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No he didn't Erin ..that was you ..he probably said "I love my big sis"
Why can’t she just share a picture of the two of them and leave it at that? This is what Tom will grow up hearing too - how sorry they are that HIS life is so affected by his sister . So sad
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I agree.. and I wonder how many people commenting why hasn't she just had it done yet have had to consider the same choice for their kids. I haven't and I think if put in the same situation I would also be like Erin and trying other options given the chance of success is what 50/60%.
Having seen my husband rapidly decline from terminal cancer I was trying so hard to get a surgeon to operate him to give him a chance of survival. Every surgeon said surgery wasn’t an option and it resulted in him passing away within 7 months. They are so lucky that surgery is an option, I would consent to it in a heartbeat rather than watch my child rapidly decline

I agree.. and I wonder how many people commenting why hasn't she just had it done yet have had to consider the same choice for their kids. I haven't and I think if put in the same situation I would also be like Erin and trying other options given the chance of success is what 50/60%.
Also do you understand that even if it was a 50/60% success rate that is a high rate of success compared to the alternative ?
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Apart from the issue of surgery, which I think we all agree is the main problem here, I also am hugely irked by the fact that Erin seems to want to be an ‘influencer’ with all that entails (freebies, talking to stories about mundane things) but she’s building that platform of off her daughter who has a life limiting condition. If she were doing all the influencer stuff balanced with actually raising awareness of the condition, and not using Luella as a prop or something to complain about, then that would be one thing. But this, this feels yuck.
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She’s so resentful because her life or her daughter isn’t what she pictured. Like she didn’t get the “perfect” daughter she imagined so her entire life is now ruined. It’s beyond sad. Especially now that she seems to be palming off Luella and living out her “perfect baby life” with Tom. Because she can smile with him? Horrible
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Hello Erin, we know you read here. Um. Put Tom down and let him cry if he needs to while you tend to your daughter who is having a mother fckn seizure in a high chair?! How is this even a question. We know Tom is your fave, we know he’s been unsettled today (baby’s gonna baby) but for Pete’s sake…

I can’t with this lady, honestly. Can someone cancel her. Get off the gram. If you’re not going to help your daughter with the best known option for her epilepsy at present, then you shouldn’t have a platform on which to broadcast this to the world. What is the point of her page exactly? Watch my daughter suffer and me choose to do nothing about it? Everyone waiting for her to have a seizure one day while she’s alone and distracted with her favourite child and Luella comes to some form of injury? It is actually hideous.

Also… Dave… grow a set. And all the enablers.
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I feel bad for anything I said about Erin. Yes she’s said some problematic stuff but I really cannot imagine being in her position at the moment. I think the majority of the frustrating things she has posted about Luella and her epilepsy has just been out of pure desperation and anxiety. I hope Lu’s surgery goes as well as it possibly can and has a successful outcome 🤍
I think at the point in time we have said things, we were triggered with the situation at that time and the way Erin was posting was quite a worry, I’m glad things appeared to have changed as far as the surgery & Erins perspective (obviously not Lu’s deterioration) we all wish them well. I hope it’s a good outcome.
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I could be burnt at the stake for even saying this but I need to have my thoughts out :

Erin seems to have really lost her way, as soon as she was pregnant with Tom it’s like a switch flicked & any care , love or compassion she had to Lulu was just gone, I get the feeling she thinks it’s best if Lulu died, it would be a burden off her shoulders, #1 child Tom can all the attention she thinks he needs and deserves & poor little Lu will be a distant memory for her.
It’s just so damn sad. She needs physiological help immediately, I believe that the loss of friends and family support is due to people suggesting she needs help and she doesn’t want to hear it or believe it. How is her husband fine with all of this.
I really hope the little darling Lulu can get the surgery, it’s worth the risk surely .
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She was in hospital for 2 nights, did she really *need* a bath, or did Erin want to prove a point?
Also, isn’t your child getting the best medical treatment, and getting better, the main concern when they’re hospitalised? Like, we get FREE healthcare. Move to America and you might have something to complain about.
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I unfollowed today as well I just couldn’t watch, it actually makes me feel sick how much Luella has been rejected now Tom is here. And the dynamics with Crystal are so unprofessional. Crystal is amazing but when she does choose to move on I imagine there will be a huge guilt trip from Erin about how selfish it is, how could she do that to Erin etc.
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So weird that the whole time she’s crying to stories - and I don’t for one second doubt that any time Luella has a seizure it’s incredibly distressing to witness and something you don’t/shouldn’t get used to seeing - she’s talking about what’s best for her and what’s best for Tom. Not a single mention of what might be best for the child having the fucking seizure?!?
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I know the NDIS isn’t amazing, but wouldn’t they also be getting a decent chunk of money there? Usually that would cover support workers too.

ETA: I mean, the NDIS is amazing and I’m forever grateful to it, but it’s not perfect and I know a lot of people feel like they’re underfunded for what they need.
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I truly don’t believe Erin will ever consent to surgery. She is so ableist that she can’t handle the thought or Lu becoming ‘more disabled’ than she already is, not grasping the fact that MANY, if not most, people who have a hemi go on to live satisfying, vastly more ‘normal’ lives than they ever could have with epilepsy. I hate Erin. Who does this to their child? Sure, the hemi may not be successful, BUT IT MIGHT. She is depriving Luella of that chance. All the whole acting like she is the only mother who has ever walked this journey.

Erin, you may just be. You may just be the only parent selfish enough to put themselves and their own fears ahead of the best interests of their child. Congratulations.
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I agree about the sleep thing… drowsy but awake never worked for mine either 😂 but I’m a mad co-sleeping crunchy hippie that way… I think it always comes back to her wanting to prioritise golden boy/treat him like an only child when he’s NOT. He’s the younger child, and sometimes (like dangerous medical situations) the oldest needs to take precedent
Yeah, I’m a co-sleeping mum, too. I totally agree, though. For my family, the older kid taking precedence at times has looked like carrier naps, or short naps on the go in the car etc, rather than long contact naps or leaving the baby to cry (other than short periods like nappy changes or emergencies with the older kid). I guess I query whether it would be possible now that Tommy is out of the fourth trimester for Chrystal to take him so Erin can have time with Lu. Or for Dave to settle the baby.

Sorry I’m back again

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I have so much empathy for their family but at this point she really needs help to try to move forward. I don’t mean to sound cold, but at what point does every post about a special day have to include multiple comments about how everything is ruined? I don’t think it’s healthy when the reality can’t be changed. Fair enough give Dave credit for being a rock through the challenges etc but three years in to talk about missing out on Lu running in etc? I don’t know, it just seems off.

Also, I don’t understand the wording. It’s all about Dave “receiving seizures” and “stressful wake ups” rather than the pain of watching his daughter suffer. Is it just that Erin is bad with words?
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Totally agree....could the father look anymore disappointed 😒
I was cringing so hard. If I was the one pregnant I think I would feel so upset that my partner reacted with extreme disappointment so publicly 😬

I agree.. and I wonder how many people commenting why hasn't she just had it done yet have had to consider the same choice for their kids. I haven't and I think if put in the same situation I would also be like Erin and trying other options given the chance of success is what 50/60%.
Actually its significantly higher success rates than that. Would recommend you have a read of some studies. Take in to account the cognitive decline that will continue to happen and probably leave Lu more disabled in the long run that the surgery ever would. I know what I would choose and that would be from consulting with the experts in the field (which btw they have gotten the same advice from different states)
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I get the vibe now that her anger will be directed towards the surgeons and hospital system, from the little comment about not hearing anything back. Now she’s decided this is what she wants, it needs to happen now and god help anyone who gets in her way.

She needs to keep fighting and pushing but I really hope she can move away from the rage, although it’s totally understandable. I feel like her family need some sort of acceptance whilst continuing to push forward for Lu, otherwise the energy might destroy that family.
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Now that is heartbreaking. Her feelings are valid and I can only imagine the wide range of complicated feelings one would experience in such a scenario, but there is nothing courageous about sharing this and frankly it doesn’t generate much sympathy towards Erin, only lu.

I sincerely hope no disabled people stumble upon her account and her words and see themselves as a burden. I feel for Luella because obviously her life will be filled with challenges, but what I feel the most sorry for is that she was not born into a family equipped to give her the unconditional love and support she deserves.
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Gosh I think if you had a disabled child you absolutely can grieve the loss of a ‘normal’ childhood for them, and for the loss of your own experience as a parent. It’s just different and there’s space for both.
Nope. I have a child with a disability and I lost my husband 8 months ago. The only grief I have for my child with the disability is that he is only 5 and will grow up without his Dad. The grief for what he misses out from not having his Dad and what my hubby misses out on not seeing any of his kids grow up. There is zero grief for my child have a disability. But the grief from losing my husband is unbearable most of the time. It’s so unbelievable that Erin continually goes on about her grief. She is so blessed w a husband and her kids and 2 sets of parents/grandparents and is fortunate to not know what true grief / loss is.
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