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“Our quality of life atm is pretty dim”
Whaaat?! No, your daughter’s* quality of life!
Every time I see one of Erin’s posts it makes me that much more grateful to have grown up with unconditional love and support from my mum. I can’t imagine how different life would’ve been if I didn’t have that, and it breaks my heart to see that lack of unconditional love here. Erin should be her biggest cheerleader and advocate. Who’s looking out for Lu in all of this?

I think there’s a lot to be said for having a positive influence around you and wonder what impact Erin’s absenteeism (physically and emotionally) has had on Lu. Thank god for Chrystal.

I just cannot fathom a parent feeling so hard done by when their child is suffering like that. She’s so narcissistic it’s not funny.
I’m not defending her here or disagreeing with you, but as a mother of a medically very complex child I will say when the child’s quality of life is poor the entire family suffers. And whether it’s my medically complex child or my healthy typical child who is under the weather, or struggling in some way, I would say as the mum I feel all of their pain and suffering too. Hope that makes sense
But you’re right she’s self centred and complete narc
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Erin wants to put Luella in childcare so she can cuddle Tom all day. I feel like she’s done. She’s just realising the complexity of looking after two kids solo and she can’t cope. Surely Luella needs a trained care person and one on one care, I can’t see a childcare being able to accomodate.
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Also, running late for the long-awaiting MRI….so decide to post on instagram rather than hurrying the hell along…

The ‘worst night ever’ is so ugh. My 3yo still wakes at least 6-8 times a night. It’s hell. We are working on figuring it out. But I don’t go all woe is me about it because there’s obviously something going on, and we are trying to get to the bottom of it. I just tend to her, because I’m her mum. It’s like literally my job. And she is ‘healthy’/typically developing/not disabled. I wake up exhausted every single day, and drink two huge cups of coffee. No complaining to thousands online necessary :)
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The catheter story is pissing me right off, purely because she’s shitting on the poor nurse who was trying her hardest to catheterise a small child. It’s physically impossible to put two catheters in a child’s urethra. Also, if the first catheter was in the urethra there is literally no reason to insert another one? The first one would have been accidentally placed in the vagina, which isn’t unusual, and best practice is to leave it in until another catheter is placed correctly in the urethra. Maybe the nurse could have explained this to Erin at the time, but as Lu was distressed, and Erin was comforting her, it would have been more practical to be quick, efficient, and get it over with so Lu could be left alone. If the nurse stopped to explain to Erin what the go is, it would have prolonged Lu’s discomfort. Lu is the patient, not Erin, so I’m sure the right decision was made at the particular time.
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just taking a break

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I am enraged by this woman. Fancy even entertaining sending her daycare? What a stellar idea, I’m sure your local Goodstart would be well equipped to handle Lulu’s complex medical needs 🙄🙄 She is delusional.
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I'm so sad for Luella after reading Erin's post. How fucking miserable is she. Luella's smile is so joyful, she making all these amazing steps forward despite her mother not giving her what she needs (surgery), she's crawling, feeding herself, gives kisses and cuddles...but no let's focus on her having seizures and waking up at 4 am. Tom however is the light of their lives. Fucking over Erin big time.
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Gosh my heart broke reading her post. You can just feel and hear how defeated and broken she is. It must be beyond hard having to make that call and everything leading up to it. it sounds like the latest EEG is even worse than things have ever been, what a kick in the guts for them 😪 my heart aches for them but especially for Lulu. I hope so badly this surgery works for them and they’re a success story 💔
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Yes sorry I should’ve clarified

I think because it’s not an isolated incident it made me cranky but because it’s not I didn’t word it right 🤦🏼‍♀️
I think she worded it weirdly too. I absolutely would take the baby out without my toddler. But I’d also take my toddler out without the baby, even though she was exclusively breastfed and didn’t have bottles. She phrased it like, “I had to leave Lulu behind because we wouldn’t be able to enjoy ourselves if she was there”. Also, that’s when dad should have stepped in and spent quality time with Lulu. Chrystal is like the primary carer now.
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I snapped this screenshot from my heart of Harper today. In the post she said that they were celebrating the women and their milestones and achievements. On Erin she said ‘in her relentless fight out of pure love for Luella and giving her the best possible life she can’
I’m really sorry, but I don’t see how anything she does is out of love or providing Luella with the best possible life. Surgery would be the next option, but this can’t happen because it would impact Erin and her life too much.
I don’t really understand her, as a parent of two myself, I’d walk through hell for my kids even if it means making a horrible decision for a better quality of life.


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Meanwhile Erin’s posts today are a beautiful day in the sunshine, lots of love from the grandparents, ice cream for the kids. I’ve been slaving away at work and collecting my kids from after school care because I’ve got no family to help. No sunshine and icecream here, Erin 😂
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I understand if they need a break or whatever, but to basically say how nice it is without Lu? Devastating.
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I do feel Erin deserved our wishes and sympathy for Luella’s deterioration and subsequent decision to get surgery. You wouldn’t wish this on anyone.

However I will echo the frustrations of someone shitting on an extremely stressed public health system in one of the worst times of the year and in general. Staff shortages have hit again. I can appreciate the frustrations, but it’s so hard to be neutral when someone sits on their hands. Luella was presented an option. Erin thought she knew better and wanted to wait. I also can see she wanted to exhaust other options, however you can’t rewrite the book unless you’re a certified neurologist with a cure or a gold standard, evidence based treatment plan for Luella’s condition. There’s a level of contempt she has for the system she relies on which is hard to watch. It would be amazing if we could all pinpoint and blame one thing for all of our woes. However life doesn’t work like that. It’s a shit sandwich at times. There is no rhyme or reason. Bad things happen even when you do all the “right things”. It’s why beautiful little babies get sick and die.

Erin is fascinating because I respect her sharing her truth and not conforming to the heroic disability mum we see a lot in wishy washy news articles. She’s very honest and vulnerable. It’s confronting to watch because it serves up some of our ugly feelings too. It can be horribly triggering for people who would love the option Luella has. The option is also not a fix it, it’s not a perfect cure. It’s a treatment option with odds it will reduce seizures.

I hope all the best for Luella.

❤I’m so sorry @messiijessii. It’s just shit.
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If Erin is such an expert, why was she demanding a lumbar puncture for a UTI?

I don’t doubt that the hospital staff are doing their very best for poor Lulu. But I personally wouldn’t be listening to a single word Erin said at this point and sadly Lulu is the one who may suffer for it.
They would have 100% given the steroids if they suscepted Meningitis and to help inflammation in her lungs.
If they didn’t give the steroids and it did turn out to be meningitis (which was Erin’s expert diagnosis?), then she’d be pissed too. They honestly can’t win.
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I snapped this screenshot from my heart of Harper today. In the post she said that they were celebrating the women and their milestones and achievements. On Erin she said ‘in her relentless fight out of pure love for Luella and giving her the best possible life she can’
I’m really sorry, but I don’t see how anything she does is out of love or providing Luella with the best possible life. Surgery would be the next option, but this can’t happen because it would impact Erin and her life too much.
I don’t really understand her, as a parent of two myself, I’d walk through hell for my kids even if it means making a horrible decision for a better quality of life.
100%. People with children who have cancer don’t have the choice to just sit on it. They go in and fight for their children. Doing months of chemo, hospital stays etc and being away from their other children and they do it with grace and dignity.

Luella needs the surgery sooner rather than later to help make her life better. However erin is letting it degenerate to a point where surgery will no longer be an option.

All because it’s too hard.
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My 3.5 year old also didn’t eat dinner tonight Erin. It’s normal, they go through phases. She’s not doing it to you to spite you.
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Hopefully they aren’t using their carer for unpaid labour. The way she’s worded that post seems like it might be 🫤 Very, very generously minding her.
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My god she’s so fucken prickly…. And how are people supposed to interpret what you’re saying when a whole bunch of them read what you wrote and all came to the same conclusion? Enough to warrant a thread where people express their discomfort at your public musings and postings about your vulnerable daughter?


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Thanks for the thread @Michy02. Agree that it’s a hard one to start, but she’s so problematic and people want to discuss her. I do really sincerely hope for all of their sakes that someone intervenes and Erin gets the psychological treatment she desperately needs.
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That is just heartbreaking.., there are no words. Please someone must call her out on this. She has just said she doesn’t love her daughter and sees her as nothing more than a burden. There is no sadness for Luella and what Luella has missed out on. And frankly Luhas missed out o the unconditional love and support she needs.

Just no.

And there is no guarantee that Tom will remain in good health or not become a burden to her in some other way. But I guess she loves him unconditionally.

it is such a difficult situation and I am trying to think how I would gently approach this if she was someone close to me, but an intervention of some description is needed.
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