some managed to park on the long drive.
Amongst the usual cars I saw a massive Tesla, a new Jaguar and a bloody Aston Martin!! Wow!
All enormously expensive and clearly a person who can afford such a car must have loads more money and a better lifestyle than me - but is that true?

Maybe they pay more for their loaf of bread, butter, cheese and wine than I can afford, but how much better is it really?
I can get nice tasting food without spending a fortune.
And their humungously expesive to buy and insure car can still get scratched and dented just like my bog standard car.
My great grandmother always said "I'm rich, I'm rich" her husband died aged 40 and she had to bring up her kids on very little money. But she was rich in health (almost 100) and rich in family that loved her.

There's a rich guy round the corner from me, he has a massive house, luxury cars, the lot. He's a friend of a friend who told me his business went bust and left him in debt, so he only appears rich on paper. I'm really smug when I see him about in my crappy Ford car, knowing that I've got more actual money than he does 😂😂😂 even though he looks down his nose at plebs like me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Be satisfied with what you do have, a lot of people are trotting around in their fur coats without a hope of buying any knickers on their maxed out credit cards!
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I wanted to get something off my chest and thought this forum would be a good place to put it out there.

I was watching Love Island yesterday (I know, this is from someone who said they would NEVER watch it - but I've well and truly fallen for it) and I started crying over a particular scene. It showed one of the girls, Liberty, crying and talking to a friend as she was feeling low and confused about her relationship.

After watching that scene, it dawned me that every tear I've ever cried when I've been feeling low, sad or confused about my relationship has been by myself. I don't have any friends to share my thoughts or questions with. I already knew this deep down, but for some reason it became even more apparent yesterday.

I wish I had a friend or two who I could speak to and honestly, I don't know where to turn. I'm due to see a therapist soon regarding some psychosexual counselling, but I always find it difficult to open up in a therapy session - especially when it takes place at home.

There are moments when I just want to scream and cry for someone to talk to. And other times, like now, when I'm home alone and could reach out to somebody - but there's no-one... I can't even open a new to share my thoughts or questions anonymously.

I wouldn't even know where to begin about reaching out to someone and find it somewhat easier to write down my thoughts/feelings - how does everyone else do it?
I always cry alone because I hate crying in front of someone else. I don't know why but I just don't want to go there. I don't like sharing stuff with friends either. I'd much rather talk to my doctor or a therapist because at least they're getting paid for it. And @Chita is right. Ultimately it comes down to you. You are the only person who can manage you. You are the only person who can manage your triggers. You are the only person who can make a difference in your life. I say this with love and it's based on the lessons I've learnt in life.
I will say one thing though. If you have a cry, make sure it's a good cry. Really go for it and get it all out. Crying is very good for you. It releases endorphins and helps calm stress and anxiety and a hundred other good things. And don't feel bad about crying. It's good for your health.
Just make sure you don't wallow in misery. I was guilty of this for decades before I wised up. Then I realised that it was something I learned from my mother. A lot of what we do is learned behaviour.
I write stuff down too. Writing is my go to tool for when times are bad. It has the added benefit that you can look back at it and remember how you got through it and what steps you took. Even if you didn't take any steps, you still got through. That's really helpful for the next time you're in a bad way because you can keep telling yourself that it will pass. You will come out of it. Sometimes you just have to ride it out.
Sending lots of love and hugs to you. ❤ 🤗❤🤗❤🤗❤

I always cry alone because I hate crying in front of someone else. I don't know why but I just don't want to go there. I don't like sharing stuff with friends either. I'd much rather talk to my doctor or a therapist because at least they're getting paid for it. And @Chita is right. Ultimately it comes down to you. You are the only person who can manage you. You are the only person who can manage your triggers. You are the only person who can make a difference in your life. I say this with love and it's based on the lessons I've learnt in life.
If you have a cry, make sure it's a good cry. Really go for it and get it all out. Crying is very good for you. It releases endorphins and helps calm stress and anxiety and a hundred other good things. And don't feel bad about crying. It's good for your health.
Just make sure you don't wallow in misery. I was guilty of this for decades before I wised up. Then I realised that it was something I learned from my mother. A lot of what we do is learned behaviour.
I write stuff down too. Writing is my go to tool for when times are bad. It has the added benefit that you can look back at it and remember how you got through it and what steps you took. Even if you didn't take any steps, you still got through. That's really helpful for the next time you're in a bad way because you can keep telling yourself that it will pass. You will come out of it. Sometimes you just have to ride it out.
Sending lots of love and hugs to you. ❤ 🤗❤🤗❤🤗❤
Omg. 'I will say one thing' and then go on for another 50,000 words :rolleyes: I'm turning into Meghan Markle :eek::eek::eek: Quick! Someone! I need help here :LOL::LOL::LOL:
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Thank-you, we were told that we were doing things wrong for so many years - our two middle children are on the autistic spectrum, high-functioning - life has been (and still is) difficult for them. I tell them every day how much I love them, and how much they are valued

And remind them of all the wonderful things that they do
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Thanks everyone :) I'm back on a semi-even keel again now! Lol....this is how it is at the moment, stressed, then calm, then anxious, then stressed again. I must admit, trying to be on a diet at the same time isn't really helping. Chocolate buttons and jaffa cakes are usually my go to cure all!

Sorry to hear about your workplace @Rockin' Robin 🤗 employers that don't appreciate their staff, usually end up with a high turn over! You are right, it's just the little things and simple words that make all the difference.
I know that you shouldn't need to, but maybe you could do the cheery greeting and see if they reciprocate?

Sorry to hear about your difficult situation @Damita - the only thing you can try and do is remind yourself that this situation won't last forever and keep avoiding the narc as best you can. It must be a real strain - is there another family member that recognises the effect that this narc is having on you, that you could talk to about it?
Glad you are feeling a bit more positive. You hit the nail on the head when you said ‘Nothing lasts forever’. Take every offer of help that you can, don’t cripple yourself with guilt if you feel you have come up short. Don’t punish yourself if you feel resentment and anger. Remember, at the moment , you are putting your life on hold for another person , doing things you don’t want to do, putting on a face. And probably receiving nothing in return. I have been through it, so I know how hard it is, and as I sit here with it all behind me, I cannot believe that I am free. Not free from guilt, that is harder to be free of. But I did my best, you are doing your best. Look after yourself, because when you are free, you want to be fit and ready to get your life back. One day…………
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